"Actually. "

"You can eat so much!"

Nangong Miao was surprised.

looked at Luo Tianxue, who had dried two large bowls of rice.

and Lin Wan'er, who is very healthy at first glance.

Lin Wan'er swallowed the white grains of rice.

Some of them tilted their heads in confusion.

Something is unclear.

Luo Tianxue and Qin Mo.

He also raised his head curiously.

stared at Nangong Miao.

As one of the four.

The only immortal-level lord.

In front of Nangong Miao.

It looks like the three of them.

Some ignorance.

Nangong Miao saw the three of them.

They all looked at themselves with curiosity.

She put down the dishes and chopsticks.

Said softly.

"Lingmi is an extremely precious spiritual object. "

"Still. "

"Lingmi is also divided into quality grades. "

Nangong Miao took a grain of spiritual rice.

Go on.

"Ordinary spiritual rice, high-level lords can still enjoy it. "

"As for the higher-grade Lingmi. The spiritual power contained in "787" is too huge. "

"It's hard to grow out, and get ........"

Nangong Miao said softly.

The three of them listened attentively.


can also be regarded as the principal of Nangong Miao.

This senior.

For Qin Mo, these three students.

A knowledge popularization was carried out.

"I see. "

"Brother Qin Mo's, Lingmi is so cherished!"

Luo Tianxue suddenly realized.

Nangong Miaorou smiled.



It is also divided into several varieties.


Ordinary Lingmi.

It's not something that ordinary people can enjoy.


A burden on those who enjoy it.

It is also very heavy.

Lingmi is precious on one side.

Ordinary people simply can't bear the spiritual power in it.

It is also a factor on the one hand.

Ordinary people take a bite.

You may be blown up and killed!

"No wonder. "

"My dad wouldn't let me taste (cbej) Lingmi. "

Luo Tianxue said a little angrily.

Qin Mo smiled.

Looking at the cute and loving Luo Dumping Snow.


A smile on his face.

It's like.

It's a little hamster.

"If you eat it. "

"Aren't you going to explode and die?"

Lin Wan'er smiled.

"Yes, yes. "

Luo Tianxue said with a scared face.

"Back then. "

"I'm sneaking in again. "

"I almost ate it. "

Luo Tianxue's words.

There are some regrets.

It's like a rebellious child.

The more you don't let her do anything.

The more they will do.


Now I know why Daddy won't let me touch it.


I still feel a little regretful.

The regret of not being able to find Lingmi.

Even if I know it now.

It's my dad who is afraid that something will happen to him.

That's going to happen.

"You've done that too?"

Lin Wan'er was surprised.


Luo Tianxue instantly locked on to the point.

The two looked at each other.

Suddenly they looked at each other and smiled.

Obviously. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

They found one that was even more interesting.

A common topic.

They got together.

Tell the story of the year.

The rebellious things they did.


permeated the entire villa.

Qin Mo and Nangong Miao.

Wan Er smiled.

Happy to finish the dinner.

Next is the exercise, of course.

In order to relieve the pain of lovesickness.

Everyone is working hard.

The whole villa.

They are constantly trembling. []


A villa is not just a cement house.


But it's made of special materials.


also laid out one formation after another.



Earthquake resistance and so on.

The day was slightly bright.

Qin Mo grabbed his messy hair and got up.

Kick the ground ball of wire away at will.

I went to the bathroom and washed up.

Went into the kitchen again.

Begin to prepare breakfast for a few people.


Nature is essential.

So much protein is lost.

I need to add a lot of back.

"Morning, Sister Miao. "

Qin Mo smiled.

Greeted Nangong Miao, who walked out.

I saw the sunny and handsome Qin Mo.

Wearing an apron.

Prepare an aromatic breakfast for them.

Nangong Miao pulled the corners of her clothes a little embarrassed.

Delicate little feet barefoot.

Ran to the kitchen door.

"Don't you really need my help?"

Nangong Miao said.

Qin Mo smiled and shook his head.

"Just leave it to me. "

"Let's go wash up. "

"There's still something in my hair. "

Nangong Miao glanced at Qin Mo with disgust.

"You're a bad brother. "

"It's not just hair. "

"Wrists, ankles, there and there. "

"My sister went to wash up. "

"It's so uncomfortable to be slimy. "

Nangong Miao turned around.

Walked into the bathroom.

Put a bathtub of warm water.

Fade off the light shirt on your body.

Perfect delicate body.

At a glance.

Nangong Miao gently stroked her smooth skin.

Feel slimy.

The red knees moved.

Long legs.

stepped into the bathtub.

Meimei bubbled up.

The right temperature.

Envelop the entire body.

Nangong Miao was stunned.

I feel like my pores are all open.

Look at the floating white.

She blushed.

Quietly glanced at the closed door.

Reach out and pick it up.

The cherry mouth opened.

Look at the beating lord experience bar.

Nangong Miao is still unsatisfied.

Licked his rosy lips.

Slender jade hands.

Slowly put it on my lower abdomen.

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