Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 78: [There will be one next time]

   Jiang Li City Criminal Police Brigade.

Yang Weiguo poured a cup of tea for Lin Shu, and watched Lin Shu calmly. He was thin, handsome, and his eyes were very clear. There was no particular tension or anxiety, but he was also curious, and his thoughts flashed. He smiled and said, "Lin Shu, thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I don't know when this case will be closed."

Lin Shu's heart has calmed down now, not as nervous as when he first met the [murderer]. Hearing Yang Weiguo's words, he shook his head and said, "I just happened to happen. I was worried that if I made a mistake, it would be bad. "

   "Did you recognize the suspect through the wanted warrant?"

   This question has been asked several times, but Lin Shu still nodded.

   Yang Weiguo looked at Lin Shu with a harmless look of humans and animals, looked very kind, and asked with a smile: "May I ask, when did you see the wanted order on the Internet?"

   This question did not surprise Lin Shu. He had thought before that if someone asked him about the wanted order, he should put it better.

   "It should have been a few months ago. I saw it accidentally on the Internet and noticed it. Actually, I'm not sure, I just think it's very similar."

   Yang Weiguo listened to Lin Shu's words, smiled, did not express any opinion on Lin Shu's answer, and instead asked: "I see your information, you still arrested two thieves in the scenic spot in front of the police, very powerful."

   "No, it's just a coincidence."

   "I watched the surveillance video. You are more than fifteen meters away from the two thieves, and there are people blocking them. How do you tell that the two thieves are?"

   This question surprised Lin Shu. He didn't expect that the policeman would suddenly ask him about calling the police to catch the thief.

   How did he see that the two were thieves?

   The two heads clearly bear the name of the monster [Three Hands]. He is not blind, so how could he not be able to see it.

  His eyesight is very good. I'm afraid he can clearly see the words on his head after more than 30 meters away.

   However, it is obvious that Lin Shu cannot answer that way.

   Lin Shu replied: "I just feel that they are different from others. Their eyes don't seem to be on the scenic spot, but on the tourists. If they follow, it is even more certain that they are thieves."

   "You're so sure, and you're judged. Don't worry about making a mistake?"

   "Have you ever thought, what happens if the murder suspect you call the police is not the suspect on the wanted order?"

   "This, I just reported to provide clues. As for the authenticity, it should be verified and investigated by your police."

   Hearing this, Yang Weiguo smiled and noticed the change in Lin Shu's eyes. He didn't know whether Lin Shu said this, but he thought it was really interesting.

   "Aren't you afraid of getting into trouble? After all, you are reporting that someone is a murderer or a thief? If you make a mistake, you may be held accountable?"

Lin Shu heard this sentence and was silent for a moment. This was the same sentence he had thought before, because he knew that the words on his head would not be fake. He saw the monsters running rampant in the day, so he couldn't pretend to be silent. see.

   "You can't just pretend not to see if you really see it because you are worried about making a mistake."

   Yang Weiguo smiled and asked directly, "Lin Shu, have you ever thought of being a policeman?"


   Lin Shu was taken aback, but he did not expect that Yang Weiguo would suddenly ask him this question, which surprised him a bit.

He knew that the Yang Weiguo in front of him was a criminal policeman, and he was still a very powerful criminal policeman. The key to listening to other people was that he was still working in the provincial department. How could such a powerful person ask him if he ever thought of being a policeman? This surprised Lin Shu very much. And surprised.

"Your observation and memory are very good, especially your keen insight. You still remember the wanted photos from a few months ago, and it was a photo from 23 years ago. You can recognize the suspect. The eyesight is really great."

   These words are Yang Weiguo's true words.

The keen observation ability can be said to be very important for criminal investigators. The other is the accurate judgment ability and the long-lasting memory ability, which are all Lin Shu has. As for thinking ability and reaction ability, Yang Weiguo thinks that Lin Shu The book's answer is also very good.

   Lin Shu thought for a while, and honestly said: "I haven't thought about it."

   "I think you are quite suitable for being a police officer, so I might as well consider it."

Lin Shu really never thought about being a policeman. Although he said that he might meet more and more powerful monsters, he never thought about being a policeman. The key point is that he also knew why he was able to recognize those monsters. It's all because of the settings given by the system. Although he has more or less a heart to uphold justice in his heart, he still has a clear understanding of himself. A scum with a [power] attribute of 2 is still Don't challenge such dangerous and fortunate things, study hard, and make money and get rich is also a good choice.

   "I really didn't think about it, and I don't think I was appropriate. The reason why I was able to call the police to catch this... This suspect is just a coincidence, and I have just been admitted to the graduate school of Shonan University and will go to school soon."

   Yang Weiguo heard Lin Shu's words and didn't say anything. He just asked, after all, Lin Shu also has a good path now, and has just been admitted to a graduate student of Shonan University.

   However, he was a little curious. Did Lin Shu just use "only" to describe the suspect?

   "Team Yang——"

   Liu Xiaofei knocked on the door and came in and said, "Team Zhou, please go over and discuss the handover of the suspect."

As soon as Yang Weiguo heard this, he didn’t talk to Lin Shu any more~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He also tried to invite Lin Shu. After all, with the instinct of an old detective for more than 20 years, he didn’t think Lin Shu It was a coincidence that the police caught the suspect who had absconded for 23 years, but since Lin Shu refused, he would not say more.

   "Well then, I will thank you again for my old colleagues. The 200,000 bounty bonus you provide for clues will not be given to you until the suspect is handed over to Yongcheng."

There will be corresponding rewards for reporting wanted criminals. These are based on the rewards and the value of the clues. There is no doubt that Lin Shu’s clues are directly captured by the A-level wanted criminals who have absconded for 23 years. 200,000 is not counted. many.

  200,000 bonus, this Lin Shu has known before.

   He really didn't expect that there would be so many bonuses. After all, he was only thinking about going to the police and catching the [murderer] in time. He didn't think about the bonus.

   And he also gained a lot of experience points and gold coins, and now there are so many bonuses, it really surprised him.

   Lin Shu expressed his gratitude and went out with Yang Weiguo.

   Just as Lin Shu and Yang Weiguo were walking towards the gate of the criminal police team, a criminal policeman came in with a man in handcuffs.

   Lin Shu noticed that the man in handcuffs also had a line on his head——

  【Lv8 Murderer】!

   Lin Shu's eyes flashed, and he was worthy of the Criminal Police Team. He saw another [Murder] so soon.

   The [murderer] also glanced at Lin Shu.

   Lin Shu's eyes narrowed slightly.

   Yang Weiguo noticed the change in Lin Shu's eyes and glanced at the suspect who was brought in. He couldn't help but smile. He intuitively told him that after three encounters, there will be another one.

   "Lin Shu, might as well consider what I just said."

   Lin Shu nodded.

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