Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 86 Who Do You Think I Think You Are?

The brutality of this battle far exceeded everyone's imagination.

An hour later!

At least more than 8,000 soldiers died at the hands of Ye Mo and the forest elves!

There are mountains of corpses of soldiers!

As for the forest elves, there were still zero casualties!

The super high attributes and the ability to ignore supernatural powers make the advanced soldiers miserable.

They can only fight the forest elves in close combat.

Unfortunately, in close combat, these soldiers are no match for the forest elves.

When I went up there, I was beaten by the forest elf as if I were a grandchild...

In the live broadcast room, people looked nervously at the live broadcast screen.

Ye Mo and his forest elves looked at Ye Mo and his forest elves who killed the challengers of Siren World.

They didn't dare to take a breath.

I'm afraid I missed that detail!

"That's amazing! Is this the forest elf? It's like a god descending to earth!"

"Just now, the forest elf fired three times in a row and killed three high-level soldiers. I was so handsome!"

"Si Shen Cai "Four Four Three" is the strongest! He stood there for an hour, and at least five to six hundred high-level soldiers came to trouble him. They were all killed by Mo Shen's ten knives. Si Taisheng Ban Got it!"

"One person, one sword, one miracle! If you don't accept it, come and fight! Just ask who else is there!"

In the chat area of ​​the live broadcast room, everyone desperately liked and cheered Ye Mo.

But even though everyone didn’t say anything.

They saw it too.

Both Ye Mo and the forest elf consume a lot of physical energy!

It's been an hour.

Ye Mo and the forest elves never rested.

At this time, the forest elves were obviously not as brave as they were at the beginning.

It can be seen from the actions of killing high-level troops.

The speed is not as smooth as before...

The Siren King's human sea tactics still have a certain effect!

The Siren King looked like he had succeeded in his evil scheme.

That’s right!

Just follow this intensity!

He wants to see how long Ye Mo can persist!

The forest elves have just pushed back a wave of soldiers, and the next wave of high-level soldiers will soon follow.

One hour.......

Two hours……..

Three hours.......

Until the fourth hour!

The forest elves have repelled the fortieth wave of attacks.

The Siren King can clearly see it.

Even though the forest elf stood still, his hands were trembling!


The forest elves at this time are different from those four hours ago.

There is only one or two points of physical strength left!

It can be said to be the end of a strong crossbow!

A few more rounds of impact.

can be consumed!


"That's it!"

The Siren King mocked to his heart's content and said to the panting Ye Mo in the distance.

"Don't you want to challenge the entire world of sirens?"

"Where has the momentum gone!"

"That's your condition!"

"How long can you live?"

"One hour, or two hours!"

"I'm afraid I can't hold on anymore!"

"It's a pity that we still have many soldiers of this type!"

"That's enough!"

"Remember in your next life not to be so arrogant, or you will offend people you shouldn't offend!"

His Siren Challenger ran over and asked.

"King, the next wave of attacks is ready."

"Do you want to activate it?"

The Siren King thought for a moment and waved his hand directly.

"No need!"

"I'll do it this time!"

This time, the Siren King will personally send Ye Mo back to the west!

Anyway, Ye Mo and the others only have one or two points of strength left.

There is nothing to be afraid of.

Just getting back to where we were at the beginning.

The Siren King roared, and the devil Kun under his command obeyed.

The attack formation was reorganized.

Two hundred devil Kuns charged towards the forest elves again!

This time, they are going to kill the forest elf Ji Qan!

Let them know the strength of the advanced world!

"Come and die!"

Siren King said excitedly!

But what the Siren King and the Siren World Challenger didn't expect was.

There were hundreds of loud roars.

Devil Kun was knocked back again!

This time it wasn't just as simple as being beaten away.

Even many Devil Kun’s Devil Doku Kakuzu was chopped in half!

On the other hand, among the forest elves, one is full of energy.

He doesn't even look tired at all!

The Siren King's mind was filled with questions.

what's the situation?

Aren’t the forest elves dying?

How do you feel that their condition is even better than four hours ago!

The Siren King rubbed his eyes several times.

Only then did I realize that this was not an illusion.


The forest elf's full health status has been restored!

Including that Ye Mo is also restored!

By the way, Devil Kun was caught off guard!

One knife cut the devil Kun's horn in half!

Do ninth-grade soldiers have the ability to recover instantly?

This is a joke!

Relative to the shock of having to play.

Ye Mo looked at the kill value on the system panel and smiled.

25.1 million kill value!

Bronze-level draws require 1,000 killing points, and ten draws in a row will produce A-level abilities!

Silver-level lottery draws 10,000 kill points, and you will definitely get S-level abilities if you draw ten times in a row!

The gold-level lottery draws 100,000 kill points, and you will definitely get $S-level abilities if you draw ten times in a row!

Diamond-level lottery draws 1 million kill points, and ten consecutive draws will definitely produce SS-level abilities!

This time I got two diamond ten draws in a row!

There are also two SS-level abilities!

This wave of blood profit!

The price is just a fairy bean!

That’s right!

This fairy bean is what Ye Mo relies on...

Last time I drew an S-level reward, a thousand fairy beans.

Four hundred pills were taken before, and there are still six hundred pills left.

Completely enough for the forest elves to continue using.

Before the battle, Ye Mo had already sent out the fairy beans.

The forest elf also grasped the opportunity very well.

Eat the fairy beans before the Siren King is ready to take action!

After eating fairy beans, the forest elves are in their best condition again.

He can also kill the Kraken Challenger all by himself!

The Siren King doesn't know about the fairy beans.

But the Siren King is not stupid either.

Seeing Ye Mo's proud look, he knew that he had been tricked by Ye Mo.

Ye Mo probably asked him to send his soldiers there to die!

The Siren King was about to get angry.

I heard Ye Mo say.

"It's a pity, just a little bit, the forest elf can't hold on anymore!"

"The forest elf's ability to restore its best condition can only last for one hour!"

"If we attack a few more times, the forest elves won't be able to stop it!"

"How about we make peace?"

"I will retreat with the forest elves, please stop attacking!"

Immediately, a Kraken challenger made suggestions to the Sea 5.3 Demon King.

"King, don't listen to this kid begging for mercy!"

"It's just an hour!"

"We are organizing two waves of attacks, and we will have it!"

As a result, the Siren Challenger who said this was slapped to the ground by the Siren King.

"Idiot, he's playing tricks on you, can't you tell?"

The Siren King gritted his teeth and said, "You want me to continue sending my soldiers to die!"

"Consumption of the strength of our Siren World!"

"As if I can't tell!"

"Do you think I'm an idiot?"

Ye Mo nodded, "Of course.

siren king,

This sentence hurts my heart.

Can we still chat normally?

The Siren King was angry.

"If I don't show off my power, do you really think I'm a sick cat?!"

"The foundation of the advanced world cannot be measured by you!"

After that, the Siren King took out three mithril boxes.

The Siren King is coming for real!.

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