According to what Taoist Canmeng said before, doesn't it mean that the earth needs Panyu to assimilate? Logically speaking, there should be no turbidity yet.

But now facing the Chenghuang whose appearance had changed drastically, Yang Yu was inexplicably surprised.

After practicing in the original world for so long, he is already very familiar with the spiritual turbidity, and can see it at a glance, not to mention that the body of this city god has the characteristics of immortality.

This is already a typical manifestation of being contaminated with spiritual turbidity.

Pan Yu and the other two people not far away saw this scene, with a look of astonishment on their faces.

The two of them also saw the source of the power used by the City God.

Why is there turbidity here? Could it be that this world has been polluted by turbidity?

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that even if she finally takes control of this place, she will still follow the same old path? Repeat the same mistakes.

According to Taoist Canmeng, the formation of Bengjia was because the previous person used "The Record of the Food Realm" to assimilate the world. As a result, the world had been polluted by turbidity, which ultimately led to failure.

Now there is actually turbid air here, and it has even been touched by the monks here.

This world actually deviates from what Taoist Canmeng said.

At this moment, Cheng Huang had blood-colored red lines all over his body. These red lines seemed to be deeply imprinted on his flesh and blood, with streaks of crimson flowing through them, making his aura become strangely powerful. .

At this moment, his eyes were filled with strange madness and confidence, and they were full of poplars.

"A little evil devil, trying to get his hands on the Mountains and Rivers Order, seeking death."

"Why do you have turbid energy?"

Yang Yu asked, even if this guy has the turbid energy, strange changes have taken place now and he has become stronger.

But the turbid energy was not invincible. He did not put this guy in his eyes. He had to figure out the source of the turbid energy.

"What turbid air? You evil spirits are really frogs in the well. This is the elixir given by Emei Immortal Mansion. It can give me the power of immortality. Weren't you very powerful just now? Now I will let you see my strength. See if you can still Can you catch it?"

Cheng Huang's reason has clearly gone crazy, and what Yang Yu did just now has made him full of murderous intent.

After mocking Yang Yu, the city god stopped talking. He shook his hands, and the countless blood lines in his hands immediately condensed into two red sword blades. With a movement of his body, he raised a red mist and rushed towards Yang Yu in an instant.

His figure rushed in front of Yang Yu in the blink of an eye, raised his hand and slashed him with his sword.

This sword was easily dodged by Yang Yu, but a flash of blood flashed, and a sword mark tens of meters long appeared immediately where Yang Yu had been standing, creating a crack in the street.

There was another horizontal slash with the sword, but Yang Yu dodged it again, but a house on the street was directly divided into two and cut in half. Countless red lines were drilled directly from the incision, corroding the collapsed house.

"You know how to hide now? Weren't you very impressive just now? Don't hide if you dare. Let me see your strength again."

The City God grinned, and while slashing out his sword again, he continued to taunt Yang Yu.

Offensive and defensive changes, the elixir given by Emei Mansion is his trump card. He would not use it if he had not encountered such a difficult demon. But since he has used it, he naturally has to enjoy it while he becomes stronger now, even if There will be side effects after the effect of the elixir ends, but as long as these evil spirits can be killed, it will be worth it.

But to the City God's surprise, when he finished speaking and struck with another sword, Yang Gu, who had dodged his two swords in succession, stood still at this moment and did not dodge the sword that was about to fall on him. The third sword.

Are you so easily provoked?

The City God was overjoyed, and all his strength exploded from this sword.

Not hiding, right? Then die!

Yang Yu did not dodge, and the sword finally landed firmly on Yang Yu's body, hitting his left shoulder and neck.

A huge counter-shock force suddenly caused the Cheng Huang's expression to change, and even the hand wielding the sword suddenly went numb. The sword seemed to be cutting on steel, and even some sparks appeared.

The sword energy fell on Yang Yu through the blade, but when the city god put away his sword, his eyes froze.

On Eucalyptus poplar's neck, there was only a shallow trace of blood left, and the flesh of Eucalyptus poplar was just cut open.

This was a sword strike with all his strength, but it could only leave such a slight injury on Yang Yu's body.

For a moment, Cheng Huang suddenly felt at a loss.

Could it be that the elixir given by Emei Mansion was fake?

He didn't even suspect that it was Yang Yu's strength, but he struck out again with disbelief.

On this sword, a large number of blood lines from the City God's body were gathered into the blade, making the blade look like it had been tempered for thousands of times, and even faintly emitted a bloody red light.

Yang Yu still refused to dodge and allowed the sword to hit the same place.

If the first sword only caused slight flesh injuries to Yang Yu, it would be unbelievable to the City God.

So when the second sword struck the same place, the blood line crazily destroyed and corroded Yang Yu's body, and in the end only expanded the wound to an inch deep. Now the city god was really at a loss.

But when the city god retracted his sword, what happened next made his expression completely dull and suspicious.

Yang Yu's face was covered with a mask, and no one could see the sneer beneath his mask.

Not to mention two swords, not even a hundred swords and a thousand swords can even attempt to cut off his body.

Although this guy has the blessing of turbid energy and physical changes, his cultivation level is only the level of Jindan for the first time, which is probably the level of fushi. How can he fight against his Taoism?

Looking at the superficial wounds on his body, Yang Yu couldn't help but shook his head. The magic power in his body flowed and the wounds healed instantly.


"Do you think you are the only one with immortality?"

Yang Gu's voice came from under the mask and reached Cheng Huang's ears like a bolt from the blue.

He never expected that the other party's physical body was just hard, but he also had an immortal body.

"Do you also have the elixir given by the Immortal Mansion?"

Cheng Huang asked in an incredulous tone, feeling as if he had been stabbed in the back.

But Yang Gu snorted coldly.

This is turbid air, where is the elixir?

It seems that there is no need to ask more. The turbid air in this guy's hand comes from the so-called elixir given by Emei Mansion, which means that even the immortal place like Emei Mansion has been exposed to the turbid air.

These monks on Earth have begun to be polluted by turbid air.

When he knew that the other party was just a city god who protected a living being and was one of his own, Yang Yu didn't want to kill him and wanted to get the Mountain and River Order in a peaceful way.

But now, this guy has been contaminated with turbidity, so he can't stay.

He will never let the earth turn into a dirty and dirty world like the original world.

After seeing Yang Yu's strength and learning that Yang Yu also had immortality, the city god instantly lost his will to fight, turned around and ran away regardless.

This matter must be reported to the Emei Mansion. These evil spirits actually have the power that can only be obtained by swallowing the elixir. If there are other immortal mansions as support behind them, then this matter will not be simple.

But just as the City God was escaping, a figure appeared in front of him instantly.

Yang Yu's physical speed alone is enough to compare with teleportation. How could he let this guy escape?

In panic, Cheng Huang struck down again with his sword.

Yang Yu still didn't dodge, but he stretched out his hand, grabbed the sword blade in Cheng Huang's hand, and exerted a little force.

Under the shocked eyes of the City God, there was a cracking sound in his hand, and the blade of the sword was actually broken by Yang Yu with his bare hands.

Before he could react, just like before, a hand instantly grabbed his throat and knocked him to the ground.


A big hole was made on the ground, and the figure of the City God was trampled under the feet of Yang Gu, unable to move.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Cheng Huang panicked and began to struggle hard, but he couldn't move no matter what, it was like a huge mountain was pressing down on his body.

"You can't kill me, and I am immortal, so why don't you let me go, I can guarantee that your matter will not be reported to the Emei Mansion.

If you want the Mountain and River Order, I can give it to you. I can give you whatever you want. Don’t you evil demons like to use living people to practice your martial arts? There is a small village under my jurisdiction that no one cares about, and those villagers can be given to you. "

His face was distorted, he made a difficult sound in his mouth, and began to negotiate with Yang Yu.

The effectiveness of the elixir has a time limit, and once the time limit passes, the immortal body will also lose its effectiveness, so he must take advantage of the moment to explain the stakes to Yang Yu.

Give Yang Eucalyptus whatever he wants. As long as he can keep the green hills without fear of running out of firewood, and as long as he can survive, it is not up to him to have the final say on what happens afterwards.

But facing Cheng Huang's negotiation, Yang Eucalyptus sneered.

"A guy like you can actually be a city god and dare to make a deal with a living person and a demon. But you made a wrong calculation. I'm not a demon, and I can't let you live."

After hearing Yang Yu's words, the City God became more and more panicked.

"If you can't kill me, we are all immortal. If you capture me, the Emei Mansion will definitely send an envoy. If the Emei Mansion takes action, you will definitely be unable to fly. Why don't you agree to my conditions, and we..."


Before he finished listening to the words of the City God, Yang Yu was too lazy to listen any more. He stepped on the City God's feet and pressed down. In an instant, the City God's words were interrupted. He seemed to feel something, with a look of fear on his face, and his body It actually began to radiate golden light from the inside out!

These rays of light penetrated his body and melted his flesh and blood at an unimaginable speed. Even though the effectiveness of the elixir was still there, it could not exert its immortality ability at all.

In just the blink of an eye, Cheng Huang's body instantly disintegrated and exploded.

As soon as the sky fell under Yang Gu's feet, the golden light faded away, and a mass of white mist with some light red dissipated.

This is the aura transformed by the disintegration of Cheng Huang after his death, but it is different from the aura he absorbed before.

An information box popped up in front of Yang Yu's eyes.

"[The Spirit of Turbidity]: This thing is a mixture of pure spiritual energy and a trace of turbid energy. It has the power of spiritual energy and is blessed by turbid energy. It nourishes all things and makes them immortal but it makes the body dirty. It will also damage the fundamental magic. Douji.

Cost of use: If you are polluted by turbid air, your Taoist body will change, and your magic will become filthy, you will have to bear the corresponding price.

Status: Can be purified! ""

Yang Gu was right, this is turbid air.

Pure spiritual energy and the cultivation objects of this world have no price for use and do not require purification.

This incident made Yang Yu feel complicated at the moment.

The hometown in his eyes was still that hometown, but in the darkness, the world had been penetrated by filth without even realizing it.

Now he was finally sure why Tiandao allowed Panyu to swallow the Shanhe Order without intervening.

Tiandao knows everything, and Panyu's arrival is not only a crisis for Tiandao, but also a turning point.

Those who are in charge of the mountains and rivers order but have been polluted by the turbidity need to be purged. These turbid vapors that have penetrated into the earth are the source, and they need to be purged.

Even a small city god can possess the so-called elixir containing turbid energy, so the fairy mansion that gave the elixir may already be riddled with holes.

When you see a cockroach, the house is probably filled with countless cockroaches.

Yang Gu did not hesitate and quickly chose purification.

In this contaminated aura, the trace of blood was visibly removed from the aura, but after being separated from the aura, it did not know where it went. Soon the turbidity disappeared, and the aura returned to its pure white color. , not stained by dust.

In the original world full of turbidity, when purifying an item, it is difficult for Yang Yu to carefully feel the purification process, and it is not important to him.

But now, when there was only a trace of turbidity and it became obvious and full of contrast, he finally saw how his special ability could complete the purification.

From the moment he knew that his special abilities might have been given by heaven on Earth, everything made sense.

The destination of the turbid air is unknown, but the ability to purify it must be related to the way of heaven.

Yang Yu still followed the same method, reaching into the aura, and after completely absorbing the aura, he took out the Mountain and River Order. The speed of his absorption of the aura was getting faster and faster.

Unexpectedly, the Order of Mountains and Rivers was not polluted in any way. Perhaps the City God had not been exposed to the turbid air for a long time, or perhaps the turbid air had not penetrated too deeply into the earth. Or perhaps there were other possibilities.

But no matter what, this is good news for Eucalyptus poplar, which means that the turbid air has not yet entered the true core of the earth, so there is still hope for the world to be saved.

In the eyes of Panyu and Panshi, they witnessed the whole process and remained silent, not knowing what to say.

Yang Yu had already said that the disappearance of aura and turbidity was a normal phenomenon after taking away the Shanhe Ling, but when Yang Yu handed over the Shanhe Ling, Pan Yu looked worried.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, turbid air has appeared here. I suspect that Master's judgment has been wrong. If you continue to devour it, I'm afraid the final result will be failure."

"Fellow Pan Dao, just do as you are told. We cannot disobey this matter anyway. No matter what the outcome is, it is not our decision.

Moreover, it may not necessarily fail..."

There was something in Yang Yu's words, but Panyu and Panshi probably couldn't understand what he meant.

Although he didn't understand Taoist Canmeng and Master Roushu, he did understand the old guy Minghe.

The old guy won't do anything he's not sure about. No matter what he does, it's full of calculations. If he knew he would fail, how could he cooperate with Can Meng and Roushu.

Moreover, what Taoist Canmeng said may not be true, or maybe it was all true but not all was revealed to them. Anyway, he couldn't believe any of those guys.

Here we have to talk about why the old guy Minghe sent him here. I'm afraid it's not just to help Panyu speed up the progress, but maybe there are other plans, maybe it's related to the turbid air here.

You know, what kind of abilities he has, except for the most basic trump card, the old guy knows everything.

With Yang Yu's relief, Pan Yu still took over the Shanhe Order. Yang Yu was right, they could only follow it, and no matter what the outcome was, it was not up to them.

"I have a heartfelt request. Do you have any extra efforts, fellow Taoist Panyu? Can you give me a drop?"

Yang Yu thought of something and then said.


Pan Yu nodded, and did not ask Yang Yu what the use of his heart blood was or who it would be used for. He immediately pointed to his chest and quickly extracted a drop of his heart blood from his body.

Yang Yu took over the hard work, with a happy face on his face, and immediately took out the moon talisman hanging around his neck from his clothes.

There are two things on his body that have become like dead objects due to their limitations. One is the mask transformed by the old monster, and the other is Gong Niang.

Of course, this drop of hard work is not for the old monster. Yang Gu wants it to die, so how can it wake up to consciousness.

This is for Gong Niang. It’s time to lift Gong Niang’s restrictions.

Although the City God was killed by him just now, his soul may still be there. Gong Niang has the ability to swallow souls and read memory fragments. There must be information about the major immortal mansions in the City God's memory, which can make him more aware of these practitioners on the earth. learn.

Soon, under the control of Yang Yu, the bright red blood was integrated into the miniature longbow in the moon talisman.

Under Yang Yu's expectant gaze, Gong Niang's consciousness quickly woke up, and a startling sound also reached Yang Yu's ears.

"Huh? Little Bi Zai, where are you?" (End of Chapter)

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