Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 150 Zombie God Realm Kung Fu! Cherish your last moments!

The scene in front of him flashed by, and Yang Yu instantly entered darkness.

Although he had been on guard for a long time, the old monster's speed was too fast and exceeded his expectations, and he couldn't react at all.

If the old monster planned to eat him, he would probably still have no power to resist.

strength! What strength!

Yang Yu's heart became more and more urgent.

In the darkness, dark red firelight lit up Yang Yu's body, and he started the lighting method with ease.

With the appearance of the fire, the surrounding darkness receded like a tide, and layers of glass-like transparent barriers appeared. Spots of light appeared on them as if they were burned by flames, and finally formed words.

It is the first part of the exercises in "Explanations of the Wonderful Way".

Yang Yu looked around, and there was no change from the last time he came here.

On the other side, he also saw the "Extreme Sun Divine Appearance" and the "Calling the True Immortal Curse".

Sure enough, the techniques he has mastered, as long as they come from the Earthly Dharma Stele, will also appear on the Earthly Dharma Stele.

"Ms. Bow, can you see these barriers?"

Yang Yu looked in front of him and suddenly asked curiously.

"I can't see it. What did you see, kid? Can you tell me about it?"

Gong Niang's response immediately appeared in Yang Yu's ears.

Sure enough, if you are not practicing this technique, you will not be able to see the Earthly Dharma Stele.

"It's nothing. You can't see it. What I said is in vain."

Yang Yu smiled and shook his head.

"Hmph! Pretending to be mysterious!"

Time was running out, and Yang Yu didn't waste any time. He went straight through the layers of barriers and headed towards the ninth layer of barriers where the Flesh Realm belonged.

When passing through the six, seven, and eight third-layer barriers belonging to the Fu Shi Realm, the contents of the Fu Shi Realm's skills also appeared on the barriers.

And when Yang Gu appeared in front of the barrier of the ninth floor of the Earthly Dharma Monument, the burning light spots gradually began to solidify, also showing the skills of the Flesh Death Realm.

This is the skill he just obtained through Fu Ming.

Before all the words on it were revealed, Yang Gu had already passed through three layers of barriers and arrived in front of the thirteenth layer of barriers.

At this level, only the barrier can be seen, but although there are spots of light on it, it is very blurry and cannot make the text visible at all, just like the last time.

But behind the barrier, there was still darkness.

Yang Yu still doesn't know how to visualize the Earth Dharma Monument to obtain the exercises, but the scene when he unexpectedly obtained the full set of Fu Shi realm exercises is still vivid in his mind.

Following the same pattern, Yang Yu stood in front of the thirteenth layer of barrier, looked at it intently, imagining that the words on the barrier became clear, and focused all his attention on the barrier in front of him.

I don’t know how long has passed, maybe it was a stick of incense, maybe a quarter of an hour, or even an hour.

The passage of time has become too quiet to be calculated accurately.

But just when Yang Gu was in a daze.

Just above the barrier filled with countless light spots, a huge eye suddenly appeared.

The eyes were filled with countless bloodshot eyes, and there were wings like cicada wings on each side. They flapped rapidly and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Although Yang Yu was prepared, the thing appeared too suddenly and he was still startled.

But when he came back to his senses, he felt excited inside.

Although he still didn't understand what this thing was, since it appeared, it meant that he would soon be able to see the skills above the barrier.

Sure enough, just after the winged eyeball disappeared in the blink of an eye, the light spots on the barrier quickly condensed into words, and the part of the thirteenth solution to the Zombie God Realm appeared.

When Yang Yu read the above text, this part of the exercise seemed to be deeply imprinted in his mind and could not be forgotten.

An information box appears next.

""Explanations of the Wonderful Way": [Part of it is missing] [The Thirteen Solutions to the Zombie God] are taken from the Earthly Dharma Stele..."

The technique of Zombie God Realm!

Yang Yu's body was trembling slightly, but this was not enough!

He looked behind the barrier, lifted his steps and walked through, arriving at the fourteenth barrier.

""Explanation of the Wonderful Way": [Part of it is missing] [The Fourteenth Explanation to Zombie God] is taken from the Earthly Dharma Stele..."

The fifteenth floor!

""Explanation of the Wonderful Way": [Part of it is missing] [The fifteenth solution to Zombie God] is taken from the Earthly Dharma Stele..."

Just as the message box popped up in front of Yang Yu's eyes, he immediately reacted and headed towards the sixteenth floor.

After the Zombie God is the Dao of Qi. If one can obtain the skills of the Dao of Qi...

But just when he passed through the fifteenth floor barrier and was about to raise his eyes to the sixteenth floor, his body suddenly trembled and he immediately came back to his senses.

That's it again! That's it again!

Yang Yu suddenly came to his senses. He was back in front of the thirteenth layer of barrier without taking a step forward at all.

It was exactly the same as the last time he came here. Whenever he wanted to go further, he couldn't control his consciousness and would instantly return to the original place.

It seemed as if everything just now was like a dream. If it weren't for the fact that he could recall the techniques of the Zombie God Realm at any time in his mind, confirming that he had truly obtained it, he might really have thought it was just an illusion.

I sighed in my heart, whatever, I will always be content with what I have!

Being able to obtain the skills of the Flesh Death Realm and the Zombie God Realm has solved his urgent need. Originally, Yang Yu came here just to get the skills of the Flesh Death Realm.

As for the Zombie God Realm, I dare not even think about it.

But he didn't expect that a second senior brother would come in midway, and the harvest was completely beyond his expectation.

After calming down for a while, Yang Yu looked at the barrier on the thirteenth floor in front of him.

But when he saw the barrier in front of him, he suddenly discovered that the originally very blurry spots on it had actually condensed into words!


When did the text above appear?

Yang Yu knew very well that before he saw the eyes just now, the light spots on the barrier had not changed.

Yang Gu immediately passed through this floor and looked towards the fourteenth floor.

There is nothing above the fourteenth floor.

The same goes for the fifteenth floor.

Is it Fu Ming? !

Yang Yu thought of something instantly.

This guy really did something secretly!

It’s just...why is it only one level?

He thought that even if Fu Ming had tampered with him, he would definitely be plotting all the skills in the Zombie God Realm, or even worse.

Otherwise, there is no need to give him all the techniques in the Flesh Death Realm.

Result, that's it?

Fortunately, he was worried that this guy would cause some big noise, which might put him in danger.

Yang Yu couldn't help but show a disappointed look on his face.

What he didn't know was that at this moment, he was in a residence somewhere in Minghemen.

After returning to his residence from Jingtian Pavilion, Fu Ming, who was continuing to tinker with the medicine jar, suddenly changed his expression. A smile gradually appeared on his pale face, but it quickly disappeared.

Zombie God Realm! Kung Fu! He finally got it!

He has been waiting for this day for a long time, and even now, even though he has obtained the skill he dreamed of, he still subconsciously suppresses any possible emotions.

‘Junior brother, if it weren’t for me, I probably wouldn’t have had the chance to see the techniques of the Zombie God Realm. Cherish your last moments. ’

Fu Ming knew very well that all he wanted was for Yang Gu to appear in front of the thirteenth barrier.

Simply relying on Yang Gu, there is absolutely no way to see the Zombie God Realm Kung Fu.

Because if you want to obtain the skills after the thirteenth level, you can't just rely on your understanding.

Even he and others have used various methods in order to obtain the techniques of the Zombie God Realm, but in the end they have achieved nothing.

If it hadn't been for so many years of painstaking efforts, he finally found a possibility, and before he was very sure, he would not have used the flesh-death realm technique to persuade and seduce Yang Yu at this time.

Fortunately, he finally succeeded!

This day has finally come!

On the stove, flames burned blazingly, and the medicine jar began to boil violently.

In the Earthly Dharma Monument, the technique has been obtained, but I don’t know how much time has passed now. Yang Yu can only choose to wait where he is.

He's already tried it.

From the sixteenth floor onwards, no matter how he experimented, the winged eyeball never appeared again and showed no reaction at all.

It is obviously impossible to obtain the skills after Zombie God, unless there is a chance to enter here next time.

And deeper into the place, Eucalyptus poplar never set foot again.

The last time he entered the depths of the Earthly Monument, got lost in it, and was almost swallowed by some unknown and terrifying thing was still vivid in his mind, but this time he was much more honest.

This Earthly Dharma Monument is not a safe place.

Since there is danger, then don’t go!

Anyway, the technique has been obtained, and after two hours have passed, he will be expelled.

Yang Yu has already thought about his plans after leaving.

Regardless of whether Daitokuji would really come, he would still have to find an excuse to leave Meikarumon.

Whether it is to obtain the subsequent Ming Dao Technique or to avoid the upcoming danger of Ming He Sect, leaving Ming He Sect is the best choice.

With the skills in hand, it is only a matter of time before he will step into a higher level in the future. Seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune is naturally the best choice.

As for where to go after leaving Minghemen, Yang Yu hasn't decided yet.

He still knows too little about this world, and has basically never heard of places other than Hanzhou and Dingzhou.

But no matter whether he went to Jueyun Sect of Yundan Kingdom before or learned about the existence of Outer Continent from the mouth of the shop owner, Yang Yu felt like a country bumpkin.

Dingzhou and Hanzhou seem to be just a very small place in this world, and it is not an exaggeration to call them a corner.

What is this world really like?

How strange will other monks and demons be?

Who is the so-called Dade Temple? What about other sects of practitioners?

Yang Yu became more and more curious.

Since he came to this world, he has already boarded the pirate ship of Minghemen before he fully understands it. He knows very little about it.

It's a good time to take this opportunity to get to know it better.

Of course, the prerequisite before that is that he can leave Minghemen safely.

If you can't leave, everything will be empty talk.

A feeling of both nervousness and anticipation arose in Yang Yu's heart, and she sighed softly. She didn't know how long it had been. Why was two hours so long?

Yang Yu calmed down. Waiting was a kind of torture for him.

But just when he was about to wait, he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

His eyes suddenly looked at the words condensed in the light spots on the wall in front of him. These words were fading rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, there was a sudden sound of something breaking all around, and there was a harsh echo in the darkness, and it was getting closer and closer to him.

Please give me a monthly pass. Please give me a monthly pass. Please give me a monthly pass. Please give me a monthly pass. Please give me a monthly pass. Please give me a monthly pass. Please give me a monthly pass. Please give me a monthly pass. Please give me a monthly pass. Please give me a monthly pass. Please give me a monthly pass. Please give me a monthly pass. Please give me a monthly pass. Please give me a monthly pass.

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