Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 21: [Kill the monsters in the air]

   The atmosphere at the scene was very stiff, and it was obvious that no one else had thought that Lin Shu's reaction would be such a big deal.

   Is it a rumors, fake?

   Because of Lin Shu's violent reaction, many people have this idea in their hearts, and they are not sure whether the news is true or not.

   Just when the atmosphere was stiff and embarrassing, someone from Lin Shu called.

   "Lin Shu, where are you now?

   Tiancheng called.

   Lin Shu answered the phone and asked in a cold voice, "What's the matter? Do you still have to ask me?"

   "No, no, there is a reporter here who wants to interview you. The police station here also wrote a letter of commendation to the company."

   Lin Shu heard this, glanced at the monster standing in front of him [Rumor Old Monster], and said coldly: "I'm at the door of the company now."

   Tiancheng naturally told the media reporters and the unit leaders as soon as he heard this.

   Now a reporter is here to interview, and there is also a letter of commendation issued by the police station. Obviously, Lin Shu said earlier that the incident of catching a thief on a bus is true.

   This shocked Tian Cheng.

   is such a courageous thing, which is really surprising. The key thing is that this good thing has been spread very ugly, and it can even be said to be a slander of Lin Shu's character.

   Tiancheng and the company leaders couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Lin Shu had not been dealt with because of this rumor, otherwise it would be a real joke.

   "Tiancheng, you said that Lin Shu in your department has already resigned?"

   The leader He Tian Cheng lowered his voice and asked.

   Tian Cheng nodded.

   Obviously, Tian Cheng also realizes that things are a bit embarrassing. It is a good thing for the company's employees to act bravely. It also brings a positive image to the company, but the employees have already resigned, which makes the company a little embarrassed.

   Is such an event propaganda or not propaganda?

   Regardless of whether the company promotes or not, the Star City media must now promote it.

   The media that came to interview was the local city media in Star City. Not to mention that the incident had already been posted on the Internet. Even if it had not been posted on the Internet, the city media would naturally report such highly positive news that happened in the city together.

   Such a brave young man really needs to be vigorously commended and publicized. What is more important is that this young man is still handsome, and it has begun to be discussed online.

   There is no way, people who are good-looking in the age of beauty will naturally have more attention. Otherwise, there are so many good people and good deeds. How could Lin Shu, the cool and handsome dean of Hunan University, cause heated discussions.


   The man who was scolded mercilessly and harshly by Lin Shu was very angry, but he also knew that Lin had a reason to be angry, because he didn't see it with his own eyes, and he was telling the story here, and he deliberately asked Lin Shu ridiculedly.

   Now Lin Shu directly asked him mercilessly, and he also understood the reason.

   But for what reason I was angry with him alone.

   is not what he said alone!

   The key is still so ugly!

   The man said angrily, "Speak politely."

   "You are sick, and you spread rumors, you want me to be polite?"

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you are angry with the fire knife, and you ruthlessly whip the corpse against the Lv2 monster rumors. You gain 1. Experience +1018; 2. Gold coins +120. 】

   The man didn't expect Lin Shu's attacking power to be so strong, and he didn't show any emotions, which made him a little bit overwhelmed. After all, he is on the wrong side and should not be rumored.

   "I just listened to what others said, so I just asked you, why are you cursing? No wonder—"

   "No wonder what?"

   Lin Shu yelled coldly: "No wonder you are here to make things out of nothing and spread rumors?!"

   Tian Cheng and media reporters also rushed to the door of the company, but they did not expect to encounter this embarrassing scene.

Tian Cheng glanced at the man and was puzzled, but he didn't show it on his face. He stepped forward to introduce the reporter and told Lin Shu: "This is a reporter from the Star City Evening News, and I want to interview you. The police station also sent it here. I wrote a letter of commendation to praise your bravery in catching the thief on the bus."

   Seeing righteousness?

   Catch the thief?

   As soon as this word came out, the people who stopped to watch instantly were stunned.

   does not mean prostitutes. When prostitutes are arrested, how come they become catching thieves to see righteousness and courage?

   even more so that they didn't think that after Lin Shu unexpectedly saw the righteous and bravely catching the thief, the police station sent a letter of praise, which was completely different from the previous rumors.

   This turning point is too incredible.

   The man who was standing by heard the words of Tian Cheng's face turned blue and white, very ugly. He didn't expect that it was not a prostitute who entered the police station, but he entered the police station because of righteousness and courage to make a transcript.

   The man felt like a joke, but the key point was that he was scolded by Lin Shu face to face just now.

Other people next to    also began to spread the truth about Lin Shu going to the police station in the WeChat group.

   Lin Shu didn't look at the monster next to [Rumor Old Monster], but sneered and turned to look at the reporter and policeman Zhao Yuan at the police station.

Zhao Yuan clearly saw that Lin Shu must have had some misunderstanding here, but he didn't ask much, just smiled and took out the letter of praise, handed it to Lin Shu and the leader, and said with a smile: " I said that I would write a letter of commendation to your unit to vigorously commend you for such a courageous act of righteousness."

   I saw it clearly written on the letter of commendation--

  " Letter of Commendation

   Wuwu Automobile Co., Ltd.:

At about 1 p.m. on August 25, 2019, Lin Shu, a comrade of your company’s technology research and development institute, was on a bus in our area. The current pickpocketing behavior was discovered and stopped in time, and the suspects were promptly controlled and waited for the police to dispose of them. , Which effectively protects the lives and property of the people.

   Comrade Lin Shu acted bravely when the crisis came, acted bravely, did not fear rape, faced the threat of criminal suspects, and bravely fought against evil forces. His actions moved us deeply, and his excellent qualities are worthy of everyone to learn from. I hereby make suggestions to your company and hope to praise it.



  The last sign is the police station at the intersection of Xingcheng City, and the other is the official seal of the police station unit.

   This is such a letter of commendation. There is no doubt that it is a commendation for Lin Shu for his bravery on the bus. This letter of commendation is also written to Lin Shu. I hope that the company can praise Lin Shu.

   Lin Shu glanced at the director Tian Cheng, and also at the leading minister next to him~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Naturally, he thanked the policeman Zhao Yuan.

   Seeing that Lin Shu was really praised because of the thief on the bus, the people next to him were already shocked and speechless, but they all took pictures with their mobile phones and began to spread this important truthful news.

   "The Lin Shu of the R&D office was not a prostitute who was arrested in the police station, but because he was brave enough to catch a thief, he went to the police station to make a transcript."

   "I really didn't expect that he would act bravely when he was righteous. Now reporters have come to interview, and the police station has also written a letter of praise to the company."

   "Oh my god, I am actually real, really, you guys see this one on the same city hot search on Weibo, the man who subdued the thief in the video is really Lin Shu."


【Ding! Congratulations to the player, your sword is coming to the west, the sword aura is three or four miles away, the light of the right way kills the monsters in the air, causing serious damage to the Lv1 monster rumor old monster, gaining 1. experience + 1050; 2. gold coins 107. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, your sword is coming to the west, the sword aura is three or four miles away, the light of the right way kills the monsters in the air, and causes some damage to the Lv2 monster rumor old monster, gaining 1. experience +1190; 2. gold coins 127. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, your sword is coming to the west, the sword aura is three or four miles, the light of the right way kills monsters in the air, and causes certain damage to the Lv3 monster rumor old monster, gaining 1. experience+1250; 2. gold coins 187. 】

【Ding! ……】

【Ding! ……】

   I have to say that this letter of commendation sent by the police station is really the best weapon against those monsters [Rumor Old Monster].

   A piece of paper comes from the west, as thin as a cicada's wing, and as sharp as a sword.

   Sword Qi spreads for three or four miles, under the light of the right way, all rumors will be completely killed.


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