on Monday.

   The source of the beginning of all evil in the world, or the countless day when workers began to enter the infinite cycle of working.

   Lin Shu, who has not completely left his job, will still be woken up by the music alarm at work.

   "Fight the workers! Beat the workers! Beat the workers!"

   "Get up, people who work! Get up and work..."

   Lin Shu woke up in a daze, his soul supported his body to get up, thinking in his mind that if he could explode an equipped puppet to replace him to go to work!

   As soon as this idea came out, Lin Shu slapped himself!

   "Lin Shu, early in the morning, can you be more awake!"

   "You have a clone puppet, but you still want to go to work, your brain is broken, I Lin Shu despise you!"

Well, Lin Shu brushed his teeth and looked at himself in the mirror. He knew that he did not have a avatar puppet to say so. Just as someone asked if there is one hundred million willing to donate to the country, he is naturally willing, because there is no one hundred million. .

   Lin Shu knows very well that he is now a systematic person, but with the system it seems that life has not changed much at present, and he still has to go to work.

   I feel so shabby inexplicably!

   Even if I can see the winning numbers in the lottery, I'm not sure about the authenticity and time.

   is really bad enough.

   Lin Shu looked at his personal virtual panel, and couldn't help asking: "Is the system there? Can you talk like other systems?"

   There was no response.

After washing, Lin Shu saw the set of numbers written on the desk book, and his eyes suddenly became firm, so let's continue to upgrade the monster explosion equipment. Maybe the next upgrade will reveal a more powerful artifact than [Eye of Prophecy] .

   And maybe this set of numbers is today's winning number.

   Go buy lottery tickets after work!


   With this expectation, Lin Shu started a day of good work and experience.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for checking in and going to work for 6 consecutive days, rewards: 1. Experience +80; 2. Gold coins +18. 】

   When Lin Shu first entered the office, many colleagues in the office came over to say hello to Lin Shu, and they were all talking about Lin Shu's encounter on the bus on the weekend to catch the thief.

   I have to say that this incident is at a time when the company is very hot. As soon as I went to work on Monday, the company's personnel publicity has already written a notice on the intranet to praise Lin, and attached the letter of praise from the police station.

   "Lin Shu, you are really amazing. Now you still have news on the Internet, and I have all the videos of you catching the thief on the bus. It's really amazing."

   "Yes, it's really amazing. I heard that there are Internet celebrity brokerage companies looking for you now and want to sign you. Congratulations."

   "This thing about you is hot searched, it's amazing."

   "I have read the letter of commendation written by the police station, and the company's intranet has issued a notice of praise."

   "Just praise a ghost, there is no material reward."


   For these enthusiastic remarks, Lin Shu didn't know what to say, because he knew that before that, someone ridiculed him if he went to the police station to take notes.

   Lin Shu said a few words with a smile, and didn't intend to talk more.

   [Salted fish dead body] Chen Ping didn't care so much about what happened on the Internet. He just half-lied on a chair, looked at the file, saw Lin Shu, and grinned.

   Seeing Chen Ping's grin, Lin Shu felt a little panicked every time.

   It's all because of the [Salted Fish Dead] on Chen Ping's head.

   But it was the [negative energy ghost] Qi Yuan beside him that made Lin Shu depress even more.

   "You were very good on the weekend. I was praised for being brave enough. Congratulations. It's not like I worked overtime on weekends. I didn't need to work overtime on Sundays. However, I was called to work overtime on a temporary task, and I was so irritable."

   "Let me tell you, you really can't think of how much it will be, I will really be annoying to death, actually..."

   What else does Qi Yuan want to say, Lin Shu has already started to deal with work and experience, he doesn't want to be continuously attacked by [Negative Energy Ghost].

   Now his level has reached Lv21, and the level experience progress bar is [182/120000]. Seeing the long series of zeros behind, Lin Shu felt a pressure.

   Why can’t I be friendly to players like online game legends?

   Isn’t that great?

   Although this thought came out of his mind, Lin Shu continued to brush up on his experience very honestly.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you have completed a repair plan and gained 1. Experience +289; 2. Gold Coins +15. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for completing the preparation of 1 work instruction, gaining 1 experience + 301; 2. Gold coins + 23. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you have completed the preparation of a process card, gain 1. experience +291; 2. gold coins +22. 】

【Ding! ……】

   Lin Shu tried to brush his experience, and he was still very happy to see the experience value keep rising.

   After all, this is his plug-in game system, so it is natural to complete the game upgrade strategy well, to be satisfied as soon as possible, and to reach the pinnacle of life.


   After dealing with some work affairs, Lin Shu also took time off and went directly to the supervisor Zhao Xuan for leave.

   He has already applied for resignation. Normally, he only needs one month's time to leave. However, he still has a few days of annual leave and adjustment of the leave form, which is of no use. In total, he can take a total of eight days off.

   Lin Shu is naturally going to take this eight-day vacation before leaving.

   "I am so busy now~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Do you want to ask for leave?"

   When Lin Shu asked for leave, Zhao Xuan was naturally unhappy.

   For the employees who are not important to ask for leave, the leaders are naturally unwilling, not to mention that Lin Shu now has to ask for eight days of leave. This really makes Zhao Xuan quite dissatisfied.

   Many people in the office pricked their ears to listen to the dialogue between Lin Shu and Zhao Xuan, hoping for another exciting action movie to appear.

   "Yes, can't my annual leave and transfer order be wasted?"

Zhao Xuan naturally understood what Lin Shu meant, thinking about taking off both the annual leave and the transfer of leave before leaving the job, but he definitely didn't want Lin Shu to leave like this, after all, even if Huang Wen took over Lin Shu later For product projects, there are still many things that need to be handled by Lin Shu.

   Zhao Xuan looked at Lin Shu and said directly: "Then you take a few days off."

   Lin Shu frowned, a little unhappy, and asked: "That's too much, will the company pay me overtime?"

   Zhao Xuan became a little embarrassed when he said this.

   Obviously, that is absolutely impossible.

   Zhao Xuan shook his head in denial, and said: "Now that there are so many things, you have to ask for leave and take such a long leave. This is not good, and the project has only started trial production. How can you ask for leave at this time."

   "You will leave next month anyway, don't ask for leave!"

  A line of text floated out of Zhao Xuan's head——

   [Lv10 ghost talk: skills are nonsense, people have nothing to say. 】

  【Attack! Lv10 ghost spit out a big mouthful of nonsense at you, it sounds reasonable nonsense, confuse your face! 】


   Lin Shu has an inexplicable urge to lift the table (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻, cursing others.


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