Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 167 Take out your soul and go to another continent!

Time goes back to a cup of tea.

If you have a way, just tell me!

Yang Yu was extremely anxious. Seeing that Fu Ming and the old guy were about to take action, time was running out and they had to get out of this area as soon as possible.

He didn't think that the old guy would deliberately care about him at this time.

"Urgent, urgent, urgent! Boss, tell me quickly, what is the solution?"

Yang Yu immediately sent a new message to the owner.

Soon, a response came from the boss.

"The way is to temporarily pull your soul out of your body!"


Not so!

Yang Yu was shocked, how could this have anything to do with the soul?

"According to your description, since you have not seen any manifestation of the power of rules, invisible power, it is very likely that this rule has directly imprisoned your soul and thus affected your body.

In this case, as long as your soul is temporarily separated from the body, you can escape. "

Immediately afterwards, the boss gave a reply.

And his words immediately reminded Yang Yu of the inexplicable disappearance of the souls of his fellow sect members several times in a row after they were killed by him.

He had suspected Fu Ming and the old guy before, and it was one of them who did it anyway.

From this point of view, the old guy really has the ability to influence other people's souls.

"Then what should I do?"

Time was running out, Yang Yu asked immediately.

"You can't do it. The container teleportation has been temporarily closed, and I can't help you. But do you still remember the bow I gave you? You can find her, she may be able to do something."

The owner's answer is simple.

Gong Niang?

Yang Gu was slightly surprised.

Gong Niang can see the beauty and ugliness of souls, and can even devour souls. He knows this.

Now that the power of confinement on him has reached the soul level, you can really ask Gong Niang.

Thinking of this, Yang Gu immediately withdrew his consciousness from the tree of flesh and called Gong Niang in his heart.

"Gong Niang! I treat you well, don't I?"

"Boy, what do you want to do?"

Gong Niang responded immediately, her voice sounded in Yang Yu's ears, and she sounded defensive.

"Save me! My soul is imprisoned and I can't move! The boss said that as long as my soul temporarily leaves the body, the imprisonment can be released."

Yang Gu got straight to the point.

"you sure?"

Gong Niang also knew that the situation was not good now, so she didn't behave as she usually did and asked immediately.

"Try it!"

Yang Yu gritted his teeth in his heart.

Gong Niang agreed immediately.

Soon, Yang Yu felt an invisible warm force touching his chest, slowly spreading from his chest to other places.

This feeling was like a pair of slender, warm hands gently caressing his chest.

so weird……

Yang Yu endured the strange feeling in her heart and allowed the warm feeling to gradually spread throughout her body.

When his whole body was already warm, his consciousness quickly became blurred. Everything he saw seemed to be quickly becoming blurry, unable to see clearly, and his mind became hazy.

But soon, a cold feeling suddenly swept through his body, as if he was under the blazing sun one moment and was thrown into an ice cave the next.

The sudden coldness seemed to touch the soul, and the unbearable chill made Yang Yu couldn't help but shiver, and her body suddenly trembled.

But just by this trembling, Yang Yu's consciousness suddenly woke up, and her consciousness immediately recovered.

He slowly raised his hand and was surprised to find that he could move it.

The invisible power of imprisonment disappeared!

"Bah, bah, bah! Bah! Boy, why is your soul so bitter! Oh, it's so bitter! I'm so miserable to death! Yue——"

At the same time, Gong Niang's voice appeared in Yang Yu's ears, full of disgust.

Could it be that this guy just gave him a blowjob?

But now is not the time to think about this. The top priority is to get out of here first, before the old guy finds out.

"Thank you Gong Niang!"

After thanking Gong Niang, Yang Yu used all his strength to use illusion magic to cover up his aura, and then turned into a black shadow and ran towards the outside of Minghe Gate.

He was already on the edge of Minghe Sect. At this time, the entire Minghe Sect was shrouded in a layer of red light, and nothing could be seen clearly.

There was a trembling sound in the distance, and on the ground, tentacles of flesh and blood covered with black hair were expanding.

Obviously Fu Ming and the old guy have already started to take action.

Yang Yu had no intention of watching the battle. Seeing how the two of them fought, they were out of Minghemen's range almost in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Minghemen was hundreds of feet high in the sky. Yang Yu's figure quickly fell to the ground. There was no sign of being affected around him. Then he turned back and looked up at the sky.

The towering giant was still holding the entire Minghe Sect motionless, but at this time, there were some strange fluctuations faintly coming from above the Minghe Sect. The red light was like a mist rolling up a storm, with a huge momentum.

If the two fight, one of them will die.

Fu Ming's true strength surprised Yang Yu. He also hoped that Fu Ming could deal with the old guy, but he didn't think Fu Ming could do that.

Even the previous visitors from Dade Temple died in the hands of the old guy. The old guy's true strength may be even more terrifying than he imagined.

Yang Yu was prepared to stay far away. It was impossible to escape by running. If he dared to run, the old guy could find him.

Fortunately, when he was imprisoned just now, he listened to the old guy and was not prepared to cut his leeks. This was the reason why Yang Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he has obtained the follow-up skills of the Zombie God Realm, this is not the end.

Even if you leave, you will still have to come back to get the follow-up skills in the future, so why not first see what the old guy will do next.

Soon, Yang Gu moved towards the distance, retreating to a thousand meters away from the original position of Corpse Spit Valley.

After waiting for a stick of incense, I suddenly saw that the Minghemen lifted up above me disappeared in an instant, and everything turned into ashes in an instant.

Even most of the fourth senior brother's body was decomposed in an instant, leaving only half of the body.

Be good! Could it be that the old guy was really killed by Fu Ming?

Yang Yu was shocked and stared at this scene in a daze. It took a while before she came back to her senses.

Minghemen is gone!

Looking at this situation, even if the old guy wants to kill Fu Ming, there is no need to destroy the entire Minghe Sect. This was obviously done by Fu Ming.

However, in Yang Yu's perception, the aura mark left on Fu Ming disappeared at the same time.

Fu Ming is dead!

The power of that scene was such that the entire Minghe Sect, including the fourth senior brother, was cut into half. I'm afraid no one could survive.

Fortunately, he ran fast, otherwise it is already foreseeable what his end would be.

Yang Yu let go of his senses with all his strength while slowly approaching the original location of Corpse Spit Valley. According to his intuition, the old guy probably wouldn't die that easily.

But it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are injured. If you are seriously injured...

Just when Yang Yu was thinking this, his steps suddenly stopped, he slowly turned around and looked at the figure that suddenly appeared behind him.


Old Man Minghe was so mysterious that he almost made Yang Yu blurt out some disrespectful words. Fortunately, he changed his words in time and almost broke out in a cold sweat.

Seeing that Yang Gu was still safe and sound, Ming He had no expression on his face, but He Tou smiled.

Sure enough, their guess was correct. There was someone behind this kid, so he wouldn't die so easily.

"Little disciple, where are you going?"

"Disciple has not gone anywhere. He has been waiting here for Master. Master's power is boundless and he will surely bring great blessings to the sky!"

A timely compliment, but Yang Yu's heart was beating fast. His guess was indeed right. It was easy for the old guy to find him. Fortunately, he didn't plan to run away.

"Great! You did a great job!"

Hetou smiled and seemed very satisfied with Yang Gu's answer.

"But now that Minghemen has been destroyed by the traitor, we are the only two left, master and disciple. What do you think we should do next?"

It looked at Yang Yu with a smile and asked, obviously not counting the four disciples.

Is this old monster testing me?

Yang Yu was confused in his heart. Logically speaking, all his classmates were gone now. There was no one more than him and no one less. However, the old guy kept him here.

Something weird!

"Disciples follow Master's arrangements. Wherever Master goes, disciples will go. As long as Master is here, Minghemen will always be there!"

"Hahahaha! My little disciple, my master is really falling in love with you more and more, that's right! My master is indeed right about the person!"

Crane Head laughed so hard that he raised his slender neck.

"In that case, from today on, you will be the top disciple of my Minghe Sect!"


After the words fell, Hetou suddenly opened his mouth wide, and two people spit out from his mouth at once.


The two figures fell to the ground together, already falling into a coma.

It was Wen Yin and Zhou Quan who Yang Yu had not seen from beginning to end.

It turned out that these two guys were not dead, they were both swallowed by the old monster.

"Disciple, there is something very important for you to do now."

When Old Man Minghe spoke at this time, he obviously had already made plans.

After glancing at Wen Yin and Zhou Quan, Yang Yu withdrew his gaze and said, "Master, please give me your instructions!"

"Take your junior sister and junior brother with you and go to Baosha Domain, one of the four regions in the outer continent, to find a good place. Everything is decided by you. Once it is decided, it will be the new mountain gate of our Minghe Clan!"

Old Minghe seemed to be in a bad mood, and spoke in an indifferent tone.

Go to another continent?

Why go to another continent when everything is fine?

For Yang Yu, who had only heard of and never understood Waizhou, the old guy's order undoubtedly put him in trouble.


He just wanted to ask the old guy why he wanted to go to another continent.

But before the words were spoken, Old Man Minghe gently raised his hand, and suddenly three black shadows flashed and instantly penetrated into the bodies of him and the other two fellow disciples who were still unconscious.

The black shadow flashed away so fast that Yang Yu didn't even react at all.

But when the black shadow entered his body, he didn't feel anything strange, and even his special abilities didn't react at all.

This shows that it is probably some kind of magic, or it is the power of rules of forbidden weapon fragments.

It's most likely the latter.

"I don't have much time to be a teacher. I can only give you two months. If you can't do it within two months, the things left in your body will explode, and by then it will be too late."


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