Let’s put aside the deliberations of the Kingdom of Heaven for now

【Inside Xuanyin City.

Qin Mo returned to his territory and woke up

"Kings! You are finally back!"

Yan Ling'er was the first to rush over.

She touched Qin Mo's body carefully.

Her face was full of concern.

"Bad Lord! You scared Yue'er to death!"

Shui Yue cried and rushed over.

Her little body was twitching.

Qilin Hui and the others also ran over in a hurry.

They looked at Qin Mo nervously.

Look here.

Touch there..I’m afraid something is missing somewhere.

"Lilith, why are you taking off my pants?"

Qin Mo hurriedly picked up the waistband of his trousers and pinched Lilith's ears.

Not far away, she had blond hair and blue eyes.

But her face was more like Asian Qiangwei.

She stood pretty and quietly watched the warm scene in front of her.

Everyone The girl and Qin Mo were enjoying themselves. At first glance, they were full of care and concern. They were all anxious about Qin Mo's sudden disappearance. However, the mission space was lost. They could only quickly retreat to the territory. Looking at the territory 507 kept rising into the sky. She could do nothing but worry. She saw all of this.

"The man you like"

"That's right!"

Qiangwei smiled proudly.

Qin Mo comforted the girls and promised that he would be their queen for the whole night.

He left countless marks on his body.

Then he got away proudly.

He walked straight to Qiangwei.

"Are you going back next?"


Qin Mo asked

"There is an old saying in the Xia Kingdom"

"Marry a chicken and follow the chicken; marry a dog and follow the dog."

"Of course I want to go with you."

Qiangwei smiled.

【Tip: Rose applies to become your subordinate lord】

【Tip: The subordinate lord will be merged into your territory, and the subjects of the subordinate lord will become your subjects.】

【Whether to accept?】


Qin Mo raised his eyebrows slightly.

I didn't expect the other party to be so direct.

Directly become your own subordinate lord.

Subordinate lord.

It is a way for low-level lords to submit to high-level lords.

Become a subordinate lord.

It means there is one more person above your head.

The territory of the principal lord versus the subordinate lord.

Will have all control. in other words.

There is just one more actual controller.

The chairman is still Qiangwei herself.

But what is the future of this territory.

It depends on the actual controller.

That's how Qin Mo arranged it.

This is equivalent to.

Give everything you have to the other person.

Generally speaking. , no lord wants to become a subordinate lord.

To put it mildly, it is ancillary.

To put it harshly.

No different than a slave.

Even the power of life and death.

It will all be in the hands of others.

Unless the level difference between the two sides is too much.

Join each other.

Become a subordinate lord of the other party.

Countless gains can be obtained. otherwise.

He will definitely not become a subordinate lord. but.

For the lord who is too weak.

High lords do not need such subordinate lords. and.

After becoming a subordinate lord. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Whether the territory will be advanced or not in the future.

It's much more difficult. besides.

There are also many disadvantages.

I haven't figured out what the disadvantages are yet. all in all.

Few people become subordinate lords of others.

This (bfbf) hand of Rose.

Very unexpected by Qin Mo

"Have you thought it through?"

Qin Mo confirmed

"My dear, of course it is."

Qiangwei nodded affirmatively.

Everything about the other party fascinated her.[] and.

The strength is so strong!

She still feels a little swollen. not to mention.

The opponent's territory is really strong.

The strength they showed.


Novice Trial Score.

It is enough to show that it is extraordinary. yes.

There are indeed many disadvantages to being a vassal lord. but.

Rose is a woman.

Women know women.

She could tell.

The heroes of the territory are all happy.

Even the soldiers were happy.

I respect Qin Mo from the bottom of my heart.

This and what she saw.

How those lords treated their soldiers and heroes.

What soldiers and heroes look like.

It's completely different!

She believes it.

Become a subordinate lord.

Not a very bad result. and.

She definitely can't go back to the Lighthouse Country.

Everyone on the Black Hawk team is dead.

As long as you come back alive.

The outcome can be imagined.

So what if you are a genius?

A lighthouse country for talents.

Really take it seriously. but.

If this person is not one of our own. hehe.

That method is very cruel.

"That being the case."

Qin Mo nodded.

He accepted Qiangwei's application as a subordinate lord.

【Tip: Rose becomes your subordinate lord】

【Tip: Enable subsidiary lord management permissions】

【Tip: Option 1: You can choose to devour the subordinate lord and completely incorporate it into the territory. Everything in the other party's territory will be yours.】

【Tip: Option 2: You choose to add an auxiliary territory. The building bonuses of both territories are interoperable. The lord can lead his territory to the dark world........】

Prompts pop up one after another.

Qin Mo took a quick glance.

The second option was chosen.


There is absolutely no need for this.

It's good to add it.

He just swallowed ten lord cores.

It’s not digested yet. not to mention.

This is my own woman.

Of course he won't.

It's impossible to do that..

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