The location Zhang Yuan chose this time is a goblin gathering place. The monster level is between 15-20. The experience value given by these monsters is high enough and they are densely distributed. With the splash damage of zodiac sign 4, it is easy to Kill one person and kill a large area.

After arriving at the destination, Zhang Yuan used his new talent, Eye of the Abyss, on a goblin more than ten meters away.

【Goblin Vanguard】

【Level: 15】

【Power: 220】

[Agility: 30]

【Spirit: 10】

[Physique: 90]

[Skill: Ax Swing]

The level 15 Goblin Vanguard is tall, ugly and ferocious. He carries a huge ax with a chipped blade, which looks quite terrifying.

"Ordinary detection techniques can only detect objects whose level is not higher than one's own. This Eye of the Abyss can detect objects whose level is not higher than 50. It is indeed an advanced talent."

Zhang Yuan sincerely sighed at the usefulness of the Eye of the Abyss, then unfolded the sword array and used the skill to control the sword.

An iron sword appeared out of thin air and pierced the Goblin Vanguard's head.


[Successfully kill the Goblin Vanguard, experience +300]

[Obtain Goblin Bones. 】

There are other goblins within the sword array, but only one kill message appears, indicating that the health of the monsters here is above 448.

At the same time, in the wild, materials will be dropped after killing monsters. These materials can be sold at the exchange, which are needed by alchemists and pharmacists.

Selling wild monster materials is also one of the sources of income for combat professions.

"Sure enough, the era of killing a large area with an iron sword has passed."

Zhang Yuan sighed with emotion and turned to use 10 iron swords to kill monsters.

[Successfully kill the Goblin Vanguard, experience +300]

[Successfully kill the Goblin Scout, experience +500]

[Successfully kill the Goblin Warrior, experience +200]

[Obtain Goblin Bones*36, Goblin Crystal*1]

A large number of kill prompts began to flood the screen.

"Hey, the spar actually dropped!"

Zhang Yuan's eyes lit up when he saw an extra gray stone in the storage space.

Killing monsters has a chance to drop monster crystals, which are necessary materials used to make skill scrolls and high-level potions, and are very valuable.

Even a level 15 Goblin crystal can be sold for 1,000 yuan each.

"No wonder everyone wants a fighting profession. With this kind of money-making speed, even if you only kill goblins, you can easily earn tens of thousands a month."

Zhang Yuan calmed down and began to go deep into the goblin camp and level up quickly.

At this rate, it won't be a problem to reach level 13 in one night.

Suddenly, a feather arrow was shot from behind. Chi Xiao appeared behind Zhang Yuan and cut the feather arrow in half.

【being attacked! 】

Zhang Yuan received the reminder, turned around and saw two men walking out of the woods. One was holding a bow and arrow, which was obviously the person who had just attacked.

The other man had a dagger in his hand and looked like an assassin.

Zhang Yuan immediately used the Eye of the Abyss.

[Sun Ya, archer, level 20. 】

[He Mingda, assassin, level 20. 】

The two level 20 professionals looked fierce and looked like they had killed many people.

"Why did you sneak attack me?" Zhang Yuan asked coldly.

If Chi Xiao's protector hadn't been passive just now, he would have been seriously injured at least!

"Dead people don't need to know why."

He Mingda sneered, escaped into the shadows, and rushed towards Zhang Yuan.

Skill: Escape into the shadows.

A trace of murderous intent flashed in Zhang Yuan's eyes. Although he had not killed anyone yet, it did not mean that he would let the other person go if others put a knife on his neck.

Several iron swords appeared out of thin air and quickly thrust into the shadow on the ground. However, the shadow on the ground was like a fish swimming in the water. It easily avoided Zhang Yuan's attack and came behind Zhang Yuan.

Skill: Critical blow!

He Mingda activated his skill and stabbed Zhang Yuan's heart with the poison-quenched dagger without hesitation.


The iron swords inserted into the ground appeared behind Zhang Yuan again at some point, stabbing He Mingda into a hedgehog.

[Successfully killed He Mingda. 】

[Obtain the equipment poison quenching dagger. 】

The kill prompt appeared, and He Mingda, who was stabbed like a hedgehog by 10 iron swords, fell to the ground and died suddenly.


Sun Ya's face changed greatly, and he immediately drew his bow and fired. The bowstring vibrated, and one arrow shot out, which turned into three arrows halfway, blocking Zhang Yuan's retreat.

Skill: Triple Shot!

Zhang Yuan remained motionless, and the iron swords inserted into He Mingda disappeared out of thin air, then appeared halfway and cut off Sun Ya's three feather arrows.

"W-what skills do you have?"

Sun Ya was frightened by Zhang Yuan's methods. He didn't understand why a level 12 novice could instantly kill his level 20 companions and easily neutralize his own attack?

"Why do you want to kill me?"

Zhang Yuan's tone was cold. He had killed someone once before, but now his eyes were filled with evil aura.

In order to understand the reason, he deliberately turned off the splash damage of the zodiac sign, just to prevent Sun Ya from dying suddenly out of thin air.

Sun Ya didn't answer. He threw a smoke bomb and bounced onto the tree to escape. But as soon as he jumped on the branch, an iron sword came through the air and cut off the branch.

boom! ! !

Sun Ya fell heavily to the ground, and ten iron swords fell from the sky, giving Sun Ya a body stroke and pinning him to the ground!

Sun Ya was so frightened that he peed on the spot: "Don't, don't kill me!"

Zhang Yuan: "Last chance, why kill me?"

Sun Ya replied with tears in his eyes: "Wang Hu! Wang Hu paid us to kill you, we just collect money to do things!"

"Wang Hu!"

When Zhang Yuan heard the name, his face instantly darkened.

Although he and Wang Hu had conflicts, it was just some friction in school. He never expected that Wang Hu would be so vicious and wanted to pay to kill people.

Sun Ya begged for mercy in a trembling voice, "Brother! I've told you everything I know. Just treat me like a fart and let me go."

Zhang Yuan calmed down, put the iron swords back into the sword array space, and said calmly: "Get out."

"Thank you, thank you, brother!"

Sun Ya immediately rolled on the ground and fled into the distance. Zhang Yuan casually used ten iron swords to pierce a goblin not far away.

[Successfully kill the Goblin Warrior, experience +200]

[Successfully killed Sun Ya. 】

[Obtain Goblin Bones and obtain the equipment Emerald Bow and Arrow. 】

Zhang Yuan walked to Sun Ya's body and found no wounds on Sun Ya's body. It looked like he had died suddenly.

"The splash damage of the zodiac sign can also be used to select the splash target independently, and by using this to kill people, there seems to be no wounds on the outside. This is a magical skill for killing people and cheating."

After Zhang Yuan tested the effect of his fortune teller on Sun Ya, he dragged Sun Ya's body to He Mingda's side, then lured some wild wolves nearby, and watched as the wild wolves devoured the two bodies.

Now that you have done it, you must do it thoroughly and leave no trace at the same time.

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