Red feathers intertwined with crimson flames swayed all over Minghe's body. Every part of his flesh and blood was filled with bright light, making him look like he was wearing a bright blood-colored feather coat.

Minghe stretched out a hand, and a small flame appeared on his finger.

"Disciple, you tried to use magic power to influence me, but you did it.

But how can you face the power of rules mastered by your master? "

The small flame flickered slightly between Minghe's fingers, and a round hole appeared in the flame. The fire began to collapse inside, and then grew stronger from the other side.

Under the constant collapse and agitation, the flames that were originally the size of a finger soon became the size of a fist.

"You see, the lighting technique actually does not require magic power. Each of you should know from the time you start to master this technique that it actually comes from ourselves, and it can ignite all living things!"

"like this!"

After the words fell, Minghe flicked the flame on his fingertips outward.

A flame that was originally the size of a fist suddenly appeared in front of Fu Ming. At this moment, everything seemed to have stopped, only Ming He's voice continued to sound.

"Have you seen this fire? This is actually a rule, and it does not come from a forbidden weapon, but from a former disciple of your master, that is, one of your former senior brothers!"

"He saw his true self when he entered the tribulation for the first time, and his soul was imprinted with himself, so this part of the rules also comes from himself!"

As Ming He's voice slowly spoke, everything that had been stagnant began to return to normal in an instant.

When the cracks on Fu Ming's face suddenly widened, as if his eyes were frozen, the flames quickly submerged into his body.


In just an instant, Fu Ming's several-foot-tall body was enveloped in a crimson flame.

A huge hole began to appear on his body, just like the trajectory of the flames that appeared in the hands of the old man Minghe. The flesh and blood of Fu Ming's body was also twisting and collapsing into the hole.

The shrill screams came from Fu Ming's body and spread to the surroundings over and over again. This was an unbearable pain.

But when his flesh and blood collapsed and then expanded, large-scale ruptures occurred.

The tentacles of flesh and blood that were originally connected to his body were also rapidly swelling, pouring more flesh and blood into his body.

He seemed to be trying hard to maintain his physical body and not collapse under the power of this rule called "self".

But his body was constantly twisting and collapsing over and over again, never able to return to normal.

At this time, Old Man Minghe started a new move.

He plucked a feather from his own body.

The red feathers were burning with red flames, emitting red light.

Although these small rays of light were like the bright moon and fireflies compared to the light radiating from his body at this time, they could not be ignored.

As the flames intertwined on the feathers, the moment the feathers were plucked, they became burning, and black smoke burned out of the feathers, lingering and swirling, even though there was still a storm around them.

"This is also a rule. It also comes from a former disciple of my master. He was long before you. He sounds very similar to you. He was also my second disciple."

"He once saw the true form when he saw Cangzhuo, so with this little power of rules, I called it the true form."

Old Man Minghe seemed to have thought of something, and a faint smile appeared on the ferocious crane's head.

The flame burned out the feathers, and a few black smoke rose up, suddenly turning into a fuming sound.

The appearance transformed by the black smoke is the same as Fu Ming's usual appearance, no different.

But after the black smoke turned into Fu Ming, it only took two steps forward, and finally slowly dissipated.

As the black smoke dissipated, Fu Ming, who was ravaged by the flames, emitted a large amount of black smoke from his body.

Black smoke instantly enveloped his body. While bearing the power of the previous rule, Fu Ming, who had already transformed into a monster, quickly changed towards his original appearance.

The flesh and blood all over his body was constantly compressing, and the large number of tentacles that originally appeared on his body were also shattered inch by inch under the collapse.

The blood mixed with the bone residue, returned to its original appearance, but collapsed in an instant, as if it was being stirred crazily in a blender, and everything was mixed into a ball.

Minghe shook his head at this time, but still made a new move.

Above the head, Minghe's face was touched by his fingers, and he slowly took out an eyeball from the eye socket.

The smooth, round eyeballs were not stained with a trace of blood, as if they were ready for use.

The black pupils narrowed slightly, staring at Old Man Minghe, seeming to be watching every move of Old Man Minghe.

"This is also a kind of rule. To be precise, it actually contains very little power of rules. It can't even be called a fragment, but as a teacher, I regard it as a treasure."


Old Man Minghe clenched his fists, and his eyes suddenly burst open in Old Man Minghe's hands.

But when Old Man Minghe slowly opened his palms, his palms were already covered with eyes, and all the dense pupils were looking at him. As his palms moved, his eyes did not leave.

The old man Minghe seemed to be admiring a wonderful treasure. He stretched out his hand and spread his fingers in front of his eyes, and the face above his head showed a trace of intoxication.

"You must be curious about who this power of rules comes from, right?"

He looked at Fu Ming, who was suffering pain and torture, and didn't care whether Fu Ming could hear what he said at this time, as if he was talking to himself.

"It actually comes from my teacher. I have seen Jingga before. Well... even though you may have seen Jingga before, it must be hard for you to imagine, and it is hard for me to describe it to you.

Maybe that is the reality that we should have seen. After all, this world is full of illusions, haha. "

"My teacher calls it an eye. In fact, my teacher doesn't want to think of these names. Whenever I want to choose a name, my teacher always goes crazy. Ah...he doesn't want to help me give me an idea. It's really It’s disgusting.”

Having said this, Old Man Minghe stretched out his hand and pointed his eye-filled hand at Fuming in the distance.

With the slow rise and fall between the five fingers, beams of light like prisms suddenly enveloped Fu Ming's flesh and blood, as if mirrors intertwined appeared, dividing him into countless pieces.

On those mirrors, you can see Fu Ming's joy, anger, sorrow and joy, and you can see Fu Ming's expression that has never appeared before.

Every expression seemed to be focused on the flesh and blood in the mirror, but slowly shattered.


There was a real sound of the mirror breaking.

But everything disappeared in an instant, including the red fire and the black smoke.


A human head fell to the ground, rolled, and finally stopped five meters away from the old man Minghe.

That was Fu Ming's head, and the blood had been spilled, forming a rough blood line.

His eyes were open, but only his head was left. His flesh and blood could not be reunited, and his expression was numb, without sadness or joy.

But seeing Fu Ming's head rolling down, Ming He's face showed a look of disappointment.

He stretched his hand back, took out an eyeball, and put it back into the eye socket of the human face. The other eyes suddenly shattered, leaving pits in his hand.

"My teacher originally thought that you should be very confident, but after accepting my teacher's teachings, you can only withstand the power of three rules. You are still too weak."

"So now you understand what is truly powerful? Fu Ming."

Minghe no longer called him disciple, but called him by his first name, as if the relationship between master and disciple was really over.


Fu Ming only had one head left, and he was still breathing heavily. In the flesh and blood of his neck, his trachea was constantly opening and closing, emitting a faint heat.


He called Minghe, calling him the same as usual, but Fuming's face was full of regret. He started to speak, but he was already dying.

"I... what I obviously want is... just to fight with the master, but the master has not given... the disciple this chance until now. What a pity, hehe——"

After hearing Fu Ming's words, a look of pity suddenly appeared on the face of the man above Old Man Minghe.

With a slight sigh, the flames all over Minghe's body quickly dissipated, his flesh and blood twisted and squirmed, and all his feathers retracted into his body.

However, he still maintained Hetou's ferocious head, but slowly walked towards Fu Ming, came to Fu Ming, and looked down at him.

"You are not Ye Qing, nor You Hong'er, nor anyone else."

"Your soul has been corrupted, and everything about you is useless to me, so my teacher has always been pure to you. After all, you have no use value to me."


A sad smile appeared on Fu Ming's face.

"Thank you, Master."

He said slowly, and he was a little lucky. At least from this point of view, his final fate was different from others.

Therefore, this is actually a kind of outside the rules. He has kept the rules all his life, but he is still outside the rules after all, but the ending is somewhat unacceptable.

"Master, I have something to ask of you."

He didn't have much time left. He could still take a breath, which was Minghe's last mercy.

Minghe was speechless, but was waiting for his next words.

"I, in fact, have never forgotten Fu'an. He is my younger brother after all, so master...disciple still wants to give it a try."

Fuming slowly closed his eyes, and the last remaining breath disappeared.

But at this moment, a wave of waves in his head was suddenly detonated, suddenly spreading in all directions, and instantly penetrated the body of Old Man Minghe.

The face above Old Man Minghe's head instantly showed a look of astonishment.

As Fu Ming's head instantly turned into flying ash, Ming He's old man's body also shattered into pieces at this moment.

Whether it was flesh, bones, or blood, they were all decomposed in an instant and turned into countless tiny dusts.

In the distance, the Jingtian Pavilion, which was still intact, collapsed.

The red storm that enveloped the entire Minghe Sect also turned into a red mist that filled the sky in an instant, and was quickly annihilated.

Even the Ming Hemen disappeared in an instant, not even the scum was left.

All of this was decomposed in silence, and then returned to nothingness in silence. Even the towering giant holding the entire Minghe Sect was affected, and most of his body disappeared without a trace.

I don't know how much time had passed, but suddenly there was a sound of angry curses in a deep pit under the ground.

"Bullshit! Who taught him to self-destruct the forbidden fragments? If I catch him, I will definitely make him miserable!"

A figure slowly walked out of the pit. The flesh and blood all over his body seemed to be in an extremely unstable state and might separate again at any time.

Old Man Minghe has returned to his original state, but his face is ugly.

The flesh and blood on his body was squirming, and sand was constantly shaking off it, as if it was expelling impurities from his body.

"Old guy! This is the good disciple you taught me! Let you pretend! You almost made a big deal out of pretending like you, old guy!"

Hetou was chattering away to vent his anger, and he was still scolding the old man Minghe as usual.

Old Man Minghe took a deep breath until his body quickly stabilized.

"No more words, we should go."

Hetou seemed to know that the old man Minghe was in a bad mood, so he cursed a few times and stopped.

"Is it time to go back to another continent?"

"Let's go find our little disciple first."

"Haha, are you sure he is still alive?"

"Since he can break through the flesh with his natural flesh, he may not be able to survive. Don't underestimate him.

Let’s find him first. He still needs to do the work at Dade Temple! "

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