Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 151 Take him with you! Then find him out!

This scene……

This feeling……

Yang Yu suddenly remembered the last encounter in the Earthly Dharma Monument. He had been lost in the darkness and encountered the unknown and terrifying existence in the darkness.

He obviously didn't do anything, and he didn't even go to the depths to explore like last time, but the current situation was exactly the same as last time.


Yang Eucalyptus's whole body lit up with layers of light, and the lights were superimposed on each other, trying to illuminate the surrounding darkness.

The earthly monuments disappeared layer by layer, including the mirror-like reflection on the ground. He seemed to have fallen completely into darkness, unable to see anything.

But there is a dangerous breath coming quickly in the darkness, getting closer and closer.

Everything around him seemed to be cracking and shattering, but then quickly fell into deathly silence.

Although Yang Yu has activated all light spells, the incoming darkness has not been hindered in any way. On the contrary, the light around him is constantly being suppressed.

Suddenly, a powerful oppressive force came over, as if space from all directions was squeezing towards Yang Gu. The overwhelming force was irresistible.

In just a moment, all the light on Yang Yu's body dimmed, and the mana in his body could not be mobilized at all. All the spells were ineffective at this moment.

At the same time, an inexplicable aura in the darkness had quietly approached and appeared in front of Yang Yu!

Although he couldn't see anything, the dangerous aura was already close at hand. The hair on Yang Gu's body stood on end and his spine felt chilly.

Almost at the same time, a blazing white light suddenly filled his whole body!

Dial body!

The magic power cannot be used, but the light of the celestial dial in his body can be used.

This is the only good news!

Yang Yu's whole body was full of strength, and the hot light filled his body, which also relieved Yang Yu's restless mood.

But just when he mobilized the light of the celestial dial to activate the celestial dial body, a cold aura that could freeze the soul hit his face at this moment.

"Ahhh! What the hell?! It's so cold!!"

Gong Niang was the first to bear the brunt, and even the sound that reached Yang Yu's ears made her tremble.

Even though Yang Yu's whole body was filled with the scorching light of the celestial dial, under this aura, it was like being poured a basin of extremely cold water.

Even the blazing white light on his body showed black patches when it came into contact with this breath. He even lost consciousness and control of his skin that touched this breath!

A sense of imminent death crisis instantly swept through the body and even the soul!

Even the immortal body cannot resist at all, as if it is frozen, it will not be able to regenerate flesh and blood, and will be completely annihilated.

At the time of life and death, Yang Yu could no longer care about anything, and quickly mobilized the celestial light accumulated in his body, consuming it like crazy.

Countless blazing white lights erupted on Yang Gu's body, as if an extremely hot sun appeared in the darkness, trying to melt the surrounding darkness.

At the moment when the light suddenly burst out, Yang Yu's eyes were focused and he looked at a shadow that was very close at hand.

It was a black figure, whose face could not be seen clearly, and his whole body seemed to be tightly locked by countless chains. A huge stone tablet passed through his body and became one with his body!

He just looked at Yang Yu quietly, as if he was looking at Yang Yu, but obviously he didn't do anything or move at all.

But the moment she saw him, everything in front of Yang Yu suddenly fell into darkness, and she was blinded in an instant!

At the same time, there was an uncontrollable stiffness all over his body, and his consciousness seemed to be frozen at this moment, and even his thoughts could not move at all.

Just one glance, but this glance put Yang Yu into a situation of death that he could not escape.

But at this time.


He felt like a stiff stone was hit hard on the ground, and his body seemed to be in pieces at this moment. Suddenly, severe pain swept through his body, even his brain.

The original numbness disappeared, light appeared in Yang Yu's eyes, and when his consciousness regrouped, he suddenly found that he had returned to Jingtian Pavilion.

At this time, Yang Gu also discovered the source of the pain.

His body seemed to have turned into pieces of stiff stone, broken into pieces everywhere.

But fortunately, with the recovery of consciousness, the immortality of flesh and blood also recovered at the same time, and countless flesh sprouts grew crazily, squirmed, and intertwined.

After two breaths, he finally recovered.

As the physical body recovered and the pain disappeared, Yang Yu looked forward.

Old Minghe was sitting on a high seat, but his face seemed to be deep in thought.

White smoke came out of Hetou's mouth, as if he had been burned by a soldering iron. His throat trembled. He swallowed a large puff of white smoke, shook his head, and then looked at Yang Yu with murderous intent. .

At the critical moment, it was the old guy who finally let him out.

Yang Yu reacted immediately, but when she saw He Tou's expression, she suddenly became nervous again, and her heart was pounding.

The old monster looked like it wanted to eat him alive.

"Thank you Master!"

Yang Yu swallowed, immediately fell to the ground, and said respectfully.

His voice seemed to bring Old Man Minghe back to his senses.

"Let's go back."

Old Man Minghe responded coldly, looking at Yang Yu with cold eyes.

"You are not allowed to go out in the near future. Please stay inside the door. Do you understand?"

Yang Yu suddenly felt nervous, nodded, quickly got up and left Jingtian Pavilion.

After Yang Eucalyptus left, Hetou's eyes slowly withdrew from Yang Eucalyptus's disappearing back and looked at Old Man Minghe.

"Old guy! You should have seen it this time, right?"


It felt like there was phlegm stuck in its throat, and it couldn't help but make strange noises when it spoke. Suddenly a large ball of fire came out of its mouth, and then it burped, and finally showed a comfortable look.

Old Man Minghe tilted his head and put his hands on his face, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Hearing Hetou's question, he nodded and shook his head.

"I saw it, but it doesn't count as seeing it."

"Old guy! Are you still playing riddles in front of me?"

Crane Tou's face suddenly showed an angry look!

If it could control this body, it would slap this old guy hard twice and smash this bitch's face.

"No, to be precise, I only saw the breath!"

"Aura? What aura?"

"The real breath of the Earthly Dharma Monument!"


The crane was speechless. It increasingly couldn't understand what the old man was talking about.

"It seems we have to take action to save this little disciple, we can't let him die!"

"You mean, only he can see the thing in the stele?"

"It was like this both times I went in, it's no accident!"

"How to protect him? Lock him up?"

Crane Tou's eyes suddenly showed an eagerness to try.

"Take him with you!"

Old Man Minghe said slowly.

"But he will break through the flesh soon! He is destined to die!"

"Try it! Assimilate him! It's just a fleshy body. It doesn't matter if it's gone. Even the soul is not necessary. It's good to keep him alive."

"It's perfect to just use it as a tool to explore our path!"

"Hahahaha! You are still ruthless, old man!"

Crane Head laughed crazily.

Laughter echoed in Jingtian Pavilion, but Yang Yu could no longer hear it at this time.

He quickly returned to his residence, but his heart was filled with worry.

He originally planned to leave Minghe Sect now, but before leaving Jingtian Pavilion, the old guy seemed to notice.

"You are not allowed to go out in the near future, please stay inside the door!"

This is like a warning!

Yang Yu began to feel extremely uneasy. Even when she came back, she seemed to notice that the atmosphere inside the door was getting heavier and heavier. Even the gloomy sky seemed to be threatening to rain at any time.

This was the first time he saw such a scene when he entered Minghe Sect.

If he leaves Minghemen now, he will definitely be discovered by the old guy.

But if you don't leave, Minghemen will become very dangerous when Daitokuji comes.

It was always dangerous, and Yang Yu was immediately in trouble.

To go or not to go?

Lost in thought, Yang Yu suddenly thought of something, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Got it!

He raised his hand and looked at the six golden secret seals on his wrist.

Secret space!

He can hide in the secret space and come out after a few months.

Maybe by that time, when he comes out of the Secret Seal Space, the crisis in Minghemen will have passed.

Not only that, he can also improve his cultivation in the secret space.

With the follow-up techniques, and the fact that there is currently a "Relief Golden Body Wonderful Technique" that has not yet been integrated into the Life Path Technique, as long as it is integrated, you can successfully enter the realm of flesh and blood!

By then, even if there is any residual danger outside, he should be able to have some power to protect himself.

Yang Yu made up her mind and stopped wasting time!

The six golden secret seals on his hand immediately flew out, and a circle with a golden edge but darkness quickly formed in front of Yang Yu.

But in the blink of an eye, the entrance to the secret space was opened.

I wonder if the shattered illusion that I saw the old guy in the Secret Seal Space last time has been restored?

Although this is equivalent to running from one cage to another, at least the secret space is just an illusion after all, and Yang Yu can no longer care about so much.

Go ahead and try it!

The next moment, Yang Yu's figure suddenly disappeared on the spot and entered the secret seal space, and the entrance to the space quickly disappeared into nothingness.

at the same time.

Ming Hemen, Jingtian Pavilion.

Crane Tou suddenly looked condensed!

"Disappeared! This kid's aura disappeared!"

It suddenly looked at Old Man Minghe: "He ran away!"

Old Man Minghe immediately stood up from his seat and disappeared immediately.

When he appeared again, he was already in Yang Gu's residence.

This is where the breath of poplar finally disappears.

After looking around, even Crane Head stretched his neck to look around, but found nothing.

But at this moment, a breath was swaying on the body of the old man Minghe, forming a special frequency with a strange fluctuation.

In an instant, a flash of gold that was quickly dissipating appeared in the void, right in front of old man Minghe.

"He didn't run away!"

Old Man Minghe stretched out his hand to touch the void in front of him, and countless red blood energy emitted from his hand, wrapping up the last remaining gold.

"It's a forbidden weapon fragment!"

"Where did he get the forbidden weapon fragments?"

"Without his aura, it should be just fragments without an owner."

"Then get him out!"

"Okay! Find it out!"

"Hey Hey--"

I woke up in the morning with a headache and was covered in cold sweats. I bought some medicine and had a good sleep. I finally recovered in the afternoon and was not so uncomfortable. I will try my best to update three chapters today, but it will definitely be very late. Please forgive me.

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