For your own woman.

Of course Qin Mo wouldn't.

It's impossible to do that.

The territory was shaken.

Living in an unknown dimension~[Xuanyin City].

Emit a faint light.

In the dark.

A flash of white light came closer. soon.

They appeared in the same dimension.

It was a fiefdom.

It’s the territory of roses


The space shook.

Qiangwei's territory penetrated into this unknown dimension.

The two began to approach slowly.

Qin Mo and his party stood on the city wall.

They looked curiously at the approaching territory.

The territory was covered with dust. The territorial buildings with a strange style are completely different from those owned by Qin Mo. Although lords do not distinguish national boundaries, in reality they are divided. The appearance of the territorial buildings obtained by the lords of Xia Kingdom is different from others. is different


The two territories shook and connected.

The next moment, a soft light flashed, covering Qiangwei's territory.


Rose's pupils were shocked.

In her collaramong.

Her soldiers and heroes.

He also raised his hand in surprise.

Look at yourself.

They felt it.

Waves of powerful force spurt out

"Lisa, why did your strength surge so much?"

A male hero looked aside in confusion.

Lisa is also a hero.

The qualifications and strength of both sides are similar.

However, after their lord became a subordinate of another lord, their strength has improved a lot. Promotion.

In itself.

He was very happy to be strengthened.

But when he saw the terrifying aura of the heroine next to him, he was stunned. He couldn't help but ask.

"I'm not too sure either"

"I think"

"This will not be known until the lord comes back."

Lisa couldn't help laughing.

She felt an improvement of more than ten times.

She was extremely pleasantly surprised.

In this world where thousands of races compete for hegemony, who can not hope that their own strength will be strong enough?

This is a world where the strong is respected. era.

For them, the strong means everything!

This situation happened repeatedly in Qiangwei's territory.

Different from Qin Mo.

In Qiangwei's territory, there were both men and women. Soldiers and heroes.

It was the same.

This is also the normal posture of a lord.

It’s just Qin Mo.

In the entire territory, they are all women.

And they are all rare beauties.

The most outrageous thing is that each one is stronger than the other!

Each one can fight better than the last one!

This is something that only Qin Mo can do.

After all, the entire territory is occupied by women.

It is not difficult.

They are all beauties.

In fact, it is not difficult at all. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Throughout the ages.

The word color has always existed. Take the lead.

I don’t know how many lords have built their territory into a harem group. There are thousands of races in all the worlds.

There are naturally many beauties.

It can even be said that as long as you have enough money

, you have a chance to enjoy their charm.

So.. It is not difficult to gather women from a territory. What is difficult is to gather women from a territory.

[] and.

Each of them is stronger than the other!

This is difficult.

Want to live in harmony.

That would be even more difficult.

One woman and one drama.

Let alone a woman from a territory.

This depends on the lord’s own prestige, strength, ability, etc.

"What a weak bonus."

Qin Mo shook his head helplessly.

Qiangwei's territory can be said to have become a sub-territory under his control.

All its attributes are naturally not covered up at all.

Speaking of which,

Qiangwei's lord core is not weak.

After all, it is a golden legendary quality.

Territory Talent.

A power increase of golden legendary quality.

It can increase the power of the territory's people three times.

This is also a very good territory talent.

A full three times the bonus!

But in Qin Mo's eyes, it is still almost meaningless.

【Tip: Affiliated lord +1, territory characteristics unlocked】

【Tip: Territory characteristic 7: Territory talent +1]

Qin Mo opened the territory panel curiously

【Territory Core: Yintian Palace】

【Level: 1v40 (0/98888)】

【Quality: Myth (color)】

【Attribute: Yin of the two poles】

【Feature 1: The quality of the territory’s buildings is increased by one, and its attributes are increased tenfold.】

【Feature 2: When acquiring heroes and troops, the default gender is female, the probability of summoning a beautiful woman is 100%, and the hero qualifications are no less than legendary.】

【Feature 3: All attributes of female residents of the territory are increased tenfold】

【Characteristic 4: Territory female residents have a talent +1 (if they have no talent, they will randomly get a talent)】

【Characteristic 5: The bloodline of female residents of the territory +1 (without a bloodline, a bloodline is randomly obtained)】

【Characteristic 6: The territory is filled with Yin soil, and women’s cultivation speed increases ten times.】

【Feature 7: Territory talents can be superimposed.】

【Feature 8: Unlocked】

【Introduction: Everything in the world is divided into two poles. According to legend, the Yintian Palace where the Yinji Supreme lives is a supreme divine object with countless magical functions. With it, you can become a god even if you are a pig! Even become supreme!】

"OK OK!"

Qin Mo was overjoyed.

With the unlocking of the new territory characteristics, a soft light covered the entire territory!

Including Qiangwei's territory.

Its territory talent: power increase.

It actually took effect!

At this moment, everyone couldn't help cheering again!.

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