Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 310 Die in the light! How difficult is it?

As long as you stay near him, you won't be able to use the ability to leave.

In fact, even if it is separated from the ibis, it is still unable to be used.

The ibis just deceived him with lies. In this case, even if Yang Yu believed it and found a chance to escape, he would fall into the ibis' trap and be caught again.

If he hadn't been in the midst of a natural disaster and the ibis had left after being attacked by a crane, he might not have discovered this fact.

The connection between pain and consciousness was severed, which meant that no matter how much pain Gong Niang caused, he would not feel even half of it, and the frequency band of his consciousness would not change.

His consciousness frequency band has been imprisoned in this deep world.

"Maybe not permanently, but you won't be able to leave here anytime soon."

Gong Niang then continued, adding some good news.

Yang Yu has no choice but to leave here first. He cannot stay in the natural disaster forever, otherwise his own mana will be exhausted at some point, and then he will be in danger.

Although the light and shadow escape method cannot be used in this natural disaster, physical flight is no problem.

Just when Yang Yu was about to leave here as soon as possible, the light on his body illuminated the surrounding environment, and he saw the unconscious little girl before.

The little girl had woken up, but she looked very miserable.

Originally, half of her face was filled with dense black spots. Now, under the corrosion of the black mist, the flesh and blood all over her body had turned black and quickly eroded, and the bones in her body were exposed.

She was screaming, but soon she couldn't make any sound, but at this time she saw Yang Gu, whose whole body was radiating light.

As if she had found a life-saving straw, she moved her remaining body with difficulty and crawled towards Poplar, trying to get closer to Poplar.

When she entered the range of the light, her already rotten body was overwhelmed. First, the black matter on her body was expelled by the light and peeled off from her body.

But this was the light of magic after all, and her flesh and blood were quickly melted in the light.

Yang Yu felt a little sympathetic. If this little girl is a realm body, it means that they may be from the same world.

But right now he can't save her at all. In order to resist the black mist, he must always maintain his light, otherwise he will be eroded by increasingly terrifying natural disasters.

So Yang Yu could do nothing about it, watching the turbidity on the little girl's body being expelled and her flesh and blood melting away.

But for some reason, at the moment when her body was finally about to completely dissolve, a smile of relief appeared on her face.

The last traces of her death were not in the black mist of darkness, but in the light that filled her with light.

This made Yang Yu faintly touched, and the smile of the little girl before she died seemed to come into his mind.

He no longer hesitated, his body stayed close to the ground and flew quickly in one direction.

I don’t know how far the natural disaster covers. If this black mist and turbid air attempts to pollute the world, it will definitely not be just a small area.

Yang Yu could only fly in one direction with determination. Maybe he could survive before the natural disaster ended, or he could get out of the scope of the natural disaster before his mana was exhausted.

I walked away for an unknown number of hours.

At first, Yang Yu was still calculating the time in her mind, and at the same time calculating how long the mana in her body could last.

But later on, he gradually lost his patience. He was never able to get out of the area of ​​​​the natural disaster, which seemed to envelope the entire world.

Although there was light of magic to protect him along the way, the black mist and turbid air could not get close, so he was safe and sound.

But in such an environment, especially when he thought about being unable to leave Xiachu and not knowing when he would be able to escape from the natural disaster, his emotions became more and more depressed.

During this period, we passed through many cities and wilderness. Even among the monks, it was difficult for anyone to survive this natural disaster, let alone ordinary people.

However, there are also demons and monsters that have survived being completely polluted, and they can move freely in natural disasters.

After seeing the poplars from a distance, these monsters operating in the natural disaster launched a decisive attack, but they could not get close to the poplars and were melted by the light.

After a long period of time, perhaps counted in days, Yang Gu finally emerged from the scope of the natural disaster and saw the light of day again.

Looking at the whole world, it seems like it is divided into two, half of it is gloomy day and night, and the other half is shrouded in a black mist storm, being washed away crazily by the black mist and turbidity.

Yang Yu stood in the middle of the two, feeling the rapid flow of black mist and turbid air, and exhaled a long breath.

After a long period of consumption to maintain the operation of all light spells, the mana in the body can no longer be maintained for long.

This was only after he had the Moro Buddha's Aperture and the magic power in his body that was several times that of an ordinary monk. Only then did he finally get out of that ghost place.

He still refused to give up and asked Gong Niang to try again to see if he could leave Xia Zhu, but the result was still the same as before.

The clearer and more stable the world is in his eyes, the harder it is for him to leave.

"Find a place to restore your mana first. The most urgent task is to find the Forbidden Device of Yiyuan first and integrate the power of the rules!"

Although the Ibis abandoned him in the natural disaster and escaped, if he knew he was still alive, he would not give up and continue to capture him and bring him back to the Earthly Dao Sect. He was already being targeted.

Just like before, it should be easy for the ibis to find him.

Now it is impossible to leave Xiachu and return to the shallow gray scale, and it is still difficult to predict what will happen next.

He originally came here for the Qiyuan Forbidden Weapon, but as a result, such a series of things happened.

Wanting to change the current situation, the only thing Yang Yu can think of is to improve his cultivation strength as soon as possible before being noticed by the ibis, and master the power of rules, maybe there will be a chance.

The violent black mist washed away everything, like a great river surging from the plains, covering the ground for thousands of miles.

In the midst of the turbulent black mist, a crimson light circled crazily to form a storm, sweeping away the surrounding black mist.

The masked crane came back again. The flames burned within his body, but were disconnected from the physical body. He could only control it a few feet outside of his body, causing the external black mist to be drawn into the flames and mixed into black and red. The fire could not touch him at all.

The location where he was was exactly where he had fought the ibis before.

The departure of the ibis only leaves traces of the torn space, which is difficult to recover quickly during a natural disaster.

But that is not what concerns He. The Ibis will not come back in a short time, otherwise opening the previously torn space again will only make Dao Zong more chaotic. What he is concerned about is the two realm bodies that the Ibis captured before. .

One of them is already dead, and died in a natural disaster. This is where the breath of the prey that originally belonged to him finally disappeared.

But the other guy is still alive!

There is actually a realm body that can travel through natural disasters and even sustain it for a long enough time.

If that realm body can walk out of the natural disaster unharmed...

Scarlet light glowed in the eyes under the mask.

The next moment, the flames exploded, exploding into a series of flames that stirred wildly in the black mist, and were quickly engulfed by the black mist.

The black mist continued to wash away everything violently, but the crane had already disappeared.

The sound of patter came to his ears, and in a deep cave, Yang Gu slowly opened his eyes.

He has restored some of the mana in his body.

It has to be said that after the consciousness was stabilized and trapped, the mana recovery speed in the body became extremely fast.

It's like taking a breath of car exhaust in reality. It contains very little oxygen, but in the middle of the mountains, taking this breath makes you feel relaxed and happy.

Two different places bring completely different recovery speeds.

However, Yang Yu frowned and looked in the direction outside the cave at this time. In order to safely restore his mana, he had found this hidden cave before, but in the process of restoring his mana, he could hear some strange things from time to time. the sound of.

The sound sounded like many people passing by from time to time, with chaotic footsteps.

Obviously this place looks like a wasteland, and Yang Gu has searched it beforehand, but has not seen any living creatures at all.

Fortunately, now that he has recovered his mana and is confident, Yang Yu is ready to go out and have a look, and at the same time, he also wants to find someone to get the information he wants to know.

The boulder blocking the cave was pushed away, and the poplar slowly walked out of the deep cave under the shadow.

This place was originally just a wasteland, located among countless rocks, but when he saw the scene outside the cave, Yang Gu couldn't help but be stunned.

The wind blew through this dark grassland. In front of it was a place where rocks were piled up. Some buildings appeared at some point, and many people appeared in and out of the buildings.

The moment Yang Eucalyptus walked out, she met countless eyes.

This was not the scene he saw before entering the cave. They were two completely different places.

what happened?

Yang Yu didn't react for a moment. That is to say, after staying in the cave for a while, earth-shaking changes took place outside.

Could it be that my consciousness frequency band can be changed?

He immediately looked for Gong Niang in his mind to confirm, but the response he got disappointed him. His consciousness frequency band did not change, and Gong Niang did nothing.

In other words, the scene outside the cave has indeed undergone real changes.

The next moment, those figures ran out of the building and gathered together, quickly surrounding Yang Yu.

As always, Yang Yu could still only see the shadows of a large number of human figures, but could not see their true faces.

"Who are you? Why did you come out of the forbidden area of ​​our sect's mausoleum?"

The leading figure looked unusually imposing and asked Yang Yu.


Yang Gu looked back at the cave. He had checked it before entering the cave and had gone all the way to the end. Where did the tomb come from?

But at this moment, it seems that I can smell a rotten smell escaping from the cave.

Seeing that Yang Yu didn't answer, the leading figure immediately yelled:

"catch him!"

The next moment, countless figures disappeared on the spot, but instead, a huge black shadow monster suddenly emerged from the ground.

This is a monster that looks like a big insect, made up of countless figures intertwined together.

Centipede, multiple eyes.

Those figures became fine fluff on their backs, swaying constantly.

The monster roared, and a section of its upper body appeared above its head. It was the person who was leading it just now.

His arms stretched out and penetrated into the monster's head, and he was controlling the monster to circle wildly. It immediately surrounded Yang Gu and continued to shrink.

Red light shot out from countless huge eyes, and the huge head pressed down from top to bottom.

The red light cuts through the small space. Yang Gu is surrounded by the monster's body, and there is no way to avoid it. Above his head is the monster's ferocious mouth. The sharp mouthparts are like two huge sharp knives.

Facing the monster's attack, Yang Yu's aura surged all over his body, his body expanded, filled with golden light, and he raised his hand to punch.

Compared with light spells, the power of those red lights was vastly different. When it fell on him, it couldn't even leave a trace and could be completely ignored.

This punch landed on the monster's mouthparts. The mouthparts immediately shattered and penetrated into the monster's huge mouth, shaking the monster's head.

Yang Yu's feet sank, and the reaction force pushed his body down into the soil, sinking him deeply into it, but that was all.

"It looks so scary, but it turns out it's just a paper tiger."

He smiled slightly and gathered the power of so many people, which was the level of the Zombie God, but that was all.

The next moment, a sudden roar came. Relying on his powerful body, Yang Gu directly penetrated the monster's body, entered from the huge mouth, shattered the entire head, and penetrated out from its back.

Transform into a dragon!


A huge dragon roar resounded through the sky, and the blue dragon with light above its head appeared. It was bigger than the monster. It raised its hand and tore the monster into pieces.

Screams came from the monster's body one after another, and the lantern dragon transformed by Yang Gu was beaten to the point where it was unable to fight back.

When the lantern dragon disappeared, all kinds of broken bodies were everywhere, and black viscous liquid was everywhere. The place seemed to have turned into a smelly lake.

Yang Yu grabbed a person in his hand, followed the old rules, and unfolded the secret spell to cover all these guys. Then he looked at the figure whose neck was being strangled by him. It was the guy who spoke just now.

Although you can't see this guy's expression, you can feel that this guy is close to dying.

As the main controller of the monster just now, if the monster is killed, he will suffer the greatest backlash, but he will not be speechless.

"I ask, you answer. If you don't answer, I will kill everyone here!"

Populus eucalyptus acted vigorously and resolutely, not wanting to waste any time, otherwise a little delay might lead to the ibis coming, and there would be no chance again.

The figure nodded wildly without hesitation, and then was thrown to the ground by Yang Yu.

"Do you know the forbidden weapon?"

In case there is an information gap between the guys in this time period and the real world, Yang Yu asked the first question.

Fortunately, the man nodded and got a definite answer.

"Where do you usually learn about the power of rules?"

"Kill and seize treasure!"

The guy replied in a harsh tone.


"Except killing people and grabbing treasures."

"Then there is only the Forbidden Land. The power of the rules without an owner is born from the Forbidden Land, but it is very difficult to obtain it!"

Forbidden land? Does it refer to the transformation of the Zombie God into the Path of the Dragon?

"How difficult is it?"

Hearing this, Yang Yu suddenly asked curiously.

"For example... you are in a dead place without knowing it!"

"What's the meaning?"

Yang Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at this guy.

But the next moment, the figures and broken bodies that had been imprisoned by him with the secret spell turned into countless black smoke in the blink of an eye and disappeared quickly.

Even the figure in front of him who answered his question burst out laughing. Under the confinement of the secret curse, he stood up easily from the ground. His shadow-like head split and a scarlet eye squirmed out, looking directly at Yang Gu. .

"This is the Forbidden Land!"

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