Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 311 Don’t play by the rules? Prepare to face despair!

Is this the Forbidden Land? !

Yang Yu's expression was startled for a moment, then she reacted, and then she showed a look of happiness that couldn't be concealed.

This is the forbidden land!

Doesn't this mean that he no longer has to waste time looking for the forbidden place, he is already in it?

Yang Yu's reaction made the one-eyed figure somewhat unexpected.

Although this is a place where the power of rules can be obtained, it is also a place that is feared by countless monks.

I originally thought that if I told the guy in front of me that this was the Forbidden Land, he would definitely be frightened.

In the end, why was he still smiling?

The shape of the body that was originally just a human figure began to distort, completely breaking away from the confinement of the secret curse, and one eye looked condescendingly at Yang Yu.

"Master Tao is the incarnation of a dragonfly! If you come to the door yourself, Master Tao will definitely make your life worse than death."

This was the first time Yang Yu saw someone being able to forcibly break away from his secret spell, and the guy in front of him did not look simple.

"What is a tadpole?"

He asked doubtfully, but what he received in response was a loud shout from One Eye.

"Why should Master Dao tell you? When you are eaten by Master Dao, won't you know everything?"

He was just acting in front of Yang Yu just now. If he wants to make people fearful, he needs to be step-by-step.

Now that his true colors have been revealed, he naturally won't let himself be manipulated like just now.

After hearing this guy's words, Yang Yu's expression condensed.

He really didn't have any extra time to waste.

Okay, okay, you won’t say it, right?

Yang Yu disappeared from the spot instantly, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Duyan, reaching out to grab it.

His original intention was to grab One-Eye's body and imprison him again.

But when his hand touched Duyan's body, Duyan's figure twisted again, and he missed the opportunity.

One-Eye laughed and appeared dozens of meters away, looking particularly arrogant and provocative.

"Come and catch Master Tao if you have the guts. As long as you can catch Master Tao, Master Tao will tell you everything he knows."

He seemed to have purposely not run very far. With a distance of only tens of meters, Yang Yu could catch up with him in just a blink of an eye, as if he was deliberately creating the illusion that Yang Yu could be within reach.

Facing this guy's provocation, Yang Yu's eyes narrowed, and he really had the urge to catch this guy and let him die without a burial place.

Fortunately, the threat of the Ibis, a world-repairing person, was always present. His time really could not be wasted, and he had to find the Forbidden Source Device as soon as possible, so he kept his mind rational.

"You want me to arrest you? Then I won't arrest you!"

Anyway, now that we have learned that this is the Forbidden Land, where you can obtain the Forbidden Source Forbidden Weapon, Yang Yu can explore it on his own, and there is no need to waste time on this guy.

The next moment, using the light and shadow escape method, Yang Yu glanced at One Eye for the last time and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

Above the twisted shadow, the one-eyed gaze showed a hint of defense, ready to run away at any time.

But to his surprise, Yang Yu really left like that, completely ignoring what he meant.

This guy actually doesn't play by the rules?

Damn it!

Where did he go?

Now, One Eye became a little angry and began to search everywhere for the whereabouts of Eucalyptus poplar.

I finally found this guy and led him into the forbidden area, but I couldn't let him escape.

As a lycoid, he is actually a dead person who has been stripped of the power of rules within his body. Since he died in a forbidden area, his remnant soul still exists.

Although it cannot control any power of rules, it can trigger some of the power of rules in the forbidden area to launch indiscriminate attacks.

If you can swallow the monk's soul and seize the body, you will also have a chance of resurrection.

In short, the shady body actually means looking for a scapegoat.

It had been a long time since anyone had entered the forbidden area by mistake. He could tell that the guy was just a stupid young man who didn't know anything. This was a rare and perfect opportunity.

On the other side, through the light and shadow escape method, Yang Gu came to a hidden high place, overlooking the terrain below.

Since he already knows that this is a forbidden area, he will naturally not rush into the dangerous area and must observe it in advance.

There are endless mountains all around here, and there is indeed no life to be seen, and it is completely silent.

But it was different from what he saw before entering the cave where he was looking for a place to restore his mana.

Maybe what I saw before was all an illusion, that is, it was only after the one-eyed guy appeared that the place returned to its original appearance.

You can't see anything just from a height. It's like an ordinary basin, and no one knows what's hidden inside.

After roughly writing down all the terrain, and knowing it well, Yang Yu suddenly had an idea.

Soon, he made a hand seal and activated the curse to summon the dead.

In just two breaths, a hazy sea of ​​blood appeared in the nothingness in front of him. A whirlpool rolled up in the sea of ​​blood, as if all the surrounding flesh and blood were rolled together, forming a body.

There was an unexpected look on Yang Yu's face. In the past, the Summoning True Immortal Curse had summoned some weird-looking guys, but this was the first time that a human-like guy was summoned.

Is it because I activated this magic technique in the next month?

When the body was formed, there was no trace of it, and the sea of ​​blood also disappeared without a trace in an instant, leaving only it behind.

This is the body of a strange male, with cracks all over the body, as if it had been shattered into pieces.

He opened his eyes blankly, but there was no movement in his eyes, only emptiness.

He was floating quietly in front of Yang Yu, as if waiting for Yang Yu's instructions.

"Go, help me find the way."

This was just a corpse summoned by magic. It was unknown how long it had been dead, and it had no independent consciousness, so Yang Yu felt at ease when commanding it without any burden.

Even if he is a living person, as the summoned object of the spell, Yang Yu, as the person who gives the order, will not have any scruples.

Doesn’t the summoned object serve its master? Just kill the guy who can't carry out the instructions. That's not a summon at all.

After receiving Yang Yu's instructions, the corpse immediately nodded in response, and then flew towards the place pointed by Yang Yu without hesitation.

Yang Gu stayed where he was. Since it was a forbidden area, it must be full of danger. He wanted to use the summoned object to observe the reaction first.

The place he pointed at was a dense forest that looked somewhat ordinary.

In the blink of an eye, the body quickly fell into the dense forest.

Although Yang Gu had been prepared, in an instant, countless fragments of broken limbs flew out of the forest, and then they all turned into countless blood, like a pouring rain of blood, and the summoned object completely lost contact.

This forbidden land is indeed not simple!

This confirmed Yang Yu's guess, and also allowed him to observe that the power of the rules that had just been manifested might be some kind of ability to be decomposed and converted into blood.

After getting the information I wanted, I didn't feel sad for the death of the summoned object for a moment, because a new summoned object appeared next.

Yang Yu activated the summoning curse again, and then summoned another corpse, still in human form.

Then Yang Gu followed the same pattern and gave the order to explore another place.

After two breaths, the summoned object lost contact again, and where the summoned object went, there was no movement, and it was full of weirdness.

Yang Yu made a note of this place in his mind and immediately summoned a new summoned object. The third summoned object was still a corpse.

He now confirmed that it must be because he activated the curse to summon the true presence, so all those summoned were corpses.

This time it was just a blink of an eye, and the summoned object died and lost contact again, because it suddenly disintegrated and turned into fly ash before it reached the place pointed by Eucalyptus poplar in the air.

The fourth corpse...the fifth...the eighth...the tenth...

Yang Gu kept summoning new corpses, and kept collecting the places where the corpses went, revealing important information, allowing him to focus on those places that were the most mysterious.

A large amount of information gathered in Yang Yu's mind. While summoning new corpses, he also began to calculate what route he should take and where he should go if he went deep into the forbidden area.

When the number of dead bodies reached more than twenty, Yang Yu finally judged the most important point.

The direction going due east should be the core of the forbidden area. The deeper you go, the faster and even weirder you will die. Although the outside of the forbidden area can be deadly, there are some places that he can pass through.

A relatively easy route took shape in Yang Yu's mind.

Unfortunately, starting from the seventy-sixth corpse, Yang Yu successively tried to enter a general range in the depths, but before he could get closer, the corpses had disappeared.

A total of twelve corpses all had the same result, but Yang Yu only gained one piece of information:

If you get close to that range, unknown things will happen. There is a high probability that it is the core of the entire forbidden area.

Breaking in?

Yang Yu is not absolutely sure what kind of risks he will face after reaching that step.

But when the temptation reached this point, there was no way to get any more information, unless he could take the time to find and catch the one-eye just now.

But if he doesn't break through, with his current strength, he is no match for the Ibis, and he is also no match for other world-fillers.

Without being able to leave Xiachu, once encountering a boundary-repairing person, there is no way to resist.

Finding the Forbidden Weapon to increase his strength is his only hope of resistance.

After making up his mind, Yang Yu no longer used the summoning spell, but activated the light and shadow escape method and instantly moved into the place he had just observed.

The reason why he did not use flying to avoid the dangerous zone below was because it would be more dangerous in the air. The summons that had died in the air were the most numerous and the most elusive for him.

To be on the safe side, the best way is to use proven, relatively easy routes.

As soon as we fell into a piece of wasteland, it happened to be next to a stream covered with weeds. The soil was fertile, but it should not be underestimated.

Almost as soon as the poplars appeared here, countless weeds turned into sharp knives all over the sky, almost completely covering the area within a kilometer.

But Yang Yu had already expected it. The moment he landed, his figure disappeared again and left this place.

As long as the speed is fast enough, there is no way to cause trouble to him.

The second place is also relatively easy. It seems to be the manifestation of a rule power related to "soil". The soil underground condenses and the ferocious heads of countless monsters pour out together, which are easily avoided by Yang Gu.

As long as you don't get touched by those things, you won't get into trouble.

The third...the fourth...the fifth...

With the previous gains from using summons to explore the path, Yang Gu moved forward with great ease.

But just as he arrived at the sixth location, he was paying attention to the power of the rules here, and was about to counterattack and dodge, when an unexpected voice suddenly came from the distance.

"Master Dao found you!"

A twisted figure with one eye appeared not far away, his eyes full of surprise and anger.

He had always sensed movement in the forbidden area before, but it was easy to find him all the way, and he finally found traces of this guy, and he had already broken into this place!

Almost without thinking, the one-eyed man jumped up high and instantly disappeared into the loess beneath Yang Yu's eyes.

The next moment, accompanied by a sudden buzzing, a huge gap opened in the entire earth, and countless ghosts appeared in the abyss, rushing toward the poplar like a raging wave.

One Eye laughed loudly and appeared in mid-air. This place was a place he was very familiar with, because this was the place where he transformed.

The power of rules here is one of the powers of rules he mastered during his lifetime.

Compared to other places in the forbidden area, it would be extremely easy for him to trigger the power of rules here because he is familiar with them.

Moreover, when the forbidden weapon fragments are peeled off from his body and returned to the forbidden area, he will get an even more terrifying increase.

These ghosts pouring out from the abyss completely replicate the physical strength of the guy in front of him, and the damage caused by the spell to the ghosts will be absorbed by the abyss, creating more and stronger ghosts.

The spell will be absorbed by the abyss. Although the physical power is effective, the physical power of each of these ghosts is exactly the same as the person targeted by the rules.

Both forces are approximately ineffective.

Even he couldn't think of any way this guy in front of him could solve it. Countless monks had died under the power of his rules. This was an unsolvable situation!

If he hadn't died in the forbidden area due to an accident, he would be like now, half-dead as a remnant soul.

You entered here seeking death on your own, but you can’t blame me!

Thinking that he was about to get a body of flesh and blood, as long as he swallowed his soul to complete himself and then seize the body, he could leave here and even regain the lost power of rules. One Eye was already so excited that his pupils were trembling.

At this moment, facing a large number of ghosts pouring out of the underground abyss, the path Yang Yu originally envisioned encountered an accident for the first time.

Originally, he had let the summoned objects explore here first, and he had roughly figured out the manifestation of the power of rules here. It takes time to activate the power of rules to summon these ghosts. He could leave here first by relying on his speed.

Unexpectedly, the appearance of One Eye suddenly disrupted his rhythm, triggering the manifestation of the power of rules in advance, which was even more terrifying than when he used the summoned object to explore before.

Seeing that the menacing ghosts were densely packed, they were about to submerge him, devour him, or drag him into the abyss.

Secret spell!

Black light suddenly emitted from Yang Gu's body, swallowing up all the ghosts around him.

He could only try to imprison these ghosts, and then find possible gaps to escape from this place using light and shadow escape.

But at this moment, the one-eyed man in the distance laughed heartily, and Yang Yu's reaction was exactly what he wanted.

"It's useless! The spell will only speed up your death. Prepare to face despair!"

As his laughter rang out, the black light suddenly shattered, like a black curtain being torn apart and forcibly pulled into the underground abyss.

Countless ghosts were not affected at all and rushed in front of Yang Yu in an instant.

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