Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 133 Gu Xiaoxi helps Su Chen release the pressure! I won't pre10d anymore after the show

Chapter 133 Gu Xiaoxi helps Su Chen release the pressure! I won't pretend anymore after the showdown!

Of course Su Chen was joking,

It was to tease Gu Xiaoxi on purpose,

How could he have made a mistake in his college entrance examination!?

However, Gu Xiaoxi believed it and really thought that Su Chen Alexander! I felt more pity for Su Chen in my heart!

Su Chen these two days,

In his own villa, Gu Xiaoxi also lived here, and these few days are rare relaxation for Su Chen.

Under the step-by-step pressure relief action, Su Chen's pressure was released.

And this time,

Zhang Yanghao et al, Alexander!!

at this time,

Just when Su Chen relieved his pressure,

Among the Hangcheng grading group...

Like last year, Zhang Yanghao took over the marking team!

Moreover, people were placed in the marking group,

And notify the marking team that once Su Chen's papers are found,

Report now!

He wants to see Su Chen's answer sheet as soon as possible!

This year's grading teacher is not too different from last year's crowd. Everyone knows Su Chen's font.

Besides, even if you don't know it, seeing a font that is carved with a supernatural craftsmanship is inseparable from Su Chen's!


Yesterday, Zhang Yanghao saw Su Chen's test paper!

He deliberately looked at those two questions!

A biological topic: How to improve the human body's ultimate endurance,

This question is to solve the problem of pilot overload and make the J67 more perfect for application and driving!

Another question is physics: how to make a barrel with a continuous service life of one hour?

At that time, when writing this topic, Zhang Yanghao took a gamble!

He knew that it was impossible,

But it can achieve a continuous duration of tens of seconds, and that's fine!

He thought that 26 himself gave Su Chen an unsolvable problem!

The purpose of this question is to solve the melee rapid-fire machine gun system that the J-67 currently does not have!

He has been waiting for Su Chen's answer sheet to solve these two problems!

"This year!"

"Su Chen must write down the answer like last year!"

Zhang Yanghao is full of confidence!

However, when I saw Su Chen's answer sheet!

He was dumbfounded!

"This answer... 99

He looked at the answer sheets of several chapters in his hand!

In order to match the question, he specially asked the comprehensive paper to add eight chapters to the answer sheet.

Just to carry the answers that may appear in the future, for fear that Su Chen will not be able to write it down!


This year,

Su Chen's answer sheet, empty,

Only in front, there is an answer!

"This is the standard answer! 99

at this time,

Liu Haitao, the leader of the marking team, said,

Liu Haitao was the math team leader last year, and this year he was promoted to the general team leader!

He looked at the two questions,

"For these two questions, the standard answers given to us by the Imperial Court are exactly the same as those on this answer sheet?""

"The first question is a divergent thinking biological question, and a variety of standard answers are given. As long as the candidates write to imitate biological characteristics, carry out bionic arming on the human body, use decompression and pressure relief equipment, etc., or extract from genes. Genes, to be optimized, these can be scored.

"And the standard answer is that after a long period of training, exercise, and improving the ultimate endurance..."

"It's a divergent thinking question after all. Anything that makes sense can get points.;

Liu Haitao pointed to Su Chen's title,

On the empty answer sheet, the answer to this question has only a few lines of words.

"He wrote the first standard answer, and in principle, this is full marks!

. . . . .

"And this physics problem, how to cast a barrel that lasts up to an hour... 99

"This question is also divergent thinking. There are many cases given by the standard answer, including metal refining, or the reorganization of molecular atomic sequences. . . , dense arrangement. All of these can be scored.

"Su Chen wrote it, and it is also the standard answer. He wrote a few sentences, which means to carry out the dense arrangement of atoms and molecules to cast substances with strong molecular forces."5

"That's a perfect answer!

. . . . . .

Liu Haitao praised in his heart!

Although it is a problem of divergent thinking, not many people think of the answer!

Every year, the grading group will have templates and directions for several standard answers to divergent thinking questions!

Worthy of being the top scorer in the college entrance examination for many years!

The problem of divergent thinking is the easiest to lose points. To put it bluntly, it depends on luck.

This champion, luck is also very good!

At this time,

Zhang Yanghao is numb!

Although Su Chen's answer is in line with the standard answer given by the proposition group grading group...


This is not the answer he wants!

. . . . . . .

"Su, what the hell is going on!?"

Zhang Yanghao immediately left the grading place,

Came to the villa and found Su Chen!

Su Chen pretending to be stupid,

What's the matter?"

. . . . . . . .

"General Manager Su...you stop joking with me,""

"What exactly is going on!?

Zhang Yanghao asked Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled lightly!

He expected Zhang Yanghao to come to him!

Because this time is different from the previous times,

For the problem of divergent thinking, Su Chen instantly thought of the standard answer that the proposition group thought of when the paper was published!

Unlike the Riemann conjecture, the marking group does not know the standard answer!

For divergent thinking questions, there are standard answers for reference!


Su Chen naturally wrote these answers on the surface!

This way you can get full marks without exposing your knowledge!


"The real answer.

"Here I am."

Su Chen pointed to his head.

Looking at Zhang Yanghao with a confused face at this time.

"I said that these questions in the college entrance examination questions are just my own interest...

"I like to make a breakthrough in my thinking under the scene of the college entrance examination!

35 I usually study these two topics... 66

35 The progress is very fast, but the most critical node is really pointless! The finished product

39 I can only rely on the nervousness that more than 10 million people refer to during the college entrance examination to make a breakthrough in my own thinking!

Zhang Yanghao listened fascinatedly,

This reason, Su Chen has already said once.

I don't know if it's true or not,


Scientists, indeed, have their own quirks,

It's like Einstein can't wear socks when he thinks, otherwise he'll be in a mess!

Su Chen's brain circuits are different, perhaps,

It is really only in the college entrance examination room that he can think and discover the key to the problem!

. . . . . . .

Su Chen smiled lightly!

This reason of my own is far-fetched enough,

However, scientists cannot explain it with common sense!

No explanation needed either!

0. . . . .

"And indeed, the results are remarkable!"

"On the day of the college entrance examination, I broke through my mindset...

"Really thought of the answers to both questions!!



Zhang Yanghao just stood up!

"You...are you sure!?"

"You have...the answers to both questions!? 35

His eyes widened!

In fact, Zhang Yanghao has hope for this launch topic, but at the same time he is not hopeful!

Hopeful, because last year was the model, Su Chen made it!

That's why he put in these two topics!


That is, these two issues this year can be called the unsolved problems of the world!

Improve the ultimate endurance of the human body!

Casting a powerful one-hour barrel..

Which one is not the shackles of human civilization!?

Compared with these two problems, making the J-67 is a bonus!

Zhang Yanghao posted a topic.....

He does not ask Su Chen to really answer, at least there is a direction, a theoretical guidance is also good...

But now Su Chen told him!

He solved both problems!?

"No no no no....."


"That hour of gun barrels, to put it bluntly, was purely made up by me!"

Zhang Yanghao directly showdown!

"One hour of service life, what that means, as an engineer, I know better than anyone else... that is absolutely impossible, I just want to make things difficult for you... ..."

"You just have to have a direction and theoretical guidance for making new materials...

"Now you tell me, you have a way!?"



Su Chen popped open a bottle of red wine!

"What are you kidding!?"

Zhang Yanghao's expression is like seeing a ghost!

Su Chen gently poured him half a glass of red wine,

Then nod your head!

"It's a showdown, I'm not pretending anymore..."

"These two problems, I really solved it!

"I hinted that you did, I'm not sure, dare to do such a thing!?"

"It's just that I didn't write the answer in the exam room!"

"Because there are too many, this time, the answer sheets for the chapters you added can't be filled! 180"

Su Chen is eloquent!

Essentially, because last year and the year before, he had to write on the answer sheet.

The Riemann conjecture the year before last was because there was no standard answer, he had to write it down!

Last year's production of the J-67 was to make Zhang Yanghao and Zhang Shaozhong, who had only collaborated for the first time at that time, really value himself!

The answer must be reflected in the scroll!

And this year...

I hide the real answer in my own mind,

Zhang Yanghao and the others will definitely ask questions!

Then in this case, the link of the answer sheet is omitted in the middle,

These two issues are closely related,

The less one person knows, the more security!

Su Chen took a sip of red wine and looked at Zhang Yanghao in a relaxed manner.

he thought carefully,

My own statement a few minutes later, without any loopholes.


Slowly speak:

"Actually, last year, when I was thinking about how to cast the J-67...

"I've thought about the problem of overloading the pilot with fast acceleration to Mach 4!"9

Zhang Yanghao was stunned for a moment!



Su Chen's wisdom is almost enchanting!

Before the college entrance examination last year, he was considering the manufacture of the J-67, how could he not have thought of the pilot's overload problem!?

"that time....

"Actually, I'm doing research on the human body's overload tolerance!"

Zhang Yanghao was startled!

that time!?

"That's right, that was when you and Zhang Shao Zhongsi went to the 21st Institute of Biochemistry to find me!

Su Chen said indifferently,

Soft tone!


In Zhang Yanghao's ear,

But it is tantamount to boundless thunder!!!

that time!

When Zhang Sizuo and Su Chen first met...


The explosion of the laboratory!

Su Chen!

Just researching this!?


In the bottom layer!?

A huge shock enveloped Zhang Yanghao!

(The first update, updated in the early morning, for the sake of the author's hard work, ask for an automatic subscription!

The author updates 20,000 words every day here!).

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