Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 163 The great revenge is avenged! The fate of master and disciple is over!

Ming Hemen.

As soon as the two figures of a man and a woman recovered, their flesh and blood healed, but in an instant, a large number of golden Sanskrit words appeared all over their bodies, and the two exploded again, turning into countless pieces of flesh and blood.

On the other side, several figures were fighting to the death.

Ji Bu disappeared, replaced by a several-foot-tall monster wrapped in cloth.

His whole body was twisted, with three left arms, two right arms, and four legs. Countless strips of cloth were flying around his body, like a tail. He was currently fighting with a black shadow.

The black shadow was transformed by Jin Tong, like a very unclear shadow, exuding a black energy, with countless tentacles piercing into the void.

The two of them fought fiercely. When they got close, the strips of cloth collided with the black air, causing a series of explosions.

And around them, there are countless tentacles made of flesh and blood covered with black hair. They always come out of the blue when the two are fighting, and suddenly penetrate into their bodies, making it difficult to prevent them.

As a sneak attacker, Fu Ming was wrapped in a large amount of flesh and blood, and countless nets seemed to be connected within a radius of dozens of feet around him, making it impossible for Ji Bu and Jin Tong to get close.

But even though the three of them were fighting fiercely, they seemed to be fighting to the death.

But each time a figure among the three of them rushed over, showing a strange smile, and suddenly a ball of brilliant light exploded from it, trying to engulf them all.

The three of them cursed loudly and ran away immediately. Obviously they didn't want to be touched by this light. After all, it was real flesh and blood melting!

They had suffered losses several times before. If they were too late to escape and all their flesh and blood were melted, the consequences would be very serious.

Unfortunately, there is no way to cure this guy.

In fact, Yang Yu didn't want to do this, but he really couldn't control the murderous intention in his heart, so much so that when he saw these guys, he acted subconsciously and wanted to kill them.

It's not like these guys haven't thought about joining forces to deal with him first, but no matter how far or near they are, once they get close to him, they will be directly melted by the light of his magic, and they can't even get close.

Even if there are effective methods, there is no way to completely kill Yang Yu. His body is destroyed and he can recover in the blink of an eye.

In this case, the murderous intention took over the main consciousness, the behavior became crazy and no longer conservative and cautious, the aura of cultivation was always leaking, and Yang Yu could not completely conceal his true cultivation.

In response to this, Yang Yu could only scold the old monk in his heart while taking action against these guys.

Everyone is in the flesh death realm, but no one can kill anyone in a short time.

So after trying several times, even if they were fighting, they avoided Yang Yu and didn't want to pay attention to him at all.

So when they saw Yang Eucalyptus appearing and rushing towards them, several people turned around and ran away without hesitation, as if they had seen something extremely disgusting, without giving Yang Eucalyptus a chance to get close.

He chased him several times in a row, but every time these guys ran away as soon as they saw him, which also made Yang Yu feel very unhappy, and he could no longer suppress the murderous intention in his heart.


He suddenly pulled off the bow from his body.

"Kill, kill, kill! Kill them all! Leave no one behind! Kill them for me—"

In fact, Gong Niang was also infected by the ubiquitous Sanskrit sound, and the screams of murderous people never stopped in Yang Yu's ears.

Drawing the bow and condensing the arrow in one go, a gorgeous tail flame several meters long was immediately pulled out from the arrow tail. With the help of the Qi Seal Sensing Technique, Yang Yu locked the breath of the three people almost instantly.

At this time, the three people had escaped to another place to continue fighting, and they seemed not to be aware of Yang Yu's actions at all.

And Yang Yu didn't care who he shot first. This arrow was no weaker than the one he shot at Delan before, and it was enough to cover all three of them in an instant.

die! All die!

Yang Yu's eyes were already red and she couldn't restrain the impulse in her heart!

But just when he was about to loosen the bow string and shoot out the arrow, his eyes suddenly froze and he suddenly looked at Ye Jin and You Hong'er who were closer to him and were repeatedly blown into pieces.

Compared to others, when Yang Gu saw these two people, his murderous intent was stronger!

After all, these two people have yet to avenge him.

Almost without thinking, he immediately shifted his direction and aimed his arrow at Ye Jin and You Hong'er, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

Go to hell!

The bow string rebounded, and the long arrow disappeared in Yang Yu's hand instantly. At the same time, his body suddenly stopped.

The Sanskrit sound that had been lingering in my ears disappeared!

The murderous intention that was originally filled in his heart was like being poured with a basin of cold water at this moment. It disappeared without a trace in an instant. Reason regained the dominant position in consciousness. Yang Yu immediately woke up and looked back.

I saw that in the distance of Minghe Gate, wherever there was still the figure of the old monk, he had completely disappeared.

There was a certain foul smell in the air, and the Sanskrit sounds suddenly disappeared without warning.

It's the old guy! The dead god of Dade Temple has been solved!

He reacted immediately.

But the arrow had already been shot, and there was no turning back when the bow was opened. Yang Yu immediately looked in the direction of Ye Jin and You Hong'er.

When he turned his eyes, the place where Ye Jin and You Hong'er were at this time had been engulfed by a dazzling light, and their figures were invisible.

A scream suddenly came out in the light and disappeared instantly, and the Qi mark left on You Hong'er's body disappeared!

But the next moment, a black figure that had melted until only its head was left rushed out.

"you wanna die!"

You Hong'er didn't have time to react and died in the burst of light. However, Ye Ban escaped in the end and immediately focused on Yang Yu and found the initiator of the arrow. He rushed towards him with murderous intent.

The body that originally had only the head recovered instantly, and when it appeared in front of Yang Yu, it had transformed into a human-headed dragon again.

A huge scaly claw instantly grabbed Yang Gu's body, and the powerful force suddenly flew Yang Eucalyptus away, dragging it along the ground and pulling out a long ravine.

The next moment, Ye Ban's head was raised, and a large ball of dark red flames suddenly spurted out, trying to burn Eucalyptus poplar to ashes.

But at the same time, Yang Gu's whole body was filled with blazing white light, instantly melting Ye Jin's huge scaly claws, avoiding the flames, and quickly appeared on Ye Jin's head.

Because his cultivation had been completely exposed under the previous dominance of murderous intent, Yang Yu didn't bother to cover up at this time, and suddenly inserted one hand into Ye Jin's head.

Several rays of golden light turned into long thorns and poured into his chest, stirring his internal organs.

Under the severe pain, the high temperature in his hands instantly suppressed the flames on Ye Jin's body and passed through his body without any hindrance.


Yang Yu's face was full of pain, but the blazing white light on his body was overwhelming, all pouring into Ye Jin's head.

In just an instant, a blazing white light bloomed from the wild head. The terrifying high temperature melted his head, and his long body was also twisting crazily in pain.

But Yang Yu didn't give him any chance. In the state of organ pain, he activated all the light spells he had mastered.

A bright light suddenly erupted on Ye Jin's body, and a huge light ball appeared within a hundred feet. In the center of the light ball, except for the poplar tree, everything was reduced to ashes in an instant.

Ye Ban, who originally tried to counterattack, was no exception. In the midst of pain, there was only one result - annihilation!

When the light dissipated, Yang Yu had fallen to the ground, breathing heavily. The several golden lights that penetrated his chest also dissipated in an instant. While the injury was healing, the remaining pain made him frown. .

Fortunately, everything went very smoothly, and they successfully took revenge. One died under his arrow and the other died in his hands.

But then there was a problem that had to be faced.

That's how to explain that your cultivation level has reached the level of flesh and blood?

"Soul! The soul is gone again! Which bastard is it? I'm not done with you anymore!"

Gong Niang's voice suddenly sounded in Yang Yu's ears, but Yang Yu was stunned and immediately stood up from the ground.

A figure appeared in front of him at some point.

It's old man Minghe!

"Did you kill them?"

Hetou looked at Yang Gu with a smile and asked softly.

"They deserve to die!"

Yang Gu said bluntly.

Anyway, the person was dead, and everyone saw that it was him who killed him, so there was nothing to refute.


Crane Head couldn't help but laugh.

"Well done! Well done!"


Old Man Minghe patted Yang Yu on the shoulder, and then passed by Yang Yu without asking anything.

Yang Yu was extremely nervous at this moment. When the old guy patted him on the shoulder, he almost couldn't help but activate the technique subconsciously.

Fortunately, the old guy didn't show any killing intent, he just patted him casually and walked away.

This was really beyond Yang Yu's expectation. He didn't even ask if he had broken through the flesh.

But after old man Minghe passed by Yang Gu, he walked a few steps and faced Jingtian Pavilion, but the voice of Hetou suddenly resounded throughout Minghemen.

"Disciples, come here."

After being summoned by Old Man Minghe, several figures quickly rushed over and stopped not far from Old Man Minghe.

It was Fuming Jibu and Jintong who did not see Wenyin and Zhou Quan. They seemed to have suddenly disappeared.

Yang Yu turned around and faced several people, with his back to the old man Minghe. But when he looked at the other people, something strange suddenly appeared in his heart.

Obviously everyone in Dade Temple is dead, but Fu Ming and the other three are still in a state of fighting and have not been relieved. Moreover, each of them is far away from the old guy and not getting close.

The farthest Jintong is even a hundred meters away.

Is there any follow-up?

Out of vigilance, Yang Yu did not approach, but stepped back.

Now there are only these few people left in Minghe Sect. Old Minghe glanced at everyone, and then slowly spoke:

"After this battle, Dade Temple has discovered the location of our Minghe Gate. It's time to leave. We can no longer stay here."

"Master, where are we going?"

The person who asked was Fu Ming. His complexion had improved a lot for some reason, and he no longer had a cough when he spoke.

"Where to go is not something you should consider, but there is one thing you need to know before that."

Old Minghe glanced at Fuming casually, his tone cold.

"Please give me your instructions, Master!"

Fu Ming said respectfully.

Ji Bu stood there without moving.

On the contrary, Jin Tong turned around and ran away after hearing what Ming He said.


Hetou suddenly let out a sneer, and instantly turned into a black shadow and attacked the escaping Jin Tong. The speed was so fast that it quickly returned to the shoulder of the old man Minghe in just an instant.

But Jin Tong's figure disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, Old Man Minghe's voice came again.

"I have been with my master for so long, and you are all my good disciples. I have no regrets in thinking about it.

If it weren't for the visitors from Daitoku Temple, we might still have spent a lot of happy time together.

But now, that's it! "

"You've disappointed me! So, let's all go."

"The fate between us as master and disciple is over!"

Before the old man Minghe finished speaking, a black shadow flashed past, and Hetou suddenly burped.

But Ji Bu, who was still a hundred meters away and turned into a monster, suddenly disappeared.

At the moment, only Yang Yu and Fu Ming were left.

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