Yang Yu was confident. He didn't rush to kill the plague in anger. He knew what he was doing.

At this time, his fighting power is not afraid of the enemy. When faced with such an annoying clown, it would be better to kill him like a mosquito.

Secondly, Minghe asked him to accompany him to the battle, but Minghe's purpose was not that, but to collect the three spiritual lights and save the world together.

This shows that his importance is at least higher than the group of people in Jinlu Pavilion. At the same time, he is also testing. It seems that he is killing Wenxiang with force, but in fact he is testing Minghe's tolerance for him.

If Minghe turns a blind eye to this choice, then no matter what others in Jinlu Pavilion do, it will not affect him in the slightest.

What attitude Minghe has is very important.

But until now, there are no corpses left in the plague, and the life crane has not appeared. This is good news for Yang Yu, indicating that he can completely ignore this group of people.

"What did Elder Plague Sign do to you?"

After hearing Yang Yu's answer, Sansanliu asked.

Yang Yu once killed Wen Zhao's long-coveted disciple. He knew about this, but the fault was not with Yang Yu, but because of the provocation of others.

So Thirty Liu didn't ask why Wenzhao wanted to kill Yang Gu, but what Wenzhao had done.

The other people on the side were also confused, and they didn't know the ins and outs of it.

Only Zhuan Yu, who was standing in the crowd, was surprised that Yang Gu had killed the plague sign, and he also knew everything about it.

But a long time ago, Wen Zhao came to see him, and he already had a premonition that Wen Zhao wanted to take action against Yang Yu, but he still chose not to get involved in the matter. He and Yang Yu no longer had a master-disciple relationship. reasons to interfere in the matter.

Unexpectedly, that was the last time he and Wenzhao met, and Wenzhao would die in Yang Yu's hands.

Compared with the questions that Sanliu asked Yang Yu, he wanted to know what Yang Yu had done to have the strength to kill the plague in such a short period of time.

Wen Zhao and he are monks in the same realm, and their combat prowess is not much different. Even if he fights Wen Zhao, he is not sure that he can kill Wen Zhao.

"If I answer, you can also say that there is no proof, so instead of asking me about this matter, why not ask others?"

Yang Yu looked calm and said in a calm tone.

Thirty-year-old Liu was silent, then he raised his hand and several black illusory shadows flew out of his body and quickly moved towards the outside of the floating island, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

The entire sky above the central hall fell into an atmosphere of silence. Even the mosquitoes did not dare to whisper at this moment. Only the sound of the wind whistled.

Within ten breaths, the black shadow in the distance was swirling, like a strong wind, returning to the central hall. The black shadow retracted into Sanchiliu's body and threw one person out of it.

Yang Yu was familiar with this person. He was one of his subordinates and one of the people present at Qingzhu Peak at that time.

Arriving at the Floating Island in a blink of an eye, the visitor looked blank. When he saw almost all the big guys in Jinlu Pavilion gathered in the sky above the central hall, he was immediately trembling with fear.

Thirty-year-old didn't talk nonsense. He pointed his finger, and a black shadow immediately enveloped the man and swallowed him up.

Without him asking questions, the person wrapped in the shadow immediately told everything that had happened before.

No one could see the change in Thirty-Liu's face, but after listening to this man's story, the faces of everyone present were very strange. Only the old man Zhuan Yu didn't know what he was thinking.

After finishing speaking, the visitor was quickly waved away by Sanliu, and the black shadow swept him away.

Only then did everyone look at Yang Eucalyptus again.

If Yang Yu were to answer, there would be no proof, but now that Thirty Liu had specially invited people who were present at the time to ask questions, there would be no falsehood.

If letting Yang Gu and others attack Qingzhu Peak is already too much, then letting them continue to advance non-stop towards the Glazed Pagoda of Dade Temple would be too much.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Wenzhao wants Yang Yu and others to die.

Not only was it targeted at Yang Yu, but even the people on Yang Yu's front line were implicated, all because of Wen Zhao's selfish desires and became cannon fodder.

If Yang Yu hadn't successfully captured Qingzhu Peak and even killed a Taoist Bodhisattva in Dade Temple, I'm afraid this front would have suffered heavy losses.

But even so, in their eyes, the plague is not punishable by death.

As one of the internal affairs elders of Jinlu Pavilion, Wen Zhao has a high status that cannot be compared with other monks.

With the death of Wen Zhao, one's own combat power also suffered a heavy loss. The combat power of a Taoist priest should not be underestimated, and his impact on the situation was also great.

Obviously there is still room for redemption in this matter. As long as Yang Yu does not kill Wenxiang so quickly and the pavilion master makes peace with it, not only can Wenxiang be preserved, but Yang Yu can also be reassured by means of apology and compensation.

In this case, Wen Zhao is not dead, and he has also discovered Yang Yu, who is also a Taoist warrior, which is a great thing for Jinlu Pavilion.

But due to a strange combination of circumstances, it was irreversible.

"Now that the matter is clear, if the Pavilion Master has nothing else to do, I will go back first."

Yang Yu didn't want to waste time anymore, so he might as well go back to Qingzhu Peak and continue studying.


But just as he turned around to leave, he was stopped by Sanjiliu.

Yang Yu paused and sighed in his heart. It seemed that this matter was not going to be so easy after all.

Everyone looked at the Pavilion Master, Thirty-Liu, and probably guessed what the Pavilion Master would do.

"Although this matter is caused by the plague omen, you have committed the crime of killing the plague omen, which has caused the loss of our Jinlu Pavilion's combat power. As the master of the pavilion, this matter cannot be settled for the entire Jinlu Pavilion. It also needs to be done. Give the disciples an explanation."

Sure enough, just as everyone had guessed, Sansiliu had no intention of letting Yang Yu go so easily.

The elders of foreign affairs killed the elders of internal affairs, no matter whether it was at such an important time as wartime, this kind of precedent must not be set.

Although no one can do this like Yang Yu, this has never happened in the history of Jinlu Pavilion.

But once it happens, this hole must be completely blocked, so as to prevent the sect from being distracted.

No matter what, even if it's just a formality, you can't just let Yang Gu leave.

After hearing Sangliu's words, Yang Yu's face was expressionless, but there was a cold smile in his heart.

"Then what does the Pavilion Master plan to do with me?"

Facing everyone's gaze, the majestic voice of the Thirty-Liu slowly spread.

"According to the sect's laws, death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be forgiven. You will be sentenced to ten days of capital punishment!"

The so-called capital punishment is generally useless for monks, because after a monk possesses immortality, his damaged body will continue to recover. No matter what kind of punishment he receives, it will not have any impact on the monk.

However, the capital punishment mentioned by Sansiliu is implemented in Jinlu Pavilion's unique way, which will suppress the cultivation and magic power of the person being punished, so that the person being punished can bear a punishment that is more painful than the price.

Generally speaking, if a person in a sect commits a serious crime is punished with capital punishment, it will be at least several months in prison.

But firstly, this matter was a sign that something was wrong, and secondly, Yang Gu was an old acquaintance of the Supreme Elder.

Ten days is the maximum leniency that the Thirty-Ryu can grant, and in the eyes of everyone, it is already a very light punishment.

capital punishment?

Yang Yu suddenly let out a cold snort.

If he died in the hands of Wen Zhao in the end, or was killed because of Wen Zhao's deliberate targeting, would Wen Zhao only have to suffer ten days of capital punishment in the end?

It was the plague that was wrong, and he was right, so why should he be punished?

"I won't accompany you."

Yang Yu said coldly, completely ignoring Sanshiliu and everyone present, and turned around to leave again.

When everyone saw this, they looked surprised again.

They had all seen that the pavilion master was specially merciful to Yang Yu, but they didn't expect that this guy was still so ungrateful.

"You can't leave."

Thirty-year-old Liu who originally wanted to forgive Yang Yu, but seeing Yang Yu's attitude, he also gave a cold shout.

The next moment, something flew out of his sleeve. It was a black and gold curse seal entwined with two colors of light. It was similar to the mysterious jade curse seal obtained by Yang Yu, but the aura that filled it was like a mountain, and it was even more powerful. majesty.

This is a curse seal owned by the Sangeliu that belongs exclusively to the pavilion master. Anyone who possesses a curse seal will have his luck connected with the entire Jinlu Pavilion and will also be concentrated in the black gold curse seal he possesses. This can limit all People from Jinlu Pavilion.

As the master of the pavilion, Thirty-Level rarely used the curse seal. Whatever he said, no one in Jinlu Pavilion dared to disobey him. But now there is such a rebellious guy like Yang Yu.

In addition, Yang Yu has the ability to kill the plague quickly. Even the thirty-year-old Liu Yu couldn't defeat Yang Yu just once, so he had to use the curse seal authority.

As soon as the black and gold curse seal came out, everyone present looked at Yang Eucalyptus with gloating.

If he was punished honestly, this would be the end of it. If he had to take the initiative to use the power of the curse seal, this guy would have to suffer more, so why bother.

The moment the black-gold curse seal appeared, a fierce wind swept across the entire floating island, and all the monks in Jinlu Pavilion responded.

Auras and curse seals gathered together and fell towards Yang Gu like the top of Mount Tai.

All the monks present felt the same way. Whether they were Zombie God or Qi Dao, they all felt breathless and suffocated by this gathering of luck. They immediately hid far away as if they were facing the mighty power of heaven.

When Yang Yu was about to leave, he couldn't help but pause. Feeling the power of this luck, his expression changed... from a sneer to a sneer.

The next moment, the luck that condensed the entire Jinlu Pavilion suddenly suppressed, but it just turned into a strong wind, causing Yang Yu's clothes to fly, whirring, and passed directly through his body.

It was like a blast of cold wind, with no follow-up.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene, even the thirty-year-olds were slightly shocked.

what happened?

How could it be useless?

To the entire Jinlu Pavilion, the pavilion master's curse seal, which was nothing short of divine power, had no effect on Yang Yu for the first time.

Could it be that the pavilion master brought out a fake curse seal?

Yang Yu seemed to be looking at a group of clowns. He was too lazy to say anything when he saw this, and his figure instantly disappeared on the spot.

Are you kidding me? After he obtained the Black Curse Seal, the first thing he did was to use his own purification ability to erase the cost of using this curse seal.

It was already very uncomfortable for him to have an old guy weighing on his head, so how could he let other people pressure him too? Not to mention being able to use curse seals to restrict him.


Sanshiliu was the first to come to his senses and yelled coldly. Everyone also came to their senses under this roar, but Yang Yu had already gone away, and his breath had left the floating island in the blink of an eye.

This speed surprised everyone present.

But they had to face a problem at this time, just forget it?

The curse seal is useless to him, so what else can the entire Jinlu Pavilion do to restrain him?

Allowing a powerful combat force capable of killing the plague to go unchecked would be a threat to the upper echelons of Jinlu Pavilion.

If the lack of security makes him angry one day, it will be his turn next after the plague.

But in the current situation, even the Pavilion Master can't sanction him. Do they have to ask the Supreme Elder to come forward?

For a moment, everyone was terrified and looked at the Pavilion Master, Thirty-Liu.

Pavilion Master! Think of a way! How could you just watch him go like that?

Can I think of a way? Where the hell am I going to figure it out?

Even the current thirty-year-old is still confused and has not yet figured out how Yang Yu is not affected by the luck of the curse seal.

Seeing Yang Yu getting further and further away, for the current plan, I am afraid that the only way to do this is to ask the Supreme Elder to come forward.

Thinking of this, Sanjiliu hesitated.

And just when he was hesitating, a figure suddenly descended slowly from the sky above the central hall.

When they sensed the arrival of this figure, everyone present kneeled down subconsciously before they even had time to see who it was.

Just this breath alone made them instinctively behave in a respectful manner.

"Meet the Supreme Elder!"

The person who came was none other than Minghe, the Supreme Elder of Jinlu Pavilion. He was not as mysterious as the Thirty-Ryu. Instead, he was completely naked. He was wearing a gray robe and looked like an ordinary person. Monk.

However, his appearance caused everyone to break into a cold sweat, but at the same time, they felt a sigh of relief in their hearts.

One moment, I was thinking that maybe I could only ask the Supreme Elder to come forward. Unexpectedly, the next moment, the Supreme Elder showed up uninvited. Now that the Supreme Elder came forward, the guy would have a hard time. He would have to shed his skin even if he didn't die.

In the minds of everyone, if the Pavilion Master Thirty-Liu is the most majestic king of the entire Jinlu Pavilion, then the Supreme Elder who rarely shows up is not only mysterious in their hearts, but also shrouded in Jinlu Pavilion. A big mountain in Jinlu Pavilion, that is the real emperor of Jinlu Pavilion!

In comparison, the pressure brought to them by Thirty Liu was like a mountain, so the mere appearance of the Supreme Elder was like the sky falling apart and the earth falling apart, and the mountains and rivers flowing backwards.

Even Sanshiliu was overjoyed when he saw the Taishang Elder appear at this moment. He was worried that he could not deal with Yang Yu. Now that the Taishang Elder has come forward on this trip, it shows that he will not worry about his old acquaintance, otherwise he would not have come forward at all. .

"Your Majesty..."

Sansanliu opened his mouth to speak, but Minghe ignored him. Instead, he looked in the direction Yang Yu left and uttered two words lightly.


In just two blinks, Yang Gu, who had already left the floating island, returned to the sky above the central hall angrily under the gaze of everyone.

This old guy doesn't come early or late, but he comes at this time.

The first time I sensed the presence of Minghe, and received the call from Minghe, Yang Gu had to return.

There is no way, the curse seal is useless to him, but Minghe is not a curse seal, he is still the same old guy before, and Yang Yu has to listen to his words.

Yang Yu raised his hand to salute, subconsciously about to blurt out the word "Master", but when he opened his mouth to speak, he was interrupted by Ming He raising his hand.

"It is not a pity to die from the plague, but you are also at fault. I will punish you by being confined in Jinbotan for three days. You will shut yourself up and reflect on your mistakes, as a warning to others."

For Ming He, it was not a tone of discussion, but an order.

But when these words fell on the ears of everyone present, they looked at him in disbelief.

Jinbotan? Three days of confinement?

What the hell is the difference between this and sleeping at home?

Where is Jinbotan? That was the name of a dojo palace on the floating island, which was unremarkable.

I originally thought that if the Supreme Elder came forward, Yang Yu's crime would not be easy. Who would have thought that it would be such a result, not as good as thirty-level?

Isn't this guy the illegitimate son of the Supreme Elder? So doted on?

Sanjiliu didn't expect such a result, and he was completely silent at this moment.

"What? Do you have any objections?"


Ming He glanced around the crowd, and was immediately frightened to the point where the monks retracted their gazes and fell silent.

Who dares to have an opinion?

Although he didn't know where Jinbo Pool was, it was only for three days, and there was no punishment. Seeing the expressions of others, Yang Yu probably guessed what was going on, and immediately agreed happily.

It just so happened that he originally planned to return to Qingzhu Peak to continue his research, but now he was arranged by Minghe to go to a quiet place where no one would disturb him. The best thing was that it was only three days, which was too little.

How about asking for more punishment from the old guy? Ten days and a half of confinement?

Yang Yu thought in his mind, looked at Ming He, but met Ming He's eyes, and suddenly felt a chill down his spine, so he had to put the idea behind him and did not dare to mention it.

"From now on, Wen Zhao will be exempted from the position of House Elder. You will be the new House Elder who can take the position."

Minghe looked at Yang Yu and said in a calm tone.

This sentence is also not a discussion, but an order. It seems to be speaking to Yang Yu, but in fact it is an order to Sanliu.

Everyone present fell into silence again. (End of chapter)

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