"Woooooooo "

"I almost thought I wouldn't see you!"

Luo Tianxue cried pear blossoms with rain.


The body is a little thinner.

These days.

It's hurt her.

Tea doesn't think about food.

"You. "

"Look at you, you're all thin. "

Qin Mo looked distressed.

Originally, there was some fleshy Luo Dumping Snow.

These days down.

The whole person has lost a lot of weight.

"Woooooooo "

Luo Tianxue twitched.

The delicate body trembled.

Qin Mo is for her.

That's everything!

She begged her ancestor to retreat. "

Nangong Miao said in a low voice.

Although the Luo family is not as good as her Nangong family.

But there is also an ancestor in the family.

And Luo was in a hurry.

But he almost collided with his ancestor.

This almost made Luo Tianxue's father angry.

called this little padded jacket white.

"Sister Miao, you still say... Say I..."

"Your ancestor has been found out by you. "

Luo Tianxue said as she twitched.

Nangong Miao was suddenly a little embarrassed.

Qin Mo is for her.

Isn't it extremely important.

It's heavenly!

The sky fell.

She suddenly felt that her life was dark.


rushed directly into his family's old house in Shangjing.

put the ancestor who loved her very much.

It's all pulled out.

The news of the Supreme God's move.

It was also passed on by him.

Nangong Miao breathed a sigh of relief.

For this.

The ancestor has lost his temper a lot.

I feel that my ancestor is really faceless.


Mainly because.

This is a little padded jacket that I don't know how many generations are leaking.

It's a bit of a tantrum.


Nangong Miao is so lively.

Soon his ancestors were happy.

Then he ran back to the villa.

By the way.

notified Luo Tianxue and Lin Wan'er.

The three daughters gathered together.

Waiting bitterly for Qin Mo's return.


The supreme gods have struck.

Nature is foolproof.


Luo Tianxue still couldn't sleep all day.

Tea doesn't think about food.

Can't sleep.

Can't eat it.


There is also the care of Nangong Miao and Lin Wan'er by his side.

So that it will not hurt the body.

Nangong Miao is more mature after all.

Lin Wan'er is also relatively tenacious.

Luo poured snow.

After all, she is still a little girl who falls in love.

It's irrational to behave in a hurry.

"In the past few days, I've worked hard for you~. "

Qin Mo's tone was a little complicated.

These are so good to themselves one by one.

He is still in the territory and triumphant every night.

It's not a thing!


The territory needs itself!

Come to think of this.

Qin Mo decided to forgive himself.


I still need to compensate for the three little babies in my family.

For their own people.

Qin Mo will never lack care.

He kissed it earnestly.


pressed the shy ones to the table one by one.

"Sit down. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I'll be ready soon. "

"Don't eat three or four bowls of rice. "

"Don't get off the table!"

Qin Mo put on his equipment with a smile.

Turned around and went into the kitchen.

in the refrigerator.

There are also some simple ingredients left.

Qin Mo will go and take it out.

and from his own inventory.

Took out some dragon tooth rice.

Used to cook rice.


He also took out a lot of fresh and sweet fruits.

After washing.

Placed on the dining table. []

These fruits are brightly colored.

It also exudes aura.

That's all good stuff!

The attention of the three.

I was soon attracted to these fruits.

In Qin Mo's repeated affirmations.

I really don't need help.

They leisurely enjoyed the fruits with aura.

"It's so sweet, so much moisture!"

Luo Tianxue was a little surprised.

After Qin Mo's return.

Her appetite suddenly improved.

Let's chirp and chirp and eat it.

Eat it at the same time.

While exclaiming.

Her liege experience.

All have some faint improvements!

These fruits.

They are all rare treasures.

If you take it and sell it.

It can also be worth a lot of dark crystals.

After all.

It's good to contain aura.

A fruit that increases the experience of the lord.

It's also a spiritual fruit.

It didn't take long.

The fragrant, well-grained rice is baked.

"This is, Lingmi!"

Three people here.

All were born into large families.

Naturally, I recognize this dragon tooth rice.

Not an exaggeration.

Just smelling it.

You can tell that this is a cherished spiritual rice!

"Brother Qin Mo, do you really have a spiritual field?"

Luo Tianxue was a little surprised.

The last time she sent Qin Mo's spiritual seed.

Qin Mo accepted it.

She guessed that Qin Mo had a spiritual field.

Or rather.

At the very least, at least there is a high-level cultivated field.


But you can't grow spiritual points.


Lingmi: That's different.

(Qian Dezhao) is still such a good quality of Lingmi!

There is no Reitian.

It is absolutely impossible to grow it!

"Xiao Qin. "

"The quality of your Lingmi. "

"It's better than what my ancestors ate. "

Nangong Miao tasted it.


She was fortunate enough to eat the spiritual rice that her ancestor enjoyed.

Every single capsule.

All contain majestic aura.

But compared to Qin Mo's at this time.

There are still some gaps.


But the golden legendary quality of Lingmi.

Also got a tenfold bonus to the territory trait!

That's what it does.

Naturally, I didn't say anything.

PS: Got on the train yesterday night

At seven o'clock in the morning, I arrived in the north and went to work in the company

Damn the worker

I'm working on codewords!

Updates will follow normally

Maybe a little later.

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