Under the rays of the setting sun.

A layer of golden light was laid on the two beauties.

Someone said softly.

One person listened carefully.

But listen, listen.

A beauty in armor.

Her pretty face turned red.

Very shy.

But he continued to listen carefully.

Qilin Hui had a smile in her eyes.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

The charm of the young master.

It's really big.

Just two days... Bah.

It's just a little more than a day.

Just let a beautiful woman fall in love with her.

When the two returned to the city wall.

Kill the boss Yan Ling'er.

Already back on the city wall

"Linger, has the boss been solved?"

Qilin Hui said softly

"That's natural!"

Yan Ling'er smiled proudly.

He clenched his pink fist and showed off his muscles.

"That boss is indeed thick-skinned and thick-skinned"

"But I am not a weakling!"

"Naturally easy to win!"

The words were full of confidence. But

Kallen only paid attention to her rosy complexion. She looked nourished.

Like a delicate flower.

She involuntarily turned towards Qin Mo.

Her eyes moved down.

"Don't be proud"

"There are many bosses waiting for you behind."

Qin Mo made a fool of himself and said with a smile.


Yan Ling'er's heroic aura disappeared in an instant.

He hugged his little head pitifully and stared at Qin Mo.


Qin Mo felt the scrutinizing eyes.

Especially when he stared down for a long time.

He turned his head in confusion. He met Kallen's beautiful eyes like spring water.

The moment they looked at each other,

Kallen lowered her eyes shyly.

Her heart was racing..

Even if it was just a glimpse, the scale was terrifying.

This was still the normal state.

Qin Mo glanced at Qilin Hui doubtfully.

The latter smiled softly and shrugged, indicating that it had nothing to do with him.

Qin Mo didn't ask any more questions.

He casually threw an exquisite treasure box to Qilin Hui.

Needless to say,

Qilin Hui stretched out his slender hand to catch it and opened it with his backhand.

"Tips: Dark Crystal*6, [Scarlet Sequence Formula] (Purple Rare)*1."

Qin Mo:"?????"

A boss kill treasure chest.

He never expected it.

Another recipe actually came out. mentioned earlier.

A recipe.

It represents a designed path.

Its value is immeasurable. and.

This is also a purple rare sequence recipe.

It is very expensive!


"It's actually the evil god's formula."

Qin Mo felt a little regretful

"What's wrong, sir?"

Seeing Qin Mo performing a rejoicing first,

Qilin Hui was a little confused.

"Purple, isn’t it quite expensive?"

Yan Ling'er interrupted in confusion.

She saw the purple light.

Qin Mo spread his hands and said helplessly

"Precious is valuable"

"But it's no use to us."

Unless he is prepared to let the territory develop into the territory of the evil god.

Otherwise, this formula is of little value.

Own this formula. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He can change many soldiers to different jobs.

Forcibly become [ scarlet***】

But the resources spent. and all kinds of treasures needed.

There are a lot of them! then

【Scarlet Sequence Formula].

In the early stages.

Job changers are equivalent to blue rare quality professions.

Only later can it transform into purple rare quality.

Qin Mo's territory is full of golden legends.

Only a fool would choose to change jobs! not to mention.

Related to evil gods.

There are not many normal ones[]

Qin Mo is not a deformed aesthetic.

Do you like weird tentacles or something like that?

"Ling'er, you don't want to become a tentacle monster, right?"

Qin Mo joked


When Yan Ling'er thought about herself transforming into a disgusting tentacle monster, she suddenly felt a chill.

She shook her head hurriedly and said

"No, no, this is indeed not suitable for us!"

Qilin Hui also looked uncomfortable.

"It's better to listen to the young master"

"This really doesn't suit us."

They are all beautiful beauties.

Their aesthetics are also normal.

How can I accept it?

I have transformed into those disgusting monsters!

"Unfortunately, nothing good came out."

Qilin Hui's pretty face looked a little regretful. She finally found a purple rare quality one, but it was so worthless.

This made her a little regretful.

"Huier is so greedy."

Qin Mo said with a smile.

"Although this recipe is the path of the evil god"

"But it’s worth a lot!"

"This is quite useless for individual lords"

"But for those big forces, it is a good treasure!"

"They are still willing to pay the price." There is a huge difference in value between disposable items and items that can be used multiple times!"

【Scarlet Sequence Formula].

Equivalent to countless job transfer certificates. and.

It also includes development paths.

Future choices. and what is needed.

Everything is written one by one!

All you need to do is transfer and prepare step by step.

Although it is the path of the evil god.

But it is also very precious! not to mention.

This is still a purple rare quality


Qilin Hui didn't believe it.

He changed his job to a tentacle monster.

Who has such a preference?

Qin Mo nodded affirmatively.

"It’s worth at least several hundred million!"

"If it is run properly, it may be possible to make billions!"

Hearing this,

Qilin Hui suddenly became very happy.

He was able to help the young master!

"Awesome, Huier."

Yan Ling'er praised the Taoist...

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