Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 296 The Saint of the Golden Soul Sect! Two ways!

The Po Tao Temple was not lively in the first place, but now it was even more silent.

Everyone looked at Yang Eucalyptus, with interesting expressions on their faces.

He would teach Duan Shou a lesson if he disagreed. This was to establish his authority.

Of course, it was also because Broken Hand started looking for trouble first. After all, no one else thought about asking anything, so he was the only one who spoke.

Wen Yin, who was standing next to him, also showed a little nervousness and surprise on his face.

The words of the severed hand were aimed at her, but the senior brother did not hesitate to take action. Will it cause trouble to the senior brother?

There was the sound of gravel splashing outside the Taoist temple, and countless sharp branches suddenly passed through the big hole and attacked the poplar.

Seeing that something was not going well, the other people moved away to the side.

Yang Yu stood there with an unchanged expression, raised his hand slightly, and a dazzling light emitted from his hand.

These incoming branches couldn't even get close to him, and were quickly melted away silently.

Broken Hand rushed in from outside the Taoist temple, half of his face had turned into wood, only his eyes were trembling with a fierce look.

Those branches grew wildly from his arms with a tree growing on them.

Yang Yu was unmoved at all. When this guy rushed in front of him, he seemed to be about to launch some kind of move, but in the blink of an eye, Yang Yu's hand easily penetrated his body.

"If you can't calm down, I'll help you calm down!"

A brilliant light penetrated from the body of the severed hand, instantly turning his body from the chest and abdomen into flying ash.

There was a look of pain on the severed hand's face.

Yang Yu didn't want to kill him, so she knocked him away with a palm and fell to the ground. Only the head and the lower half of the body were left in the severed hand. Black blood gushed out from the charred body. Fortunately, it could still recover.

But the way he looked at Yang Yu was full of unwillingness.

Not to mention that the gap between the two people's cultivation level is already too big. Even if Yang Yu's cultivation level is only Rouqing, he can still abuse him.

"I have the final say in the Kei Renkai now. I hope you can understand this fact. You respect me and I respect you. Since we are all members of the Kei Renkai, I don't want everyone to fight each other with swords. Instead, we should unite and help each other."

Yang Yu didn't look at him anymore, but looked at the other people around him.

Everyone else had seen the tragic fate of the severed hand, and knew that Yang Yu was indeed not easy to mess with. It was very quiet inside Po Tao Temple, no one answered, there was only the sound of the wind outside the house flowing in through the big hole.

The severed hand was bleeding all over the floor, but his body was gradually recovering, but his face was ashen.

Wen Yin took a deep breath, not daring to breathe. Compared to this group of people, she was just a rookie.

I thought I had caused trouble for my senior brother, but I didn't expect that my senior brother had such a high status among this group of people.

"That's it for now."

A slightly magnetic voice suddenly sounded in the Taoist temple.

A figure appeared next to Yang Yu, wearing a white robe, a hood and a mask full of lines.

Except for Yang Eucalyptus, no one has seen the owner, but everyone knows this mask, and they all have surprised looks on their faces.


The boss glanced at everyone, and finally his eyes fell on the severed hand.

"What Hetou said is right. This is also the purpose of my founding of the Keitekai Association. From then on, all actions of the Keitei Association will be led by Hetou. One thing cannot be repeated, and it will not be repeated in the future."

He was obviously warning the severed hand as well.

Since he has cooperated with Yang Yu and asked Yang Yu to be the leader of the Economic Rebellion Association, it is natural to give him the corresponding power and treatment.

After the owner of the shop said these words to the severed hand, he looked at Wenyin again.

Even though he was wearing a mask, Wen Yin felt the boss's eyes on him, and suddenly felt as if he was suffocating when facing the huge waves.

"The suggestion of cutting off the hand is actually correct. You can consider it."

This sentence is said to Yang Gu.

Yang Yu also understood what he meant, but when this sentence came out of the mouth of the broken hand, it had a completely different taste than when it came out of the shop owner's mouth.

Although he trusts Wenyin very much, to others, Wenyin is just an outsider after all, and whether they can be trusted is a key issue.

Wen Yin was not born with fleshy flesh, so she could not plant the fleshy flesh tree. The cost of suppressing the fleshy flesh tree meant that she could not enter the core circle of the Keikei Rebellion Society.

"What good ideas does the boss have?"

Yang Yu asked, he couldn't solve this problem, but since the shop owner raised it, it meant that he had a solution.

"I can put a ban on her. In this case, she can also be regarded as a member of the Keijiaihui, but she will not be able to enjoy the power of the Tree of Flesh. I will give you the control of the ban, and you can control it on your own. What do you think? ?”

The boss said slowly.

There is no doubt that this restriction is a restriction that can determine life and death. The purpose is to make other members of the Keihekai trust Wenyin.

But the control is handed over to Yang Yu, which means that as long as Wen Yin does not do anything that touches Yang Yu's bottom line, there will basically be no restrictions.

It's very standard to hit a stick and give a sweet date, so that there is a step to step down between the poplar and the broken hand who had just had a conflict.

Yang Gu was naturally happy to accept this.

He looked at Wen Yin, who nodded immediately without any hesitation.

The next moment, when the shop owner raised his hand, a white shadow fell on Wen Yin's body and penetrated into Wen Yin's body in an instant.

Like peeling off a cocoon, a blank mask soon formed on Wen Yin's face.

Wenyin also saw other people's masks and naturally understood what they meant.

A new pattern quickly appeared on the mask, which was an evil ghost mask with two sharp fangs.

When the mask was formed, the two eyes on the evil ghost mask were peeled off and merged into one, which fell into the hands of the shop owner and handed over to Yang Yu.

"The ability of the mask is the same. It can shield your own reality and conceal your secrets."

Yang Eucalyptus had experienced this before, and he took over the restriction, and an information box appeared in front of him.

Indeed, as the boss said, this is just a restriction. You can control Wenyin's life and death at will, and the cost of using it is minimal.

In the silence of everyone, this incident passed. The Keiji Renkai ushered in a new member, and the severed hand also recovered its physical body during this period of time.

Yang Yu put the restraint away and looked at the owner.

Now that the boss has appeared, he will naturally announce the next thing. After all, he has made all these things happen.

As one of the members of the Kei Rebellion Association, Pi Fa silently tore a piece of bloody flesh from his arm and threw it into the big hole of the Taoist temple.

The skin and flesh grew in response to the wind, blocking the big hole, and continued to expand until it enveloped the entire house, blocking all sounds from the outside world.

This time, the owner of the workshop did not go around in circles and went straight to the point and talked about the purpose of gathering everyone.

Of course, these words have been said to Yang Gu before.

When they learned that the purpose of establishing the Kei Kei Rebellion Society was to enter Central Continent, and that the outer continents would collapse sooner or later, and that they would eventually be on the verge of the entire original world, even the final holy land of Central Continent, everyone's expressions were very solemn.

The owner of the shop has nothing to hide from everyone. This is the truth of the world, which also makes Yang Yu feel relieved.

Since he did not choose to hide it from everyone, it meant that the boss did not use the Keikukai as cannon fodder. These members were very important and were crucial to whether they could enter Central Continent.

Of course, the words cannot be too absolute, but Yang Yu still chooses to lean towards the boss's rhetoric. After all, no one knows Zhongzhou better than him.

"Then what should we do to enter Middle-earth?"

Member Heidan asked the question that everyone wanted to know.

"Two ways!"

When the boss spoke, everyone looked at the boss intently.

"The first way is to directly pass through the forbidden sea that separates Central Continent from the outer continent, and break the barrier that seals the entire Central Continent. Can you do it?"

He looked at everyone and seemed to be smiling.

"This is impossible!"

The one who spoke was Shiratori, a female cultivator with a graceful figure and stunning face.

"Not to mention that the Forbidden Sea is a place of death. With our strength, we cannot cross the Forbidden Sea.

It is said that the barrier that seals off Central Continent was set up by all the great powers in Central Continent. No one has ever been able to break through the barrier unless the cultivation level exceeds that of everyone who set up the barrier. "

What Bai Niao said made everyone's hearts tighten, even Yang Gu was no exception.

Unexpectedly, Zhongzhou would go so ruthless and use everyone's efforts to set up a barrier to completely isolate the outside world.

Doesn't this mean that the first method has no possibility of entering Central Continent?

What is the second method of the boss?

"So let's talk about the second method, which is why we have to gather in Fusheng Domain."

The boss looked at Shiratori.

"Shiratiao, let me first tell you about the distribution of strength in the four outer continents."

Everyone looked at the white bird.

Boss Boss has said before that among the members of the Keihekai, only Shiratori is originally from the Outer Continent, so she is more familiar with the Outer Continent than the others.

Shiratori didn't hesitate at all and nodded.

"The four outer continents are the Tianlong Territory in the east, the Baosha Territory in the west, the Fusheng Territory in the south, and the Senluo Territory in the north.

There are five major forces in the four regions. The Heavenly Dragon Region is ruled by the Celestial and Human Alliance, the Baosha Region is ruled by Jinlu Pavilion and Dade Temple, the Senluo Region is ruled by Qiangu Mountain, and the Fusheng Region is ruled by the Golden Soul Sect. "

"Among the five major forces, the Tianren Alliance is the most powerful, followed by Qiangu Mountain, then Dade Temple and Jinlu Pavilion, and the Golden Soul Sect is the weakest."

"So the boss summoning us in the Fusheng Domain must have something to do with the weakest Golden Soul Sect!"

After hearing Bai Niao's words, everyone suddenly realized.

This question was also something that Yang Yu had not thought through before, but now he finally understood it.

"What? As a saint of the Golden Soul Sect, do you still want to fight for the Golden Soul Sect?"

The owner of the shop seemed to be teasing in response, saying this to Shiratori.

Everyone immediately looked at the white bird in surprise.

She is actually the saint of the Golden Soul Sect? !

No wonder he has such a temperament that he doesn't look like ordinary people.

"The boss is joking, how could I become a saint of the Golden Soul Sect if I hadn't been cultivated by the Keike Renkai and the boss."

White Bird is very knowledgeable, and this is indeed the case.

She was born with a fleshy body. If the boss had not helped her break through the fleshy body, she would never have been able to sit on the position of a saint of the Golden Soul Sect.

Moreover, the saintess of the Golden Soul Sect is not a rare thing, nor is she the only one.

With the Tree of Flesh in her body, the so-called Saint of the Golden Soul Sect is just an external identity illusion. Her core identity is that of a member of the Rebellion Society.

The boss then got down to business.

"In addition to the first method just mentioned, the second method is to use the power of the four outer continents to enter Central Continent!

The outer continent is divided into four domains, each domain has a command talisman, and only the most powerful ones can master the command talisman.

With the command talisman, you will have the opportunity to be summoned by Zhongzhou! "

The boss explained.

So the gathering in the Fusheng Domain was because the boss had the idea of ​​​​the command talisman in the hands of the Golden Soul Sect?

Yang Gu is actually a little confused.

"What about the Baosha Region? The two major forces in the Baosha Region are fighting with each other. Who has the talisman?"

"Half and half. Decades ago, Jinlu Pavilion and Dade Temple had cooperated, making the two of them enter Central Continent as one, but they separated on bad terms."

"So what we have to do next is to snatch the talisman from the Golden Soul Sect?"

"That's right. Compared to the first method, isn't this method much simpler?"


The shop owner's words caused everyone to fall into silence.

Although the first method has no possibility of completion, the second method is not a simple matter either.

Take a look at the Keideihui. Except for the strongest Yang Yu and the weakest Wenyin, the rest are all flesh and blood. Trying to snatch the talisman from the Golden Soul Sect is equivalent to making the Keideihui become the largest in the Fusheng Domain. power, destroying the entire Golden Soul Sect.

How is this simple?

Even if the Golden Soul Sect is the weakest in the four outer continents, it is not something that a small rebel society can defeat.

I'm afraid that all it takes is one Qi Dao to wipe out the entire Kei Renkai without the boss taking action.

That was the largest force that ruled the entire Fu Sheng Realm, and there were so many zombie gods and evil spirits.

Compared with this, the Economic Rebellion Association may not even be considered an ant.

The atmosphere seemed to suddenly become dull, everyone was silent, and the boss suddenly smiled.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not asking you to challenge the Golden Soul Sect now. At least we still have a lot of time before Outer Continent faces collapse.

Moreover, compared with others, you are born fat, which is the biggest advantage that allows you to grow quickly. Also, as the owner of the weapon refining workshop, I am here to serve as your logistical support. This is actually not difficult to do. not very big. "

Everyone understood the current situation in the original world. Entering Central Continent was the only hope of survival. Obtaining the Golden Soul Sect's talisman became the only feasible way. The boss was right.

"I have a question."

It was Yang Yu who spoke. He thought of something and everyone looked at him.

"Since the Golden Soul Sect is the weakest among the four outer continents, why doesn't anyone in the other regions take up the idea of ​​the Golden Soul Sect? Why can Jinlu Pavilion and Dade Temple only fight among themselves? They can't settle for second best and start from the Golden Soul Sect. Did the teacher get the command talisman in his hand?"

"There can only be one command talisman in each great domain at the same time. This is the rule set by Zhongzhou. The command talisman is not as simple as you think.

Secondly, there is Bengjia between large areas. If you want to pass through Bengjia, for a large force, your manpower will be severely weakened, and the gain will not be worth the loss, and you will lose an arm. "

The boss explained.

Bengjia is not only the boundary between the four regions, but also a barrier to protect the forces of the four regions.

"Now that the two major forces in the Baosha region are about to explode, why don't we take advantage of this opportunity to reap the benefits in the future?"

"Do you know what is the biggest difference between the Fusheng Domain and the other three domains?"

Everyone looked confused, even Shiratiao, who was a saint of the Golden Soul Sect.

"There is no Immortal Temple in Fu Sheng Realm!"


This is indeed the biggest difference.

Xianzhi, that person is already above all practitioners. If you face such a terrifying power, you can't even imagine what will happen.

"So what do we do?"

someone asked.

The owner of the shop looked at Yang Eucalyptus.

"The future actions of the Keitai Association will be completely dominated by Hetou. You have to ask him."

Everyone turned to look at Yang Yu.

A flash of light flashed in Yang Yu's eyes, and he already knew what to do.

Facing everyone's doubtful glances, he slowly spoke:

"We're going to... cause chaos!"

The Taoist temple suddenly became quiet, and you could hear a needle drop.

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