This was Zhang Yuan's first time walking into the exchange, and he saw a large number of separated rooms inside.

It is said that in the past, there were no single rooms in the exchange, and all transactions were conducted in the hall. At that time, many customers would be targeted after purchasing a large amount of materials, and they would be robbed once they left the exchange.

Later, in order to protect the privacy and security of customers, the exchange built these trading rooms. All customer transactions are known only to the customers themselves and the exchange.

After the exchange launched the trading room, robberies across the country were instantly reduced by 80%, and the effect was immediate.

Zhang Yuan found a single room that was not in use and placed his palm on the palm print recognition area on the door of the single room.

[Start identity authentication. 】

[Certification successful, Daxia Empire citizen, Zhang Yuan. 】

[Member Level: Level 1]

The palmprint recognition area turns green and the single room door opens.

Zhang Yuan walked into the room, which contained a chair and a magic crystal ball specially made by an alchemist.

Zhang Yuan followed the instructions and put his hand on the magic crystal ball, and a virtual screen appeared in front of him, with a large number of items for sale on it.

Whether it's weapons, armor, or potion materials, everything is available.

Zhang Yuan took out the high-end healing potion given by Li Xueer and said to himself: "Little rich woman, it's a waste if I use this high-end healing potion. I use it to exchange for money. You don't mind, right?"

With that said, Zhang Yuan chose consignment, and then placed the advanced healing potion on the shelf in front of the magic crystal ball.

A green light swept across, and a new pop-up window popped up in front of Zhang Yuan.

[Advanced healing potion, the estimated value is 100,000. Is it consignment or direct purchase on the exchange? 】

If it is a consignment, the price will be set by Zhang Yuan himself, and the exchange will only charge a 5% handling fee, but it will take time to sell.

If it is a direct purchase from an exchange, the exchange will generally purchase it at 80% of the market price, and the advantage is that it will be credited immediately.

At present, all of Zhang Yuan's New Year's money has been spent on buying iron swords. His commission for using the Destiny Star Array is not enough, so he can only choose to purchase it directly on the exchange.

A flash of light flashed, the advanced healing potion disappeared, and Zhang Yuan's exchange account had an additional balance of 80,000.

"It's so dark. You made me 20,000 in the blink of an eye."

Zhang Yuan looked at his account balance and couldn't help but complain.

There is no need to worry about unsold items such as healing potions. If Zhang Yuan was not in urgent need of money, he would not choose to purchase them directly on the exchange.

With the money, Zhang Yuan directly spent 1,000 yuan to purchase the right to use the Destiny Star Array once.

As 1,000 yuan was deducted from Zhang Yuan's account, the shelf in front of the magic crystal lit up, and a small star array of destiny emerged.

It is said that the magic circle used in the destiny compass that can be carried around is this small destiny star array.

The card drawing effect of this small Destiny Star Array is the same as that of the large Destiny Star Array, and it is very secretive and convenient. As long as you carry the Destiny Compass with you, you can draw cards anytime and anywhere after getting the God Stone.

However, the Destiny Compass is extremely expensive. Even the cheapest one costs one million, which is not something ordinary combat professionals can afford.

"This formation mage is just making money."

Zhang Yuan sighed sincerely, then took out the God's Stone and put it into the Destiny Star Array.

The God's Stone turned into light spots and dissipated, a large number of cards rolled in it, and then the magic circle glowed red!

"Sure enough! Talent is useful!"

[Absolutely lucky (level 1): Lucky MAX when drawing cards, limited to 10 times per month. 】

Zhang Yuan's eyes were shining as he stared straight at the magic circle, eager to know what he had drawn.

A card with a red sword printed on it flew out of the magic circle, and then the card turned into red light and dissipated, and the entire magic circle lit up with red light!

Then, a red sword with dragon patterns on its body slowly rose from the magic circle.

The turbulent momentum swept away in all directions.

Excalibur Chixiao

[Excalibur Chixiao (exclusive level 1): attack power +1000, critical hit rate +50%, critical hit damage +200%, automatically protects the owner, the holder is immune to mental attacks, and has no equipment level restrictions. 】

[Remarks: One of the top ten swords, it protects the Lord from demons and cleanses the world. 】

Zhang Yuan had a perverted smile on his face.

This equipment can be said to be the most violent among the violent and the most perverted among the perverted.

I am afraid that the weapons used by those god-level professionals are nothing more than that, and the effects are too explosive!

He can now do more than 4,000 damage with an iron sword with an attack power of 10. Now Chixiao has an attack power of 1,000, plus a 50% critical hit rate and 200% critical hit damage, including the critical hit conversion of the horoscope...

Zhang Yuan made a rough calculation, and when he poked with Chixiao, the damage was close to 700,000!

Level 12, 700,000 damage! ! !

What is this concept?

If this were put in a game, it would be a fucking overinflated level of power and a garbage game!

But, this is reality!

After Zhang Yuan was overly excited, he quickly calmed down and quickly put Chi Xiao into the sword formation space, using it as a trump card. He usually didn't see people easily.

After all, he is only level 12 now. If other high-level professionals discover that he has an artifact on him, his life will definitely be at risk!

The common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying the jade.

No matter which world we are in, this is the truth.

After calming down a little, Zhang Yuan bought another map outside the city and some dry food and stored them in his storage space. After sending a message to his aunt that he would not go tonight, he went straight out of the city.

Storage space is a special space that everyone will get after drawing a card and changing jobs. People can put all kinds of their things in the storage space, but the capacity of the storage space is limited. If you want to increase the space capacity, you can only rely on Level up.

With the new artifact, Zhang Yuan was very interested in leveling up and planned to have a good time practicing outside the city.

Passing through the western suburbs, you arrive at the West City Gate, which is guarded by guards above level 20 on a daily basis.

Since Zhang Yuan had reached level 12, the city gate guards did not stop him. They just registered Zhang Yuan's information and allowed Zhang Yuan to go out.

"Outside is no better than in the city. Not only are there more monsters, but bandits are also quite rampant. And when night comes, the monsters will become more ferocious. You must be careful and don't lose your life."

The city gate guard kindly asked Zhang and let Zhang Yuan pass.

"Thank you."

Zhang Yuan thanked the city gate guard, walked out of the city gate, and officially came into the wild. A cold wind blew in his face, making Zhang Yuan shiver.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the sky became a lot darker, and the air was filled with a depressing and chilling atmosphere, which made people nervous.

This was Zhang Yuan's first time in the wild. Everywhere he looked, everything was in ruins.

Only then did he have a real feeling that he had traveled to another world.

The peaceful life in the city made him feel that it was not much different from before, but when he came to this wilderness full of weeds and wild trees, he realized that the outside of the city and the inside were two extremes!

The country protects people very well.

Zhang Yuan walked forward for a certain distance, then looked back and found that the fog had shrouded behind him, and the city wall of West Lake City could no longer be seen.

"Sure enough, as mentioned in the book, the wilderness is full of fog. If you don't have a map, you may be lost in the wilderness forever."

Zhang Yuan took out the map, chose a suitable leveling point, and rushed there.

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