There is no pond in Jinbo Pond, and there is no water. It is just an ordinary palace dojo, located behind the edge of the floating island, slightly away from the battlefields of Jinlu Pavilion and Dade Temple.

Yang Yu didn't ask anyone to escort him, so he entered the palace consciously and closed the door tightly.

Ming He came forward and the matter passed naturally.

As the supreme elder of Jinlu Pavilion, he said that no one in Jinlu Pavilion dared to disobey. Everyone returned to their respective positions and performed their duties. Yang Yu was also happy and at ease.

At least this place is better than Qingzhu Peak. No one from Dade Temple will come to attack at any time. It's a pity that three days is really short.

The Sanshiliu didn't send anyone to guard this place. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Minghe is partial to Yang Gu. It would be unwise to send people to monitor Yang Gu again like a prisoner.

Yang Yu didn't waste any time. After entering Jinbo Pond, he used magic to lay a layer of restrictions around it to prevent others from prying, and then continued to study the magic.

Before the arrival of the plague, he had been trying to learn the Flash Gu technique - Tide Fire - which he obtained from the monks at Qian Gu Mountain.

Judging from the name of this spell, I'm afraid no one would have thought that it was actually a light spell, and no one would have thought that the people in Qian Gu Mountain could use the sudden death of a large number of Gu insects to cast light spells. Protect yourself from backlash damage from light spells.

However, this Gu technique has only one chance to be released for Qiangu Mountain monks who have practiced the Weeping Blood Worm. Once a large number of Weeping Blood Insects die violently and fail to capture the enemy, the consequences they will suffer will be very serious.

But even if it is a chance to release, if used just right, the effect will be very powerful.

But this is not what Yang Yu cares about. The goal he wants to study is not why Qian Gu Mountain can use Gu insects to bear the price. What he wants is to use this technique to find a new light that is different from the three spiritual lights.

This road will be difficult, but Yang Yu has no choice. This is the goal that he feels is most likely to achieve a breakthrough.

According to the principles of the Gu technique of Fixed Tide Fire, the prerequisite for releasing this Gu technique is to practice the "Weeping Blood Gu" technique and possess the Weeping Blood Insect.

The practice of Qian Gu Mountain is different from that of other monks. The mana in their bodies is not supplied to their own bodies and souls, but to supply a large amount of mana to the Gu worms in their bodies.

On the other hand, Gu insects are the source of power for them to perform any Gu magic, which is equivalent to converting mana again.

This led to a problem. Yang Gu did not practice voodoo skills and did not have voodoo insects in his body. He lacked the necessary conditions to learn this voodoo technique.

Is there any way to replace the Gu insects with my own body?

Yang Yu thought about it, the Gu worms are actually part of the physical body of the monks in Qian Gu Mountain, but after activating the Tide Fire, the monks in Qian Gu Mountain will lose this part of the Gu worms, but it will not harm their own lives. This kind of The method is equivalent to converting the Gu skill into an ordinary skill.

If Yang Gu can use his body as a blood-weeping worm to practice this Gu technique, it means that he does not have to bear the price, and his body will not suffer backlash from releasing this technique.

Try it!

Yang Yu immediately decided to try it, and then took a piece of meat from his arm...

Time passed minute by minute, and the night passed quietly. Bright skylight soon penetrated the window, and small dust particles swam in the light.

From time to time, there was a rapid sound of wind outside Jinbo Pond, as if someone was passing by constantly.

But the noise outside could not disturb Yang Yu. At this moment, he was in trouble.

In the hall, Yang Yu raised his hand and looked at the soybean-sized fleshy bumps protruding from his arms. These fleshy bumps were like mushrooms growing out of his arms, densely packed one after another.

These fleshy bumps are the product of Eucalyptus poplar imitating the bloodworm and using the flesh and blood in its own body.

Soon, the color of the fleshy lump changed rapidly, from light red to dark red, as if it was congested.


One after another, the fleshy lumps exploded in an instant, and a thick blood mist suddenly exploded in front of Yang Yu. The blood mist spread in all directions, but quickly became thinner.

Looking at the holes left after the flesh bumps exploded on his arms, these holes quickly healed in the blink of an eye, Yang Yu shook his head.

He had used his own body to simulate the Weeping Bloodworm, but in the end he was still unable to release the Tide Fire and could only explode into a blood mist with little power.

Which step is wrong?

Yang Yu couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

After a while, a figure suddenly flew quickly outside Jinbotan's hall.

"Elder Mu, the Pavilion Master has decided to grant you amnesty. Now Dade Temple has begun to counterattack. The Pavilion Master hopes that Elder Mu can join the war and deal with Dade Temple together."

The voice of a strange monk came from outside the hall.

Hearing the sound outside the hall, Yang Yu raised his head, with a trace of ridicule on his face.

It had only been less than a day, but he was thinking of pardoning him so quickly.

"Leave me alone and get out!"


There was silence outside the hall. Yang Yu felt the guy's slightly rapid breathing, ignored it and continued his research.

Soon, the monks outside the hall could only leave in anger.

"Logically speaking, according to Gong Niang's dictation, as long as these monks from Qiangu Mountain can control the Weeping Blood Worm, they can make the Weeping Blood Worm activate Gu. This is no different from ordinary monks casting spells, just like manipulating the Blood Weeping Worm. Same mana.

Shouldn't I only simulate the Bloodweeping Worm, but also simulate the process of the Bloodweeping Worm devouring mana and converting it into mana? "

Yang Gu quickly thought of another possibility and immediately started trying it without stopping.

On the second day, outside the palace, it was even noisier than yesterday. You could hear the noise in the distance, including the movement of many people passing by.

Nowadays, the situation at Jinlu Pavilion and Dade Temple seems to be really bad. Many people have left the floating island one after another.

On this day, someone also came outside Jinbotan Palace and brought the same words as yesterday.

"The Pavilion Master pardons Elder Mu. The enemy of Dade Temple is attacking. The Pavilion Master hopes that Elder Mu can ignore the past grudges and support our Jinlu Pavilion front."

The visitor said with some sincerity that he was not the same person as yesterday's visitor. I heard that Elder Mu violently killed the former internal affairs elder Wen Zhao. He had strong combat power and was endorsed by the Supreme Elder. He was not an easy person to get along with.

If it weren't for the pavilion master's order, no one would ask for trouble and come to Jinbo Pond to deliver the news.

But after waiting for a long time, no reply came from Jinbotan Palace. It was quiet inside, as if it was just an empty palace.

After waiting for a long time and receiving no response, the monk who delivered the order had no choice but to leave here and go back to resume his life.

In the evening, when the sky was getting dark, a strange blood-red light suddenly flashed in the Jinbotan Palace.

But the light only flickered for a moment, and then a large amount of blood mist exploded, turning into blood arrows and piercing the walls of the hall. The walls were suddenly covered with holes.


In the hall, the smile that just appeared on Yang Yu's face disappeared in an instant and turned into a curse.

He almost thought he had succeeded, but he saw that the light did not have any power, it was just an ordinary light, and then it condensed into countless blood arrows. Although the power was not small, this was not what Yang Yu wanted.

Failed again.

Yang Yu sighed lightly, but he was not discouraged and still wanted to think of other ways.

Magic is dead, people are alive, magic is also created by people, and they can always think of a way.

But at this moment, at an untimely moment, there was another breath coming from outside the hall quickly from a distance.

"Elder Mu, Dade Temple has counterattacked and repelled dozens of our fronts. A large number of monks from Qiangu Mountain participated in it. The monks like us are exhausted. The master of the pavilion hopes that you can participate in the battle and promises to provide you with assistance afterwards. compensate."

This was the monk who came during the day. After conveying the order from the pavilion master, the monk who conveyed the order quickly had the idea of ​​leaving.

Most likely, there will be no response like in the daytime. He only needs to bring the order from the Pavilion Master, but be sure not to offend the guy in the palace.

But what he didn't expect was that just as he finished speaking and was about to leave, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him like a ghost.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Yang Eucalyptus, the monk who sent the order felt that his heart had stopped beating at this moment. He was so close and felt a suffocation-like feeling just by feeling the breath.

"You said that a large number of monks from Qiangu Mountain were involved?"

Yang Yu uncharacteristically asked with narrowed eyes.

"Yes Yes!"

The monk who ordered the order stammered in reply. His heart was already in his throat at this moment. The poplar gum in front of him was like a terrifying beast. Although he did not show any evil intentions, the monk who sent the order still had it in his mind. Can't help but think about it.

"Just in time!"

A smile appeared on Yang Yu's face, a ray of light flashed, and the figure instantly disappeared on the spot.

"He...he won't come out?"

It wasn't until Yang Yu left for a long time that the monk who delivered the order came back to his senses and hurried back to resume his life.

"If you ask me, he will come out in three days. We don't necessarily ask him to take action. We just hope that someone can share some of the pressure.

Even if the monks from Qiangu Mountain unite with Dade Temple, what should I, Jinlu Pavilion, have to fear? "

In the central hall of the floating island, in addition to the Pavilion Master Thirty-Liu, there are also many internal affairs elders of the sect gathered.

Thirty-year-old people went to invite Yang Yu again, but they didn't get a response twice in a row, which made many people feel dissatisfied.

It is true that Yang Gu can kill the plague, and his combat power is strong, but it doesn't have to be him.

It's just that the monks from Qiangu Mountain arrived too suddenly, and a large number of monks participated in the battle, causing Jinlu Pavilion to be overwhelmed.

As long as two days pass, Jinlu Pavilion will definitely be able to fight back. There is really no need to summon Yang Yu one after another.

Sanshiliu sat quietly on the main seat and said nothing. He didn't think so, but the reason why he sent people to find Yang Yu one after another was not only because of the current situation, but also more importantly. Yes, he wants to show his kindness to Yang Yu.

Letting Yang Yu participate in the war was just a reason. His real purpose was to get Yang Yu out of it as soon as possible. Although Yang Yu was not being punished, he needed to show his good intentions.

From his perspective, it was something he had never seen before for the Supreme Elder to be so partial to one person.

Except for him, the entire Jinlu Pavilion monks don't know one thing, that is, Jinlu Pavilion was founded by the Supreme Elder. He is not just as simple as the previous pavilion master, but the real helmsman of Jinlu Pavilion. .

Sansiliu has been following Minghe from the beginning and thinks he is very familiar with Minghe. If the Supreme Elder and Yang Yu were just old acquaintances, he would have believed it before, but after the plague incident, he no longer believed it. .

But if there is a deeper relationship between the two, then he has to consider whether his position as the master of the pavilion is stable.

"Elder Qi is right. It's just a bunch of bald donkeys and a bunch of maggots. We don't need that guy. I'm afraid...I'm afraid I can't do it. We really need Elder Mu to step in. Hahahaha, I've met Elder Mu. "


An internal affairs elder was following the words of the previous person when he suddenly saw a familiar figure coming from the central hall. The words in his mouth changed direction in an instant. Everyone in the central hall suddenly fell into despair when they saw the coming person. into silence.

Yang Yu gently patted the guy's shoulder and smiled slightly, but he didn't pay much attention to them. Instead, he looked at the thirty-year-old who was in charge.

"Which front are the people from Qian Gu Mountain on?"

Everyone seemed very surprised by Yang Yu's sudden arrival, and the same was true for Sanshiliu. He had called this guy twice before but there was no response. He didn't expect him to come out at this time.

Could it be that this guy has a grudge against the people of Qian Gu Mountain?

"The entire territory to the southeast."

Sanshiliu said truthfully, there are now dozens of fronts in the southeast, and a large number of monks from Qiangu Mountain are participating.


Yang Yu nodded slightly, and a dazzling light flashed in the central hall. Yang Yu's figure disappeared in an instant, coming and going like the wind.

"Why are you looking at me? Did I say something wrong? Try it instead of you?"

The house elder, who had just performed a face change, responded angrily to everyone's looks at him, said angrily, and soon returned to his former majesty.

"Let's go and take a look. We cannot let Elder Mu take the lead alone. You are always on standby, ready to support Elder Mu."

Sansanliu suddenly stood up from the main seat and said to everyone present.

The monks who came to Qian Gu Mountain this time were not ordinary. There were many monks in the Qi Dao Realm, and countless monks in the Zombie God Realm.

It is precisely because of this that the battle arrangement of Jinlu Pavilion was suddenly disrupted, causing the pressure on Jinlu Pavilion to double.

Although Yang Eucalyptus can kill the pests in the Qi Dao realm and killed a Qi Dao Bodhisattva in Dade Temple when attacking Qingzhu Peak, it was a one-on-one situation after all. If he faced multiple Qi Dao at the same time, Tao, the dangers involved are self-evident.

If something happens to Yang Yu, it will be difficult for the Thirty-year-old Liu to explain to the Supreme Elder.

As the master of Jinlu Pavilion, he must sit on the floating island and not allow Dade Temple any chance to take advantage of it.

Otherwise, once Dade Temple crosses the floating island, it will be able to drive straight into the state territory under the jurisdiction of Jinlu Pavilion, and the sect of Jinlu Pavilion will also become in danger.

"What the Pavilion Master said is absolutely true. I'll go right away. I'll go right away."

A group of people left the central hall in a hurry and headed toward the southeast front, followed closely by Yang Yu.

After more than ten breaths, Yang Yu quickly rushed to the southeast front line. Even from a distance, he could hear the humming sound in the sky.

Under the dim skyline, there is still a faint hint of dark skylight, but more than ten miles away, small shadows in the sky are constantly flying in the air, with hundreds of millions of wings flapping, which can make the whole world appear. Produce vibration.

At the same time, there were also panicked voices from many monks. Facing these countless Gu insects, they fled in all directions. Throughout the southeast, the Jinlu Pavilion monks were retreating steadily at this moment. (End of chapter)

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