
"3, 2, 1!"

The host's high-pitched and excited countdown ended.

The whole place fell into absolute silence.

The audience held their breath!

The next moment!

The eight champions on the stage attacked Qin Feng at the same time!

Ice coffin!

Fire dragon breath!

Sword slash!

Destroyer rocket launcher!

Instant trap formation!

Looking at the large number of attacks coming towards him.

Qin Feng smiled faintly, not afraid at all

"Ding Dong! You have activated the primary level of mental frenzy! Intermediate level of mental frenzy! Advanced level of mental frenzy! You have gained 14 times the mental power!"

"Ding Dong! You have activated the primary physical frenzy! Intermediate physical frenzy! Advanced physical frenzy! You have gained 14 times the physical strength!"

Physique: 965→13510Spirit

: 652→9128HP

: 33775→47w2850Defense:

51725→7w3006Combat Power

: 729→4933Different from the previous enhanced killing power.

At this moment, Qin Feng's most terrifying increase was tankiness.

Boom boom boom... one attack after another fell on Qin Feng.

A pitiful small damage value bar floated out of Qin Feng's head.





Feeling this tickling attack,

Qin Feng suddenly felt contempt for the eight enemies in front of him.

Because, these people all wanted to beat him in the head, and they were all hiding their cards.

No one burst out with all their strength at the beginning.

"This is too much of an underestimation of me!"

Qin Feng murmured in a low voice, and then burst out all the enhancement skills!

"Ding Dong! You consumed 200 mana points and used the skill Poison Burst. For the next 3 attacks, the poison damage will be increased by 5 times! Cooldown 15s!"

"Ding Dong! You spent 125 mana points and used the skill Spiked Shell (plundered crypt spider meat), you gain Spiked Shield, which lasts for 10 seconds, and the target who attacks you will be stunned for 1 second, which can be used once for each target!"

"Ding Dong! You consumed……"

A series of light streams burst out from Qin Feng's body, and he no longer concealed his strength.

Anyway, in the eyes of these people, they would only think that it was the effect of a rare item!

"Holy shit! Black Phantom has rare items!"

"How many cards does Black Phantom have?"

"Eight people concentrated their firepower on Black Phantom, but they only took away a few thousand HP!"

"Black Phantom! What the hell kind of monster are you?"

The audience looked at Qin Feng, who was unscathed in the center of the ring, with a look of fear on their faces, and their mouths were wide open!

Deacon Yang on the host platform hammered the control panel hard, and his teeth were about to break!

Manager Chen also looked at the electronic screen in his hand in great astonishment.

His premonition came true, and Black Phantom could really do something weird!

Ye Shi, the captain of the Assassination Star Squad, had a cold face.

Years of combat experience made him intuitively feel that...

Black Phantom, who was not killed by the concentrated fire of eight people, should still have unused power!

In the shocked eyes of countless people, Qin Feng, who had just finished the state, moved.



Qin Feng's body suddenly disappeared.

The eight ring masters on the ring were all panicked.

The mechanical warrior turned the rotating machine gun on his left arm, and the mechanical force surged up, sweeping around him crazily!

The ice mage cast a series of 9-meter-thick ice walls around him to protect himself in the center!

The formation master threw out the dust of development, and then arranged multiple trap formations around him!

The warrior swung his sword and slashed wildly, and the worst tank was panicked, and the big shield in his hand could not Know where to put it!

The summoner in the south of the arena summoned all his summoned beasts without reservation.

The third-level three-headed hellhound. The fourth-level pale fang.

The fourth-level peak elemental dragon.

One foot into the fifth-level dark moon elf.

A total of four summoned beasts, guarding the summoner in the center.

They either let out sharp howls and made mental attacks.

Or spewed out blazing flames, burning the land in all directions.

Or blew up a sharp wind like a knife, or released the cold moonlight...

But even so. It can't be. Can stop Qin Feng.

With a whoosh!

A blurry and almost invisible figure suddenly jumped out from the empty flat ground.

It was Qin Feng who escaped from stealth mode and released the high-speed dash skill Phantom Assault.

In the extremely horrified eyes of the summoner.

Qin Feng crossed a distance of more than 100 meters in one second.

He knocked away the Pale Fang that was standing in front of the summoner. He raised his knife and slashed the summoner's neck.

Qin Feng's knife was too fast!

So fast that the summoner had no time to react!

With a whoosh!

The blazing knife light flashed!

-42857! (Powerful slash, critical hit)

-182560! (Toxic damage! [Basic damage of corpse poison 4*spirit]*5x damage increase for toxic burst)

Two damage value bars passed by.

The summoner didn't even have time to scream before he was beheaded by Qin Feng, and his head went into Qin Feng's backpack!

His summoned beast also returned to the dimensional space because of his death!

Seeing this scene!

The others on the stage were collectively horrified!

"24w damage! How is this possible?"

"Didn’t Black Phantom just fight with Undertaker?"

"How come he still has such powerful killing power now?"

"Black Phantom! He is simply a monster!"

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