Kallen frowned.

I felt like I was floating. indeed.

Her original identity was indeed good.

But throughout the kingdom.

They are all famous nobles! and.

Her powerful martial arts and strength.

It is also ranked among the best in the country!

No matter where you go.

All are highly respected. but.

All this was accompanied by the fall of the City of Sages.

And all disappeared!

If it weren't for the arrival of Lord God.

Even if she is powerful, what can she do?

The city of wise men.

I'm afraid it was breached yesterday!

More than 80,000 monsters.

There are also several powerful bosses!

In its own strength.

Before getting an increase of more than ten times.

There is no way she can resist it! but now.

She actually made the Lord God the first time.

Compare it with yourself!

This made her look a little pale. she found.

Inexplicably, he turned to the envoy next to the Lord God.

There was some hostility.

Always make comparisons unconsciously

"Kallen oh Kallen"

"You are just a first-level 783 mortal"

"If it were not for the blessing of God,"

"You can't have the strength you have now"

"what are you thinking about!"

Karen was on guard in her heart to prevent herself from getting too excited.

Doing something stupid.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Qin Mo asked with concern.

Kallen's face turned pale for no reason.

This made him a little worried.

Was there some kind of curse or something?

After all, there are all kinds of wonders in the dark world.

What's more, this mission can easily attract evil gods. Eyes.

Those weird followers under the evil god.

They can curse countless people!

Moreover, they are all very difficult guys!

"Lord Celestial God, I'm fine~"

Kallen showed a smile.

She felt a little secretly happy in her heart.

Unexpectedly, she just looked wrong.

Lord Celestial God noticed it.

Could it be that

Lord Celestial God has also been watching me silently?

This made her heart Even more joyful!

Qin Mo frowned.

He turned around and ordered

"Huier, take her to the [Purification Tower]】"

"Go to [Medical Clinic] to check again"

"Can't be cursed."

Qilinhui nodded as she slowly opened the box.

She could see Kallen's thoughts, but she didn't reveal it directly. She took Kallen obediently and went to the [Purification Tower] to purify it first to prevent her from being hit. What kind of curse?

I went to the [Medical Clinic] again for a checkup.

The whole process.

Kallen was known as a well-behaved person. In fact, she was filled with inner beauty.

She didn’t expect that the god she loved would be so concerned and nervous about her!

It was so special. Yes.

When Qilin Hui Rourou introduced the magic of this [Purification Tower] and [Medical Clinic].

And the expensiveness revealed inadvertently.

I suddenly felt that it was worth dying even at this time!

What I believed in and respected Lord God!

Kirin Hui has a smile in her beautiful eyes.

She seizes the opportunity and provides assists.

A strong person. One who can help his young master. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Her appearance is also excellent.

Naturally, she is not I will let it go.

After two days of getting along, this little unicorn discovered some interesting things.

However, it did not reveal everything.

When the three-day mission is over (afff), it will naturally be revealed.

Whether what I discovered is Correct.

By the way.

It's a surprise for my son.

It seems good?

Qilin Hui suddenly showed a smile.

"Lord God, you are so beautiful!"[]

Kallen praised sincerely.

Her long blue hair flutters in the wind.

The black and red horns are small and cute.

Exquisite and beautiful face.

Showing a faint smile.

It gives people a feeling of spring breeze.

A dress with lots of fabric.

Covering the entire figure.

But it is still difficult to hide the perfect body curve.

And proud capital!

The temperament is also excellent.

She is simply a perfect goddess!

"Thank you. I appreciate the compliment"

"You are beautiful too."

Qilin Huirou smiled.

Kallen laughed at herself.

"He's just a guy who only knows brute force."

Because of her strong strength, many rumors spread to her ears.

At the beginning, it was because of some rumors that she impulsively killed the noble child.

In the end, she was exiled here.

She followed the City of Sages and fell together. Got here

"Brute force?"

Qilin Huirou said with a smile.

"That can only mean"

"The opponent is just too weak"

"Look at Linger"

"She has always liked fighting"

"Very proud too."

Kalian nodded. She naturally knew the name of the God Envoy. Recalling Yan Ling'er's performance all the time. Indeed. She is a stronger existence than herself! She also likes to fight very much.


"It's not you who's wrong, it's just those weaklings."

Qilin Huirou said with a smile.

"Linger is very strong"

"But he listens to the young master very much"

"Do you know why?"

Karen asked curiously


Qilin Hui came three points closer and whispered.


"The young master crushes Ling'er in all aspects."

"Even if it’s something that girls have an advantage over"

"It's also Young Master who has the absolute upper hand."

"I often go to the back, crying and begging for mercy."

Karen nodded seriously at the beginning, expressing her agreement.

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