Under Yang Yu's decision, the group of three people left the room again, this time going to the Jinjiang section that had just been controlled by Pan Yu.

After exiting the old residential building community, the road behind the building is Jinjiang Road.

Originally this place may have been illusory, but now it has become reality.

Yang Yu didn't feel any big difference. There were pedestrians on the street, but he still turned a blind eye to their existence.

The only difference is that here they can use the power within their bodies.

However, due to the lack of spiritual turbidity here, mana cannot be restored. Once too much is consumed, there is no other way to make up for it. If possible, try not to use it.

With the protection of Eucalyptus poplar, Panyu felt confident and bold, and there was a Panshi beside him who was always on guard.

The three of them kept walking along the road, planning to reach the end of the road. Maybe a new incarnation would come soon.

As expected, the new incarnation arrived quickly and attacked Panyu without saying a word.

But with Yang Eucalyptus at the side, with the perception turned on, and the appearance of the avatar, Panyu already had an advance warning. Before he could get close to Panyu, he was instantly wiped out by Yang Eucalyptus, leaving only a ball of aura. .

In front of Pan Yu and the other two people, Yang Yu directly reached out and inserted his hand into the spiritual yun, absorbing the spiritual yun while looking for the mountain and river order that might exist in the spiritual yun.

When the Order of Mountains and Rivers was taken out, the spiritual charm also happened to dissipate.

It gives the impression that once the Mountain and River Token is taken out, the white mist will dissipate on its own.

The newly obtained mountain and river order came from a nearby community, and the area was not very large.

This method of constantly obtaining new mountains and rivers to control more territory seems to have a sense of deja vu as playing a game against a lord and occupying territory.

But not all the incarnations that were attracted had the presence of the Shanhe Order.

Half a day passed quickly. During this period, a total of six incarnations were attracted, but two of them did not possess the Mountain and River Order.

After devouring all the mountains and rivers he had obtained, Panyu's control became even larger.

From the room at the beginning to several nearby road sections and two communities, they have more places to move around.

When night came, the three of them still had no intention of returning to the room. Instead, they sat down on tables and chairs next to a street and waited for work.

Until late at night, as the number of pedestrians on the street gradually decreased to the point where no one could be seen anymore, a breath suddenly and quickly appeared in Yang Yu's range of perception, and Pan Yu also became alert.

A new incarnation is coming!

At the end of the street, a figure fell from the sky, slowed down and walked slowly a few hundred meters away from the three of them.

Under the reflection of the street lamp, a very young man wearing a long gown appeared.

This was the first time that the three of them saw the appearance of a real human being, not an avatar condensed by white mist.

When the man appeared, he immediately focused on Panyu among the three.

He came with his hands behind his back and a sharp look in his eyes.

"I am the City God of Ya'an. I have received orders from the Emei Mansion and am here to slay evil spirits. You will be surrendered as soon as possible."

A floating but somewhat majestic word came to the ears of the three people.

Panyu and Panshi both had surprised looks on their faces.

Not only was it the first time I saw the incarnation of a human being, I was even able to communicate with him.

But when these words fell in Yang Yu's ears, what appeared in his heart was not only surprise, but also an inexplicable emotion.

In this sentence, there were many familiar words to him, which had subverted his previous understanding of the world.

Growing up, immortals and gods were just legends. Even though there were many temples and Taoist temples, few people took them as real existences. At most, they were just beliefs in their hearts.

The other party is the city god of this city, a very old term, but it shows the other party's identity.

Emei is known to everyone, which shows that in the entire province, Emei may be the largest place, or even a sect-like existence.

This means that there are practitioners on earth, and this is the case for the people in front of you.

The other party calls them demons. Regardless of whether they know their true identities or not, it means that the two parties are hostile.

The order to kill evil spirits was passed down from the Emei Mansion. Perhaps all this is the arrangement of heaven.

Being able to communicate is the best news for Yang Yu. He can take this opportunity to get more information he wants to know, but only if he defeats this guy.

As the City God of Ya'an, this person is obviously different from the previous incarnations and must be stronger.

When the other party approached, Panyu and Panshi were full of vigilance and slowly backed away.

If they don't cause trouble, they are the greatest help to Eucalyptus poplar.

"Do you know who we are, fellow Taoist?"

Yang Yu faced the city god and asked first.

"It doesn't matter who you are, what's important is that you are demons, and your demonic aura is overwhelming. Since you dare to appear here, you must be prepared to be surrendered and killed by me.

It has been many years since evil heretics appeared in this world. Most of them are resentful souls. It would be fine if you came here to hide, but you killed many of my subordinates and imprisoned their souls. Prepare to die. "

Before he finished speaking, something flew out of the hand of the visitor, City God. It was a jade slip that was entirely jade in color.

This object is very familiar to Yang Gu and others. It is the same as the Shanhe Order that Panyu swallowed before, but the color is different.

As soon as the Mountain and River Order was issued, the City God touched his hand, and a rumbling sound like a drum suddenly came from all around.

As if the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking, huge boulders rose up from the ground, forming a stone man several feet tall, which surrounded Yang Yu and the others in the blink of an eye.

This huge momentum couldn't help but make Yang Yu take a few more glances. It seemed to be some kind of magic technique activated with the help of the Mountain and River Order.

"Back off."

Yang Yu reminded Panyu and the others, and in the blink of an eye, white feathers flew out from behind him and shot at one of the stone giants first.

In an instant, countless white feathers fell on the stone giant, making a tinkling sound and sparks flying everywhere.

This stone giant is very hard, but in comparison, Yang Gu's spinal cord feathers are even sharper. In the blink of an eye, it shattered the stone giant into countless rubbles.

But at this moment, the other stone giants all rushed towards them, and the ground shook violently every time they stepped down.

Yang Eucalyptus did not use magic. Facing these stone giants, it was not enough for him to consume mana and aura.

Facing the many stone giants that were attacking, Yang Yu's figure turned into an afterimage. With the strength of his body, the speed of movement alone made it difficult to see clearly.

One punch directly smashed a stone giant into pieces, and Bai Yu behind him also shot at another stone giant.

Countless rubbles continued to fall from the sky and hit the ground.

In the blink of an eye, the surrounding area was filled with rubble, like a hill.

When Yang Yu's figure landed firmly on the ground, the last stone giant collapsed and fell into pieces among the rocks.

The rubble quickly disappeared, returning to where it came from.

Although these stone giants look very strong and there are a lot of them, for Yang Yu, their strength will not exceed the same level as Yuan Ji at most. Even if Panyu comes by himself, they can easily solve it, which is naturally nothing to him. Difficulty.

Seeing Yang Eucalyptus deal with these stone giants so easily, the City God's expression was not good-looking. The evil demon's power was beyond his expectation.

The City God immediately counted his fingers one after another, turning into an afterimage and pointing at the Shanhe Order.

An invisible wave suddenly spread out from the Mountain and River Order, strong winds suddenly began to blow around, and the temperature of the air suddenly became colder.

White mist emerged from Cheng Huang's body and merged into the Mountain and River Order, quickly condensing into a human form in front of him.

It was a majestic giant wearing armor and holding a spear.

Above the spear, the cold light was like a star, arriving in an instant and heading towards Yang Eucalyptus.

Countless white feathers stood in front of Yang Yu, converging into one point to block the incoming spear.

This thing is so powerful that it even makes the blood vessels connected to Bai Yu appear a slight arc, but it is nothing more than that for Eucalyptus poplar.

Under Yang Yu's control, Bai Yu suddenly exerted force and shattered the spear in an instant.

And his figure suddenly disappeared on the spot. When he reappeared, he was already in front of the giant. He punched out with a clean punch, landing directly on the giant's chest.

A confident smile appeared on the face of the City God. The giant condensed by the Mountain and River Order was his natal armor, and the armor attached to its body was an extremely hard magical weapon. Even those who were a little higher than him could It is also very difficult to break this magic weapon.

This evil spirit is so arrogant! Then I’ll kill you first!

The City God immediately controlled the armored soldiers, preparing to capture Yang Gu first, but the giant's two thick arms were already heading towards Yang Gu.

But at this moment, with a loud noise, Yang Yu's fist fell on the giant's chest armor.

In an instant, cracks spread like spider webs on the giant's armor, and the giant's figure suddenly retreated, as if it had been hit by a heavy hammer.


The armor shattered into countless fragments and fell from the giant's body. At the same time, a huge depression appeared on the giant's chest, and countless cracks began to spread across the giant's body.

Under the shocked gaze of the City God, the tall armored soldier not only had his armor shattered, but also fell to the ground in the blink of an eye, disintegrating into countless white mist with a loud explosion.

With just one punch, his natal armor was broken, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out from the City God's mouth. Even the Mountain and River Order in front of him suddenly dimmed a lot.

But at this moment, Yang Yu appeared in front of him and grabbed his throat. At the same time, countless white feathers surrounded the City God from all directions. As long as he thought of it, he would immediately become a sieve. .

Wearing a strange mask, Yang Yu's cold voice came from under the mask.

"I ask, you answer."

There was still a hint of disbelief in Cheng Huang's eyes, but at this moment he was stopped by Yang Yu. A trace of resistance flashed in his eyes, but he finally nodded.

"Are you a cultivator?"

This is Yang Yu's first question. He really wants to know whether there are immortal cultivators in this world.

The city god nodded.


"How did you come into contact with the path of cultivating immortals?"

"I was originally a person who died a long time ago. After my death, I was detained by the Emei Mansion. After passing various assessments, I was promoted to be the City God of this place."

"Then how do you practice on a daily basis?"

"I was taught by the Emei Mansion to teach me a set of breath-taking methods. I can deal with the resentful spirits and monsters that appear in the city on weekdays. I can practice the breath-taking method in order to achieve longevity and transcendence."

Yang Yu nodded and continued to ask:

"What is Emei Mansion? Is it a sect?"

"Emei Mansion is the immortal mansion of this province. It governs all things within the territory that mortals cannot touch and protects all living beings."

"Besides Emei Mansion, are there other mansions?"

"Yes, Emei Mansion is just one of many immortal mansions. There are Yulong Mansion and Fanjing Mansion in the nearby south, and in the distance there is the Kunlun Mansion, which I have heard is the largest. Each province has an immortal mansion under its jurisdiction. We, the city gods, are all under the jurisdiction of the immortal mansion. make."

I see!

Yang Yu knew it in his heart, no wonder it was named after Emei. I am afraid that Emei holds a larger mountain and river order in his hands, so it is named after the famous mountain.

"What level of cultivation are you at now?"

Yang Yu then asked, this city god is not very strong, otherwise he would not be caught so easily.

"I'm ashamed to say that although I am a city god, my exposure to this Tao is still relatively shallow. Now I am just entering the golden elixir for the first time."

Hearing the word golden elixir, Yang Yu quickly understood what the general practice system of these monks was.

Although I had only heard legends in my previous life and had never seen it before, this system of practice is true.

"If I take this thing away, will you die?"

Yang Yu asked the last question and looked at the Mountain and River Order in the City God's hand.

Panyu needed the Mountain and River Order, but he didn't want to kill the city god.

After all, this city god is one of our own, a cultivator under the jurisdiction of heaven, and protects the existence of a living being.

If he died, there would probably be turmoil in this place, which would most likely affect ordinary people.

There is also the Emei Mansion behind the City God, and there may be more powerful monks.

Although the City God received orders from the Emei Mansion, the Emei Mansion had already known of their existence, and the two sides were in a hostile relationship from the beginning.

But only Yang Yu knew that they were not hostile. It would be best if they could avoid killing people and obtain the Mountain and River Order in the most peaceful way.

If this was in the original world and he caught such a guy, Yang Yu would have stopped talking nonsense and beat him to pieces with one punch.

After hearing Yang Yu's question, Cheng Huang fell into silence at this time, holding the mountain and river order tightly in his hand, seeming to be making some kind of choice.

"If you don't know how to..."

Seeing his silence, Yang Yu originally wanted to say that if he would not die, then he would give the Mountain and River Order to him, and he would not take action against him and would let him go.

But before he finished speaking, the City God who was restrained by him suddenly raised his head, his eyes were suddenly bloodshot, and his face showed a crazy look.

"Death to the devil!"

A force suddenly burst out from Cheng Huang's body, and he forcibly broke away from Yang Yu's control.

A piece of flesh and blood was ripped off from his throat because he struggled to free himself, but the City God didn't care.

Slender tentacles emerged from the blood hole, instantly rolling up the Mountain and River Token in his hand and retracting it into his body, and the original injuries quickly recovered in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, a large amount of red mist came out of the City God's pores like blood mist, forming blood lines on his body, and a ferocious horn also grew from the top of his head.

The City God, who originally looked like an ordinary person, suddenly had strange changes in his appearance and body shape.

"This is……"

The flesh and blood of the City God in Yang Yu's hands quickly withered and rotted, but when he saw the appearance of the City God, his heart was shocked.

"Immortality! And...turbidity?" (End of this chapter)

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