Extremely horrified emotions spread in the hearts of the remaining seven ring masters.

Qin Feng smiled coldly and picked up the body of the summoner on the ground.

Then, he bent his waist like a moon.

When the power reached its peak, Qin Feng's waist was straightened like a spring plate!

Huge power came out of his body and poured into his arms!

Crazy ape throw!


A sound exploded!

The decapitated summoner smashed towards the center of the ring!

It hit the two warriors and the tank directly!


The body exploded the moment it landed!

The thick green air wave enveloped the trio of warriors and tanks!

-547680! (The corpse with the poison explodes, causing 12*mental damage, plus a five-fold increase in the poison explosion)



Three blood-red damage bars appeared.

The three people who were wrapped in the thick green poisonous fog died immediately.

Unlike the previous undertakers, their bodies were intact, just stained green.

Their equipment was also intact, not split in two, and could be picked up and washed and used again.


In the audience, all the gamblers were shocked by Qin Feng's extremely terrifying ability to hurt others!

At the same time, the gamblers' joy of thinking they could get their money back also disappeared.

What was left was only regret, endless regret, and they wanted to chop off their hands!

"Holy shit! 54w! What kind of devilish damage is this!"

"Black Phantom! How can you be so perverted! Do you have any humanity left? You are only level 10!"

"Damn it! Can you guys show some strength? It's only been a few seconds! Four of you have died!"

"Even if I bring a dog up there, it can fight better than you!"

"Ahhhh… Black Phantom! Please, please! Let me win once! Just once!"

"Ahhh, why are my hands so cheap! Why should I place a bet?"

"I should have bet on Black Phantom! I shouldn't have been so soft-hearted as to listen to your nonsense!"


On the stage, Deacon

Yang slapped himself hard.

While doing so, he angrily scolded Qin Feng.

"Black Phantom! I'm going to kill your entire family!"

"You fucking bastard! You monster! You really deserve to die!"

Let Deacon Yang go down and fight Qin Feng head-on. He wouldn't dare to do it even if he had ten thousand guts. The only thing he could do was to treat himself as a black phantom and torture himself crazily.

Only in this way could he feel a little better in the torture of losing a lot of money.


Manager's Office.

Manager Chen stared blankly at the blood mist exploding on the electronic screen!

He had felt that Black Phantom might have a trump card!

But he really didn't expect that Black Phantom's trump card would be so terrifying!

So terrifying that even the nine rank 5 masters sent by the board of directors might not be able to withstand it!

"What kind of devilish damage is this! What kind of evil skill is this!"

"How many rare items are needed to create such horrific damage!"

"Black Phantom! What the hell did you do in the past?"

"Why can't you use up all your trump cards? The more you use them, the more you have!"

Listening to Manager Chen's shocking words, the leader of the nine-man team, Ye Shi, said in a trembling voice:

"Lao Chen! That thing is not a skill! It is not the rare item you mentioned!"

"That's the B-level talent corpse poison!"

When these words came out, the whole audience was stunned!

All the members of the nine-man team looked at their captain!

Manager Chen of the boxing field was also extremely shocked!

Ye Shi continued to speak, his voice still trembling:

"I have seen that kind of talent before. This thing is the racial talent of the fourth-level top-level Warcraft Nine-Colored Ring Snake!"

"I won't admit my mistake! The captain who led me back then was poisoned by the corpse poison, and then he exploded into a ball of green poisonous mist in front of me!"

"Lao Chen, you are right!"

"Black Phantom is indeed an extremely dangerous person!"

"He should be like Ye Nantian, the Great Xia Military God, an unrivaled genius with dual talents and dual professions, one in a million!"

"He was also ruthless and vicious, using some rare props to hide his true face plate!"

"Maybe! Maybe he is not the level 10 that he appears to be!"

"Lao Chen! You saved our lives!"


He first killed the summoner who posed the greatest threat.

Then he killed two warriors and a tank.

Qin Feng was extremely satisfied with his killing efficiency.

This satisfaction gave him a stronger inner drive.

He smashed out like a cannonball. He smashed straight towards the ice mage who was protected by the ice wall.

"Don't hold back!"

"If you hold back any more tricks, we'll all be damned dead!"

The roar of the Ice Mage rang out on the stage!

The surviving mechanics, constructors, and array masters felt an unprecedented crisis.

They all burst out with their strongest power and attacked Qin Feng!

However, their reactions had long been anticipated by Qin Feng.

The spiked shell that was opened earlier was prepared for these people!

Boom boom boom... a series of attacks fell on Qin Feng!





Damage in the four digits jumped out of Qin Feng's head.

With this amount of damage, it was enough to crush a tier 4 tank without attribute amplification into scum!

But unfortunately,

Qin Feng activated the third-level physical attribute frenzy!

He has more than 400,000 health points!

This little damage is just a tickle to him!

Bang, bang, bang...

At the moment when everyone's attack skills fell on Qin Feng, the energy state spike shell that was about to run out of time took effect.

The ice mage, mechanic, array master, and the magic weapon constructor.

Without exception, all were countered by the energy state spike shell and entered a one-second dizziness!

For others, a one-second dizziness is too short.

But don't forget.

Qin Feng is a man with 12 acceleration talents and 17 acceleration skills.

When he killed the summoner before, he only used the three skills of stealth, sprint, and welcome raid.


Qin Feng burst out with extreme speed!

In an instant!

Relying on his incomparably strong physique, he smashed the thick ice wall that the Ice Mage relied on for survival!


The Blade of Resentment pierced directly through the Ice Mage's chest.

-32142! (Hit the heart! Fatal damage!)

-182560! (Poison) damage floated out and the Ice Mage died instantly!

Qin Feng chopped off the Ice Mage's head with a knife and put it into his backpack!

Then, he used the Crazy Ape Throw again. He smashed the Ice Mage's body to the formation master who was unable to move and was still building a fourth-level attack formation!


The green poisonous mist exploded!

-10w9536! (The increase of poisonous burst is gone)

The formation master died!


In an instant!

Black Phantom killed two more people!

The whole arena fell into a deathly silence!

The audience stopped cursing!

They huddled in their chairs, trembling. They took out the teleportation token in panic and ran away!

Deacon Yang stood on the podium in a daze.

At this moment, he didn't dare to look at Qin Feng.

But even so, he felt the boundless fear!

The mechanics and constructors on the ring were dumbfounded.

Qin Feng's damage ability has exceeded their imagination.

Their end will only be to be killed by Qin Feng, and it will come soon!

In the manager's office.

The Assassination Star Squad gasped.

They didn't believe what Captain Ye Shi said...

Black Phantom is a dual-talented and dual-professional strongman who is one in a million.

But at this moment, that absolute killing power is revealed again.

They can't help but believe it.



The knife flashed!

The mechanic ascended to heaven!


The knife flashed again!

The constructor died!

Qin Feng twisted his neck.

He cut off the heads of the two and put them into his backpack!

"Ding Dong! You have killed nine powerful warriors above level 3!"

"You have completed one requirement of the forbidden cosmic job transfer quest [Blood Sacrifice]!"

"Please gather the power of the nine extraordinary professions as soon as possible to complete your own sublimation!"

Welcome to the 7-day National Day holiday and have fun reading! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

Recharge now (Activity time: October 1 to October 7)

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