Jiangli Airport.

   As clue reporters for the murder suspect, Lin Shu and the Shonan Yongcheng task force explained the situation, and they were allowed to leave.

   Of course, before leaving, Lin Shu still prepared the special handicrafts that he would buy at the beginning as gifts. Bring back.

   Lin Shu did not expect that he would meet the murderer in the end when he traveled this time. This event is really a very special experience for him, and it can even be said to be bizarre. Of course, this is just a coincidence, Lin Shu happened to meet him.

There are those most wanted criminals on the Internet, but the country is so big, I don’t know which corner he will hide in. It was just a coincidence that he was able to run into this [murderer]. Needle.

   As for Yang Weiguo's talk of becoming a policeman, Lin Shu shook his head, feeling that he should stop thinking about it.

   He doesn't want to find a needle in a haystack.

   At most, he can only judge whether the needle he picked up is true or not.

Lin Shu focused his attention on the level experience progress bar of the personal virtual panel in front of him. I have to say that he really earned a lot of experience points and gold coins from this trip. The show pictures in the previous circle of friends have hurt a lot. [Inner Scrolling Crazy Demon], catching those monsters alive in Jiang Li now makes him even more rewarding.

Let’s not talk about the 200,000 bonus, just say that the experience value of catching this [murderer] alive is 140,000, which is really too profitable. It can be said that the experience value he earned during the travel period made him very satisfy.

   Now the level experience progress bar has reached [280025/270000], he can be upgraded to one level.

   The most important thing is that Lin Shu discovered that the Honor Achievement [Hot-Blood Chivalrous Man] medal in the [Achievement] column of the personal virtual panel also has an [Upgrade] button, which also surprised Lin Shu.

   Lin Shu thought immediately and clicked the upgrade button of [Hot-Blooded Chivalrous Man].

【Ding! Congratulations to the players for seeing injustices and acting bravely, successfully upgrading the "Hot-blooded Chivalrous Man" medal to a bronze medal, rewards 1. Experience +6868; 2. Gold coins +700; 3. 1 mysterious gift. 】

   Lin Shu was a little surprised. The original Honor Achievement Medal can continue to be upgraded. The original medal became a Bronze Medal, so can it be upgraded to a Silver Medal or a Gold Medal in the future?

   No matter what, Lin Shu was in a very happy mood, after all, another mysterious gift came.

   Lin Shu did not rush to open it, but directly clicked the [upgrade] button behind the level experience progress bar.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for successfully upgrading to Lv27! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the players for successfully upgrading, rewards: 1. Experience +4552; 2. Gold coins +450; 3. 1 mysterious gift. 】

  (∩_∩) Happy!

   Lin Shu was in a very good mood, but he didn't expect to have two more mysterious gifts.

   Looking at the mysterious gift in the inventory, Lin Shu was looking forward to it. He wanted to see what kind of magical props would be offered this time. I hope the props can be magical, but don't use too many gold coins.

   Just when Lin Shu opened the first mysterious gift, a familiar item appeared in the inventory-[Copy Gloves].

   This equipment makes Lin Shu very happy, because he has used it, he knows very clearly how magical this Dao is.

   Lin Shu is even more looking forward to the second mysterious gift at the location.

   saw a strange item in the inventory.

   Looks like a stethoscope?

   Lin Shu took another look at the name of the props——

  【Heartphone】: Use to hear the inner voice of the person. Remarks: The continuous use time is different for different grades, and 9999 gold coins are required to provide power energy for each use. Special warning: use with care! Price: 999999999999 gold coins.


   Lin Shu was surprised, isn't this just mind reading?

Oh my God!

   It is really amazing to be able to burst out such a magical equipment.

   Lin Shu was so excited, he didn't expect such a magical prop to burst out.

   The key is that the price of this item does not seem to be expensive.

   Only 9999 gold coins are required for one use, which surprised the poor man Lin Shu a little bit.

   I have to say that after using the high prices of [Puppet Man] and [Portal Gate] in the front, Lin Shu felt that the use of less than 10,000 gold coins was still cheap.


   Although 9999 gold coins are no different from 10,000 gold coins.

   Even if I haven't used it yet, Lin Shu thinks this [earphone] must be amazing. If you can really hear the voice in the human heart, it will be really amazing.

   Lin Shu will not doubt the authenticity of this item. After all, he has even experienced the instant teleportation like [Portal], and he believes that this item must be true.

   Then, what can he do with this magical prop?

   Lin Shu couldn't help thinking about this question.

   should be able to set up a fortune-telling stall, and give people a look at each other?

   Still a psychologist?

   Or bargain, be a negotiation expert?

   Still go to be a policeman and interrogate prisoners?

   The words Yang Weiguo said to him before Lin Shu came to mind, shook his head, and got rid of the thought of interrogating the prisoner.

   Of course he also knows that the magic of this prop comes from being able to hear the inner voice of others. In this way, if he played mahjong with those mahjong friends before, would he know...?

   By the way, how about going to the casino?

   That will definitely feel so cool!

   Lin Shu must admit that his little heart is beating at this moment.

   I feel that there is a lot of money flying towards me!

   Lin Shu thinks this is a good idea. He can go to the casino to play. After all, tourists like him are originally welcomed to experience consumption.

   I just don’t know what items in the casino can allow him to use the [earphone] to play poker directly?

   He thinks this is a good way to make money. It should probably not be considered illegal, but why is there a faint excitement?

   Feel like walking a tightrope?

   Lin Shu's eyes fell on the instructions for use of the [earphone], which also contains a special warning, please use it carefully.

   Why should I use it carefully?

   Lin Shu felt that the special warning of this prop description must not be that simple, and it would definitely not be a plain warning.

   Then, careful use means that you need to use it with caution.

   is the need to carefully read people's hearts~www.wuxiamtl.com~ If you over-listen to others' hearts, what will happen?

   Lin Shu thought about it carefully, and some thoughts popped up in his heart.

   A person's heart is more or less dark and ugly, even if his spiritual consciousness is strong enough to accept some degree, it may be affected.

   The most important thing is that once someone knows that he has this ability, he will definitely break all contact with him, even if it is a good friend.

   Lin Shu thinks that he will never be willing to associate with someone who can see through his inner world, and will definitely stay away from this terrible person.

   That's right, it's terrible!

Suddenly, Lin Shu’s props [listening earphones] is actually very scary. In addition to testing my own psychological quality, it is also not all good for users. After all, everyone in the world is using the superego to constrain the id. Read Xin Shu directly tore this layer of skin, and occasionally saw dirty thoughts that he would never have seen.

   The use of interpersonal communication can be very dangerous. When the other person's thoughts can be seen through, then it is truly naked.

He is likely to become unwilling to communicate with anything, because the other person’s thoughts can be seen directly by him, without hiding, so that he can directly obtain the information he wants, without the need to slowly understand in the interaction, and it may become Deep ice.

  The key point is that he must not become arrogant and arrogant because of the use of [Tearphone], after all--

   The human heart is the most difficult to figure out.

   Lin Shu was silent.

   He can understand that [Taboo] is a double-edged sword and needs to be used with caution.

   However, Lin Shu fell into thinking, if he really went to the casino to walk around, it shouldn't be that serious, right?

  He just take a look, don’t play——

   should probably be possible, of course it is possible.


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