Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 211: [Blood-stained Secret Realm]

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Yang Qiuyun and Lin Youjun came to Yanjing to visit Lin Shu. Naturally, they would not stay in Yanjing for a long time. They were worried about Lin Shu’s injury from the beginning. After reading it, they will not be relieved either. They will be thinking about their children at any time. This is a heart that many parents have been worried about.

Soon Yang Qiuyun and Lin Youjun also returned to Decheng. Lin Shu wanted to take his parents to Yenching for fun, but obviously Yang Qiuyun would not agree anyway, but he told Lin Shu to take good rest and take care of himself. .

As for Lin Shu's injury on his leg, after receiving a period of treatment, he will also undergo rehabilitation training.

Coach Guo Jia watched Lin Shu's rehabilitation training, and then asked Dr. Cao, Lin Shu's attending doctor: "Dr. Cao, will Lin Shu's injury affect his future sports career?"

Although Guo Jia knew the answer in his heart, he couldn't help but ask Doctor Cao, hoping to get an answer that surprised him.

Dr. Cao is a domestic sports rehabilitation expert. He also knows what Guo Jia wants to ask, and he also understands that Lin Shu's performance is very good.

"In any case, no matter how good the treatment is, it will definitely have an impact. After all, this is a hidden injury accumulated by excessive training for a long time. Otherwise, he will not have Achilles tendinitis in his left leg. ."

Dr. Cao said very seriously: "You also know that athletes are most afraid of such injuries. If they recur, they are really fatal."

When Guo Jia looked at Lin Shu who was undergoing rehabilitation training, he couldn't help sighing. He also knew that Lin Shu really fought hard to win the gold medal at the Edo Olympics. Such desperate efforts also meant Lin Shu really spared everything.

Although Guo Jia feels a little uncomfortable, he also understands Lin Shu's dedication. This is why there are always some athletes who, regardless of their pain, will do everything to compete for medals even if they are closed shots on the field.

Lin Shu tried to walk a few steps under the guidance of the rehabilitation teacher. I have to say that the treatment level here is still quite high. At least now Lin Shu has no special feeling when he walks. Obviously this is what the doctor told him before. Even if you can walk, you must never exercise vigorously. Rest is the most important thing.

"Lin Shu, you said you have to go back to school to study. There is no problem here."

Guo Jia doesn’t know how to tell Lin Shu. In fact, he feels a little guilty about Lin Shu. After all, Lin Shu was a healthy guy when he came to the national team, but now he was injured by training, even though he was not trained. But this is the way athletes have to go if they want to achieve results.

Guo Jia looked at Lin Shu and said, "If you play the retirement report, the Yanjing team won't have any opinions."

Actually speaking, a player like Lin Shu who came out with great difficulty was sent to the national team. Here, the Yanjing team hasn't won a lot of honors, so they really don't want Lin Shu to rest like this.

But obviously Lin Shu didn't train in the Yanjing team for a long time, and they were too embarrassed to keep stuck with Lin Shu, not letting Lin Shu retire, and let Lin Shu continue to run.

You may not be able to achieve results in the world, but at least in China, Lin Shu still has great confidence and hopes to achieve results.

"It all depends on your own opinion, and you are the master."

Guo Jia also knows very well that Lin Shu is an adult himself, and he is not the kind of kid who grew up in a sports team as a child. He knows everything in his heart.

Lin Shu nodded, expressing that he knew and thanked Guo Jia. He must forgive him. He didn't have the kind of consciousness to fight for the Yanjing team for a few domestic gold medals regardless of his own body. Just thinking about half a year to see if he can complete that dungeon, and if it fails, he will give up.

In fact, it's pretty good now, everything is very satisfactory, at least for Lin Shu he has no regrets.

After all, he had desperately tried his best for this copy of the game, he was also injured, and he had beaten this [difficult] copy.

Now Lin Shu is thinking about taking a good rest and studying hard.


Soon, Lin Shu was discharged from the hospital, but the doctor also told Lin Shu not to exercise vigorously and he needed to go to the hospital for re-examination on schedule.

For this reason, Lin Shu didn't go back to Decheng, but went back to school directly.

It’s August, and it’s the school summer vacation, but obviously there are still people here and it’s not empty, especially like a graduate school. It can be said that many graduate students have been busy doing experiments in the laboratory. Research and analysis have always been very busy, and it is really no weaker than 996.

All of them carefully recorded the experimental data, and without a break, I looked forward to the experimental results as soon as possible.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Lin Shu. He still wants to quickly fill up the missing classes in the last semester of graduate school for self-study. After the beginning of school, he will follow the tutor to conduct research projects.

The campus in the early morning is not peaceful, the rain outside has been falling, Lin Shu wakes up early as always.

The days without training were obviously very comfortable. It was really cool. It was so cool that Lin Shu felt that he had worked too hard for that game copy before, but it might not be necessary.

After all, it’s a copy of the game, just play it easily.

Of course, in such a relaxed and comfortable day, Lin Shu didn't relax completely, he still had to study.

Lin Shu moved his bones, and now he has no problems with his legs, especially not long after he was discharged from the hospital, Lin Shu also drank the bottle of [Health Potion] here.

Whether it is the doctor's high level of treatment and rehabilitation, or the bottle of [health potion] that the system bursts is amazing, at least now Lin Shu doesn't feel any problem with his left leg, it's really normal.

The doctor's examination also said that Lin Shu was recovering very well. Fortunately, the doctors were a little skeptical of his medical skills.

However, Lin Shu still kept the doctor's instructions in mind, don't do strenuous exercise, and he doesn't want to get hurt anymore. It would be too costly if his body is really scrapped. After all, he is really just a mortal.

Lin Shu didn't do strenuous exercise here, just daily jogging for rehabilitation.

Lin Shu felt that he might be suitable for the vase route. He still made a vase honestly and didn't bother himself too much.

The vase is fragile, so quiet and beautiful alone. Good!

Now there is only Lin Shu in the entire dormitory.

Although Lin Shu is a recovered patient, he still feels that he needs to take care of him.

Lin Shu watched the little puppet wash his clothes and felt warm. The little puppet was always by his side to help him with the housework and take care of him. It was so caring.

"Xiao Mumu, can you write a paper for me?"

Lin Shu asked this question casually, and he swore to him that he was just asking casually, and it was definitely not really asking the puppet to write him a thesis.

Hehe, he still has academic accomplishment!

However, the little puppet was unmoved after hearing Lin Shu's instruction, and just stood there motionless, as if looking at a stupid fork.

Well, Lin Shu also thinks that the little puppets are not so awesome, and all they can do is some simple housework.

But this is already good!

Lin Shu was still very satisfied with the puppet, and let the puppet go back to the inventory to rest. He couldn't exhaust the puppet. Later, he needed the puppet to cook, cook, wash his shoes and bowl. , Cleaning the room, washing clothes, washing sheets, washing duvet covers, washing underwear...

In his mind, the little puppet is the best child laborer, no, it should be the most intimate little padded jacket.

Seeing the rain outside the window, and the rain was a bit heavy, Lin Shu naturally wouldn't go for a run, he just hesitated to go to the library.

Finally, Lin Shu took an umbrella and went to the library.

The rain was heavy, dark clouds shrouded, and there was no one on the trails of the campus.

The dark clouds piled up, and the darkness seemed a little depressed.

Suddenly, Lin Shu had a similar feeling. This familiar illusion was strange, and it was hard to say that it was weird.

No, he didn't drive today!

Lin Shu clearly knows what this familiar illusion ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ is about. When he entered into the Secret Realm of Time and Space, it was also in such a thunderstorm, but both of those times were when he was driving. Are you walking with an umbrella now?

Is it really coming again?

Lin Shu wanted to speed up his pace, but I don't know why Lin Shu didn't particularly want to enter the secret realm, because there was such a disgusting monster in it.

However, Lin Shu also knew that his thoughts were somewhat unnecessary, because he entered the secret realm of the crack of time and space, as if he had entered by accident, without any rules at all.

And this kind of secret realm trigger seems to have no choice for him.

At least for now, Lin Shu has no choice. Every time he enters inexplicably, he has no rules and no choice.

Even though it is said that players need to explore the game on their own, all interpretation rights belong to the system, but he does not know how to explore the secret realm.

The heavy rain crackled underground, getting bigger and bigger.

Lin Shu looked at the heavy rain in front of him, covered in rain and mist, vaguely unable to see the road ahead, the big trees on both sides of the campus road obscured the sky, and the darkness was shrouded in darkness.

Lin Shu looked up again, the sky was gloomy, and it seemed to become nothingness, faintly glowing with cold light, like a halo that was refracted.

Lin Shu knew that behind the halo was another time-space crack secret realm, and looked back at the back road, which seemed to be covered by halo, and then he stepped forward and walked over.

No way, since he has already appeared, he can only move forward.

【Ding! Player, you accidentally entered the secret realm of space-time cracks! 】

Sure enough, before Lin Shu could react, he had entered the Secret Realm of Time and Space Crack.

But I don’t know why, Lin Shu was surprised--

Because he smelled a strong smell of blood.

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