Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 79: Whose Luck Is It That We Didn’T Meet Ye Mo?

In any case, Ye Mo is still satisfied.

At least the crisis on Qingyue's side has been resolved.


It's been a minute, and Qingyue hasn't rushed over yet.

It's probably okay.

Ye Mo continued on his way and sent a few messages during the period, asking about the situation on the project side.

It took a long time before there was a reply.

"No problem from my side!"

"It doesn't matter if you can't get through!"

These were Qingyue's original words.

Ye Mo is surprised, is Qing Qie so confident?

I didn’t know until I asked.

After the troop evolution, Qingyue's Moon Rabbit has the ability to weaken the opponent's defense.

Under Moon Rabbit's special ability, Brahma Lion King is not as indestructible as he was at the beginning.

The Moon Rabbit's weakened defense and group attack greatly increase the strength of the unit.

The balance of victory tilted towards them.

Ten Brahma Lion Kings have been killed.

This is in addition to the unit Ye Mo has killed the Kraken Challenger.

Other challengers kill the Kraken challenger's unit for the first time.

Ye Mo smiled and replied.

"You are happy, you are free!"

"Don't be like last time, just look for me for help after just three seconds of being handsome!"

Qingyue replied in the affirmative.

"Don't worry, it won't happen!"

"I'm confident about this one!"


This flag is set.

200 Ye Mo feels like something unexpected will happen.

Sure enough, within three minutes, a message came from Qingyue.

"Ye Mo! Come quickly!"

"We can't bear it anymore!"

"This time it's true!"

"If you don't come here we're all going to die!"

All right.

What to say.

He can only be handsome for three minutes.

You'll find out after you ask.

Something did indeed happen on Qingyue's side.

The delay was too long, and two more Kraken challengers found them.

Moreover, these two Kraken challengers seem to be quite famous among the Kraken.

The troops under his command have reached an exaggerated nine-star level!

This has never been seen before!

One is the nine-star soldier Star Bat, whose special ability is to create barriers.

It makes it impossible for people in the barrier to get out, and greatly reduces the combat effectiveness of challengers in the barrier.

One is an invisible poisonous python.

This thing is so disgusting, don’t let it go.

The body is transparent.

Soldiers without special detection capabilities cannot detect the existence of invisible poisonous pythons.

Colorless poisonous gas sprayed out.

Colorless and odorless, as long as a soldier inhales it, he will fall to the ground within ten seconds.

In an instant, more than a hundred soldiers fell to the ground.

If you can't defend, there is no way to run.

Qingyue could see clearly.

There is no chance of winning this battle!


Compared with the challengers of Siren World.

The overall strength of Earth's challengers is still too weak.

A group of people can only be better than each other!

If the Kraken Challenger comes to support, there will be no way to fight!

There are three more Kraken Challengers, but their strength has more than tripled.

Qingyue and others were once again in crisis.

All hope is pinned on Ye Mo.

Ye Mo sighed.

That's what he said.

Don't say too much.

Especially things like force flag.

Eighty percent of the time something will go wrong.

Ye Mo sent a message.

"As fast as you can, hold on!"

After speaking, Ye Mo called to the forest elf to continue on his way.

The speed of his feet has doubled.

"Nine-star military unit?"

"How many?"

Qingyue received Ye Mo's message and understood it.

This is a nine-star military unit, and its strength is not comparable to that of a four-star military unit.

Even if it is Ye Mo, you must be mentally prepared.

"There are a hundred star bats! I don't know about the invisible poisonous pythons, but I guess there are about the same number!"

For a long time, Qingyue did not receive a reply from Ye Mo.

Is it because you are afraid?

How could Qingyue know that the corners of Ye Mo's mouth slightly raised in excitement!

Two hundred nine-star troops.

How much kill value can this have?

I have reserved these two hundred nine-star troops!

Ye Mo sent a message.

"As fast as you can, hold on!"

After speaking, Ye Mo called to the forest elf to continue on his way.

For the killing value... No, it was to save Qingyue.

Ye Mo's feet were a little faster.

Qingyue regretted it.

You shouldn't speak so fully.

The first time I spoke too much, the opponent's troops broke through!

The second time I talked too much, reinforcements from the other party arrived!

It's fine in the end.

It was difficult to escape this time.

Qingyue was so angry that she slapped herself twice.

Said to himself.

"My crow's mouth, (cjce) has been enlightened!"

"I guess the crow's mouth is not as sharp as mine!"

The people heard Qingyue's words.

In the live broadcast room, Bingbing and the other two guests turned to look at Liu Yishou.

Liu Yishou smiled awkwardly.

"What are you looking at me for?"

"Qingyue and I are not familiar with each other!"

"Besides, crow's mouth is not legendary!"

After Liu Yishou said this, he obviously felt that the three people moved their stools to the side, as if they were afraid of being betrayed by him.

Liu Yishou was speechless.

You have enough!

On a hillside, three Kraken challengers looked at the black star barrier created by the Star Bat in front of them.

Qingyue and other Blue Star challengers were shrouded in it.

The Star Bats are a unit of the Blue Star Challenger Sea Serpents.

The Heartless Venomous Python is a unit of the Blue Star Challenger Morays.

The Brahma Lion King is a unit of the Blue Star Challenger Anemones.

In the Blue Star world, the strong are respected.

The sea anemones with five-star military status are obviously a lower level than the sea snakes and moray eels.

The snake head of the sea snake man spits out a poisonous tongue, and he does not hide his contempt for the sea anemone man.

"These weak challengers have wasted so much of your time!"

"We almost had a comeback!"

"I asked why there are always casualties when dealing with challengers from low-level worlds like Blue Star!"

"There are just too many trash like you!"

The anemone man was very angry, but he still listened honestly.

The sea snake man was right.

If the two people hadn't come, he would really have sailed!

Don't give me a scolding, it's better than being killed, right?

"That's good luck to you! We are looking for the whereabouts of the challenger named Ye Mo!"

Just happened to pass by here!”

"Killing them conveniently can be regarded as absorbing a wave of points!"

The Moray Man said leisurely.

They are indeed looking for Ye Mo.

After hearing the Siren King's announcement.

The two people went directly together to look for Ye Mo.

Rather than collecting points, they prefer pure benefits!

The soldier level of the sea serpents and moray eels was originally eight stars.

After the Siren King opened the tower, he was upgraded to nine stars.

This also greatly improved their confidence.

The two people with nine-star arms are also the highest-ranking existences among the Kraken challengers.

They both believed it.

As long as the two of them join forces, it will be easy to kill Ye Mo.

Star-level troops will have a qualitative leap in strength every time they advance to a higher level.

This is a nine-star military unit!

Not bragging.

Just take one out at random,

Dealing with Blue Star's challengers is easy and enjoyable!

No effort at all!

As long as you find Ye Mo, kill Ye Mo!

When the time comes to get the admission ticket to the secret realm of the God Tower, you might be able to soar into the sky!

It's a pity, hope is good.

the reality is cruel.

Much to the dismay of the Serpents and Morayers.

Been looking for it for so long.

Ye Mo was not found.

Instead, they met the Anemone Man who was almost overturned!

“This Ye Mo is so lucky!”

"If he meets us, he will be dead!"

"Where on earth did this challenger from Blue Star go?!"

The sea serpent touched the snake's head.

Ye Mo not found.

So anxious!

Can't wait to kill him!

The moray man beside him couldn't help but nod his head.


Ye Mo is really lucky to have not met these two!

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