Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 74 You Just Occupy A Point

The people of my little brother's country and the people of the beautiful country started a war of words on the Internet.

Pointing at the beautiful country is harmful, just gathering together the challengers of their country.

The first thing I didn't think about was retreat, but a fight.

If they had fled in all directions in the first place, this result would not have happened!

Is it intentional?

The people of this beautiful country are not to be outdone.

Who would have thought of such a thing.

The challengers in Siren World are too strong.

Their beautiful country has gathered so many challengers and cannot take advantage of each other.

It would be the same for anyone else.

It's all a dead end!

The beautiful country will not bear this responsibility.

On the battlefield, the 29 soldiers surrounded the four-armed dragon ape at first.

Instead, he was now surrounded by four-armed dragon apes.

These four-armed dragon apes can not only emit long-range attacks such as dragon energy waves, but can also form protective shields to trap challengers inside.

This is outrageous!

None of the challengers ran away!

The shark demon took out a conch whistle and blew it.

After a burst of rushing sound.

Another two hundred and seventy four-armed apes appeared on the battlefield!

It turns out there are so many Tetrasaurus apes!

They can't even deal with thirty of them, let alone three hundred!

It’s not just the challengers who are desperate!

Even the people watching can feel a strong sense of despair following the screen.

"The game ends here!"

Instead, it pushed all the challengers and units into the same pit they were in before.

The Shark Monster is ready to get rid of it once and for all.

Send these challengers home with one move!

Bury yourself in the hole you dug.

Is it a kind of fate?

The shark demon sneered.

"Destroy them!"

Three hundred four-armed dragon apes collectively gathered strength.

The dragon energy wrapped around his body, he once again used his life ability to kill with dragon energy!

Three hundred huge dragons came out of their bodies and flew directly towards the pit.

Many people closed their eyes, afraid to look at the bloody scenes that followed.

Suddenly, hundreds of sounds pierced the air.

Black arrows flew over.

Just before the dragon energy waves hit everyone, they nailed the dragon energy waves to the ground.

The dragon spirits that were nailed to the ground struggled a few times.

After a while, he disappeared!

Challengers, "???"

Shark monster,"???"

Four-armed ape,"???"

This is outrageous.

This is the first time I know that dragon energy can be nailed to the ground?

how did you do that?!

"Who?" Shark Demon roared.

Strong voices came out from the forest.

"Forest elf?"

The shark demon can see clearly.

Follow the prompts from the Tower World.

These beautiful humanoid soldiers are called forest elves.

It’s still the most rubbish ninth grade soldier!


Ninth grade military type?

383 Shark Demon couldn’t help but want to laugh.

Are there such low-quality troops?

That is the lower world!

If it were placed in a higher world, whoever draws such a rubbish unit would not survive the next day!

"A bunch of garbage, what did I think it was!"

Shark Demon complained.

I just don’t know how these forest elves, who look like they can be blown by the wind, intercept the dragon energy wave halfway.

Is it a special ability?

Then, I saw a short-haired challenger coming out of the forest.

Shark Demon was very happy to see Ye Mo.

Here comes another possession point!

Ye Mo was also very happy to see the shark demon!

Isn’t this a point of possession?

Finally I found it!

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