After listening to Xia Chaoyang's words, Zhang Yuan realized that he seemed to have done something extraordinary.

But he had already persevered, and there was no point in talking about it anymore.

Zhang Yuan changed from his military uniform back to his daily clothes, said goodbye to Xia Chaoyang, and rushed to the Luosha River in the east of the city without stopping.

Now there is only one week left before the college entrance examination. He must reach level 19 before the college entrance examination, otherwise he will not even be qualified to enter Kyoto University.

Zhang Yuan once again came outside the Luoshajiang dungeon and saw Li Xueer standing at the entrance of the dungeon.

Zhang Yuan immediately stepped forward to say hello, "Xue'er, are you coming to brush the Raksha River dungeon too?"

"Idiot! I've been waiting for you!"

When Li Xueer saw Zhang Yuan finally appeared, she immediately picked up a pink fist and hit Zhang Yuan on the chest, "What have you been doing these days? I can't contact you, and I can't find you when I go to your house. I've been asking for a long time. I just learned that you appeared in the Raksha River copy."

"I'm going to practice my skill level."

Zhang Yuan did not talk about his joining the Qianlong detachment. He blurred the topic and replied, "What do you want from me?"

Li Xueer glanced at Zhang Yuan complainingly, "Can't I call you if nothing happens? It's been so many days and you haven't even called me?"

"I thought you were concentrating on leveling up, so I didn't bother you." Zhang Yuan made up a lame excuse.

"Forget it, you idiot can't make up any better reason."

Li Xueer rolled her eyes and did not dwell too much on this matter. Instead, she asked: "How have you been practicing these days? Are you confident that you will be admitted to Kyoto University?"

Zhang Yuan heard Li Xueer's words and used the Eye of the Abyss on her.

[Li Xueer, Elf Saint, level 16. 】

Seeing Li Xueer's level, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but said: "Compared to me, you should worry more about yourself, right? The college entrance examination is in 7 days. Why are you only level 16?"

"I have worked hard to achieve this, and my level is already very high! I want to see how many levels you have!"

Li Xueer glared at Zhang Yuan, and then threw a detection technique at Zhang Yuan.

"Level 18?"

Li Xueer opened her mouth and looked at Zhang Yuan in disbelief, "I leveled up hard before I reached level 16. How did you reach level 18?"

Zhang Yuan replied: "Is it difficult? Just clearing the nightmare dungeon a few times is enough."


Li Xueer suddenly had a black line, and then said: "Okay... I should have known earlier that talking about leveling in front of you would be humiliating myself."

Zhang Yuan: "So, you waited for me at the entrance of this dungeon specifically just to check my level, right?"

"Of course not. I'm not that idle yet. I'm mainly looking for you because I want to take you to a secret realm dungeon."

"Secret realm copy?" Zhang Yuan was surprised, "What is that?"

Li Xueer: "That is different from the naturally occurring wild dungeon. The secret dungeon is a special artificial dungeon created by people at great cost. All the monsters in that dungeon are artificially created."

"Our college entrance examination in seven days will actually be held in a super large secret realm dungeon."

Zhang Yuan: "So, you took me to the secret realm dungeon mainly to simulate the college entrance examination?"

"That's one of the reasons,"

Li Xueer patiently explained: "There is another more important reason. The Ministry of Military Affairs announced a new policy a few days ago. Students of our current class can join the military's special forces and obtain training with military resources while taking the college entrance examination. ”

"You know, the military has a lot of resources that even Kyoto University does not have. If we can be trained by the military, our future will be limitless!"

"This time's Secret Realm dungeon is actually an assessment conducted by the military department, with the purpose of selecting outstanding students."

"It is said that the students with the best performance will even have the opportunity to join the legendary Qianlong detachment. All the major families are fighting for a place to take the exam. I spent a lot of effort to help you get the copy of Entering the Secret Realm. Quota.”

When Zhang Yuan heard what Li Xueer said, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch, "So is the secret realm copy the trial of the Qianlong detachment?"

Li Xueer patted Zhang Yuan on the shoulder: "Don't put too much pressure on you. Although it is difficult to enter the Qianlong detachment, I believe you can definitely get in."

Zhang Yuan looked at Li Xueer's encouraging eyes and really didn't want to slap Li Xueer in the face, so he had to say: "Although the military department's policy is tempting, our focus now should be to upgrade to level 19, right? Otherwise, the Kyoto University you really want to study will be I can’t read it anymore.”

"You don't have to worry about this. The monsters in the secret realm dungeon are also experienced, and they are extremely rich."

Having said this, Li Xueer punched Zhang Yuan hard on the chest again, "You idiot, when did you become such a mother-in-law? Even if we fail and fail to pass the test of the Qianlong detachment, there will be no more in the secret realm copy. There will be a lot of experience. Isn’t it better than playing Nomoto here?”

Zhang Yuan: "Actually..."

Li Xueer interrupted: "That's it, the secret realm dungeon will be opened soon. Let's rush there now and treat it as leveling up."

Li Xueer didn't wait for Zhang Yuan to speak, and immediately dragged Zhang Yuan into Butler Xu's car parked on the roadside, "Butler Xu, let's go!"

"Okay ma'am."

Butler Xu looked at the two people fighting in the back seat with a smile through the rearview mirror, then started the car and rushed to the location of the secret realm dungeon.

The entrance to the secret realm this time is in Yunhai Manor on the top of Yunhai Mountain in the north of West Lake City.

When Butler Xu drove there, there were already many luxury cars parked in the parking lot outside Yunhai Manor. Almost all the celebrities in West Lake City who had children taking the college entrance examination this year came here.

Zhang Yuan scanned the luxury cars in the parking lot and couldn't help but ask: "Isn't the policy of the military department for the whole country? Why are there cars from Xihu City here?"

Li Xueer: "There are many independent spaces in the secret realm dungeon. Ours is just the dungeon entrance to the West Lake City branch venue. Other cities also have their own secret realm dungeon entrances."

"To put it simply, after we enter, we are in different spaces of the same dungeon. Just like the Thousand Layer Cake, the super large secret realm dungeon used for the college entrance examination is also the same. Each province has its own independent space."

"Although the space is different, the assessment content is the same, so we can just focus on conquering our own copy."

Zhang Yuan nodded: "I see, I have learned a lesson."

Hearing Zhang Yuan's words, Li Xueer suddenly puffed up her chest with pride, "Humph, I know a lot more. If you don't understand anything, just ask."

Butler Xu: "Miss, the secret realm dungeon will be opened soon, don't be late."

"Oh right! It's almost too late."

Li Xueer came to her senses and immediately pulled Zhang Yuan out of the car. After identifying themselves at the gate of the manor, the two entered the wide courtyard.

At this time, in the center of the courtyard, there was a blue vortex that was no different from the entrance to the wild instance.

At this time, there were many students waiting outside the dungeon. Zhang Yuan used the Eye of the Abyss to make a rough inspection. They found that the levels were basically above level 16, and there were even students who were already level 19.

They are all elites.

Soon, Zhang Yuan saw a familiar figure, and his eyes instantly turned cold.

Wang Hu, who was not far away, also noticed Zhang Yuan. A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, as if he was surprised that Zhang Yuan was still alive.

But soon, the surprise in Wang Hu's eyes turned into provocation. He grinned and at the same time made a provocative move of wiping Zhang Yuan's neck.

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