Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 80 I, Ye Mo, What Do You Do For Me? (Superior)

"There's no point wasting time on them! Let's do it quickly!"

"We're still in a hurry here!"

"It would be inappropriate if Ye Mo was found by other Kraken challengers!"

After saying this, the Sea Serpent man and the other two Blue Star challengers issued orders to his troops.

The troops are ordered.

Attack Shuo and others with an even more fierce offensive.

"How long do you think these people can last?" the sea serpent asked with a relaxed face.

"Five minutes are enough! No more!" This is the answer of the Moray Eel Man.

The sea serpent laughed and said, "Five minutes? You overestimate them!"

“Three minutes is enough!” 29

The wings of the star bat vibrated.

A rain of stars began to fall throughout the space.

Like a meteorite falling, any unit that cannot dodge will be smashed into pieces.

The invisible poisonous python still shuttles among the soldiers in a stealth state.

It has a unique stealth ability and can also transform into various objects like rocks and trees.

Even next to the troops.

The challenger's troops on Qingyue's side were also unable to detect the opponent.

The challengers wanted to curse.

Whether it's the Star Bat or the Invisible Poisonous Python, they can completely crush them in terms of strength and speed!

Are you teasing them in this roundabout way?

Scholars can be killed but not humiliated!

The Skywarp Lion, who had been suppressed for a long time, also found his place.

He took revenge for being beaten down by the challenger just now.

Under the cover of star bats and invisible poisonous pythons.

Among the soldiers, seven in and seven out were killed.

The challenger was so angry that his teeth itched.

Look how awesome this guy is!

Each and every one of them showed off their mighty momentum.

What were you doing just now?

Things took a turn for the worse.

To put it bluntly, in front of three Kraken challengers.

Qingyue and others were unable to fight back.

He didn't even touch the fur of the opponent's troops and died.

This is too frustrating!

Challengers all feel that their lives are short-lived!

"Captain, what should I do?" a challenger from behind asked.

Qingyue also has a big head.

They can't stay here, and they can't escape even if they want to.

There was nothing she could do.

"Concentrate your strength to attack this barrier!"

Qingyue ordered.

Want to make a last ditch effort.

Even if we concentrate all our efforts, we will not be able to break through.

She was really at her wits end.

After everyone heard Qingyue's order, they immediately organized the troops that still had fighting capacity and attacked the barrier.

Unfortunately, after attacking for a long time, it had no effect.

Not even a single Kakuzu of the star barrier was broken!

Water snake man haha.

"The star enchantment has the power of the stars, which is the natural power of the star bat!"

"No matter how powerful the attack is, it can be absorbed!"

"Unless the barrier disappears automatically after an hour!"

"Otherwise, no one can break this barrier!"

"These Blue Star challengers are fighting loneliness!"

The last move didn't work.

The challengers were desperate.

What else can they do?

Even the captain Qingyue remained silent with despair on her face.

Suddenly a challenger named Li Xiang said, "How about we ask for blessing from the God of Silence!"

Qingyue raised her eyelids and said, "No, I've already informed Ye Mo!"

"He won't arrive for at least ten minutes!"

"It's no use urging him!"

ten minutes?

In their current situation, they can't last more than three minutes!

Li Xiang said, "That's not what I meant!"927

"I mean, God bless us!"

"I heard a challenger named Tong Yao say that this trick is very effective!"

"Just sincerely shout out the name of the God of Silence and what you wish for."

Everyone looked at Li Xiang who spoke with strange eyes.

Is that a mistake?

Can you believe such a stupid thing?

Do you really think Ye Mo can do anything?!

If this method works, they can just take off the head and kick it as a ball!

But at this point, he is going to die.

No one came out to correct Li Xiang's unrealistic fantasy.

Li Xiang raised his head and shouted, "Ye Mo, save me!"

Everyone looked at him like a fool.

"Ye Mo?" The sea snakes and morays trembled when they heard the name.

Does this Blue Star Challenger know Ye Mo?


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