Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 134 Gene optimization plan! Fully launched! Laboratory investment! National linkage!

Chapter 134 The gene optimization plan is fully launched! Laboratory investment! National linkage!

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Zhang Yanghao was stunned for a moment!

"That time....you were in the biochemical laboratory..."


He vaguely remembered,

At that time, Su Chen didn't know what biochemical experiment he was doing,

It is said that many animal samples were obtained,

After getting a lot of expensive materials, he also saw the subject at that time,

What is the topological relationship between mathematical logic and biochemical experiments...

But it also blew up several expensive machines....


As soon as he and Sizuo arrived, they won an explosion,

At that time, Zhang Yanghao was afraid that Su Chen would have a problem...

Later, he smiled at Si Zuo afterwards, this genius also has shortcomings...

Completely clueless in biology and chemistry...genius and failure!

Also that time,

Let Zhang Yanghao and others think that they are a lot closer to Su Chen!

And now it seems...

Was this experiment planned by Su Chen long ago?

Preparing for the human endurance limit test?

"That's right!

Su Chen nodded!

"In the experiment at that time, I was doing the preparatory work in this area, the experimental work!"

. . . . . . .

Zhang Yanghao was stunned!

"At that time...you just wrote the answer to J Liuqi on the answer sheet, and even the 032 project has not yet been established.

"You have already thought of the problem of overloading force, and you have thought of the subject of raising the human body's endurance limit!?"

He thought Su Chen was on the third floor,


He is on the fifth floor!

At that time, the J-67 had not started production, and the project had not yet been listed!

Su Chen,

One of the biggest drawbacks of this project comes to mind,

Before the project starts, start preparing!!!

like a good chess player...

At the beginning of the game,

The pawns for the final move have been arranged!

In the end, this chess piece actually played a vital role!


Zhang Yanghao looked at Su Chen in horror!

. . . . . .

Su Chen smiled lightly,

"Don't be so surprised.

"At the time, I had already thought about overloading my body, so I've been working on it all the time.

“At the time, it was my Phase 1 trial. 99

"As you can see, I failed! 35

"And after the failure of this experiment.... the data and the like were not left, but fortunately they stayed in my mind.

"It became a valuable experience for me."

"Then I joined the group to carry out the construction of the 032 project, and the experiment and research on the human body's extreme overload bearing capacity came to a standstill!"

"At the beginning of this year, when I was studying airplanes, I was not in charge of the design work. When my work was idle, I began to think about how to make the human body withstand greater overload...""

"Combining the data from my last experiment, I started to deduce...

"This topic, which I have studied in May of this year, is almost inseparable from ten, and it is almost practical!

"But there is a theoretical bottleneck!"

"So let you go to the college entrance examination to put in the questions, I want to make a breakthrough in inspiration by taking advantage of the tense occasion of the college entrance examination, when more than 10 million people take the test!"5


"Really reminded me!"

There was a trace of excitement in Su Chen's eyes!

"Until now, I can tell you responsibly that I have solved this problem! 35

Su Chen and above!

It's all bullshit!

He didn't even think about the problem of pilot overloading at the time!


He linked this question to his own experiments last year!


Once connected in series, it is connected with the project to be started in the future,

Then the previous experiment will always have the right of confidentiality and interpretation!

at the same time,

Su Chen means,

I have been thinking about the topic of how to improve the human body's ultimate endurance since last year. This year's college entrance examination is the last moment.

It's not that he knows the answer because of the college entrance examination questions, so there will be fewer doubts!


All in the right direction!

Zhang Yanghao was extremely shocked...

"The theory I have already studied is inseparable from ten!

"The rest is to carry out experimental research! 39

Seeing Su Chen's determined expression,

Coupled with the genius of Su Chen, one or two years of research..

Zhang Yanghao is excited!

"what do you need!?"

Su Chen smiled in his heart!

"Here are all the things I need!"

"It's all in this book!"

Su Chen took out a notebook,

is a special-purpose laptop that Su Chen purchased specifically for this program.

The memory of the entire notebook is almost filled with various texts, pdfs, programs, etc.!

Main directory listing above.

It is the name of hundreds of major scientific research units in China!

Including some large state-run biochemical laboratories, including some private high-precision enterprises, including some mysterious company units dedicated to human DNA research... CNAS recognizes various certification agencies, laboratories and inspection agencies!

Large, small, state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, including some university laboratories......

Above is a detailed list!


various laboratories,

Each has its own most detailed to-do list!

The tasks of each laboratory are divided and different!

in the task list,

It contains all the materials, materials, names, types, quantities of materials.... acquisition method, required origin, etc.!

It also includes all the utensils, instruments, models of the test..

At the same time, it also includes a list of designated participants. . . .

Their respective divisions of labor, tasks...

It also includes some detailed methods of hair extraction, experimentation, fusion, etc.

Including some high-tech and advanced technology and special and very planned use of equipment and machines.

Even some new software programming programs for machines, Su Chen also input them, and implant them directly into the equipment!

after all,

Su Chen was in a state of omniscience and omnipotence in the examination room at that time,

How to make the best medicine requires advanced equipment,

But the problem is that the current domestic equipment does not meet the requirements!

So, Su Chen automatically learned how to modify these devices!

Hardware upgrades are one aspect,

He also learned how to upgrade software programs!

The process of upgrading these software and hardware is written directly, and the program is directly injected, perfect!


In experiment!

Specific to a certain point in time, the details of a minute and a second time point!

All the characteristics and indicators of the finished sample are marked out!

Even the transportation of the intermediate links, the designated transportation company, the transportation channel, the temperature of the cold chain...

All are marked!

There are even some scientific and technological methods that have never been seen before, biochemical test methods and technical means...

Everything has been explained in great detail!

There are countless formulas, annotations and more!

A new chemical biology encyclopedia!

If these new technologies are seen by those biochemical experts,

Don't be so shocked that your teeth are falling out!?

. . . . . .

this laptop,

Zhang Yanghao was really taken aback!


It can be said that he knows all the biochemical laboratories in China like the back of his hand!

Including the top main equipment inside, research direction,

Including main personnel, core experience and technical personnel......

It's all in the palm of your hand!

The assignment of work is also based on the experience and skills of the personnel. …

For example, if a person is good at separation technology, then he is responsible for part of the separation work.

The other part is the fusion technology, and it is handed over to the person with the highest fusion technology in the laboratory to do it!

It's just down to the bone!


Zhang Yanghao is directly in the circle!

last year,

The plan for making the J-67 given by Su Chen is exactly the same!


That time, it was because Zhang Yanghao sent the detailed domestic information to Su Chen before the college entrance examination!

At least he thought so!


Su Chen smiled lightly:

"Don't be surprised."

"Last year, when I opened the 021 Biochemical Experiment Research Institute... I already had people call up all the information about the domestic biochemical testing session. I knew everything about the details, so last year I was in the stratum. Among the layer screening, the 021 Institute was selected. 39

Su Chen is telling the truth.

But it's not true either!

He really knows everything about this industry in China, every detail!


Not because he asked someone to investigate last year!

It is because of the circular expansion rule under the state of the college entrance examination god!

Under the law of expansion, the industry has no secrets to Su Chen!

. . . . . .

And indeed,

Last year, he also asked Shi Zuogang to find a detailed industry investigation report!

And Shi Zuogang made a report to the top, and also alerted the top, and approved this matter!

This report, currently in the safe in his study,

He didn't actually read the report, but he had to!

Because (De Nuo Zhao) is,

This is his trick!

Others wonder why he is so clear-headed?

Why study the entire industry so thoroughly?

That report, as well as the record that he asked Shi Zuogang to adjust the research report, is the best seamless reason Su Chen can give!

Shi Zuogang and his team,

and above,

Will take the initiative to testify to Su Chen!

No one can find him!

. . . . . . .

Zhang Yanghao nodded.

Mr. Su, as expected, is like Zhuge Liang,

Plan and decide!

Contemplate and then move!

He has done the most detailed research on everything!

With his authority, completing these investigations and getting detailed reports is not a problem!

. . . . . . .

"and also....

Zhang Yanghao continues to watch....

In addition to laboratory projects,

There are also major farms below... the tasks of various local troops, and even foreign troops stationed! Their tasks are--

two words -


"This is......""

"Is this for C?"

Zhang Yanghao was stunned!

He looked at Su Chen in shock,

Face full of disbelief!

"That's right!"

Su Chen put down the red wine glass.

"As you expected.

"This plan.

"that is---_"

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