Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 201 The foreign media is dumbfounded! The oriental cannon that shocked the world!

Chapter 201 The foreign media is dumbfounded! The oriental cannon that shocked the world!

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At this time, all the sticks are completely stupid!


They were in the direction of Jizhou Island, using telescopes, they were able to see this happening!

Now on the coast of Jizhou Island, countless people have gathered, and they are all sticks who have come from afar, wanting to see Dongshen's jokes!

In their expectation, this kind of gun barrel like a crystal mirror should explode on the first shot!


Ten minutes have passed now!

The bombing continues!

The whole sea level was blown up!


The explosion point, the distance from them, is about 100 kilometers away!

(This is a parallel world, don't worry about geography, anyway, it's almost over, anyway, the setting of the parallel world!)

A loud explosion, like a thunderous roar,


The waves on Jizhou Island gradually increased, as if it were a landslide and the ground cracked, roaring endlessly, once every few seconds...

Intensive and terrifying!

Endless waves invade, endless shock waves spread invisible in the air,

Even a lot of kimchi, even the kimchi from yesterday night, spit out, leaving a sour smell on the beach!

Even some kimchi, pulled on the spot!

at this time,

The little sticks on the island waiting to see the joke, 477 saw his own joke!

"how is this possible!"

"How could they possibly make this new material!? 35


. . . . .

The sticks can't accept this fact for a while!


Facts are facts!

The roar continues!

Heavy howitzers smashed the waves, split the waves,

Blast the whole sea!

Every few seconds, the dense rhythm is like a heavy drum beat on the sea,

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes,

Dozens of shells smashed down without showing anything,

But more than an hour later, the launch continues!

Six hundred rounds in an hour!

Six hundred rounds of heavy 150mm grenades can flatten a mountain!

The sea was smashed out, fish belly white,

Countless shallow-sea fish, and even the deep-sea fish in this sea area, were all bombed, their belly turned over, and they floated on the sea!

Dongshen specially carried out the treatment of expelling creatures for this bombing, but after all, the ocean is too big to expel it cleanly!

The carcasses of these fish were repeatedly bombarded, fried into minced meat, and rolled out of the sea!

The entire ocean is centered on the blasting center point, constantly rolling and boiling!

Huge waves, formed on the sea surface, converged into endless waves, heading in all directions (dbaj)!!

Wei Ran's grand scene is like a general of the gods,

It's like the sea god is angry!

It's like a dragon king making waves underwater!

this exciting scene,

Make Su Chen extremely happy!


Many people who are working are looking forward to this moment!

In one year, the national strength will be united, even at the expense of retreating......

Everyone is working hard for the goal of new materials, the outside world is constantly slandering and spreading rumors, and even the people don't believe them!

They need a hearty bombardment!

Come and thoroughly prove the awesomeness of this Waterdrop Project!


"Give me a hard bang!"

The leader who is in charge of a certain project, he has taken on a lot of responsibilities!

At this moment, I was also excited and relieved. Holding Su Chen's hand, I said excitedly again and again!

Zhang Beihai once again ordered to turn to bombardment!

"01 turret, 934 direction turn, change the target target! 35

"Keep bombarding!! 99

. . . . . .


The turret operator swerved, switched an angle, and continued to bomb!

Operators are stupid!

Excited too!


Since he started his career, he has never bombed with a 150mm howitzer so heartily!


; "It's really cool!

"No cooling, no reloading..."

"Nothing, a fool's bombing operation...

"Even a pig can push a button to blow up a bomb!"

"If this weapon is popularized and installed on a rapid-fire gun, it will shoot thousands of rounds in one second. What can get close to our aircraft carrier!? 35

The gunner was so excited that all the hairs rose up!

Don't look at the speed of rapid-fire guns, but on the contrary, the requirements for barrel materials are not as high as howitzers!

Because the howitzer is a real heavy artillery, the heat and friction brought by a shot is all that a rapid-fire gun fires a shuttle!

If this material is placed on a rapid-fire gun, it is invincible!

Unlimited launch time, hit hard!


The gunner has a blast, keep firing grenades towards the target!

. . . . . .

And this time!

On the Eastern God Network,

It's boiling!

"Two hours!"

"Two hours of continuous rapid fire!"

"I f*ck! That's awesome!"

"At present, the highest material can't do it for two hours in a row!

"At present, the number of times the barrel of the tank howitzer is used is about a thousand times, that is, one thousand rounds, or even about 800, and the barrel has to be eliminated..."

"And it's been two hours, that is, 1,200 150mm grenades have been fired!"

"It has surpassed the limits of human beings' current materials!"9

"No blowing, no black, even if the next shell explodes, we have broken through the limit of the material!""

"We made history!"

"As a material dog, let me tell you, improving the service life of 0.02 seconds is a technological leap like a natural moat, and our Eastern God has improved by more than 0.02 seconds!?"

"The effective service life is now at least nearly twenty seconds!"

"Break the limit!!

. . . . . .

Dongshen's network is boiling!!!

Douyin, Meager, Tengxun, Yangma live broadcast platform, all are boiling!

Fortunately, these platforms are not live broadcasts for gifts, they are all closed gift reward platforms!

"Grass! Open a reward! 35

"Open a present!"

"f*ck I can't open a gift for a project test, and the foreigner next door thinks I can't afford a reward!

"Quick, let me support the country's scientific research projects, I've given a reward for this month!

"One person ten thousand, one person ten thousand! 35

. . . . .

Netizens are boiling!

And the outside network is stupid!

James was stunned to watch the pictures that their beautiful media relayed....

Stare at the timer!

"Two hours and thirty minutes, two hours and thirty minutes!?"

"They fired a total of fifteen hundred rounds!?"

"This....has already reached our limit!?"

Is he looking at the material science expert behind him!

at this time!


Completely stupid!

(Please, brothers, give me an automatic subscription. It takes up a small number of words. Sometimes I really don’t want to code words. The water leaked, two chickens ran away and couldn't find it, and the bag of rice I just bought was rotten. The family said that the surrounding neighbors had built large bungalows

Ask me when our house will be able to build a big bungalow! 9

I looked at the manuscript fee for this month, and choked up and said that I was happy. My grades for this book were good. After saving a few years of money, I can go home and continue to build a big bungalow. I hung up the phone and continued to grit my teeth at this moment, alas, it is really difficult to delay everyone's time. Brothers who can support, give an automatic subscription. , the author kneels to you!).

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