Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 275 Is this the Zombie God? really not bad!

Being in the formation, everything here is arranged by Fu Ming, and he can do whatever he wants.

Therefore, even under the attack of two people, he seemed to be able to do it with ease.

But Fuming knew very well that this was only temporary.

There are only two people now. If more people appear, he won't be able to support it for long.

Before that, I could only hold on as long as I could.

While the power of the formation controlled Ye Jin and others, it was also used to deal with Huaidu and the dwarf.

Huaidu and the dwarf were simultaneously penetrated by countless gray threads, but they were not restrained.

The dwarf's body exuded a large amount of cold air, which directly froze the gray thread that penetrated his body and turned into countless ice shards with one palm.

The huge boulder on Huaidu's back and the desperate heads roared together, and the sound waves shattered countless gray threads in an instant.

Both of them are in an abnormal state, but their division of labor is very clear.

The dwarf was responsible for dealing with Fu Ming, while Huai Du tried his best to break into the formation and attack Yang Yu.

The moment the gray line was destroyed, a huge gray snowflake bloomed from the dwarf's body, freezing everything around it. Countless gray lines broke inch by inch, and at the same time, a large number of ice shards exploded in all directions.

These ice chips will freeze everything they touch. If they hit Fu Ming's hand, Fu Ming's palm would be frozen and shattered into pieces.

There was no pain on Fu Ming's face. Flames rose up on his body, and the flames burned the areas on his body that were contaminated by ice chips, emitting a large amount of smoke. His flesh and blood also recovered quickly.

His eyes were always on Huaidu. The dwarf was targeting him, but he wanted to keep an eye on Huaidu.

Huaidu tried every means to get close to Yang Gu, but every time he took a step forward, there were countless gray lines coming from all directions, with tricky and weird angles, making it difficult to guard against.

Every time he took a step forward, a gray line would appear and pierce his body, forcing him to retreat.

Huaidu roared, and a large number of heads flew out from the boulder on his back. They all roared with terrifying sound waves. The huge sound waves shattered all the gray lines in front of him, forming a powerful impact and heading toward Yang. As he left, a vacuum channel suddenly appeared in the gray line.

Huaidu's figure followed closely behind, quickly rushing into the vacuum without gray lines.

But just when the impact was about to reach the location of Eucalyptus poplar, countless gray lines suddenly aroused.

Swish, swish, swish!

The figures of Ye Jin, You Hong'er and others were instantly controlled by the gray thread and appeared in front of Yang Yu, receiving Huai Du's attack head-on.

Bang bang bang!

The bodies of several people flew backwards in an instant, and their whole bodies withstood the impact, and their flesh and blood were dented.

However, they all have poor cultivation and can recover quickly.

Countless gray lines in front of Fu Ming formed a rotating awl, breaking all the countless ice walls that were creeping towards him, and knocked back the dwarf with one blow.

The next moment, his figure appeared in front of Yang Yu, facing the rushing Huai Du head-on.

One of Huaidu's arms suddenly swelled, and the heads attached themselves to his hands. He suddenly gathered strength in his mouth and transferred them all to his hands.

Facing this menacing punch, Fu Ming showed no expression on his face and made seals with both hands.

Just when this punch was less than half a meter away from Fu Ming, countless gray lines suddenly appeared in front of Fu Ming, forming a huge net.

Huaidu's punch landed on the large net formed by gray threads, and all the gray threads intertwined together to block it.

The terrifying power caused the center of the big net to extend backwards, as if it would break into pieces in the next moment, but when it was about to fall on Fu Ming, it was able to block it.

Fuming's figure disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Huaidu.

Those gray threads also followed the trajectory of his movement, contracted in reverse in an instant, and entangled Huaidu.

The next moment, Fu Ming's body suddenly swelled with raging gray flames, and the flames followed the gray line and hit Huai Du's body.

call out--

The gray thread seemed to be extremely sharp, instantly cutting Huaidu's body into countless pieces. The flames suddenly spread to Huaidu's body, igniting his fragmented body, forming a huge fireball.


Fuming took advantage of the situation and kicked with great force, sending Huaidu flying directly out of the formation. Then he teleported to the edge of the formation at the same time, and shattered the spreading frost again with a palm.

One against two, with ease.

Huaidu, who was knocked out, burst into pieces, and his whole body burned with gray flames at the same time. Each of those heads was spitting fire out, like a huge fireball.

Huaidu was blocked one after another and was in a very embarrassed state. He seemed even more crazy and seemed to have no intention of holding back.

The huge boulder on his back sank and completely integrated into his body. Those heads full of despair also appeared on Huaidu's body, and his body was twisting in grotesque directions.

In just one breath, Huaidu completely transformed into a monster over two feet tall, with heads all over his body, and his belly was like a huge ball.

He walked towards the formation step by step, each foot sinking deeply into the ground, leaving a deep footprint.

On the other side, the dwarf also roared angrily, and thick ice picks were inserted from his body one after another, piercing his body and inserting into the ground.

The ground shook suddenly, and a huge monster pressed against the dwarf who was pierced by an ice pick from beneath the ground, and connected with him.

It was a humanoid monster more than three feet tall, with countless flesh and blood twisted and entangled with frost. It raised its hands high and suddenly hammered down towards the ground covered by the formation.


A large number of gray threads formed a large net, trying to block the attack of the monster controlled by the dwarf, but the moment it touched the monster's fist, it was frozen and then shattered into pieces.

The entire ground shook, and the huge impact suddenly destroyed all the countless gray lines that appeared.

This scene immediately made Fu Ming's face freeze, and the formation was broken!

These two guys started using all their strength, leaving no room for anything.

The moment the formation was broken, the heads behind Huai Du suddenly roared, and the huge sound wave formed a strong propulsive force, making Huai Du's figure of more than two feet tall disappear all of a sudden.

There was a terrifying power in the air, which even caused the air to become massively distorted.

Huaidu's figure suddenly appeared in front of Yang Yu, and he punched Yang Yu with his backhand.

But where Yang Yu was, there was still a layer of gray thread covering him. This punch directly shattered all the remaining gray threads, and then he punched Yang Eucalyptus again.


In the end, the punch failed to land on Yang Eucalyptus, because just when it was about to touch Yang Eucalyptus, it was blocked by a large number of tentacles.

Countless tentacles seemed to have formed a thick and hard wall, directly blocking Huaidu's terrifying blow, and even blocked all the power caused by the impact, without leaking any of it.

Just behind Yang Yu, there was also a figure more than two feet tall standing there.

His face was hidden in a layer of distortion, and his appearance could not be clearly seen, but through the distortion, a hollow one-eye could be seen.

On his forehead, there is a very small face, it is Fu Ming.

Countless tentacles hung densely from Fu Ming's back, forming the wall in front of Yang Yu.

Fu Ming's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he seemed to have begun to lose his mind.

The tentacles followed the trend and instantly wrapped around Huaidu's arms, drilling into his body and into the mouths of the heads.

Huaidu seemed to still want to attack, but under the control of these tentacles, no matter how hard he struggled, he could only tremble, but was unable to take action again.

The heads on his body began to spurt flames, trying to ignite all the tentacles.

But at the same time, Fu Ming's body also burned with raging fire, spreading along the tentacles in an instant.


The two huge flames collided directly, but Fuming's flames overwhelmed Huaidu's flames, pushing him back step by step.

In the fierce gray flames, Fu Ming struck out with a palm, and Huai Du's huge figure flew backwards.

All this happened in a flash of lightning. Huaidu crashed into the monster controlled by the dwarf. The two huge monsters retreated together, drawing a deep ravine on the ground.

Before they could stabilize their bodies, Fu Ming's figure had already followed closely, and a huge tentacle directly penetrated the two of them, which was heartbreaking.

It passed through Huaidu's body and then passed through the body of the bigger monster behind.

In an instant, countless twisting tentacles seemed to take root and sprout, continuously drilling out from the bodies of Huaidu and the monster, forming tumors one after another, wildly devouring their flesh and blood.

The monster was roaring, and Huaidu was also screaming. In just a moment, a violent flame was released from their bodies, and at the same time detonated the tumors on their bodies.


Countless blood intertwined to form an explosive field, destroying everything in the field and forming a huge gray fireball.

Two gray shadows suddenly passed through the fireball and fled quickly into the distance.

It wasn't until a few breaths later that all the flames disappeared, and everything was devastated. There were bloodstains burned into dark gray everywhere. The broken flesh and blood had completely melted with the soil, leaving a huge deep pit.

Fu Ming's body was returning to a normal state, but blood was vomiting from his mouth, and the broken tentacles were retracting into his body.

He kept looking into the distance, confirming that both Huaidu and the dwarf had lost their combat effectiveness in a short period of time under the blow just now.

He looked back at Yang Eucalyptus again and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Yang Eucalyptus was not affected in any way.

"Junior brother, you need to be faster. If someone comes again, senior brother may not be able to hold on for too long."

After spitting out the last mouthful of blood, Fu Ming returned to normal state.

In that state, sanity cannot last long. If it is lost, it will be like being imprisoned and lost in madness for a long time.

Ye Ban and others were affected just now. They were originally controlled by the formation set up by Fu Ming. They were used as shields by Fu Ming in the subsequent battles. Although they all returned to normal at this time, they were temporarily lost. He lost consciousness and fell to the ground in a mess.

Fu Ming ignored them and walked to the campfire to sit down.

Despite the battle, the bonfire continued to burn and was not extinguished, continuing to emit a gray flame.

As soon as Fu Ming sat down, his body couldn't help but tremble. Countless small maggot-like tentacles sprouted from various parts of his body, and he began to vomit blood again.

The blood fell to the ground and turned into tentacles of different lengths, crawling up his body. There was a look of pain on his face, but the reason in his eyes remained firm and unshaken.

As time passed, everything around him became silent.

I don't know when, Ye Jin and others also woke up. They looked at the bonfire blankly, saw Fu Ming, and also saw Yang Gu.

But the poplar they saw was incompatible with this world.

They are rendered gray here, except Yang Gu's body is gorgeous.

It was as if it was the first time to see Yang Eucalyptus. Nothing had happened before. Ye Jin and the others showed surprise on their faces, but then they were relieved.

If Eucalyptus poplar hadn't killed Minghe, they wouldn't have come here.

So it is natural that Eucalyptus poplar will appear here.

"We almost killed him, didn't we?"

Ye Jin looked at the devastated jungle, where a large amount of vegetation had been destroyed, and Fu Ming's face looked a little strange.

You Hong'er and others also looked at Fu Ming curiously, with smiles on their faces.

Looking at the current situation, they must have lost their minds and took action against Yang Yu, but were eventually stopped by Fu Ming.

Fu Ming completely returned to normal, but some of the tentacles on his body had not disappeared. After hearing this, he slowly opened his eyes and glanced at Ye Jin and the others.

"Senior Brother, this is a bit too whimsical. You are not qualified yet."


"It's Huaidu, he's bringing another guy here."


A cold snort came from Ye Ban's mouth, and he didn't know whether it was because Fu Ming said they were not qualified, or because Fu Ming was angry because he mentioned Huai Du's name.

"Kill him now. As long as we kill him, we may be able to find a way to resurrect him with the help of his body. Everything about Master will be ours."

Ye Qing started to get a little crazy again. His eyes towards Yang Yu were full of ill intentions, but he was just talking and didn't really want to take action, because Fu Ming was staring at him with a cold face. .

"Sooner or later, that world will disappear. What's the point of going back to a place like that?

If you want to kill him, I won't stop you, but you have to wait until he wakes up, because I have promised to protect him.

Before that, if you want to take action, then you all will die. "

Fu Ming said in a cold tone, he had no nostalgia for reality at all.

"Death? Haha, junior brother, you know that we are already dead, so we are immortal here. Only by gaining control of the land of Qiyuan can we be killed."

Ye Ban looked at Yang Yu with some disdain.

"This is something that even Master can't do, do you think he can do it alone?

Now is a perfect opportunity. If we kill him, we can get the Earthly Dharma Monument, and maybe we can surpass Master and control the Land of Heavenly Origin. "

"Do you always think that he was able to kill Master because of luck?"

Fu Ming smiled coldly.

If luck could kill Minghe, they wouldn't always live in Minghe's shadow.

"Although I can't kill you, you can give it a try. It's not difficult to make your life worse than death."

Faced with Fu Ming's tough attitude, Ye Ban did not continue to speak. He just glanced at Yang Yu one last time and then turned into a gray shadow and left.

You Hong'er followed Ye Ban and left, and Ji Bu did the same. In the end, only Jin Tong was left standing, but he didn't look at Yang Yu, but at Fu Ming.

Compared with the living dead who lay in the coffin all day long when he was still in the Minghe Sect, Jin Tong's complexion was much normal even though there were still blood vessels extending from his body.

"More people will be coming soon. Do you need me to stay and help?"

After hearing Jin Tong's words, Fu Ming just shook his head.

"Junior brother can't trust you."

"Haha, that's fine. I just hope he can be gentler when I'm lost."

"I'll tell him."

Fu Ming nodded.

Jin Tong glanced at Yang Yu, who was still practicing, and then left quickly. Only Fu Ming and Yang Yu were left here, sitting quietly by the bonfire.

There is no day or night in this world. It is eternal gray here, and so is the sky and the earth.

The bonfire continued to burn without any fuel. The gray flames were swaying, but the colors reflected by the firelight on the bodies of Eucalyptus poplar and Fu Ming were completely different. It seemed that as long as you got close to Eucalyptus poplar, everything would return to its beauty.

Time passed minute by minute, and the passage of time was not that important in this world, but Fu Ming was still calculating silently in his heart, which came more from instinct.

About four hours later, there was movement in the distance, and a gust of wind blew over, making a rustling sound.

Previously, due to the battle between Fuming, Huaidu and others, everything around them was destroyed, but it was unknown when it was completely restored to its original appearance.

Fu Ming slowly stood up from the campfire, his face couldn't be said to be ugly, but he was very solemn.

Just as Jin Tong said, people are coming, and there are quite a few of them, four in total!

He glanced at Yang Gu, who had his eyes closed tightly, full of worry, but still left the bonfire without hesitation.

As he walked outside step by step, his body also changed. As his flesh and blood swelled, countless tentacles spread out from behind him and hung to the ground.

If you don't use your full strength, you won't be able to fulfill your promise to Yang Eucalyptus.

Just when Fu Ming walked less than ten meters out of the bonfire, and the strong wind that had been blowing was blowing in the distance, countless rotting birds appeared, and the sky was filled with putrid smell and shadows for a while.

These flying birds rushed over in large numbers, falling like a gust of wind and rain, rushing towards Fuming, and at the same time they also rushed towards the location of Eucalyptus poplar.

Immediately, a large number of tentacles on Fu Ming's body poured out, blocking Yang Yu's front, forming a thick wall.

The previous formation had been destroyed by Huaidu, and he could no longer use the formation to block it.

The flying bird fearlessly collided with the tentacles, breaking into pieces upon impact, with blood dripping and blood foam flying everywhere.

But the blood adhered to the tentacles and corroded them quickly.

At the same time, Fu Ming was also facing attacks from these birds. Flames erupted from his body, burning all the attacking birds into ashes.

But after a while, a big hole was corroded out of the tentacles that were originally blocking Yang Gu's face.

The speed of recovery is far slower than the speed of corrosion.

But fortunately, these birds were not difficult things to deal with. The tentacles were separated and swept continuously, and soon they were all broken into pieces. The ground was full of flesh, blood and feathers.

At this moment, a figure quickly appeared in front of Fu Ming from a distance.

It was a man who grew up with the tree. Countless vines were wrapped around his body and passed through his body, binding his hands and feet.


He spat out a mantra in his mouth, and Fu Ming suddenly felt that his body was as heavy as a thousand stones, and his body was suddenly pressed into the soil below.

There were flames on the tentacles, and countless afterimages suddenly shot out and attacked the man.


In an instant, a true word came from the man's mouth again.

In an instant, countless vines also surged out of his body, rushing out faster than the tentacles.

The burning tentacles were like an egg hitting a stone in front of these vines. In the blink of an eye, they were pierced by the vines, spread along the tentacles and even fell on Fu Ming's body.

Fu Ming's body was already under inexplicable pressure, his speed was greatly affected, and he couldn't avoid it at all.

The vines dug into his body, but were also ignited by the flames on his body.


Fu Ming's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, and a black shadow shot out from under the soil and shot straight to the sky. It suddenly swept towards the man and knocked him away ten feet away.

All the tentacles where they were originally turned into decaying ashes, and when Fu Ming reappeared, all the tentacles on his body were broken and they were recovering rapidly.

The man who was knocked out stopped his body, but the next moment, a large number of tentacles erupted from his body, poured out crazily from his seven orifices, and blocked his mouth.


The tentacles exploded all of a sudden, exploding a large amount of flames and simultaneously blasting the man into pieces.

call out--

Another sound of breaking through the air suddenly came, but Fu Ming reacted quickly and managed to avoid it, but was still cut off by the attack.

It was a light gray chess piece, its original color should be white.

Fu Ming instantly realized something was wrong. The tentacles that had not fully recovered suddenly shrank and blocked his body. However, he was still pierced by another dark gray chess piece in an instant.

Where there is black, there must be white. If you avoid the white piece, you will not avoid the black piece.

Just by being penetrated by the chess piece, half of Fu Ming's body exploded into gray blood mist in an instant, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, another tall figure appeared in front of Fu Ming as if teleporting, and punched Fu Ming in the head.

Just when the punch was about to land on Fu Ming's head, and the next moment his brain would burst, the fist suddenly stopped two inches away from Fu Ming.

Seeing this, Fu Ming immediately pulled away, wrapped the remaining tentacles around the half of his body that had been blown up to speed up recovery, and at the same time looked not far away.

Jin Tong left and came back again, his eyes were filled with blood flowing out, his eyeballs were broken, and his whole body was trembling.

The punch that was supposed to land on Fu Ming's head finally landed. Jin Tong suddenly felt like he was struck by lightning and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

Fu Ming didn't have time to think about why Jin Tong went and came back to help him, because he found that countless grids and lines were suddenly scattered under his feet.

In the void, dark gray and light gray chess pieces appeared, falling on the intersection of those lines in an orderly manner.

He didn't know when he had fallen into the chessboard and was enveloped in a thick murderous intent.

The two chess pieces suddenly turned into chains, rooted in nothingness, and suddenly shrank. A look of pain suddenly appeared on Fu Ming's face.

In a blink of an eye, he saw that those chains penetrated his body, piercing his whole body and tightly imprisoning him.

At the same time, countless rotting birds appeared again from above, condensing into a huge bird and swooping down towards him.

The punch that failed to hit him just now appeared in front of him again.

Despite this, Fu Ming's eyes still didn't show despair, there were just deep sighs, and... countless spreading bloodshot eyes and madness.

I feel really guilty for not being able to fulfill my promise to my junior brother.

In this case, just die again!

A strong sense of madness and murderous intent suddenly emanated from Fu Ming's body. His head was torn apart at a very fast speed, and something was about to break out of his body.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly reached Fu Ming's ears, and at the same time, an extremely dark black light spread instantly.

At this moment, whether it was the birds swooping down from the sky, or the punch about to land on Fu Ming's head, or even Fu Ming himself, they were all frozen in place, as if time had been suspended.

"Senior brother, this is the first time I have seen you in such a mess. I am very grateful. Leave the rest to me."

Yang Yu no longer knew when he woke up and completely broke away from the state of cultivation. This also meant that his cultivation had completed a breakthrough, just in time for the scene before him.

The black light emanated from his body, covering everything within a few hundred meters, so that Fu Ming's eyes were moving, but Yang Yu's expression could not be seen, and he could only see endless darkness.

The next moment, the darkness suddenly disappeared, replaced by a human figure filled with golden light. He grabbed the neck of a tall figure with one hand, and the golden light all over his body fell on the man.

At the same time, countless rays of golden light shot straight into the sky, like a huge lotus blooming suddenly, swallowing up the birds that fell from the sky.


Whether it was in the sky or on the ground, a large amount of golden light burst out at once, turning everything into ashes.

In the center of this gray world, a bright light burst out, and a black shadow flashed across, appearing in front of a guy with two colors, dark gray and light gray, with a calm and smooth face.

Yang Yu seemed to have good interest in looking this guy up and down.

"Is this the chess you played?"

The guy didn't speak, but in a moment, a huge palm holding a light gray chess piece suddenly fell towards Yang Yu.

"Chess is divided into two parts, black and white, but look at it, what color am I?"

Yang Yu said slowly without any rush or delay.

The next moment, his body suddenly bloomed with bright lights one after another.

There is white among the gold, black among the white, green among the black, and red among the green. It is extremely gorgeous.

When the hand holding the chess piece fell, it just touched the light, and it shattered into pieces in an instant, swallowing up the guy playing chess with it.

In the distance, the broken flesh and blood reunited and recovered, and the man tied to the tree appeared again.

When he saw this scene, he decisively chose to escape between escaping and attacking.

But before he could escape, Yang Yu's figure had already appeared in front of him, and a hand easily penetrated his chest.


Another light burst out between heaven and earth.

After a breath, everything returned to calm.

When all the light disappeared, the entire world turned gray again, leaving only fly ash scattered everywhere.

Yang Eucalyptus was floating quietly in the air, feeling the power in her body carefully, with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Is this the Zombie God?"

"really not bad!"

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