After Wan Changan awarded Zhang Yuan the military rank, he teleported away with his personal guards.

As the commander-in-chief of the Great Xia National Defense Army, Wan Changan was busy with important matters. It was already the limit for him to take a short time out to meet Zhang Yuan.

After Wan Changan left, Xia Chaoyang took Zhang Yuan to the military cafeteria for dinner, and introduced Zhang Yuan to the situation in the army and the many benefits of the soldiers.

When Xia Chaoyang talked about the skill training hall, Zhang Yuan was particularly curious and asked, "What is the skill training hall?"

"The skill training hall is a place where our soldiers improve their skill levels. The efficiency of practicing skills in it will increase significantly. The skill training hall is a unique facility of our army, which is not available in other places."

"Improve skill level?" A hint of surprise flashed in Zhang Yuan's eyes.

He is already level 18, but the two skills of sword formation and sword control are only level 3, and he doesn't know when he will be promoted to the next level.

If the skill training hall can improve his skill level, it will be a great leap for his combat power.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan couldn't wait to ask: "Can I go to the skill training hall?"

"Of course, this is your benefit." Xia Chaoyang smiled, "But we only have a primary skill training hall here, which can quickly upgrade your skill level to level 5 at most. If you want to use a more advanced skill training hall, you can only report to the Qianlong Detachment in Kyoto."

"It's great to be able to upgrade to level 5." Zhang Yuan replied with surprise, "My skills are only level 3 now, and it will be a big improvement after upgrading to level 5."

"Well, I'll take you there after we finish eating."


Zhang Yuan swept the food on the plate like a whirlwind, and then followed Xia Chaoyang to an independent cube building.

Xia Chaoyang turned to Zhang Yuan and said, "After you go in, the skill training hall will teleport you to a separate closed room. You can't get out until the training is completed or you give up. You have to be mentally prepared for this."

"But you don't have to worry about your own food, drink, and defecation. The training hall is fully equipped, and there are nutritious meals prepared by a special person every day."

"Thank you for telling me." Zhang Yuan thanked Xia Chaoyang, and then walked into the skill training hall impatiently.

The soldiers outside the skill training hall saw Zhang Yuan go in, and smiled and asked Xia Chaoyang, "Captain Xia, how long do you think that kid can last in the training hall?"

Xia Chaoyang stretched out five fingers and said confidently, "5 days."

The soldier was surprised and said, "He is still a student, right? Staying in that ghost place for five days, won't people really go crazy?"

Xia Chaoyang smiled slightly: "He is the hope of our empire's future, and he still has this ability. If you don't believe it, how about we make a bet?"

"Let's bet!"

When Xia Chaoyang was betting with the soldiers, Zhang Yuan had been teleported into a small room of 50 square meters.

The space is neither too big nor too small, and it is enough for training.

"Welcome to the primary skill training hall. Do you need a customized training package?"

As soon as Zhang Yuan came in, he heard an AI-synthesized intelligent female voice.

"Can you customize a training package?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Zhang Yuan's eyes. Everything here was new to him, and he immediately answered yes.

Then, Zhang Yuan felt a strange light wave scanning his body.

"Scan completed. The skills that can be upgraded are sword formation (level 3), sword control (level 3), attribute conversion (level 1). Training for 16 hours a day, the estimated upgrade time is 20 days. Do you want to start training?"

"So long?"

When Zhang Yuan heard the time required for his skill upgrade, he finally understood why Xia Chaoyang suddenly mentioned eating, drinking, and defecating in the training hall. It seems that the battle line is so long!

Zhang Yuan thought for a moment. There are still 27 days before the national college entrance examination. He is now level 18. Even if he trains in this training hall for 20 days, he still has a week to level up. Even if he keeps soloing the Luosha River dungeon, it is enough to upgrade to level 19.

As for the 16-hour training every day, with his current mental strength of more than 3,000, it should not be difficult to stick to it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan took out the communicator and sent a message to his grandmother and aunt, explaining his current situation and that he would not go home within 20 days.

After all, he was not alone. If he suddenly disappeared for 20 days, his grandmother and aunt would be worried.

After reporting to his family, Zhang Yuan chose to start training.

The next moment, a training wooden figure rose from the center of the room.

"The training begins, first use the skill sword formation, then use the skill sword to attack the wooden man, repeat 100 times."

As the AI ​​voice gave the training plan, Zhang Yuan also began to unfold the sword array, summoning ten iron swords from the sword array space to attack the wooden man in the room.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Zhang Yuan felt that he was more comfortable using his sword-wielding skills in this room than when he was outside.

Soon, 100 times of training were completed. Zhang Yuan tried to control the iron sword again and found that it was a little smoother.

"It seems to be more efficient than training in the wild." Zhang Yuan tasted the benefits, and immediately became very motivated and began to practice skills continuously.

The training intensity in the skills training hall was far more intense than Zhang Yuan thought. When he finished the first day of training, he was almost exhausted. He didn't even have the energy to wash up and fell asleep directly.

Although the training here is intense, the results are gratifying. On just the first day, Zhang Yuan's sword-wielding skill level rose to level 4.

Early the next morning, Zhang Yuan, who was still in his dream, was woken up by a basin of cold water. Then he was horrified to see that on the ceiling of the training hall, a mechanical arm holding a basin stretched out.

"The training begins the next day. Use sword control skills to attack the wooden man 1,000 times."

Zhang Yuan listened to the emotionless AI voice, looked at the wooden man appearing in the center of the room, and couldn't help but said: "Is this a skills training hall or a prison?"

The AI ​​voice sounded again: "Please start training within ten seconds, otherwise it will be deemed as giving up the training, and this skill training center will be closed and no longer open to you."

"Who wants to give up? I still want to upgrade my skills here!"

Zhang Yuan was immediately aroused to be competitive. He directly summoned the flying sword and began to train repeatedly with high intensity.

During these twenty days, Zhang Yuan ate, drank, and defecated in this training hall. He ate when he was hungry, slept when he was tired, and continued training when he woke up. He continued to mechanically repeat skill exercises to improve his skill proficiency.

As Zhang Yuan's skill level continued to rise, he gradually understood that nothing could be accomplished overnight.

Even if he has powerful professions and skills, if he wants to become stronger, he can only continue to train.

Gradually, Zhang Yuan became addicted to practicing skills.

Twenty days passed by in a flash.

Zhang Yuan ran out of the afterimage in the room, finally stopped in the middle of the room and pressed the button in the middle.

"Congratulations on completing this training package. This skill training hall can no longer improve your skill level. If you want to continue to improve, please go to the advanced skills training hall."

The AI ​​​​voice sounded, and Zhang Yuan took advantage of the situation to check his skill information.

[Skill: Sword Array (Level 5), unfold the sword array, continuously consume mental energy, within a radius of 50 meters, the critical damage will be increased by 140%. 】

[Sword Control (Level 5): Control flying swords and attack in the air. The power depends on the quality of the sword, your own mental power and skill level. 】

[Attribute conversion (level 5): Within the sword formation, mental power can be converted into strength, agility, and physical attributes, with a conversion increase of 5 times. 】

"'s finally over."

Zhang Yuan showed a relieved smile when he saw that all three of his skills had been upgraded to level 5.

It actually took him three days to upgrade the skills of sword formation and sword control to level 5. He spent the rest of the time practicing the skill of attribute conversion.

To practice this skill, he has to exercise at high intensity, which is equivalent to doing an enhanced version of a triathlon in the training gym every day.

Before Zhang Yuan entered the skills training gym, he didn't have any abdominal muscles...but when he came out, he already had six packs of abdominal muscles!

The intensity of this training can be imagined!

When Zhang Yuan left the training hall, he saw a bunch of soldiers surrounding him, and everyone looked at him with admiration.

Seeing this kind of battle, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but be stunned. He looked at Xia Chaoyang, who was also waiting outside, and asked, "What is going on? Why are you all here?"

At this time, Xia Chaoyang couldn't help but give Zhang Yuan a thumbs up, "Boy, you are really awesome, you can actually stay in the training hall for 20 days!"

Zhang Yuan was surprised: "What's wrong with staying for 20 days? Isn't that a system-customized training package?"

Xia Chaoyang looked at Zhang Yuan like a freak and said, "Do you know that before you, the longest training record in this training hall was seven days!"

"You know how awesome you are?"

Zhang Yuan: "Huh?"

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