Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 113 College Entrance Exam Questions: How to Build a Gun Barrel that Fires Continuously for 1

Chapter 113 College Entrance Exam Questions: How to Build a Gun Barrel that Fires Continuously for One Hour? (Part 2)

(Following the previous chapter, the same chapter is split into two chapters, the second half is here)

"The generation of soldiers who have not experienced war, and the generation who have experienced war, make different decisions and battlefield capabilities!

"Academic faction cultivating in academy for 10,000 years is not as good as the ten-year growth of the actual combat faction!

Big Ivan is a proverb!

That's right, the fighter pilots of the Eastern God generation have never experienced a completely real battlefield!

"So, in this aerial sequence, besides us number one, who else can?"

Big Ivan is full of confidence!

"No matter how powerful Dongshen is, there will be no real ace flying jockey!!! 35

"This year's competition, they can't win the first place!!"

. . . . . . . . .

at the same time,

At a beautiful airport..

Several F22s landed.

Show your skills in the air..

I have to say, the aspect of beauty is very good, especially the show skills show operation, etc.,

Their pilots generally fly longer, and they have endless deep pockets to support recruits in training.

At the same time, a fighter that looks like an f22, but is beyond the f22,

Air and land at the airport!

The way it landed was astounding!

It is not the traditional runway take-off and landing method of f22,

Instead, take off and land vertically!

This technology is carried in the vector engine, and this technology is not equipped on the F22,

It is equipped on the F35-B model and is specially built for carrier-based aircraft models!

Specifically for the Marine Corps!

among fighter jets,

Carrier-based aircraft and road-based fighter jets are different sequences!

Road-based fighters are traditional ace fighters similar to F22, F35 Dongshen J-20 and so on.

However, the carrier-based aircraft has higher requirements for the structure of the fuselage. After all, it needs to be blocked by blocking cables, and needs to be ejected by electromagnetic or steam catapult devices. It also needs to withstand the sea breeze on the sea surface. .

Relevant departments will carry out the transformation of the carrier-based version of the ace fighter on the basis of the road-based fighter.

For example, the f35 has a carrier-based aircraft version, and the f35-b model that can take off and land vertically is launched for the Marine Corps! 26

And this fighter similar to the f22 is actually equipped with a vector engine!

In terms of shape, it was born out of f22f35,

But it is more sci-fi, more three-dimensional, as if it is the product of alien civilization!

the plane landed perfectly,

The huge engine air outlet goes straight down...  

The ground seemed to change color in an instant...

Then land firmly and turn off the flame!


hatch open,

A handsome blond man came down.

This handsome blond looks arrogant, the world is at his feet, wearing sunglasses, chewing gum,

Stride to the edge of the apron!

at this time,

There is already a team of people watching and waiting by the side!


The handsome blond gave a military salute!

"Falcon pilot, Tom Kerr!

"Report on General Macbeth!


The person who is waiting in place is the real boss of the air department,

Four stars on the shoulders,

Four Star Admiral Macbeth!

"good boy!

Four-star admiral Macbeth, with a cigar in his mouth, sunglasses, and a military uniform, went up and patted Tom on the shoulder.

"How does this f22-x perform!?

Macbeth admired the eyes of works of art, and looked at the f22-x!

This is an enhanced version of f22,

Between the fifth generation and the sixth generation...

It is beyond the framework of f22, but it has better performance than f22!

The engine has been fully upgraded, and the vector engine has become standard.

At the same time, the battery life and avionics are also greatly enhanced.

And on the basis of the f22, the fuselage has been enlarged, and the bomb load is larger!

This is a real super invincible killer!

It was specially developed and prepared to be unveiled at this international air show.

Shocked the whole world!

"Report to General! @99

at this time,

Tom reports!


"This fighter is the true definition of perfection!"

"Great performance beyond f22, perfect maneuverability..

"The f22 is already overpowered. This one, Dominant Aviation, has no suspense!"

Colonel Tom raised his head!

"very good!

at this time,

James of the strategic secret service also appeared behind the four-star general Macbeth.

"This time will be the beginning of our dominance in aviation,

"The beginning of redefining the international aviation sequence!

James is very confident.

With this F22-x, I don't believe what kind of flowers Dongshen can dig out!


His information in the Eastern God showed that,

On Dongshen's side, the 031 project doesn't seem to have any major progress!

This reassured him even more.

The only thing I am worried about is Su Chen's death-point plan, and now there is a special person to approach and seduce Su Chen!

"After this time...

"I don't care what your Su Chen plan is..."

"One time, you can completely beat the Eastern God to the ground!

. . . . . . . .

(Don’t worry, for the protagonist, this flight experience is just a small episode, a skill, and fulfilling a dream of the protagonist, of course, not the focus, the small copy is over, and the next is the more awesome college entrance examination.

Time flies!

Early May.

one night.

Among the Rongcheng Aircraft Base,

Several j-20 planes landed on the ground,

Su Chen led the way down,

Behind him are his team members, Jiang Feng, Mu Lingzhen and others.

Night sky training is also a must-have item,

With more than 1,000 hours of training, Su Chen has become a true pilot god!

Su Chen quickly replaced the equipment,

Then directly with the team members,

Drive to the factory base!


He has received a secret message!

over there at the factory...


It was a message sent by Zhang Yanghao through the channel!

After rectification tonight, and after the final test,

Official debut tomorrow morning!

Su Chen, the chief designer, must be present!

Do the final hardware and software test!

. . . . . .

that night,

Su Chen directly carried out the final software and hardware tests of various program systems.

Make sure there is no problem at all!

The next morning!

Eight O'clock!

The entire Rongcheng Aircraft Factory, except for non-essential engineering projects, all other projects are suspended.

Everyone is concentrated in the middle hall!

in the lobby,


On the big empty platform,

A behemoth was crawling there.


Covered with a silky red cloth.

Can't see what's inside!

Zhang Yanghao and everyone else are here!

Everyone was in full costume, although there was no media, it was inside,

But it also pays attention to the sense of ceremony!

Su Chen is also a veteran cadre suit,

It's a three-piece suit for veteran cadres. Ordinary people wear this kind of clothes to show their old age.

And Su Chen wears it, but it is even more beautiful!

Zhang Yanghao nodded to Su Chen,

General Zhang Shao will not be present today. He has more important tasks. He cannot participate in the debut ceremony. He will try to participate in the first flight tomorrow. "5

Zhang Yanghao said,

I'm a little excited in my heart, and it took nearly a year of research, design, production...  

The joint efforts of tens of thousands, and even hundreds of thousands of millions...

The result is today!


There are more than 30,000 people at the scene, and dozens of ace pilots, including Mu Lingzhen, Jiang Feng and others...

They are all holding their breath!

. . . . . .

"let's start!?

Zhang Yanghao looked at Su Chen,

Su Chen nodded!

two people,

One person caught a head of red silk!

a chief engineer,

A chief designer!

Under the watchful eyes of more than 30,000 people!



"Project 032, the results..

55 Fighter 67!



Su Chen is concise!

Work with Zhang Yanghao to pull down the red silk,

This scene is beautiful and flawless, just like the scene in the movie, just like the mysterious propaganda film of Dongshen Sky!

a beautiful aerial machine,

Show it in front of everyone!

Even if they are producers, getting up close and personal with this monster,

But most people only get a glimpse of it and never see it all!

This is the first time!

Everyone exclaimed in surprise!

So beautiful!

silver grey body,

The length of the audience is 25.9 meters!

The wingspan is 18.9 meters!

The height is 4.9 meters!

Weight 25000kg!

Much bigger than the traditional j20!

Perfect body, no trace of splicing can be seen, as if the shell is completely forged,

Because it is a new metal material designed and developed by Su Chen.

The surface coating and special materials have the highest anti-radar detection due to the stealth function!

The huge wing and fuselage are almost integrated,

Under the arrow-like cockpit, left and right, on three sides, are huge air intakes.

Left and right, below, three huge engines lie on top of it,

But it is not obtrusive, and it blends perfectly with the fuselage.

There is a sci-fi beauty!

The shape presents a flat and low-lying state, without the vertical tail of the traditional fifth-generation aircraft.

The wing, fuselage and tail have no clear boundaries,

A feeling of sci-fi is coming,

It's as if they brought their ace fighter from the era fifty years later!




At this moment,

among the crowd,

A burst of cheers erupted!

Endless applause and cheers!

They are all participants in this project, how many days and nights, without sleep!

How many families, gather less and leave more!


In exchange for this result,

Who can not be proud!

Who can not be proud!

Who can't be excited!!?

The members of the ace pilot squad are stupid...

Mu Lingzhen, Jiang Feng and others, they are all ace pilots, they know what a real god-like fighter can bring!

"And these.... all designed by Su Chen!

Mu Lingzhen looked at Su Chen at this time, and with the contact with Su Chen, she had more authority,

Know who is the real leader of Project 032!

this man!

What else can't you do!?

Mu Lingzhen was extremely shocked and surprised: "However, the most powerful thing about Su Chen is his ability to surprise me many times. Sometimes, I thought I was surprised enough, I thought Su Chen had reached the upper limit, but he Wave after wave surprises me! This man, does he have a limit?" 5

Mu Lingzhen looked at Su Chen in shock and admiration!

. . . . . . .

Zhang Yanghao even shed tears...

Going up close, stroking the huge icy fuselage,

It seems that there is a mechanical soul that echoes with him!

"Su Chen, come on..."

Zhang Yanghao called Su Chen over.

"When you touch it with your hand, does it echo?

. . . . . .

Su Chen was speechless.

Echoing a yarn!

This is a dead thing,


It's just the tip of the iceberg in Su Chen's huge fighter map!

Now, in his mind, there are at least tens of thousands of models and R&D and manufacturing methods of aviation fighters......

This is the easiest one of his kind!

"Next, let me read out the basic parameters of the fighter.


Su Chen said,

He does not need any books, these data are firmly recorded in his mind.

"Fighter 67,""

"We can call him what is traditionally considered a sixth-generation machine. 35

"The salient feature of this fighter is its stealth ability beyond the fifth generation! 35

Su Chen said,

"I call it, super stealth!

"With the advantages of fuselage design and the application of more advanced absorbing materials, the radar reflection area of ​​the sixth-generation aircraft will decrease exponentially, and eventually disappear into the radar clutter!

"In terms of power, a variable-cycle engine with a higher thrust 163 weight ratio and lower fuel consumption is used. At a cruise speed close to Mach 4, the vector thrust and intelligent flight control system will be greatly improved.


Mach four!

There was an uproar!


The world's fastest manned fighter jet is the MiG 25, which can reach speeds close to Mach 3!

It's already top speed!

And this...  

Mach 4!?

That's four times the speed of sound!

If this is true, an acceleration... all modern fighter jets are not opponents, and even missiles can't keep up with the pace of fighter jets, how can they hit him?

The members of the Ace Flying Squad are all heart-pounding!

They can't wait to start learning to drive now!

But they also know that

The thrust of Mach 4, the resulting overload, is not something that ordinary people can drive!

Among their trump cards, there are very few people who can drive this fighter at the highest speed!

Ignoring the shock of the crowd, Su Chen quickly said,

"As for weapons,

The fighter 67 has greatly increased the weapon loading capacity, and this large fuselage is prepared for this.

"In addition to some of the current conventional weapons, there will be directed energy (laser) weapons, hypersonic missiles, cyber weapons and more."

to be frank,

In terms of weapons, Su Chen's design and development is a shortcoming.

Because of the current military strength, Su Chen's idea of ​​​​wanting to load more powerful weapons cannot be achieved.

He can only do the next best thing. The weapon technology has only broken through a little bit, and there is a little more laser directional weapon! This kind of weapon research and development is not thorough, because it is too late, it can only be used as an auxiliary!

"At the same time, unlike the F22 machine gun system, we canceled the machine gun system because of material constraints.

"Because of the current machine gun materials, it is impossible to complete the fastest lasing action under the fastest state, which is equivalent to a chicken rib."

It is also a fly in the ointment!

Zhang Yanghao patted Su Chen,

"It's already great. 39

"In terms of weapons, the material is mainly limited.

"After several trials, the high-speed gun barrels we produced were unable to withstand the rapid-fire value set by General Manager Su.

"Break straight up!"

"At present, we really have no good way! 99

"We'll think about it later!""

As Zhang Yanghao said,

But let Su Chen, eyes bright!

he is fast,

Think of the most awesome possibility!!!


Mainly due to limited materials!


Among the circular expansion rules of his college entrance examination, Su Chen didn't care about this little point...

So no knowledge of this weapon material!

Even if there is, it is too far beyond the current technology to produce it!


"This year's college entrance examination! I can!!

Su Chen narrowed his eyes!

It's already May, and the college entrance examination is less than a month away!


Take this metal material exam question...

into the examination room,



(No recommendation, ask for a monthly pass.

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