Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 86 A Knife, A Person, A Miracle!

Forest elves are targeted.

Obviously he was under a lot of pressure!

Observation Haki soon felt the attack of Devil Kun.

But against Devil Kun's size, it's difficult to dodge Devil Kun's attacks!

The forest elves didn't even think about escaping!

Then just face it!

Faced head-on, the forest elves can't defeat anyone!

"Come on!" Rita shouted first.

Ten times the Kaio Fist!

Possessed by God!

A punch hit Devil Kun's devil horn hard!

The Siren King smiled.

The lower world is the lower world.

They are afraid they know how powerful this devil's horn is!

That is a high-level power that can only be obtained after the soldier reaches thirty stars!

The mortal body is gone and the devil has one horn.

I don’t know how to write the word “death”!

Say it again.

The forest elf is so fragile.

Do you still dare to compete with Devil Kun?


But the next second.

The Siren King was stunned.

Devil Kun howled and was knocked hundreds of meters away!

Everyone shook their heads.

He was obviously beaten to the point of being dizzy!

siren king,

Siren King,"???"

Siren King,"!!!!!!"

It took a long time for the Siren King to recover from his surprise!

what's the situation?!

Devil Kun was beaten away?

He was beaten so hard that he was dizzy?!

In terms of strength competition, Devil Kun was actually weaker than the forest elf!

What about the destructive power on the devil's horn?

It doesn’t work no matter what!

First time ever!

The Siren King was dumbfounded.

The Siren Challenger under his command was also dumbfounded.

The power of the forest elves once again exceeded their expectations!

He was actually able to beat Devil Kun in a head-to-head confrontation!

That's a thirty-star unit!

There is a thirty-nine level difference between the ninth-grade troops and the thirty-star troops!

But you told me that the forest elves are more powerful than the devil Kun!

This horse riding is cheating!

The most embarrassing thing is the Siren King.

The Siren King feels like he can’t lose face!

He was so angry just now, saying that other Kraken challengers were useless and that even the ninth-grade forest elves couldn't compete with them.

It was as if he could easily catch him when he made a move.

In the end, he couldn't do it either...

Doesn't that mean that he is also a waste?

There was a Siren challenger on the side who couldn't help but chuckle.

Caught by the Siren King.

"Are you laughing at me again?" The Siren King glared and activated the body explosion spell.

The chuckling Siren Challenger turned into pieces.

Dare to laugh in front of him, I'm tired of living!

The other Kraken challengers no longer dared to laugh.

The Siren King readjusted his emotions.

After this head-on confrontation.

The Siren King also stopped taking his attitude of caution.

“Ye Mo right!”

"Never before in the lower world has a strong person like you appeared in the novice stage!"

"Interesting, really interesting!"

"I can't help but be excited when I think about being able to nip a seeded player like you in the cradle!"

"If you continue to develop, you might be able to lead your world to a higher world."

"But there's no chance this time."

"If you meet me, you will die here!"

As he spoke, the Siren King licked his lips.

Ye Mo looked determined.

Ye Mo is speechless.

Here comes another one!

Ye Mo chuckled.

"Both monsters and challengers from other worlds like to think that they can defeat the opponent.

"Is this a common problem among you?"

"Before that, can you figure it out.

"Who is the hunter and who is the prey!"

"In my eyes, you are just a dish!"

Ye Mo said this.

The whole world of Kraken was shocked.


You are arrogant, I am even more arrogant than you!

The Siren King rubbed his ears.

He thought he heard it wrong.

what did he say?

I am a dish!

Facing the entire Siren World, he dared to say such things.

The Siren King's mouth was almost wet with anger.

This is the first time I have experienced such birdiness!

Just won the first round.

Don’t you know Bei?

Does he know that he is facing challengers from the entire Siren World?

"good very good!"

The Siren King smiled instead of being angry.

Just when he was about to take out his trump card.

I saw the panting forest elves.

Just defeated the devil Kun.

Obviously these forest elves are not feeling well either.

Injure the enemy a thousand, and injure yourself a hundred and eighty!

The forest elves repelled the devil Kuns.

But I was also slightly injured!

It’s not as easy as it seems on the surface!


The Siren King can tell that these forest elves are very tired!

With the Siren King's intelligence, after thinking about it, he knew the reason.

It's these forest elves who are tired from the long battle!


The troops are not without consumption.

Continuous high-intensity fighting will only make your physical strength even more scarce!

Think of this.

The Siren King has a solution!

……………Please give me flowers…

He had a safer way.

Don't look at the Kraken King who is arrogant and domineering and has a bad temper.

In fact, he is also a conservative in the face of danger!

If there is a more reliable method, he will not be radical.


Who would make fun of their own life?

This method is simple and straightforward!

Give direct orders to your challengers.

Just let them go up and consume Ye Mo!

They have so many challengers!

Ye Mo is alone!

A little consumption.

It can also consume these forest elves to death!

This method is reliable and easy to use!

Maybe in the end he won't even be able to use his trump card.

You can win!

"Go on, kill him!"

After thinking about it, the Siren King finally decided to use the attrition strategy.

Let's see how long this Ye Mo can last.


Ye Mo saw that the Siren King did not come up, but instead asked his soldiers to come up and die.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly.

The trap he designed finally worked.

This is also the reason why Ye Mo doesn't let the forest elf recover his physical strength, acting like I'm tired and the physical exertion is intense.

The purpose is to fool the Kraken Challenger.

I thought they were about to die!


Ye Mo was just trying to get more Kraken challengers to come and die.

Ye Mo is excited.

It’s time to increase the kill count!

Ye Mo waved his hand.

The forest elves understand.

Not afraid, he rushed forward and fought with the higher-level soldiers.

As more and more Kraken challengers arrive.

More advanced units have joined the battlefield.

The forest elves are not afraid yet.

In the battle, the tigers and tigers are fierce.

Each one is worth a hundred!

what is interesting is.

Ye Mo, the challenger, has naturally become the target of care for many military units.

Even the forest elves are fighting around Ye Mo.

Many troops still broke through the encirclement and attacked Ye Mo!

But I never expected it!

Ye Mo is the strongest presence on the battlefield.

A knife, a person, and the sun will leave no trace!

Come and kill one, come and kill a pair!

Haki, Observation Haki Under the protection of double Haki, it is difficult for other troops to injure him.

Under the effect of the god's possession, it can block all supernatural attacks!

The Tenfold Kaio Fist increases the originally exaggerated attributes by ten times!

In the white-eyed state, you can see the weaknesses in the body of the soldiers!

Ye Mo is like a ruthless battlefield harvesting machine.

The corpses of the soldiers at your feet have piled up into a mountain!

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