Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 112 The J 67 debuts after half a year! The whole country is shocked! The whole world is stup

Chapter 112: J67 debuts! The whole country is shocked! The whole world is stupid! (Part 1)

(split into two chapters)

This was impossible before.

Mu Lingzhen is a strong person herself,

In this world, almost no one can enter her eyes.

She is like a wild little female leopard, no one will accept it!

Mu Lingzhen is the proud daughter of heaven,

Not the delicate way of an ordinary girl.

She is strong.

Even with Changjiang Feng, his flying skills are just a little bit better than him...and he's still old. Several years older than myself, there is a generation gap, I can't look down on it.

Chen Jincao, that kid, lost to himself several times in mock competitions!

Even if it is a free fight and other projects,

Mu Lingzhen can also beat many men with her skills!

This made Mu Lingzhen in the team, almost no one dared to chase.

Although she is also very good at fighting without makeup, with short hair and valiant looks,

Although her body is exploding, it's not like those women who are slightly fat on Douyin and stretch it with PS software and say that they have been working out for ten years can compare!

Mu Lingzhen has been exercising for more than ten years. She has a perfect body and is divided into golden ratios. She looks like a leopard girl!

Especially the pair of long legs are invincible and perfect honey thighs, but they have a sense of strength. The vest line and the heroic spirit make a man feel ashamed when he sees it!

Mu Lingzhen has never considered the issue of men and women...

This is the first time I have met such a good and powerful man,

Three years younger than me!

Mu Lingzhen's eyes changed a little when she looked at Su Chen,

But Su Chen didn't stop at her, his eyes swept across the audience,

Gives a feeling that he sees everyone, I understand you!

. . . . . .

Su Chen nodded to everyone.

He is not a soldier and has no military salute.

Only then did he have time to say hello to seven or eight fighter pilots,

After all, they are escorts, and they are there to protect Su Chen and rescue Su Chen.

Human affection, also have to thank a "one six three".

"Brothers, thank you.

Su Chen said briefly.

This kind of real pure man, the relationship between soldiers, there is no need for so many flower arrangements,

There is no need for so many words to pile up,

a meaning expressed,

That's it.

Too much, but it will arouse the resentment of others!

at this time,

This pair of players are still in shock,

Seeing Su Chen greeting them, they all reacted!

"Should be.

. . . . . .

More warm applause sounded!

. . . . . .

"If you are a soldier, I will give you a serious demerit punishment!

"You will be fined at least half a year not to be in the sky! Face the wall and think about it!"9

at this time,

Zhang Yanghao said,

He was really terrified just now!

"Disobey orders and do high-risk actions without authorization.

"This is a big mistake! 35

. . . . . .

Zhang Yanghao is right,

If Su Chen is in the military system,

This time, although the performance is outstanding and dazzling, the peerless genius,

But gong is gong,

past is past!

He deserves to be punished!


Su Chen smiled lightly and handed the helmet to the person next to him,

He patted Zhang Yanghao on the shoulder,

"Old Zhang, you can't control me, I'm not your soldier! 35

Sri Lanka One!

The people present, except for the tower commander Liu and Zhang Yanghao, were on an equal footing,

The rank is equal, but the real power is far inferior to that of Zhang Yanghao,

No matter how proud the rest are,

Strictly speaking, they are all under the command of Zhang Yanghao Kong!

Then they reacted,

This young man is much younger than them!

It's the level character of their big boss!

. . . . . .

Su Chen laughed,

"Strictly speaking, we are equal! 35

"In terms of design, I'm still pushing you, I'm the chief designer!

"You will punish me for not going to the sky for a month,

"I'll punish you for redoing the design a hundred times! 35

. . . . . .

The young pilots on the scene were dumbfounded,

They would have been punished long ago if they had spoken to their superiors like that,

And Su Chen said,

That Zhang Yanghao could only laugh, embarrassingly revealing it!

Su Chen's high status,


A few players who didn't know Su Chen before,

They all looked at each other,

Their ace jockeys look down on heaven and earth,

But starting today,

the entire air ace sequence,

No one dares to look down on Su Chen!

0. . . . . .

Su Chen returned to the dormitory to rest,


he was excited,


When the plane came to a stop,

He did not go out immediately,

Instead, sit in the cockpit to experience this feeling.

"Unfinished, sage time... but even more excited. 35

"Can't wait for the next flight!

"So cool!"

Su Chen thought to himself.

"This time, it's just a short flight..."

"It's only an hour or two... 95

"And there is no long distance, and it is constantly looping back and forth in the air."

"I'm looking forward to a real voyage."

Su Chen with this flight,

Once again confirmed that I can perfectly control the state in the air and command the aircraft like an arm,

Five senses that are several times more sensitive than ordinary people, excellent predictability,

In-depth understanding of aircraft knowledge, perfect physical fitness..

"It seems that I was too worried before."

"I'm basically in no danger in the air!"

That fear of the air is completely small,

"Even if the ejection fails, I just fall. ;""

"It doesn't have to be dead.

Falling from a height of ten thousand meters,

In terms of physics, it will first accelerate and fall, and the speed will become faster and faster under the acceleration of gravity.


There is a huge friction and resistance in the air atmosphere, which increases continuously with the increase of speed...

The journey at 10,000 meters is too long,

enough time to make the falling force equal to the friction force...

Then the body will descend at a uniform rate!

Although this uniform speed is very fast,

However, it may not be impossible to survive. There has been a case before. Visna Ulovic, a 22-year-old flight attendant from Serbia, her plane exploded and disintegrated. She fell directly into the snow from a height of 10,000 meters, her skull was broken in two, her hands and feet were broken. All broken bones, luckily she survived and entered the Guinness Book of World Records!

Su Chen may not be impossible to resist!

His physical strength surpasses that of human beings, and his resilience is super strong.

Take drugs in advance, get both drugs, find a good foothold, and the chance of surviving is not small!

God Gou Su Chen, the fear of the sky is almost gone!

"It seems that the next wave of human body modification medicines must be put on the agenda as soon as possible."

"The next wave of research is about immortality,"

"My God, Su Chen, is far from being unscrupulous, and one real immortal body!""

. . . . . . .

the next day,

Relatively speaking,

Rather calm.

From February to May,

Su Chen lived a very fulfilling and regular life!

He moved the dormitory from the headquarters of the design department to the headquarters of the training department.

Eating and sleeping with Mu Lingzhen, oh, of course, not really eating and sleeping together, but living next door.

Su Chen said, to live with the first-line players!

In March,

All parts of the fighter 67 have been produced,

Only the final pulsation assembly, stability testing, etc....

These Su Chen do not need to personally guide,

So he moved out and focused on training!

Day and night, the sky and the ground are the battlefields of Su Chen and Mu Lingzhen.

He and Mu Lingzhen, Chen Jincao, Jiang Feng, and five other ace J-20 pilots formed a nine-man aviation combat formation.

During these three or four months,

Su Chen flew over a hundred times,

More than 1,000 hours of continuous flight time.

Fighter series, bomber series, Su Chen drove all of them!

He absorbed knowledge like crazy, the plane knowledge in his mind,

Combined with all the experience of real flying...

After a thousand hours,

Su Chen is already perfect like a robot piloting an airplane!

In his flight, there will be no deviation of the slightest,

His movements cannot be written in textbooks!

three months,

The people in the entire formation are already obedient!

Jiang Feng voluntarily gave up his position as captain,

Everyone calls Su Chen the Su team!

Everyone from the beginning: I Cao, how is this possible? f*ck! This is crazy? Grass! Is he crazy?

to later:

"Received, received, received..."9

Everyone started to get numb,

No matter how many miracles are performed on Su Chen,

It's all commonplace!

In the first month, everyone can also make suggestions for Su Chen's flight and conduct a post-war inventory.

the second month,

They can't keep up with Su Chen's footsteps,

the third month,

Totally Su Chen directing them!

Su Chen is like a perfect mid laner, in the most tense time of the mid lane team, when he got the triple kill of the mid lane team!

He still had time to pay attention to the ADC of the bot lane, and asked:

"What's the matter with you, adc, you missed a pawn at 4 minutes and 25 seconds!'99

. . . . . . .


Flying with Su Chen is exactly what it feels like!

The strength of the entire team is also advancing by leaps and bounds!

After Zhang Yanghao watched several real flight trainings,

Still agreed to Su Chen's request to participate in the air show.

Su Chen is thinking for the country.

He was right.

In May, the fighter 67 was able to leave the factory for test flight.


The human-computer interface is brand new, and traditional pilots have no time to train!

It can only be Su Chen!

The system designed by Su Chen,

And a thousand hours of flying experience, perfect skills,

Except he really doesn't have the best fit!

above decided,

One fighter 67 was sent out for real flight, and eight other flight formations were available, all of which were J-20!

This exhibition task is naturally the Jiang Feng Brigade who is most familiar with and cooperates with Su Chen!

so many long flights,

Of course there is a strong tacit understanding,

They are the best team!

. . . . . .

And this time...

When we are intensively training and intensively producing..

Externally, we are also in full swing to prepare for the air show!

. . . . .

At Maozi, Siberia Gaoyuan Airport.

In the cold spring wind,

Several state-of-the-art Su-27s landed with a roar, including a stealth Su-57 fighter jet.

Compared with beautiful sci-fi, Eastern God is more stable,

In terms of styling, A Mao Ge is absolutely rough!

The incomparably wide wings, and two widely spaced engines, highlight the aesthetics of violence.

This fighter plane seems to be a plane shell on top of two large engines.

Maozi build planes, believe in miracles by force,

Any aerodynamics, any fluid mechanics, you have to lean back,

The most important thing is to be strong!!

One AL-41F1-117S jet engine is not enough, so two!

If two are not enough, then three!

The Su-57 fighter has fully mobile horizontal and vertical stabilizers, and the vertical stabilizers are tilted for stealth; the trapezoidal wings have leading edge flaps, ailerons and flaperons.

The aircraft features thrust vectoring and a large leading edge root extension that moves the aerodynamic center forward, increasing static instability and maneuverability!

In size, it is one size larger than many fighter jets!

The bomb load is quite large,

Absolute air killer!

The Su-57 landed with a bang, and among these aircraft groups, several pilots came down.

Among them, the pilot who was driving the Su-57 was a big bearded man in his thirties. The big man even took a sip of wine when he got off the plane! The wine bottle is a flat metal box hanging around his neck!

"Perfect ending.

"Our polar bear flight formation has completed the flight mission perfectly.""

"This year's air show, we will become a real ace, famous all over the world!"

This person is the captain of the polar bear flying formation, named Ivan.

He is huge, with a height of over 1.9 meters and a weight of 150 kilograms. He is an absolute anomaly among pilots.

Big Ivan's fighting style is also rough and wild!

Big Ivan drank a bottle of wine.

Looking at a Su-27, a blond stunner with an exploding figure got on and off. This woman was twenty-seven or eighteen years old, the most mature and beautiful age. She had wavy blonde hair and the pure white skin unique to Siberian plateau women, like white snow. In general, against the blond hair, it is even more dazzling! The body is plump and exploding, and when he walks over, it seems that Big Ivan can see the sea, and he is drunk and confused!

"Natalia, have a bar with me!

Big Ivan handed the wine bottle up, but Mao Mei threw his wine bottle away.

"When will I win the No. 1 position in the air combat world, I will drink with men.

Ignore him at all.


Ivan looked embarrassed.


Big Ivan and his team believe that that day is not far away!

"This year's International Air Show is the only time in so many years of peace that we can truly fight against other countries...

"At that time, I will show the world what real polar bear fury is!!

0. . . .

"Don't underestimate Pretty and Dongshen."5


At this moment, the blond sea ocean Manatalia said,

Ivan smiled lightly:

"Pretty, too arrogant, and equipped, but their pilots are afraid of death! There is no beautiful person who is not afraid of death!

"A warrior without mortal belief is a coward!"

"They can only rely on their advanced equipment and weapons, and they can only fight suppression warfare. Once their equipment and weapons have no advantage, fall into adversity, and exceed the threshold of their psychological fear, their team will collapse!"

Big Ivan is right!

This is also the characteristic of a beautiful team.

Rely on armed, rely on advanced technical means.

However, the troops lacked conviction.

If they can live, they will certainly not seek death.

They suffered a little setback, and their morale was gone.

. . . . .

Ivan took a sip of wine: "And Dongshen. Dongshen's equipment is not bad. 35

"There are also beliefs. There are many people who are willing to die. They are strong enemies in all aspects."

Big Ivan still admires the Eastern God Warrior. "But, the only problem is." "They have been peaceful for too long and have no combat experience!"

"We Mao and Pretty, all have experience in flying or combat missions in various places. On the battlefields of various worlds, fighter pilots fly, bomb or fight, killing no one. But Dongshen, in recent decades, , There is no war on the Eastern Front, and Eastern God does not intervene in wars in other countries. Their pilots, the last few generations, do not have any combat experience!'

"Repeated military exercises, drills, and real battlefields, killing, are not the same!"

"The generation of soldiers who have not experienced war, and the generation who have experienced war, make different decisions and battlefield capabilities!"

"Academic faction cultivating in academy for 10,000 years is not as good as the ten-year growth of the actual combat faction!"

"No matter how powerful Dongshen is, there will be no real ace flying jockey!!!"

"I said this, I'll let it go!"

"See you at the airshow!"

(This is the first half of this chapter, the second half will be posted soon).

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