Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 274 Senior brother, I have wronged you for now!

What appeared in front of Yang Yu was a monster between reality and reality.

The whole body was covered in tentacles with eyes, as if the body was covered with a thick layer of thatch, except that only one huge eyeball was exposed among so many tentacles.

It was floating quietly in front of Yang Eucalyptus. It was two feet tall and exuded an obscure aura.

This is a controllable thing, so Yang Yu puts down his guard.

If it is an unknown thing that is uncontrollable, then he will take action against it as soon as possible.

"Protect me! Even if I die, I won't let anyone get close to me."

Yang Gu immediately gave it an order.

As soon as he finished speaking, the monster in front of him surged out all its tentacles, covering the whole body within several meters of Yang Gu.

The tentacles are stacked together like building a wall.

The eyes on the tentacles are like mirrors, reflecting everything around them, using points to form lines and lines to form surfaces.

After just one breath, Yang Yu was surprised to find that the monster's torso disappeared around him, leaving only a big eyeball hanging above his head.

And everything around him was completely integrated with the outside. It looked like he was standing here, as if nothing had changed. In fact, his existence had been "erased" in the eyes of others and disappeared.

The beast summoned by the Summoning True Immortal Curse actually has such a wonderful ability, which suits Yang Yu's wishes, so he is relieved.

He sat cross-legged and entered the Earthly Dharma Monument in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the familiar surroundings, the layers of barriers showing light spots and words, Yang Yu began to think about a question.

That is the thirteenth way of life to be promoted to the zombie god.

When he broke through the late stage of flesh and blood, Yang Yu integrated the twelfth life-path technique with Yuanlong Tunguang, which was the light technique he had recently mastered.

But after that, he didn't master any new techniques, only the Infinite Body of Red Wheel that he learned from the Yuga Vajra Body in Dade Temple.

However, although Chilun Infinite Body is an old light-type technique, it belongs to the body-refining method, not a magic technique, and cannot be used as a technique of the thirteenth life path in the form of a magic technique.

In other words, according to his usual thinking, using light magic as his destiny technique, if he wants to be promoted to Zombie God, he needs to master a new light magic.

Before that, because he didn't know the role of the smelting magic barrier in the niche to turn it into pure mana, Yang Yu didn't expect that Huan niche would be able to unlock all the hidden seals from the beginning and be promoted to the zombie god.

This span is really too big.

So I had never thought about mastering new techniques before.

The source of new spells is not a problem. There are many spells recorded on the Earthly Magic Monument. It should not be difficult to find light spells.

But the really difficult problem is that Yang Yu doesn’t have enough time.

There is only one day left for the wedding. Three hours have passed and there are still nine hours left.

It takes time to master a new technique. It is impossible to learn it in less than a day, and Yang Gu can't do it either.

And even if the time flow rate between the land of Qiyuan and reality is inconsistent, the difference is not very big, and it cannot buy him enough time to learn new spells.

It is like taking a step and gaining wisdom. Since coming to Dade Temple, in order to prevent his secrets from being exposed, Yang Yu has always focused on the body training method, but instead despised the method of magic.

Just like the principle of using a book, you will miss it when it is used. If you deviate from your own focus, you will be caught off guard when the incident occurs.

However, Eucalyptus poplar is not without its response.

He also has a technique that he has already mastered that can be integrated into the Fate Technique, and it is very suitable.

Offensively, he has a lot of tools.

In terms of defense and close combat, there are also methods of body refining.

Only in terms of speed, one can only rely on bursts of light spells and body refining techniques, or just ordinary flying.

The light and shadow escape technique is the only escape technique he has mastered. By creating light and shadow, he can achieve the effect of teleportation in a very short period of time at an astonishing speed.

If the light and shadow escape method can be integrated into the art of fate, and then the light and shadow escape method can be improved, his lag in speed can be caught up, so that he has no major shortcomings.

Once he has entered the realm of Zombie God and the pleasure gathering is over, he should take time to master more spells as soon as possible. The spells are his top priority.

Passing through the barriers, Yang Gu headed towards the land of Qiyuan.

The flow rate of time inside the barrier is the same as in reality, but the place of origin outside the barrier is inconsistent with reality.

After passing through the twenty-eighth barrier, there was a gray world, and he came to the Land of Origin for the second time.

Yang Yu first looked around and found no trace of anyone, then looked for the direction and walked towards the jungle.

There was still a bonfire burning there, and a man was sitting quietly beside the bonfire, fuming.

"Junior brother, long time no see."

Fu Ming, as always, greeted Yang Yu with a kind smile. It sounded like a long time had passed since Yang Yu last came in.

He looked at Yang Yu with some surprise.

"Junior brother, is he going to break through the Zombie God soon?"

He remembered that when Yang Yu came here last time, his cultivation was still Fu Shi. He didn't expect that when they met again, he was about to break through the Zombie God.

The outside world...has it been a long time?

The second senior brother used to cough non-stop and even cough up blood when he said a word, but now that he is in the land of Qiyuan, he seems to have recovered his health.

Although the whole world is gray, Yang Yu can still feel that Fu Ming's mental state is very good.

This also made him a little uncomfortable with Fu Ming speaking so smoothly and coherently.

Thinking of the last encounter in the land of Qiyuan, Fu Ming would help him. Therefore, Yang Yu has always maintained a good impression of Fu Ming, especially because he is the most sensible and not as crazy as Ye Ban and others. .

The reason why he chose to enter Grayscale was that, in addition to the difference in time flow rate between the two places, he also hoped to get help from Fu Ming.

Here, just like the outside world, he will be discovered by others, bringing him danger and trouble.

But in Grayscale, Fuming is there.

"Let me guess, junior brother chose this time to enter the gray scale. I guess he must have encountered some trouble in the outside world, right?"

Yang Yu was about to explain, but Fu Ming guessed first.

"Senior Brother Fuming knows things like a god."

Yang Yu nodded.

"So, what do you need me to do for you?"

A trace of surprise appeared in Yang Yu's eyes, and Fu Ming seemed to have guessed his thoughts accurately.

All I can say is that he is indeed the second senior brother and has always been thoughtful.

Even in the former Minghe Clan, there was a person who was willing to endure for a hundred years for the sake of his plan.

Now that Fu Ming had revealed the truth, Yang Yu was not going to waste time and went straight to the point.

"I want to make a deal with my senior brother. Senior brother will protect me and help me break through the Zombie God."

"A deal? That's fine."

Fu Ming nodded and agreed happily.

"Senior brother..."

Yang Yu originally wanted to ask him what he needed and what he could do for him.

Both parties can benefit, this is a fair and just transaction.

But before he said anything, he heard Fu Ming say:

"You killed Master to fulfill my wish. This time you protect the Dharma for me. This kindness should be repaid to you, so you don't need to give anything else."

He always maintained a smile on his face, and finally smiled again:

"That's fair."

Yang Yu looked at him quietly. Since seeing Fu Ming again, Yang Yu felt that Fu Ming had changed.

He is less aggressive than before, more gentle, and treats others more peacefully, which is completely different from others.

"Then thank you, senior brother."

Yang Yu is no longer polite, he needs to hurry up.

However, in order to prevent unexpected situations from happening, Gong Niang should be alert in advance.

Although Gong Niang didn't speak, he knew that Gong Niang was always there, but couldn't speak for some reason.

Right next to the bonfire, Yang Gu sat down.

All the follow-up techniques of "Explanations of the Wonderful Way" have been acquired, and the next stage is clear to the mind, and he quickly enters the state of practice.

Seeing Yang Yu starting to practice, Fu Ming slowly got up from the ground and walked outside.

His steps were very light, stepping on the ground full of dead branches and leaves, but he made no sound at all.

With his hands behind his back, a breeze blew, his clothes were dancing gently, and his black hair was tangled.

With a casual move, the bonfire burning with gray flames suddenly became distorted, and gray lines spread along the ground in all directions.

Wherever he walked, those gray lines followed closely behind him, and did not stop until they spread to a hundred meters away from the bonfire.

Where Yang Eucalyptus was, the space around him began to become distorted, and lines emerged, surrounding Yang Eucalyptus, as if forming a barrier.

Fu Ming finally reached the end of the spreading gray line and stopped, with his back to Yang Eucalyptus and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Actually, junior brother, in order to wait for you, senior brother has also set up a formation here, not only to trap me who may be harmful to you, but also to help you who need help."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fu Ming gently raised his hand and made a move with two fingers.

At the same time, several figures appeared above the bonfire in an instant, attacking Yang Gu at the same time at a very fast speed.

At this moment, within a hundred meters, there were continuous sounds of breaking through the air, and countless gray lines appeared out of thin air, passing through those figures in an instant, and forcibly stagnating them in mid-air.

The visitors are: Ye Jin, You Hong'er, Ji Bu, and Jin Tong!

They are all acquaintances of Yang Gu.

Ye Ban's whole body was burning with blazing fire, and his face was full of madness and distortion.

You Hong'er still has the weird appearance of a human body with a snake tail, a green face and fangs.

Needless to say, Ji Bu and Jin Tong were not in a normal state at this time.

But several of them had their bodies pierced by countless gray threads, and they tried to struggle hard, causing the gray threads to tremble slightly.

Facing Yang Eucalyptus so close at hand, he still couldn't break free, and couldn't even move his fingers.

"Fu Ming!!!"

Compared to the others, Ye Ban seemed to still have a trace of reason amidst the madness, but his tone was full of violence.

He seemed to want to kill Fu Ming, maybe he wanted to kill Yang Yu, and more likely he wanted to kill everyone in sight.

"I promised my junior brother, but I won't let you disturb him."

Fu Ming just smiled softly and raised his hand into a fist.

The next moment, more gray threads appeared, densely packed and inextricably linked, all piercing through the bodies of these people, making them even more unable to move.

Drops of gray blood fell on the ground, only soaking the gray ground with a deeper color.

There was no follow-up action, because Fu Ming had no intention of killing them, he just wanted to control them and stop them.

In this regard, there is nothing that can be done by banning a few people.

At this moment, there was movement in the distance.

The wind and waves swept over, and two figures appeared in Fu Ming's field of vision, approaching quickly.

One of them was the guy Yang Yu met when he first entered the gray scale. He was Ming He's former disciple, Huai Du.

As for the other person, Fu Ming didn't know him, but he was able to attack with Huaidu, so he probably had the same identity.

Huaidu's clothes were in tatters, and he was carrying a huge boulder fused with his body on his back. On top of the boulder were human heads full of despair.

The other man was short, a dwarf, and looked a little ordinary.

Like Ye Jin and others, when the two of them appeared here, their eyes immediately fell on Yang Gu next to the campfire. Their eyes were full of murderous intent, but they did not look at the other people.

"Two of them came at once, which is a bit troublesome."

Fu Ming's smile gradually faded, but it still looked more casual.

He also knew that these guys were not in a normal mental state at this time, so he avoided unnecessary communication and did not say a word.

The first one to rush over was Huai Du. Without even looking at Fu Ming, he was about to step into the formation filled with gray lines.

But just as he rushed in and touched the first gray thread, he pulled it off. Countless gray threads connected to the bonfire, and gray flames spread from it instantly.

The gray flames merged together, forming a powerful impact like an explosion, sending Huaidu flying more than ten feet away.

On the other side, unlike Huaidu, the dwarf rushed towards Fu Ming immediately.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Fu Ming appeared in front of Fu Ming, pinching the seals with both hands continuously, and then hit Fu Ming with a palm.

This palm landed firmly on Fu Ming's body. Fu Ming seemed to have no reaction, and his chest suddenly sunk, but there was a slight smile on his face.

The next second, his body blurred and at the same time he became another person.

Fu Ming unexpectedly appeared above the bonfire, and his original position, hit by the dwarf's palm, turned into a wild place pierced by countless gray threads.

Ye Ban had an angry look on his face, and a large amount of blood spurted out from his mouth, falling to the ground like money.

"Senior brother, I have wronged you for now."


The gray line vibrated, and a long tail as thick as an earthworm suddenly attacked and wrapped around the dwarf's neck. A ferocious fire dragon suddenly spurted out of Ye Ban's mouth and swallowed the dwarf's head instantly.

But the next moment, Ye Ban's whole body was covered with a layer of gray frost, which condensed into a huge ice block. Sharp ice picks penetrated from the ice block, piercing his body with holes.


The ice block was knocked away heavily, but when it was about to leave the range of the formation, it was forcibly held back by countless gray lines.

The dwarf exuded a lot of cold air. He pulled off the severed tail wrapped around his neck with one hand, and the flames on his head were extinguished instantly.

But at this moment, more than a dozen gray threads appeared out of thin air and pierced his body.

At the same time, Fu Ming appeared on the edge of the formation like a flicker, spat out a mouthful of gray blood, held it in his hand, and flicked it.

A huge palm suddenly condensed in mid-air and smacked down suddenly, knocking Huaidu, who took the opportunity to rush into the formation, into the ground, shaking the mountain and the earth.

When the giant palm dissipated, Huaidu was lying in a deep pit, covered with gray threads falling from the sky, piercing through every part of his body, densely packed.

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