Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 131: With a sharp eye, restart the second week of Minghemen

True and false?

Yang Gu pondered and looked at the hole in the middle of the six stone statues.

Does this mean the door is fake?

Fortunately, he had identified these stone statues first. If he went in hastily, he didn't know what traps he would encounter.

However, these stone statues are also very interesting, and they actually have a special order.

More importantly, the so-called order is of no use to him at all.

Because his identification results have already marked the order of the stone statues, all the mechanisms are useless to him.

"Little bitch, I have to remind you, don't just enter this place casually, be careful of being fooled."

She seemed to be very satisfied, and Gong Niang was in a very good mood. At this time, she even took the initiative to remind Yang Yu.

"There must be something fishy about these stone statues. You'd better look for them first. There might be something fishy about them."

"Okay, thank you Gong Niang for reminding me, I will pay attention."

Yang Yu smiled. It was rare to hear Gong Niang be so kind. It seemed that it would be necessary to find more dirty souls in the future to make her feel comfortable.

In response to Gong Niang, Yang Yu put his hand on the second stone statue.

"[Exquisite Golden Lord's False Body·Preface 2]:..."

Sure enough, there is a special order.

Yang Eucalyptus touched all six stone statues in turn and got the correct order.

From left to right they are: four, two, six, three, one, five!

Then what he has to do next is to destroy these stone statues in order and take out the things hidden inside.

Linglong hides the secret seal, and the thing must be in the stone statue.

"In my opinion, these ugly stone statues are definitely not decorations, they must be a conspiracy to spread suspicion!

Little bitch, you were right to listen to my advice. My intuition is always very accurate.

See that stone statue on the far left? Choose one of six! that's it! This stone statue must be the only real one, there might be something hidden inside! "


Yang Yu was speechless. If he hadn't been able to see the information about these stone statues, he would have almost believed it.

"Okay, okay, you are worthy of being Gong Niang, with a sharp eye!"

Yang Eucalyptus smiled, then reached out and put his hand on the second stone statue on the right, which was the stone statue with the correct serial number one.


Great Light Buddha Golden Zen Mantra!

The next moment, countless golden lights emitted from Yang Eucalyptus's hands, as if forming a dense net, instantly covering the stone statue.

In just the blink of an eye, a stone statue turned into a pile of rubble in Yang Yu's hands silently.

The Golden Zen Mantra of the Great Bright Buddha has many variations and is really useful.

Just when the stone statue was destroyed and turned into countless rubbles scattered, a golden secret seal immediately flew out from it, suspended in mid-air, exuding a golden shimmer.

"You little brat...you..."

Gong Niang was a little angry. One second Yang Yu praised her, but the next second he told her the opposite.

She was about to reprimand this misbehaving guy, but the scene in front of her suddenly made her unable to speak in the middle of her words.


Yang Yu didn't hear clearly and asked.


Smiling, Yang Gu extended his hand to the stone statue numbered two and repeated his old trick.

After a while, a total of six completely different golden secret seals were all gathered and suspended in mid-air to form a circle.

With the addition of the last golden secret seal, the six secret seals began to rotate rapidly.

Like a spreading spider web, crack-like golden light continued to spread in the void in front of Yang Gu.

After a few blinks, an entrance with a golden edge appeared in front of Yang Yu. The entrance was dark, and he didn't know what he would encounter after passing through.

According to Yang Yu's guess, this kind of place is still full of suspicion. It is obvious that the things hidden inside are definitely not simple, and maybe they are some kind of treasure.

Whether it was a magic book or a magic weapon, since it was opened, he should take a look.

After making up her mind, Yang Yu immediately stepped forward and passed through the entrance.

As Yang Yu's figure disappeared from the spot, the golden light quickly shrank, and finally turned into six golden secret seals, which also entered it.

The entrance has completely disappeared.

There was a gloomy sky in front of him, and the boundless blood mist shrouded the air, like a roll of red yarn exuding a strong fishy smell that even the wind could not blow away.

When Yang Gu entered the entrance, he was here in an instant. The six golden secret seals that followed turned into a bracelet and put it on his wrist.

But when Yang Yu looked at everything in front of him, he was a little confused.

Isn't this the Valley of Corpse Spit? !

What is the relationship between Jueyun Sect and Corpse Spit Valley? Why did he suddenly return to Corpse Spit Valley?

Looking at the familiar sight in front of him, he was standing outside the Corpse Spit Valley. A coffin was standing upright on the ground not far away.

That's the coffin of Sixth Senior Brother!

Sixth Senior Brother is back again?

Yang Yu clearly remembered that the last time he returned to Corpse Spit Valley, Sixth Senior Brother had disappeared with both his body and the coffin, and now he appeared here again.

Could it be that he pissed off the old guy again and threw him out?

His mind was full of questions. Yang Yu seemed to feel that something was wrong, but couldn't explain it. After hesitating for a while, he still raised his feet and walked towards the Corpse Spit Valley.

Just as he walked to the coffin, he was about to pass by it.


The coffin board was suddenly opened and hit the ground heavily.

Yang Yu immediately took two steps back and looked at the coffin.

In the coffin, a man with a sickly pale face, covered in blood and scars, was looking at him with a strange smile.

There were more than a dozen withered yellow tubes extending out of his body and connected to the coffin, as if they were one body.

It is none other than Sixth Senior Brother Jin Tong!


The sixth senior brother laughed strangely, and several long wounds were exposed between the ups and downs of his panting chest, and the beating of his heart could even be seen through the wounds.

He suddenly stretched out a hand and pointed at Yang Gu, weakly.

"Junior brother...you are about to die...I saw it...hehehe..."

"You are a piece of meat... you have no value... you have no value! You will die!"


Yang Yu was speechless, but suddenly froze.


Why does this scene look so familiar? It seems like I have heard these words from Sixth Senior Brother before?

He recalled what happened last time when he and Senior Sister Wenyin went to Yulan City and returned to Minghemen.

It was indeed exactly the same as what he saw now!

Jintong burst into laughter one after another, but the upright coffin fell down with a bang, covering him inside.

But Yang Yu stopped where he was, looking at the coffin lying on the ground, thinking in his heart.

Something is very wrong! Something is very wrong!

Is it an illusion?

Yang Yu gently tapped the center of his eyebrows, and the flame of the lighting method suddenly ignited from his head, and the dark red blazing flames illuminated his figure.

The lighting method in his hands has the effect of clearing the mind and purifying the mind, and can not be affected by illusions, but after a few breaths, everything in front of him has not changed at all.

The coffin was already lying in front of him, and the laughter of Sixth Senior Brother could be heard from inside. The Corpse Spit Valley was still the Corpse Spit Valley where the blood mist filled the sky and lingered for a long time.

After the firelight dispersed, Yang Yu looked at the scene in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and then walked towards the valley.

He wanted to see what was going on in the valley now, and there was some speculation in his mind.

Not long after, Yang Gu went straight into the Corpse Spit Valley and entered the Minghe Sect.

as expected!

Just as he thought, even his residence was still the place he chose at the beginning, with Fugui and a few corpse slaves guarding the door conscientiously.

His current residence was destroyed by Xuan Kang before he killed him, and he later found a residence again.

But now it's back to where it was.

Could it be that I have gone back to the time when I first started?

Yang Yu guessed in his mind that it would be easy to confirm this guess. He immediately ordered Fugui to invite his second senior brother Fu Ming.

Not long after, Fu Ming came.

Nothing has changed about Fu Ming, he still looks like he is terminally ill.

When he saw Yang Yu, he seemed to have guessed Yang Yu's purpose of inviting him here before Yang Yu could say anything.

"Junior brother, do you want to obtain follow-up skills?"


Yang Yu didn't say anything, just looked at Fu Ming quietly.

“If you want to obtain the skills, you should not go to the master.

There is only one copy of the technique, you should go find your eleventh senior brother, Pi Shu! "

Fu Ming was talking to himself, as if in his eyes, Yang Yu was communicating with him, but in fact Yang Yu didn't say a word.

The scenes before her eyes were all things that had happened before, but now they were reappearing in front of Yang Yu's eyes.

This is not like the so-called reversal of time, but more like a certain procedure carried out according to the established past.

"Senior brother..."

Yang Yu spoke softly and tried to ask: "Can you feel what kind of cultivation I am now?"

He lifted the pseudo-illusion technique and completely exposed his true cultivation aura.

But Fu Ming's answer confirmed his suspicion.

"The late stage of the Fake Food Realm! If junior brother cannot obtain the follow-up techniques, he will not be able to break through to the Yuan Feed Realm."

"Thank you, senior brother."

Yang Yu nodded.

Pi Chu and Xuan Kang are still there, and in the eyes of the second senior brother, his cultivation level is only at the late stage of the fake food realm. Everything is still the same as before.

For everything he has seen so far, Yang Eucalyptus can only find the most likely explanation: memory!

Perhaps after stepping into the entrance opened by the six golden secret seals, the scene he had experienced was recalled based on his memory.

So, what does he need to do next?

Fu Ming left quickly, Yang Yu was thinking in her heart.

Could it be that he was asked to go through it again according to what he had experienced before?

But what's the use?

He came here to hunt for treasures, not for the second-week purpose, and he didn’t clear Minghemen either…


Second week? ! Clearance? !

Yang Yu suddenly thought of something and looked at the six golden secret seals hanging on his wrist.

Secret seal...entrance...scenes I have experienced...


Yang Eucalyptus clapped her fists and suddenly understood!

There must be something important hidden here, but you must go through a trial to get it.

And everything he sees now must be a trial formed by retracing the relevant scenes based on his memory!

Only by passing this trial can you obtain the treasure hidden here!

Yes! That's for sure!

The more Yang Yu thought about it, the more likely it seemed. First it was the trap at the entrance, and now it was the trial. What was hidden inside was definitely not simple.

But how can one pass this trial?

There was a problem with the follow-up plot outline I designed before, and today it was written with a lag, so I deleted part of the plot outline I made before and re-wrote it. Now it is sorted out.

There will be another chapter later, so I owe you one less chapter today.

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