Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 200 Gu Xiaoxi, artillery fire! Dumbfounded little stick!

Chapter 200 Gu Xiaoxi, artillery fire! Dumbfounded little stick!

This girl is Gu Xiaoxi!!

At this time, the eyes of the whole class were on Gu Xiaoxi.

Discussions abound!

“Really Su Chen!”

"Su Chen turned out to be the chief engineer of the Waterdrop project. You must know that at the time of the research and development of the J676 fighter jet, Su Chen was still the chief designer. This time, he is directly the chief engineer!?"

"It's too awesome!"

"This is not the same as the J-67. The J-67 is a military industry. This time, it is the power of the whole country, but it has consumed several years of gdp, but it has consumed a year of industrial base..."

"The two projects are simply not on the same order of magnitude!

"Su Chen, at twenty-three?"

"Gu Xiaoxi's boyfriend!

"It's developed, it's developed now!

. . . . .

Many people looked at Gu Xiaoxi in shock,

Although there is no stone hammer, it is rumored that Gu Xiaoxi is his girlfriend!

Gu Xiaoxi was also shocked at this time!

It was the first time she heard the news!

Su Chen often does this. He comes to play with himself at every turn, and after he finishes playing, he disappears for a few months, half a year, and so on!

Gu Xiaoxi is already used to it!

this time,

Since I was with Su Chen last time in August, when I was given an injection by Su Chen to strengthen and optimize my body, I played with Su Chen in the laboratory for a week. Later, after Su Chen finished playing, Disappeared, sent Gu Xiaoxi back to Hangcheng, Su Chen entered the mysterious research group!


This mysterious research group turned out to be the Water Drop Project!

"No wonder..."

"For more than half a year, Su Chen has not contacted me..."

Gu Xiaoxi still had some complaints!

after all,

Before, Gu Xiaoxi and Su Chen were still classmates, so it's fine not to contact each other, but this time, the two have developed a lot and made a lot of progress!

Not answering messages or calling for eight months is a bit too much!

However, it is not completely absent. During the Chinese New Year, Su Chen also contacted Gu Xiaoxi, the two played video for a few hours, and both watched each other, and then they disappeared after that New Year!

After all, Su Chen was very busy. In the early stage, he was really busy and didn't have time. In the later stage, when he had time, he had been concentrating on teaching Ouyang Xue the knowledge of biology.

So naturally, Gu Xiaoxi was left behind.

At this time, Gu Xiaoxi was originally a little angry, but seeing that Su Chen was actually involved in such a huge project, a super project with the power of the whole country.

However, everything is relieved!

Turns out, he was there for a reason!

Dedication to the country like this should be supported by myself, not complaining like an ordinary woman!

Gu Xiaoxi looked at Su Chen in the picture,

At this time, Bingbing, the host of Yangma, happened to see Su Chen!

"Mr. Su Chen!

Bingbing was on the deck immediately and greeted him with a smile!

development over the past few years,

Bingbing also developed from the host of Hangcheng local TV station to the current mainstream host of Yangma, and participated in the live broadcast!

The sweet face and smile make many barrages explode directly!

"Wife! Wife!

"The heart is frozen!


"Stop cheating on your wife, your wife is someone else's wife!"

"And your wife's vision is not very good, and the man you fancy has collapsed!

"Bingbing, I advise you to focus on your career!"

. . . . .

During the barrage explosion, Bingbing also pointed the thick microphone at Su Chen: "Student Su Chen, we meet again, 99

Bingbing looked at Su Chen with a flowery smile, and she was also pleasantly surprised!

She also did not expect that Su Chen would be the chief engineer! Su Chen would be the person in charge of this huge national project!

He is only twenty-three!

"It's you! Sister Bingbing. 39

Su Chen smiled indifferently, this Bingbing also had a little friendship with herself. At that time, it was proved that Riemann guessed that Bingbing was waiting for her interview outside the examination room. Later, she made a mistake and asked herself if she could interject. Okay, I'm going to do an in-depth interview, but because Su Chen is too busy, he forgot about Bingbing.

"Unexpectedly, I haven't seen you for more than a year, and you have become the chief engineer of the Water Drop Project! 39

Bingbing looked at the young man in front of her with admiration! This young man is a feat almost every year, and he is the one who amazes him the most among the men he has picked over the years! Surprised, and every year even more astonished! A few years ago, he was still a fledgling candidate, and now he has grown into the chief engineer, initiator, chief designer, and general manager of the Water Drop Project! What a resource! What a genius of Babel!?

"I think, now the audience is curious about you... `||.";

"Previously, the Water Drop Project has been kept secret from the outside world. Even after the declassification and announcement, the chief engineer and chief designer's personnel are kept secret. Today is the first time that you have entered the public eye...

"It turned out to be our old acquaintance..."

Bingbing said to the camera, at this time the aircraft carrier was still heading towards the northeast side of the high seas to the target location.

"Then....for this new material test of the Waterdrop Project, according to the standard, it is said that it will be launched continuously for half a month or more..."

"Are you confident!?'

. . . . . .

Su Chen nodded to the camera!

"Have confidence.

"The time for the gun to be fired, and the relative friction time of the gun barrel, is actually very short!""

"The moment when the gun is fired is the effective life time!"

""Generally, the highest-level gun barrel of modern technology has a service life of more than ten seconds, which is converted into the launch time as we understand it, which is tens of minutes!

"And our total useful life is thirty minutes,

"Converted to the time we actually perceive, that is, the barrel can be fired continuously for at least 16 days!

"That is to say, it is estimated that this test will fire more than 240,000 heavy artillery!"

240,000 rounds!

This figure will let the knowledgeable people take a deep breath!

One cannonball weighs 50 kilograms! One cannon barrel sends all of these out! The existing cannon barrel can fire dozens of rounds, which is the limit. It's a blast!

The test standard requires that it be launched all the time!

Under the action of automatic reloading, under the condition of sufficient ammunition, it will not stop!

Bingbing's surprised mouths opened wide.... Su Chen smiled lightly!

"But this is in theory, in practice the shooting time will be much longer!"

"Because, it's not really a theoretical non-stop use of the barrel.

"Because the theoretical life of thirty minutes of uninterrupted use refers to thirty minutes of uninterrupted friction time of the shell! 35

"And in the middle we have spare time such as changing bullets, which takes up most of it, so..."

"Most of the time caused by this reload is also quite a cooldown and rest time for our gun barrels!

"So, our actual launch time is far greater than the theoretical sixteen days!"

Su Chen's eyes flashed with excitement!

This time, the bombing continued for ten or twenty days,

The gun barrel does not stop, the audience is broadcast live, day and night.

Look at those people abroad, what is the reaction!?

In particular, the location of the target shooting range this time is near the high seas, close to the stick, and at the same time, the aviation aspect of this area is precisely the beautiful aspect that often sends fighter jets to harass the bordering sea area!

Continuous bombing for half a month and a month, no eyes for knives and guns, no eyes for cannonballs..

You can't blame me for being hit by a cannonball!?

At that time, it's best that your beautiful fighter can come over and be baptized by shells, and it's best to be hit with one or two shots, even if it is to avenge Mu Lingzhen and Chen Jinzhao!

Su Chen is already looking forward to that scene!

Hours passed by in a hurry,

Finally arrived at the target preset sea area!

The target sea area is the sea area of ​​Jizhou Island, which is close to small days, and there are sticks!

The location of the aircraft carrier fleet is still within the sea area of ​​the Eastern God, and the target strike target,

It is a sea area and airspace within a distance of 3,000 meters, and there is no physical target.

Bombing the sky and sea is the goal!

This target was chosen very cleverly, it happened to be the location of the junction of the Three Kingdoms, and it couldn't get past the junction!

This point is very clever!

It can perfectly achieve the purpose of shocking and deterring countries,

Xiaotian's fleet is not far away, but Xiaobangzi doesn't have it. After all, Xiaobangzi doesn't have a decent fleet and can't make a move. It can only be observed by various means on Jizhou Island in the distance...

Many people also rushed to Jizhou Island to hear the sound.

This Jizhou Island is a tourist destination in the country that the stick has always advocated. In fact, they have nothing in the country, and it is just this small island, so it has been built as a scenic spot, and it belongs to the top of the dwarf. A tourist destination, it is actually a broken island!

at three o'clock in the afternoon,

The aircraft carrier fleet arrived on time...

One aircraft carrier, three frigates, and two destroyers are all in place!

At the same time, the follow-up ammunition, as well as the transport fleet, are being loaded from the land and then delivered,



. . . . . .


in the spotlight,

Many media live broadcasts, global attention,

Especially the small days are good, and the sticks are paying close attention,

and also,

At this time, there were still several fighter planes from James' side, flying above the sky,

After all, they can fly around on the head of the stick and on the head of the child. Dad is strolling on the roof of his son's house. The son and the dog can't talk nonsense!?

at this time,

James is also watching live...

With a sneer on the corner of the mouth!

He is waiting to see the fun!

. . . . . . .

"Start launching!!!"


Captain Zhang Beihai, give an order!

All the viewers had already arrived in the observation room in advance,

There are only operators on deck!



The first gunfire roared!

The mirror-like barrel didn't move at all, and shot the first shell out!


Hit the target sea!


The sea level exploded!

This artillery fire just hit the junction of the Three Kingdoms Ocean Line!

The sound of the artillery fire was heard everywhere!

Everyone is staring at the picture closely,

The first cannon sounded, and there was cheers at the scene!

Although the engineers present knew the hardness and heat resistance of the barrel...


The first time, always feels more meaningful!

The place cheers!

All the people on the Internet, the Eastern God side is also cheering!

"Success, the first shot was successful!"

In Beijing, Xie Ming was also watching the live TV screen closely at this time. He had long guessed that the water drop project had something to do with Su Chen. Unexpectedly, Su Chen was the chief engineer and chief designer!

"々. Su Chen, it lived up to my hopes!"

Xie Ming now has a feeling that his confidant and his disciple have become a big coffee! At this time, Xie Ming's wife is also very excited, Su Chen has such a status, after this incident, how can Xie Ming be more Go move move!

. ? . .

at the same time,

In the direction of Hangzhou Affiliated High School, the whole school is watching the live broadcast, just like last year's school live watching the air show battle!

Principal Ma and Teacher Wang are both stupid,

They did not expect that the chief designer was Su Chen!

"Su Chen, really Su Chen!"

"The first shot was a success!

"The material of the water droplet, like the mirror surface, can actually withstand the high temperature and friction of the shell!

"Su Chen, Su Chen!!! Hahaha!

The two laughed!

The whole school is just boiling!

. . . . . .

At this time,

The little stick and the people outside were dumbfounded. They waited for the first shot, and the mirror-like thing fell apart. Unfortunately, they didn't see this picture!

"Not a mirror?

"Indicate that this material is not a mirror surface, what is that!?"

. . . .

Everyone is puzzled,

after all,

The shape, color, and characteristics of this material have completely surpassed their cognition!

As for James, James was in the office, staring closely at the live broadcast, and he suddenly felt a bad premonition!

"Can our technology achieve such a mirror material, and can withstand the friction of artillery!?

James asked some material science experts behind him!

"This is impossible!"

A bearded expert immediately denied it!

"There is no such material in the world!"

"An object without a mirror surface can withstand the shock and shock of a 150mm grenade fired from a barrel!"

"I suspected at first that Dongshen hid the metal gun barrel underneath, and then plated a layer of mirror metal material, but during the lens display process, the rifling and the inside of the muzzle are all such a mirror structure... .39

"As far as I know, in this world, there is no such material at all!

"Unless they edited the video!

Several top experts in materials science are all from the most well-known universities or laboratories or scientific research units. In their words, they are the authority of human beings (Zhao Zhao)!

They said no!

Just not!


Now this material is in use!

"It can't be a video clip...

James shook his head,

Because it belongs to the beautiful media that he personally selects!

You can never go wrong!

"East God, can you really come up with new materials!?"

"I just don't know if this material can last for thirty minutes!

. . . . .

Many people are eagerly waiting for the barrel to burst!


On the periphery of the gun barrel, there are more than a dozen flaw detectors and detectors, which can perfectly amplify all the structural organization of the outer wall of the gun barrel, and analyze whether there is any dark injury, cracking, etc.!

at the same time,

Not only that,

inside the barrel,

Flaw testing can also be performed,

Every five minutes, there will be a special instrument, taking advantage of the six-second launch interval, and then quickly extending into the gun barrel for flaw detection and monitoring!

Analysis of rifling changes inside the barrel, etc..

See if there are any dark wounds in there. . . .

Dozens of experts are sitting in front of the monitor to guard,

At the same time, everything is announced before the media!

Su Chen has this confidence!




Outside, the artillery fire continued! The endless roar sounded, every six seconds, countless dozens of kilograms of artillery shells were thrown directly into the sky and into the sea!

The roaring sound is endless, and the whole sky and ocean seem to be tumbling and sweating!

In just a few minutes, dozens of 150mm grenades hit the sea surface!

Huge impact, wave after wave! In the roaring sound, the sea water kept rolling and boiling, and white waves blew up from the sea, scurrying in all directions!

The huge shock waves and sea surface fluctuations have already reached the aircraft carrier fleet several kilometers away, but the ships have stabilization devices, and the distance is not too close, so there is no problem!

At this time,

From the nearest Jizhou Island...

All the people who are listening and waiting are stupid!

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