Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 297 Nourishing Qi Linglong! Something is wrong with the bloodline!

If it weren't for the experience of staying in Baosha Domain for such a period of time, Yang Yu would not have been able to think of a solution so quickly.

But after witnessing the struggle between Jinlu Pavilion and Dade Temple, it suddenly dawned on him.

The best way is to create chaos and overwhelm the Golden Soul Sect.

Among the four outer continents, the biggest difference between the Baosha region and the other three regions is that there are two powerful forces fighting against each other, so the Baosha region is very chaotic.

The general trend is that Jinlu Pavilion and Dade Temple are doing everything they can to achieve unification, so they have no time to care about the people at the bottom and only need superficial stability.

But the other three domains are different.

The other three regions are all ruled by one big force. Although there are countless small and medium-sized forces under it, they can't make any waves at all.

Therefore, these three realms are relatively stable. The only thing that can create chaos for these forces is the endless demons.

How can we have the best chance of obtaining the command talisman of the Golden Soul Sect? Without being able to introduce large external forces, we can only create internal chaos and put the entire region in chaos.

The greater the chaos, the greater the external pressure that the Golden Soul Sect will have to face, and the more opportunities there will be for rebellion.

In the process of creating chaos, the Economic Rebellion Society can still take advantage of this opportunity to develop. As long as the Golden Soul Sect is not allowed to find an opportunity, it can grow quickly with its special physique of natural flesh and bones until it can compete with the Golden Soul Sect.

So when Yang Yu said the four words "create chaos", everyone instantly understood what to do.

This is not to say the best method, but it is a method that is extremely suitable for the Kei Rebellion Society.

What the Keikai Society needs most is time, time to grow.

There is nothing better than creating chaos and letting the Golden Soul Sect flawlessly take care of them while secretly growing up.

The shop owner smiled softly and was very satisfied with Yang Yu's decision. This was actually what he thought, but he was even more satisfied that Yang Yu could make the decision so quickly.

How to control the general trend often depends on the details that determine success or failure.

The sooner Yang Eucalyptus gives him a satisfactory answer, it means that his decision to cooperate with Yang Eucalyptus is extremely wise.

"What do you think?"

Yang Yu looked at everyone.

Although he had told them before that the Keitaikai was now under his leadership, he was not prepared to turn the Keitaikai into his own.

Everyone here, including himself, does not like to be passive. This is closely related to the mental state of each practitioner.

If suppressed for a long time, it will only be counterproductive.

We only need to give them a sense of participation and allow them to make some suggestions and useful decisions, so that the internal balance of the Keikai Association can be maintained for a longer period of time.

As the leader, what Yang Yu needs to do is to maintain this balance so that the economic rebellion can be more cohesive.

Those who dare to disrupt the balance are the ones he needs to punish.

"Actually, I think we can join the Golden Soul Sect and disintegrate them from within."

Sure enough, someone made a new suggestion.

The man who opened his mouth was a man with a big tumor on his chest.

But when he put forward this suggestion, he was first opposed by Shiratiao.

As one of the saints of the Golden Soul Sect, Shiratori is more familiar with the internal affairs of the Golden Soul Sect than anyone present.

"This method is inappropriate. The Golden Soul Sect is not as simple as you think. It can rule a large area. Even if it is the weakest among the four areas, it is still a behemoth. Once we enter, we will not be able to control ourselves. It will only allow us to do what we want." There will be fewer and fewer choices, and the constraints will become bigger and bigger, which is very unfavorable.”

Yang Yu understood Bai Niao's words deeply. He went to Dade Temple to work as an undercover agent and became a Buddhist disciple of Dade Temple. Isn't that what happened?

On the surface, he seems to be a disciple of Buddhism in Dade Temple. He has a respected status and is even cultivated by Bodhisattvas.

In fact, there are countless mountains weighing on it. Even if you don't consider your status as an undercover agent, as a Buddhist, no matter what you want to do, there will be various restrictions from those above.

It can be said that once you enter these forces, you have to be whatever the superior wants you to be, and you are not as free as it seems.

"Shiratori is right. Rather than causing trouble for the Golden Soul Sect, what we need more is the time to develop in secret. This is the key point."

After being opposed by Yang Gu and Bai Niao, others also felt that this method was indeed inappropriate after thinking about it.

After much deliberation, the decision proposed by Yang Eucalyptus was the most appropriate.

No one objected for a long time, and the next actions of the Keikai Association had a unified general direction.

"Here's a little gadget for you guys."

After making the decision, the boss raised his hand and took out a few rings from his sleeves.

The ring looks to be made of wood, with a slight wood texture on it. It is inconspicuous and relatively ordinary.

One of the rings was a little different, with a red streak on it.

The shop owner gave this unique ring to Yang Yu, and gave the other rings to everyone, but Wen Yin did not.

"This is a substitute for the Tree of Flesh. After the sacrifice, you can obtain your respective positions, and you need to communicate over long distances, and there is no need to enter the Tree of Flesh.

However, this thing has usage restrictions. The maximum range cannot exceed three states, otherwise it will not be able to use its functions. "

The shop owner explained, and everyone's faces showed joy.

In this way, this ring can save them the time of entering the Tree of Flesh and make communication more convenient.

“This ring allows you to gain permission to open container teleportation, but it can only be used within the Fusheng Domain and cannot cross domains.

In addition, you can also contact me directly through this ring, and I will respond and help as soon as possible. "

The shop owner then said again, but this sentence was said to Yang Gu.

Since he is already the leader of the Keikei Rebellion Association, in order to move more conveniently, he naturally needs to have corresponding authority, and at the same time, he does not need to interfere with everything.

Yang Gu naturally accepted it happily.

Finally, the boss looked at Wenyin.

Compared with the others, Wenyin seemed a little out of place because she was not born fat, but the boss did not favor one over the other.

"You are not born with flesh, so things that are useful to them will only cause harm to you, but I expected it to be true. What you need most now should be something to improve your cultivation. This thing should be your addition to the classics. Betrayal will be a welcome gift for new members."

The shop owner took out a new thing from the magic weapon.

It was a slowly beating flesh tumor the size of a fist, and its whole body exuded an aura like mold.

"This item is called Nourishing Qi Exquisite. It allows you to maximize your use of mana and shorten the time required to improve your cultivation. As for the price of this item, it should be within your tolerance."

"Junior sister, please thank the boss quickly."

Before Wen Yin could answer, Yang Yu smiled and took the sarcoma from the owner's hand, immediately said to Wen Yin, and then brought the sarcoma to Wen Yin.

The message box that popped up in front of his eyes indicated that the owner was not lying and was indeed as he said.

The cost of using this sarcoma is that it will strengthen other costs.

In other words, once Wen Yin fuses this nourishing spirit, the price she will have to bear in the future will become more severe.

It is indeed more reasonable to exchange the increase in price for faster improvement in practice.

It's a pity that Wenyin is not born with flesh and blood, so there is no other way.

"Thank you, Boss."

Wen Yin did as Yang Yu said, and then took the sarcoma from Yang Yu's hand with a look of joy on his face.

There will be all kinds of strange and weird things in practice. You can't judge a book by its cover, nor can you judge an object by its cover.

It's just a sarcoma. It's a bit ugly, but it's normal.

Moreover, after going through Yang Yu's hands, she didn't trust the shop owner or anyone else, but she trusted Yang Yu.

After the arrangements were made, the owner sighed softly.

"The general trend of the world, even if it is stable for ten thousand years, cannot escape disintegration. You need to act faster, and this step is left to you."

Yang Yu knew that the shop owner had other things to do, and no one would put all their eggs in one basket unless they had no other choice.

This reminded Yang Yu of the three paths mentioned by the owner before. What the owner did must be inseparable from the other two paths.

But he won't ask, because... one of the ways is in his hands.

He had been given a basket beforehand.

Soon, the owner of the shop left quietly.

Yang Yu began to arrange what everyone should do next.

How to create chaos?

This is not a simple problem, but requires longer-term planning and consideration, not only taking into account the possible impact, but also considering the future of the entire Keikikai.

"How about we kill the head of the Shizu Prefecture and take away all the belongings of the Golden Soul Sect in Shizu Prefecture? Then go to other prefectures to create the same chaos."

The first person to make suggestions was a guy in black, Heidan. He smiled and showed his big white teeth.

After hearing his suggestion, Yang Yu felt that something was wrong with this guy's bloodline. He was so familiar with zero-dollar purchases?

However, this plan was only a bad idea after all. Not only Yang Yu vetoed it, but others also did not agree.

The reason is that the current Kei Rebellion Society is not suitable for a head-on collision with the Golden Soul Sect and exposing itself from the beginning.

"We can use the strategy of driving away tigers and devouring wolves, and use demons to stir up troubles! We can even cause demonic disasters!"

The heart also made suggestions, and everyone thought it was a good idea.

In the same way, Shiratori also made suggestions.

"As far as I know, there are actually many small and medium-sized forces in Fusheng Domain who are very dissatisfied with the Golden Soul Sect, but they don't dare to disobey in any way. Maybe we just need to light a fire..."

How else would you say she is a saint? He even knows which forces are disloyal to the Golden Soul Sect and knows the root cause.

However, her identity can be used as an internal agent, allowing the Keijian Rebellion Society to obtain some internal information about the Golden Soul Sect, which is very critical.

Thinking of Bai Niao's identity, Yang Yu suddenly thought of a question.

He looked at Shiratori's delicate and charming face.

"Previously, my junior sister was near Bengjia, and unexpectedly discovered that the new head of Chongwen Prefecture of the Golden Soul Sect secretly sent people to set up formations near Bengjia. But what is the arrangement of the Golden Soul Sect?"

Hearing Yang Yu's question, Bai Niao frowned slightly and fell into deep thought.


No one made a sound to disturb her, letting her think quietly.

It wasn't until she took a few breaths that she suddenly thought of something, took a deep breath, and her expression suddenly became solemn.

"I have never heard that the Chief Sect issued any orders related to Bengjia, but a few months ago, the Primordial Stone stored within the Chief Sect was transported to border states in large quantities. This matter may be related!"

The original stone?

Except for Yang Gu Bainiao and Wen Yin, everyone else looked unfamiliar with this word.

White Bird then explained to everyone what Bengjia was and what the Original Stone was.

The so-called original stone is a product that can only be born from the collapse of armor, and it is also the only thing that can be brought out from the collapse of armor.

Bai Niao's answer made Yang Yu raise his eyebrows. If these two things were related, it gave him a premonition that the Golden Soul Sect wanted to do something big.

Why are large amounts of stored Primordial Stone transported to border states? And why should we set up a formation near Beng Jia?

Could it be...

Yang Gu thought of two possibilities.

One is that the Golden Soul Sect intends to intervene in the internal fighting in the Baosha area and help either Jinlu Pavilion or Dade Temple. Therefore, a large number of primitive stones are needed to ensure that manpower can pass through the collapse armor.

The other is that the Golden Soul Sect plans to explore Bengjia and want to get something from Bengjia.

If it is the first possibility, it would be reasonable to secretly arrange the formation near Bengjia and everyone who discovers it would be silenced.

Because there is no guarantee that someone will inform Baosha Region about this kind of thing, causing the plan to fail.

If it is the second case, as the ruling force of the Fusheng Domain, the Golden Soul Sect wants to explore Bengjia, and no one will stop it. Unless there is some regulation that cannot explore Bengjia, the Golden Soul Sect operates in secret. It seems reasonable.

The only one who can set such a rule is Zhongzhou, so the Golden Soul Sect cannot openly violate it.

But regarding the matter of Zhongzhou, Bai Niao is only a saint in the Golden Soul Sect, and is not qualified to know the news about Zhongzhou.

Of course, there may be both possibilities.

In order to verify the guess, Yang Yu immediately refined the ring given by the shop owner just now, and then contacted the shop owner who had just left.

After explaining his doubts to the owner of the forum, whether there were regulations in Zhongzhou prohibiting exploration of Collapse Armor, Yang Yu quickly received a response from the owner of the forum.

The answer was exactly what he thought - yes!

However, the reason given by the shop owner for prohibiting exploration of Bengjia from other continents in Central Continent was to prevent too many Bengnia and other monsters in Bengjia from gathering and rioting, which would cause problems in Bengjia, so it was banned.

It seems that there are collapse armors between the four outer continents, and they are all separated by a long distance and have nothing to do with each other.

In fact, the four Collapse Armor Barriers are connected together.

In other words, Bengjia looks very small from the outside, just a barrier, but in fact it is very large, and it is very likely to be a complete world.

You can even enter Bengjia from the Fusheng Domain, travel a long enough distance in the Bengjia Land, and persist long enough to reach the Senluo Domain on the other side of the Forbidden Sea.

Once there is a problem with the collapsed armor, no one knows what serious consequences will occur, not even the owner of the workshop.

However, what can be roughly guessed is that Bengjia has integrated with this world. If there is a problem with Bengjia, there will definitely be problems in the four outer continents.

After receiving the answer from the boss, it turned out that the collapse of armor was of great importance. No matter what the intention of the Golden Soul Sect was, it was definitely not simple.

Yang Yu hesitated for a moment and finally made a decision.

Since we want to create chaos, let's start by destroying the Golden Soul Sect's plan.

He told everyone his thoughts, and there was no doubt that the matter was so important that everyone agreed.

At this moment, Yang Yu looked at the people in the rebel association and suddenly felt a strong sense of déjà vu.

All they needed was a robe with a black background and red clouds, and a slogan with a clear mission...

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