Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 29: [Hit workers don’t talk about emotions]

   Do not ask for leave?

   You give me money if you don’t ask for leave?

   Lin Shu naturally would not agree. He knew what Zhao Xuan meant, but in fact it was to let him give up the eight-day vacation.

   This is basically to let him contribute to the company for free before leaving.

  The key is that he is a working class, and he wants to show love and dedication to the capitalists?

   I feel a little funny.

   "Impossible, I still have to take a vacation, this is my legal right."

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you cast the Meteor Chain Rejection Knife, slashed Lv10 monsters, and gained 1. Experience +1800; 2. Gold Coins +150.]

When Zhao Xuan heard Lin Shu's words, his face was a little ugly, and Lin Shu's expression was very firm, and he would not be moved by his words at all. He also knew that Lin Shu had already left his post, and there was no way he could do anything. He scruples.

   After all, they are all people who want to leave, so how could they sacrifice their legal rights?

   Of course, he also understands why Lin Shu insisted on taking a vacation.

   That was Lin Shu's contribution.

   "For such a long vacation, I can't be the master, please talk to Tian."

   When Lin Shu heard what Zhao Xuan said, he was naturally quite unhappy. If he couldn't decide on anything, he simply shied away from it deliberately, and didn't want to give him false approval at all.

   Lin Shu didn't say anything, so he went to Tiancheng directly.

   Originally, he thought that resignation is also a good way to get together, which is normal, but when some interests are touched, there will still be some unpleasant frictions.

   Lin Shu couldn’t figure it out. Why should he stay in the office for eight more days? Could it be that the company would go bankrupt after eight days?

   Lin Shu was very upset and went directly to Tiancheng for leave.

   In fact, Tian Cheng has faintly heard the dialogue between Lin Shu and Zhao Xuan, knowing that Lin Shu is going to take off both the annual leave and the transfer order before leaving the job. This is understandable, but -

   "Lin Shu, I'm really busy now. Everyone is still working overtime. It's okay for you to take such a long vacation."

   The same line of text floated from Tian Cheng’s head——

   [Lv12 ghost talk: skills are nonsense, people have nothing to say. 】

【Danger! The Lv12 monster Guicha gently spit out emotional nonsense at you, wanting to kidnap you! 】

   Lin Shu really doesn't understand, why suddenly he is so important at this time?

   Leaving him, these eight days will be the end of the world, or the earth will be destroyed?

   Even his resignation has been approved. Is it interesting to leave him for eight days now?

   The key is to say that everyone is working overtime, so busy, Lin Shu is really upset, it makes him seem to have done something that shouldn't be, and he feels ashamed and embarrassed.

   What a joke!

   Lin Shu really doesn't understand. Whose cheese did he move during the eight-day holiday? Is it necessary?

   Even if he moved the cheese, it was the cheese he had worked overtime for the company before.

   "Tiansuo, what you mean is to ask me not to ask for leave, so that I can throw away those eight days of leave before resigning."

   When Tian Cheng heard what Lin Shu said, he knew that there was a hint of anger in Lin Shu's words.

   Lin Shu directly replied: "As long as the company can replace me with overtime pay, I can take a few days off."

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you retreat as you move forward, attack backwards, and cause a little damage to Lv12 monsters, gaining 1. Experience +906; 2. Gold Coins +90. 】

   Tiancheng didn't expect Lin Shu to be so determined. When he turned his eyes on the praise notice on the computer screen, he couldn't help saying: "Lin Shu, you have been in the company for three years. Now that there are so many things, you can understand it."

【Danger! The Lv12 monster ghost spit out two big mouthfuls of hard-working nonsense at you, making you sick and uncomfortable. 】

  How can I continue to contribute after being in the company for three years?

   Sacrifice the ordinary eight days of my life and donate it to the company?


   Lin Shu really wants to scold that classic sentence——

   You betrayed the working class!

is it necessary?

   Is it really necessary!

Lin Shuqiang suppressed the anger in his heart. He didn't want to tear his face directly. After thinking about it, he said directly: "Sorry, I can't understand it. If I can understand, I won't leave my job. It is precisely because I can't understand it and don't want to understand the company. , So I will leave."

   "I don't want to waste these eight days off. I must take it off before leaving the job."

【Ding! Congratulations to the players for your iron head skills, copper bars and iron bones, and unparalleled power, causing serious damage to Lv12 monsters, gaining 1. Experience +1901; 2. Gold coins +190.]

   Tiancheng didn't expect Lin Shu to be so determined, and seemed to have made up his mind to take the eight days off.

Actually speaking, Lin Shu has to take annual leave and adjust the leave form. These are his legal rights. Just as Lin Shuti's resignation is a right, it is enough to notify the employer in writing 30 days in advance, but some things are not so. simple.

Tian Cheng could tell that Lin Shu was already taking these eight days off. The key is that in addition to these eight days, plus weekends, Lin Shu could say that he had to take 12 days off before leaving his job, which was almost half a month. NS.

   This is equivalent to leaving the class that only takes another half a month.

   This naturally makes Tian Cheng somewhat unwilling~www.wuxiamtl.com~Lin Shu, I know what you mean, but you have to think about it for the company. Now is the busy time. You are handing over work in half a month, can you? "

   Want to consider for the company?

   I do not think about it for myself, but also for the company. I am not the kind of maid who thinks the master is poor.

   Of course I am a worker who has to think about it for myself.

   He doesn't understand the key, why can't he take these eight days off?

Is it that serious?

   Isn’t he not enough for the three years of voluntary overtime in the company?

   In the past three years, those who have been obligated to work overtime for a long time have not been paid for overtime and time off. To say that the dedication to the company has been enough.

   Lin Shu said directly: "Tian Suo, I still have to think about myself first. You can't let me not have to work overtime for three years. I am sorry that I have been obliged to work enough overtime in three years. I don't want to take these eight days, and I won't take it away."

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you are cold-blooded and ruthless, and your words are as sharp as a knife. You hacked the Lv12 monster to death with the last knife, gaining 1. Experience +1023; 2. Gold coins +109. 】

   "Of course, you can rest assured that I will do a good job handover before leaving."

   Tiancheng was also a little annoyed. After talking about Lin Shu for a long time, he still had to take the eight days off. This meant that Lin Shu really only needed half a month to leave, and felt very uncomfortable inexplicably.

While    was very upset, Tian Cheng was also a little envious.

   The young people nowadays are really headstrong and can't eat any loss.

   Tian Cheng's face was gloomy, and he replied coldly--


   "Thank you Tiansuo."

   Forgive me, a cold-blooded hitman who doesn't care about feelings!


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