Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 164 Fu Ming! Are you one hundred thousand whys?

This scene, accompanied by Old Man Minghe's words, instantly made Yang Yu's scalp numb.

What are you still doing? Run!

Without any hesitation, he summoned the Buddha's Light Wheel, and several rays of golden light instantly penetrated into his chest, stirring his internal organs. He immediately activated the light and shadow escape technique with all his strength in a state of severe pain, and was a thousand meters away in the blink of an eye.

The old guy doesn’t want to raise Gu anymore! The reckoning is about to begin!

Although he had seen the fate of Jin Tong and Ji Bu, both were swallowed up by Hetou in an instant without any resistance. This was a lesson learned from the past, but Yang Yu had no other choice but to run away.

Who would have thought that the old guy would suddenly become angry!

But just in the blink of an eye, Yang Yu escaped thousands of meters away, and was about to reach the edge of Minghe Gate. However, he did not see the old guy take action against him. Instead, a familiar sound suddenly came to his ears. sound.

"Little disciple, why are you running?

I still have something to tell you to do later, so just stay where you are and don't move! "

It's Crane Head!

Just hearing this sound, all Yang Yu's movements suddenly stopped at this moment.

It wasn't that he wanted to stop, but that an invisible force suddenly locked him in place, making him unable to move at all.

Except that his brain can still think, his body is as stiff as a stone, and the magic power in his body seems to be frozen and cannot be mobilized.


This old guy isn't going to save me for dessert, is he? !

Yang Yu felt uneasy, but fortunately he could still use the light of the celestial dial, and he didn't only have magic power in his body.

But when Yang Yu immediately activated his celestial body, his whole body was filled with blazing white light, but he still couldn't break free from this invisible imprisonment.

He still couldn't move at all.

Not only is it impossible to detect what kind of power is imprisoning him, but he can't even sense the slightest breath of power. In other words, this is not some kind of magic.

Could it be the power of the rules of the forbidden weapon fragments?

Yang Yu thought of this the first time.

The old guy's cultivation level is at least that of a Zombie God, so he must have mastered a lot of forbidden weapon fragments.

Only this explanation makes sense.

The mana could not be mobilized, and even the secret space could not be opened. Yang Yu had no way to escape, so he had to let go of his own perception and pay attention to the movement of the old guy.

On the other side, after Yang Yu ran away, only the old man Minghe and Fuming were left on the ruins in front of Jingtian Pavilion.

Fu Ming did not run away, but looked at Old Man Minghe and suddenly laughed, coughing while laughing.

"I knew it...I knew it!"

"Master, we are master and disciple. I have served Master for a hundred years! Haven't you ever thought about letting us go?"

Tentacles of flesh and blood with black fluff continued to grow out of the ground one by one. With Fu Ming's every word, the Minghe Sect, which was originally in ruins, soon turned into a field covered with tentacles of flesh and blood. jungle.

Old Minghe didn't seem to be in a hurry to get rid of Fu Ming quickly, but he couldn't help but laugh after hearing his words.

"Disciple, my master knows what you are thinking. You are a smart person. You have noticed my master's thoughts from the beginning, right?

After so many years, my teacher has seen everything you have done. You are an obedient child, and my teacher is very satisfied with your character.

But every move you made in secret made me very disappointed. My teacher never stopped you. If you are obedient, my teacher can forget about it. "

Minghe said slowly word for word. It seemed that his feelings for Fu Ming were indeed different from others.

But this immediately aroused Hetou's dissatisfaction.

"Old man, what nonsense are you talking about? Are you showing off your kindness? How much is your kindness worth?

If you don't want to do it, let me do it. Just shut up and don't talk! "

After scolding the old man Minghe, Hetou turned his cold eyes to Fuming.

"Bingyangzi! You spent decades planting a formation in Minghemen. We all know everything in the end, but do you know why we didn't stop you?"

Having said this, Hetou's face suddenly showed a sarcastic smile.

"Because you are too weak!"

"Do you think you can deal with us by covering the entire Minghe Sect with a formation?

Do you think the old man is really pitying you when he tells you this?


We just want to smash everything you have arranged with our own hands and let you see what the gap is.

You are just a bastard! What a scumbag! And we are zombie gods!

He is the strongest zombie god! "

"All your arrangements are vulnerable in the face of strength. This is a gap you can never cross! Hahahaha!"

Crane Head laughed wildly, full of wantonness and disdain.

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Fu Ming, appearing in front of Fu Ming in an instant.

At this time, the crane's head had suddenly expanded and turned into a bird's head several feet in size. It opened its mouth wide and tried to swallow Fuming in one bite.

But at this moment, Fu Ming's body suddenly turned into countless pieces of flesh and blood, blended into the ground, and avoided the blow.

This was a blow that even Jin Tong and Ji Bu could not avoid.

Seeing that he could not swallow Fu Ming, He Tou opened his eyes wide and his face suddenly became ugly.

Being avoided? !

He was actually avoided by Fu Ming! How can this be? !

The reason why even Jin Tong and Ji Bu couldn't avoid this mouthful was because it contained the power of the rules of the forbidden weapon fragments.

Each type of forbidden weapon contains completely different rules, and although the fragments of the forbidden weapon are just fragments, they only have a small part of the power of the rules.

But for monks whose cultivation level is below Zombie God, it is a force that cannot be resisted at all.

But now Fu Ming easily dodged it...


The crane head instantly returned to the old man Minghe's shoulder.

"Something's wrong! This guy...

He has forbidden weapon fragments! "

Only the power of rules can fight against rules! Only forbidden weapons can deal with forbidden weapons!

However, Fu Ming is just flesh and blood! Roushang cannot fuse the forbidden weapon fragments!

A mere piece of flesh will surely die once it is contaminated by the power of the forbidden weapon fragments!

Then he...

Old Minghe's face also became ugly, and Fuming's performance was completely beyond their expectations.

To be precise, it was beyond their control!

"Hahahaha! Master! You must have never imagined it!"

At this moment, a burst of laughter suddenly resounded throughout the sky above Minghemen. This was the sound of Fu Ming. This sound could not find its source and seemed to be everywhere.

At the same time as this voice appeared, a breeze suddenly blew up from all around, and the Minghe Sect, which had been reduced to ruins, was swept up into dust all over the sky.

Suddenly, the ground that was originally covered with flesh and blood tentacles began to light up with streaks of red light, as if red lines suddenly appeared.

More and more dense, more and more dense.

Red light rang throughout the Minghe Gate, even where Yang Gu was at this time.

It covered the entire Minghe Sect's territory, and also rendered the entire world red.

Seeing this scene, Yang Yu, who was thousands of meters away and close to the edge of Minghe Gate, suddenly changed his expression.

If he is allowed to stay here obediently, he must ensure safety.

But what was happening now, even he was included in it, and a sense of crisis suddenly surged.

Who would have thought that this guy Fu Ming would still be hiding this skill!

But there was no way he could break free from the old guy's shackles. It would be terrible if Chi Yu was harmed!

At this moment, he couldn't even speak, nor could he call out to the old guy unless the old guy took the initiative to lift the restrictions on him.

But the old guy seemed to have forgotten him and didn't pay attention to him at all.

Gan! The old guy is doing a lot of harm to people!

Yang Yu's brain was spinning rapidly. Seeing the red light, his field of vision turned into a blood red color. It was even brighter than when he was shrouded in blood mist before. A strange aura suddenly filled the whole life crane. Door.

He became more and more anxious and must find a solution immediately.

At this critical moment, with his brain spinning rapidly, Yang Yu's eyes suddenly lit up and he thought of something.

The tree of flesh! Boss!

Up to this point, he only knew that the owner of the workshop was the owner of the Yulang Refining Workshop and the founder of the Keike Rebellion Society, but other than that, everything else was very mysterious, including his cultivation!

And he guessed that if there had been contact with him before, the master's cultivation level would probably be above that of the Zombie God.

If he could contact the owner, maybe he could help him.

This seems to be the only way.

His consciousness was still active, and his thinking was not imprisoned. He immediately immersed his consciousness into the tree of flesh in his brain and sent a message to the boss.

Yang Yu: "Urgent, urgent, urgent! Boss, save me! I am imprisoned by the fragments of the forbidden weapon. How can I get out? Wait online! It's very urgent!"

After the message was sent, the fruit of the Nimbus Crane Head immediately grew on the tree.

When she saw the fruit appear, a few blood stains quickly appeared on it, and Yang Yu's heart was burning with anxiety.

He didn't know if other members of the Keiji Rebellion were gloating about his misfortune, but he couldn't care less at the moment.

At this moment, a striped mask fruit appeared, and the boss immediately responded.

"What happened? Who did you offend? Why were you imprisoned by the forbidden weapon fragment? What kind of power of rules is it?"

Are you one hundred thousand whys? ! !

When Yang Yu received the news, he immediately heard a series of questions.

Although I know that these are all situations that the shop owner must know, I can't help but feel a little crazy, but this is a critical moment and no time can be wasted.

"An invisible force, no magic aura, only pure confinement power. I can't move, only my consciousness can move!

The situation is very critical now. Boss, please tell me, is there any way to leverage the power of this rule and let me escape? urgent! Very urgent! "

Yang Yu briefly described it and sent the message again.

Soon there was a reply from the shop owner.



The red light enveloped the entire Minghe Sect. This was not a pure light, it looked more like countless lines intertwined and fused together.

In other words, this is not a light, but a line!

Countless red threads!

A large number of jungle-like tentacles of flesh and blood on the ground began to swell continuously, and they were connected one by one, as if forming a huge net, covering the entire Minghe Sect.

There was a crashing sound, and a body of flesh and blood quickly condensed into a certain part of the flesh and blood web.

It's Fu Ming!

But Fu Ming's appearance at this time has undergone tremendous changes. His whole body is covered with black hair, and his body is connected to countless flesh and blood tentacles. Blood flows along these tentacles, drips on the ground, and suddenly turns into blood mist. , as if it had been evaporated.

His original facial features disappeared, and his face could no longer be seen clearly, but it seemed that he could see the smile on his face.

"Master! You must have never imagined! What I have endured all these years just to be able to fuse this forbidden weapon fragment!"

"You can't even imagine that I'm actually not a bastard!"

"I am also a zombie god!"

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