Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 130 1015 Summoning the True Curse! Exquisite golden statue fake body!

Chapter 130 "1015" Summoning the true curse! Exquisite golden statue fake body!

"[Summoning the True Immortal Curse]: It comes from the "Five Wheels Absolute Technique: Fusion Chapter" of the Earthly Dharma Stele. This technique escaped from the Earthly Dharma Stele a hundred years ago, and became a sermon in the secular world, in an attempt to use the technique to transform the true spirit. However, after a hundred years of hard work, there is no success; using this technique can call for evil to come, but it will also attract unknown evil, and you will bring your own blessings and disasters.

Cost of use: Casting this spell requires sacrificing the soul of the caster, or the soul of a living being can be used as a substitute.

Status: Can be purified! "

The light was still shining on Yang Yu's body, but the twisted human form in front of Yang Yu had completely disappeared.

When he saw the content in the information box, Yang Yu was suddenly shocked.

In other words, the twisted human form is not the real thing? Is it just a spell that escaped from the Earthly Dharma Monument?

Magic will also have consciousness and be able to escape? !

This was the first time Yang Yu had seen such a technique.

But he inadvertently remembered the Jiri Divine Aspect that he had mastered before.

The original name of Ji Zhou Shen Xiang is Jasper Shen Xiang, which also comes from the "Five Wheels of Jue" on the Earthly Dharma Stele.

According to the records in the information box at that time, this technique was obtained by Shen Xie, the leader of the Lian Shen Sect.

And he got the technique in the old guy's cave.

Could it be that the Jasper Divine Appearance also escaped from the Earthly Dharma Monument?

Suddenly, many absurd and bizarre thoughts suddenly appeared in Yang Yu's mind.

Even if he had obtained the qualification to visualize the Earthly Dharma Monument before, he could only see the "Explanation of the Wonderful Way" and the "Jasper Divine Appearance" on the Earthly Dharma Monument, but could not see other spells and techniques.

He used to think that he only knew two of them, so he could only see these two.

Is it possible that, except for "Explanations of the Wonderful Way" on the Earthly Dharma Monument, all other techniques and techniques have escaped?

Yang Yu suddenly thought of the "Thirteen Techniques of the Minghe Sect". The old guy obviously owned the Earthly Dharma Stele, so why didn't he use the spells on the Earthly Dharma Stele as the Mingdao technique, and instead create other techniques of his own?

The more he thought about it, the more something was wrong. He had no clues or information that could help, so he could only hide all these doubts in his heart and wait to answer them later.

As for the magic technique that he unexpectedly obtained now, Yang Yu also paid attention to it. The cost was very huge, and it actually required sacrificing his soul.

However, after he used the purification ability, the price of use disappeared.

I don’t know if it’s a free prostitute, will it be the twisted human form or other unknown things that are summoned?

It seems that this spell cannot be cast casually.

The light dissipated on Yang Yu's body, and his figure was revealed again, and Gong Niang was put back on his body.

Gong Niang is very satisfied now and has been fed.

"It feels so good! It feels so good! Little Bitzi, you really made me feel so good this time that I feel like I'm going to heaven!"

Her excited voice rang in Yang Yu's ears, filled with unprecedented satisfaction.

After all, there were at least thousands of those souls, and they were all eaten by her, leaving not a drop left.

On the bow body, some strange changes seemed to be taking place. The obscure lines on the originally pure white bow blades were changing, and the small and delicate faces on the handle seemed to be more evil.

Yang Yu walked towards Bai Niao and the others, and they subconsciously took two steps back.


Before he could say anything to them, everything around him was rapidly decaying in an instant.

The remaining buildings with broken eaves and broken walls collapsed one after another, eventually turning into gravel.

In just a few breaths, the entire city collapsed in an instant, sending up dust and sand all over the sky.

Yang Gu and others had already flown out of the city before the city was completely weathered.

The so-called problem was solved by them, which meant that they could finally go out!

As expected, not long after, there was movement again from the Tree of Flesh, and there was new news from the shop owner.

"Are you out? I have locked your location. Now you can start the container teleportation and take you to Jueyun Sect!"

After receiving the news from the shop owner, the few people no longer delayed, but simply briefly described what they encountered to the shop owner, and then waited for the container transfer to be started.

After a few breaths, the container teleportation was opened, and they once again experienced the strange sense of falling in the darkness. This time, everyone finally arrived at Jueyun Sect.

When they arrived here, they immediately received news from others and obtained the route that Duanshou and others had taken to the Jueyun Sect to go up the mountain.

Because there was an accident in the container transmission of the four of them, Duan Shou and the other three chose to sneak into the Jueyun Sect and were already deep inside the Jueyun Sect.

The four must rush immediately to catch up with them.

They also chose to sneak into the Jueyun Sect. Yang Yu activated the pseudo-illusion method to hide the aura of his whole body. The other people also had their own strategies to deal with it, and at the same time they went towards the depths of the Jueyun Sect.

Half an hour later, they finally successfully reunited with Duanshou and the others.

The Jueyun Sect has indeed been occupied by demons, and there is no sign of any monks or human activity at all.

Just when Yang Gu and others sneaked in, they encountered no less than dozens of demons along the way, but fortunately, the cultivation level of those demons was not high, and they were not discovered.

This Jueyun Sect is not a small sect. There are more than a dozen hills within the sect alone. After entering the depths of the Jueyun Sect, you can see at a glance the former glory of this place, but now it is very desolate.

You can see various buildings and caves everywhere you look. However, due to the fighting here, many buildings and caves have collapsed and been damaged. You can even see many demons entrenched on them, acting unscrupulously.

"After we came in, we didn't find any information about the monsters in the Flesh Realm, but there are a lot of monsters here in both the Yuanji Realm and the Fu Shi Realm. Once we get started with the monsters, it will definitely attract the attention of other monsters, and they will be involved. Move your whole body.”

After reuniting, Severed Hand informed everyone of the current situation.

"Since you are here, the best way now is to spread out and act separately! If we can find any news about the forbidden weapon fragments mentioned by the boss, let everyone know through the Tree of Flesh, and we will rush there immediately!"

Under the circumstances that no one is familiar with the Jueyun Sect, this is indeed the most appropriate method.

Everyone present agreed, and Yang Yu also agreed very much.

He didn't come for some forbidden weapon fragments, he came for the magic books within the Jueyun Sect. It would also be beneficial for him to act alone if they were separated and acted separately.

Not long after they met, everyone separated again. Yang Yu first glanced at the buildings in the Jueyun Sect, looked for a few targets, and then left quickly.

Generally speaking, this kind of sect should have a special place to store martial arts and magic, perhaps in one of the more conspicuous buildings.

Jueyun Sect is very big, and because it is so big, there are mountains and forests everywhere, which is very convenient for hiding your body.

Yang Gu's figure shuttled silently through the forest. This was the first time he saw so many monsters. Every time he walked dozens of steps, he could see the figures of monsters. This place had completely turned into a desert. Devil's Cave.

In a place like this, once the light and shadow escape method is used, it will immediately attract the attention of these monsters, so he can only rely on his body skills and air control to move forward cautiously.

Fortunately, with the illusion-like magic in his body, all the aura in his body was restrained, making it difficult for him to be noticed, but he was not discovered by the demon.

A quarter of an hour later, Yang Gu came to a palace and stopped to peek among the trees.

There is also a golden plaque on the palace here with the words "Jinbao Pavilion" written on it. Compared to other buildings, the entire building is intact. There are also several weird-shaped demons sleeping soundly on the roof.

After just one glance, Yang Yu gave up the plan of going in and exploring.

Jueyun Sect has become a devil's cave. So many buildings are seriously damaged. Only this place is still good. There must be something fishy.

Go look elsewhere first, and if you really can’t find it, look here again.

Yang Yu left without any hesitation.

Not long after Yang Eucalyptus left, the palace called Jinbao Pavilion shook inadvertently, and the monsters sleeping above were frightened and fled in panic.

After another cup of tea, Yang Yu gradually walked deeper into the Jueyun Sect, and he finally found a place that could be explored.

It was a cave, with half a large temple embedded in the rock formations. It was not simple at first glance.

Moreover, there were fewer demons around here. Yang Yu let go of his senses and determined that there was no aura of demons in the temple.

Without being discovered, Yang Gu turned into a black shadow and entered the entrance of the temple in a blink of an eye.


The temple door was gently closed, making a slight noise, but fortunately it was not a big noise.

Yang Eucalyptus waited and observed in the temple to make sure that no demons were attracted, and then he began to look at the scene in the temple.

Although from the outside, this large temple has a lot of damage, with stains everywhere on the door and wall outside, the inside is relatively well preserved.

The joint with the rock layer is a cave entrance leading to the dark depths, and on both sides of the cave entrance are several humanoid stone statues.

The stone statues look like shrunken Taoist priests, with red gauze hanging on their heads to cover their heads.

Below these stone statues was an offering table. The incense burners on it were all broken into pieces. The ashes were scattered everywhere and were very wet. There were also many half-burned incense candles discarded aside.

Some small dead bones can be seen under the altar table. At first glance, they are the bones of mice or small animals that ran into the forest.

Yang Yu felt that it was finally his turn to come into play. Although he didn't know what was wrong with these things, he could use his special ability to identify them.

In this place, you must be careful at all times. You must first check out all these strange-looking things before entering. Otherwise, it will be terrible if you fall into a trap.

He looked at the stone statues in front of him. There were six stone statues in total, three on each side of the cave entrance.

And when he put his hand on the first stone statue, an information box popped up immediately.

"[Linglong's False Body of the Golden Lord, Preface 4]: It is from the hands of the real person Linglong of the Jueyun Sect; Linglong hides the secret seal to save me but not others. The golden statue shows nature, and the gate between true and false is right and wrong.

Cost of use: If you remove the seal of the Golden Lord in the wrong order, you will be killed by the magical power contained in the Golden Lord; if you remove the seal of the Golden Lord in the correct order, you will be cursed by the magical power contained in the Golden Lord.

Status: Can be purified! "

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