Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 74 Doubt Ye Mo? Foreign Black Mouth Experts

He saw the shark monster and the four-armed dragon ape behind him.

Ye Mo swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

If it were the same as he imagined.

These four-armed dragon apes are also worth killing, so they are very developed.

You know, this time the Kraken clan is said to have come a lot.

How much killing value does this cost...

Ye Mo feels that Diamond’s ten consecutive draws are promising.

The shark demon just complained about Ye Mo's words.

Ye Mo also heard clearly.

He has always complained about other people's rubbish, and this was the first time he heard someone complain about his rubbish.

It's just a slap in the face, right?

"This is the Siren Challenger. It looks very weak, which is a bit disappointing.

Ye Mo nodded.

"Ok, Ok."

"You are the first one who dares to say that about me."

"I, Ye Mo, respect you as a man, will I keep you in the house?"

"But before I die, I have a question to ask you. Will I get possession points if I kill you?" 140 Ye Mo wanted to clarify this question.

Possession of points is a necessary element for opening the tower.

Ye Mo wants to determine whether it is feasible to hunt down the challengers of the Kraken World to gain possession points.

Otherwise, you can only choose other methods.

Ye Mo's words made the Shark Demon amused.

"Not leaving the whole body?"

"By you?"

The shark demon obviously dismissed Ye Mo's question.

As if he had heard the funniest joke of the century, the shark demon laughed so hard that he almost laughed.

"You are about to die, who have you to ask me?"

"Are you going to take the answer to this question to hell?"

After the shark monster finished speaking, the shark monster slapped his face hard.

"did you see it?"

"Grandpa Shark's face is here!"

"You have the ability to fight here!"

"If you can beat Mr. Shark to pain, I will call you grandpa."

The appearance of Ye Mo gave the people unlimited surprises.

In the Longguo live broadcast room, the style of painting suddenly changed.

"Mo Shen came just in time!"

"Why did I feel like I had a backbone as soon as the Silent God appeared?"

"Haha, the beautiful country and my little brother's country never dreamed that one day they would be saved by the Silent God."

"But it feels weird to save the challenger of the beautiful country."

"It's nothing strange, it's just a little effort (cjei). Besides, with Moshen's ability, what does it mean to step on his country's challenger? That is to say, the people in the beautiful country overestimate their capabilities and want to separate from Moshen. Come out and compete! Let them understand what the gap is today!"

"What does stability mean? This is stability!"

"This shark monster must be Shark. He dared to provoke the silent god. I don't know how he died in a while!"

"This time the shark demon is really going to turn into a withered shark..."

There was a lot of laughter in the Longguo live broadcast room.

However, in foreign live broadcast rooms, many people are very confused about Ye Mo's arrival.

Isn't Ye Mo in the desert?

After investigation, we found out that Ye Mo came through the portal.

Came just in time!

On the contrary, some foreign commentators expressed dissent at this time.

"Don't be happy too early!"

"The challengers in the Siren World are powerful, we have all seen it!"

"Eight hundred challengers from the beautiful country and other countries, and 20,000 soldiers are unable to defeat us in the slightest!"

"Can Ye Mo win with just one person and two hundred forest elves?"

"No matter how powerful Ye Mo is, he is only in the novice zone!"

"Compared with the challengers in the advanced world, according to our scientific analysis and conservative estimation, they are several levels behind.

"I'm afraid that not only will I not be able to save myself from this defeat, I will also get myself involved in it!"

Foreign people have been poured cold water on by foreign experts.

No matter which country the experts are in, they all have the same virtue.

There are always a few who like to come out and sing the opposite.

If you don’t believe me, look at Li Dazui.

In the live broadcast room, Li Dazui sneezed.

Who is talking about me?

Could it be that my foreign colleagues made some remarks that shocked the world?

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