The police station sent a letter of commendation. Naturally, the media reporters should also interview Lin Shu. At the same time, they also asked the photographer to find a good angle to take some handsome photos of Lin Shu, and then directly asked Lin Shu about the details of the incident when he was on the bus. .

   What interests the reporter most is the sentence Lin Shu said to the thief, "Don't scare me, I am not from Xiamen University, I am a graduate of Hunan University."

   Is it Xiamen University, or is it scary?

   Lin Shu naturally said that he was scared, and did not mean to offend Xiamen University. Of course, he just said casually. At that time, he was actually referring to Xiamen University. It's just that it is obvious that you should not associate Xiamen University with media reporters anymore.

   The man holding the monster [Rumor Old Demon] has long gone away with a whole body of wounds.

The people next to    also talked enthusiastically, staring at Lin Shu with beaming eyes, and enthusiastically spread the matter with others.

After the police station sent the letter of commendation, they naturally left first, and the department leader also kept one or two here. It’s just that the policeman Zhao Yuan didn’t plan to stay for a long time, so naturally it’s hard to say anything. As for the reporter, it’s not the case for the company. Do not want to stay anymore.

   Just read Lin Shu and said directly in front of the reporter, he has already proposed to leave.

   As soon as these words were put forward, He Tiancheng, the leader of the scene, was a little embarrassed in an instant.

   The reporter was also a little surprised, but the topic soon changed.

   After the incident was interviewed, the media reporter of the Star City Evening News naturally left first and had to go back to catch up on the article. After all, news itself is time-sensitive, and it is necessary to report this positive event as soon as possible.

The department leader looked at Lin Shu, and then looked at the letter of commendation in his hand. He was responsible for party building propaganda work. Naturally, he knew very well that Lin Shu’s act of righteousness in this uprising deserves vigorous publicity and praise, but he is biased towards this righteous and brave person. The comrades have already resigned and are about to leave the company.

   This makes the company very embarrassed, whether it should be publicized or not.

   Obviously, Tian Cheng also realized this.

   Lin Shu didn't care about the embarrassment between the leader and the director at all. He was just surprised that this letter of praise sent by the police station caused him to kill so many monsters [Rumor Old Monster] in the air. It was really unexpected!

   What surprised him more was the achievement that appeared——

【Ding! Congratulations to the players for seeing injustices, acting bravely for righteousness, shocking the Quartet, and winning the honorary title "Hot-blooded Chivalrous Man" medal, rewards: 1. Experience + 3120; 2. Gold coins + 601; 3. 1 mysterious gift]

   This really surprised him too much, but it was a thief caught on the bus, and there was a medal of honor.

  【Hot-blooded chivalrous man】?

   Does this mean that he is so passionate and brave to do what is right?

   Lin Shu is very surprised, the key is also a mysterious gift equipment?

   Could it be said that there will be mystery gift rewards for the burst of honorary titles, that is, achievements?

   But, is it shocking to just catch a thief?

   Lin Shu was very skeptical.

   Obviously he did not know that there was already news on the Internet reporting his righteous actions——

"[Today's News]: When the thief was stealing on the bus, a young man stepped forward and captured him. Faced with the arrogant threat of the thief, the young man replied decisively: "Don't scare me. I am not from Xia University. I am Hunan. Graduated. "When the video taken by this passenger was circulated on the Internet, the young man replied in an awe-inspiring manner. It was verified that this young man was Lin Shu, a handsome young man who graduated from Shonan University and now works in a car company.

   It happened at around 1:50 pm on August 25. Lin Shu found a thief in the bus on the way, and quickly reminded the passengers on the bus. At the same time, he caught a middle-aged man at the back door of the car and suppressed the man firmly at the back door. Faced with the man's break free, Lin Shu remained unmoved. The man had nothing to do, his attitude changed, and he said viciously at Lin Shu: ‘I remember you! I will never let you go! "For the men's threats and threats of revenge, Lin Shu did not fear in the slightest, and responded: "Don't scare me, I am not from Xia University, I graduated from Hunan University." At the same time, some enthusiastic passengers call the police and some come to help. A few minutes later, the police rushed to the scene and captured the suspect..."


   Many news media, Weibo bloggers and marketing accounts have promoted and reported this positive news.

Of course, the official Weibo of Shonan University also specially reposted this video of #湘大学子巴车上拿小贼#, which can be said to be very suitable for admissions promotion. He is also a handsome senior, and he is brave enough to see righteousness. Things with positive energy are naturally worthy of Shonan University's publicity.

   Many short video bloggers naturally edited and promoted this video.

   Lin Shu did not pay attention to these, nor did he expect that the impact of the matter would be so great, and it would spread so quickly.

He just went to the police station to do a transcript. After seeing the house, he already had relevant information on the Internet. Especially the students at Shonan University found out his pictures in the school, which made some netizens look handsome. Senior.

In addition to reporters from the Star City Evening News, there are many Internet celebrity media who want to use this hot spot, want to find Lin Shu as a promotional point, and even because of Lin Shu's handsomeness, they want to see if they can sign Lin Shu as an Internet celebrity, after all, no matter it is now Those who have just been released from prison still do what they do, but any social effect and influence will be targeted by the Internet celebrity media.

   Internet celebrity media is already looking for Lin Shu.

   Handsome little brother, see righteousness ~ and gain a large number of passersby fans and goodwill, how can such a hot spot be easily missed.

   Lin Shu doesn't know this for the time being, he only knows that the rumors are now self-defeating, he killed a large number of monsters in the air, and gained a lot of experience points.

   Now his level experience progress bar is [83250/90000], he is about to get his 90,000 experience value, and he will be able to upgrade soon!

   Lin Shu was in a very happy mood, and what made him even more happy was that he had now burst out an honorary title of "Hot-Blooded Chivalrous Man", and because of this achievement, he had another mysterious gift.

   This makes Lin Shu look forward to it very much. I don't know what the mysterious gift will be this time.

   Will it be another fairy potion like [memory potion]?

   Lin Shu looked at the personal panel data [Achievement] that was originally empty, but now it has an honorary title of [Hot-Blooded Chivalrous Man], and a mysterious gift in the personal inventory.

   After Lin Shu returned to the dormitory, he immediately opened this mysterious gift.

【Ding! 】

   Then what appeared was——

   [Reward: any attribute point +1]

   Any attribute point +1?

Lin Shu was taken aback, very surprised, but soon Lin Shu became excited, because he still clearly remembered how much the special [Spirit] attribute point +1 had changed before, and now he unexpectedly broke another reward: [Any attribute point +1].

   This really surprised him!

   There is no need to be embarrassed, consider, hesitate, entangled, think, or ponder. Lin Shu added this arbitrary attribute on the personal panel to the [lucky] of the [Basic Attributes] in the first time——


   Well, Lin Shu didn't feel any change.


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