【Health Potion】: It can restore a certain degree of health after use. Remarks: The degree of recovery is different for different levels. Price: 4444444444 gold coins.

Lin Shu looked at the bottle of [health potion] that had been lying in the inventory, and felt that it is better not to use this bottle of [health potion] immediately. 【Health Potion.

In this way, the doctor will not be shocked by their medical skills, and it will be possible to cure the disease and restore health.

This is the real double insurance!

Thinking of double insurance, when this bottle of [health potion] burst out before, he felt that it was both internal and external protection, and there was a virtual black secret doll pattern on the wrist. Although the [disaster prevention doll] has not been used, it has always been there. Silently guarding him.

Touched, warm and speechless [Disaster Prevention Doll], love you more than one heart???????????? Biubiu loves you......

Thank you for always being by my side and never going far!

Lin Shu looked at the two mysterious gifts lying in his inventory again. He had to say that the rewards he received for participating in the Olympics this time were indeed very generous. The key point is that his current experience points are about to make him two levels in a row.

【Level: Lv32】

【Level experience: 732500/420000】

Without any hesitation, Lin Shu directly clicked the [Upgrade] button at the back, and soon there was a congratulatory sound from the system——

【Ding! Congratulations to players, you have successfully upgraded to Lv33! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the players for successfully upgrading, reward 1 experience +2058; 2. Gold coins +205; 3. 1 mysterious gift. 】

Lin Shu looked at the [Level Experience] progress bar [314558/450000] again, and soon he would be able to level up again. Thinking about Lin Shu, he felt happy. As expected, the rewards for playing the game copy were not bad.

Lin Shu's gaze fell on the three mysterious gifts in his inventory, and now it was time for him to open the mysterious gifts, hoping to see a very magical piece of equipment.

With this expectation, Lin Shu did not hesitate, with a thought, he clicked on the first mysterious gift, and then appeared——

A bottle of [health potion]?

Lin Shu was a little surprised, and actually prescribed another bottle of [Health Potion], but this kind of potion seemed to be quite good.

Lin Shu clicked on the next two pieces of equipment, one was [One Heart and Two Use Pills], and the other was [Master Key].

[One heart and two pills], this Lin Shu knows that it can be used for two purposes within a certain period of time. As for the equipment of [Master Key], Lin Shu takes a look at the introduction of the equipment——

【Master Key】: Use to open any lock. Remarks: Different levels of unlockable locks have different levels. Each use to open a lock requires 23333 gold coins to provide power energy. Price: 233333333 gold coins.

[Master Key]?

Looking at the virtual primitive key lying in the inventory, Lin Shu felt a sense of inexplicable embarrassment, because such a key was of no use to him, it was really a bit of a taste, after all, he didn’t need to go. It's really unnecessary to enter someone else's room and it's okay to pry the lock of someone else's safe.

Lin Shu was a little disappointed. He felt that this [Master Key] was really tasteless to him. It would be better to give him another bottle of [Health Potion] in case he gets hurt when he hits the copy later.

However, Lin Shu didn't think much about it. After all, it was really cool to be able to beat a [difficult] level dungeon.

The key is that in addition to the rewards of the game system, there are also many realistic rewards.

The prize money awarded by the Olympic champion country is between 200,000 and 500,000. Although Lin Shu is not the first gold, because of the creation of history, the Sports Bureau directly rewarded 500,000, and there is no tax. The point is that this is just a small head. Unfortunately, the local government rewards are embarrassing for Lin Shu, because he is not an athlete trained and transported by the German city, but Shonan Province also gives certain rewards, and the company also rewards Lin Shu. .

It can be said that Lin Shu received nearly two million rewards.

Lin Shu hasn't accepted any advertising endorsements yet. Obviously, if he accepts advertising endorsements, he can also collect a large amount of endorsement fees.

There is no doubt that Lin Shu really does not need to think about mortgages anymore.

I feel happy thinking about it!

This feeling is even happier than winning the lottery. The key is not to pay taxes!

Many netizens on the Internet love Lin Shu very much, worry about Lin Shu being hit, and very worried about Lin Shu’s injury. They think it must be difficult for Lin Shu to accept his injury now. They all bless Lin under Lin Shu’s Weibo. Book, I hope Lin Shu can recover soon, no matter how Lin Shu is the eternal forest **** in their hearts.

Obviously, they didn't know that Lin Shu was actually very comfortable lying in the hospital to rest. Although it was said that most of the time, he needed to use a crutches, but Lin Shu would naturally receive good treatment in the hospital.

The key lies in the hospital, Lin Shu rested very happily.

In addition to Lin Shu's teammates here to visit Lin Shu, Lin Shu's friends also came to visit Lin Shu, of course, most of them were friends in Yanjing.

Naturally, there are Lin paintings that I haven't seen for a long time.

Xu Hui came here with Lin Hua.

Xu Hui saw Lin Shu lying on the hospital bed, reading the book, and directly asked: "Lin Shu, is your injury really okay?"

Lin Shu didn't know how many times he had been asked this question. Just as he was about to say something, his gaze was to see Lin Hua who was walking in with Xu Hui. The two of them met instantly, and Lin Shu smiled at Lin Hua.

Lin Hua looked at the smile on Lin Shu's face, at that moment she also smiled and nodded.

Although it is said that Lin Hua and Lin Shu did not meet again afterwards, Lin Hua has always been concerned about Lin Shu. Just like Lin Shu’s injury after winning the championship, Lin Hua is also worried about Lin Shu’s injury like netizens. Nothing else, just because Lin Shu is her friend.

In fact, the two of them have nothing to say, but the hurdle in Lin Hua's heart has not been completely crossed.

Lin Shu was really surprised that Lin Hua would come over and said with a smile: "Thank you for coming to see me."

Xu Hui looked at the injury on Lin Shu's leg and asked, "Are you really going to retire?"

The news on the Internet is so complicated. The news that Lin Shu is going to retire due to injuries has already spread.

Naturally, Xu Hui also read the news on the Internet and wanted to know how Lin Shu was injured and whether he would really retire.

Lin Shu shook his head and said: "Retirement will definitely retire. I can't keep running. Besides, I have to go back to school for classes. I will go to school to rest later. Actually, it is almost the same as retiring."

Lin Shu really thought about playing a retirement report. Although it would be a pity for the track team to win a championship after all, they also know that injury is a hurdle for athletes, and they also know that Lin Shu is here. While training is very fierce, and as many netizens say, Lin Shu is really a renunciation halfway, a lot of age, the track team here is not good to leave Lin Shu especially.

"You don't seem to be sad at all?"

Xu Hui listened to Lin Shu's words, and then looked at Lin Shu's smiling face, she seemed to be really relaxed, and she couldn't help but wonder.

"Why are you sad?"

Lin Shu shrugged and asked with a puzzled face: "Why are you sad? I didn't want to run all the way on a track. There are so many tracks in life, so naturally there will be different choices."

Xu Hui heard Lin Shu's words and felt that it made sense inexplicably. Originally, she was thinking about how to comfort Lin Shu, but now it seems that Lin Shu doesn't need their comfort.

"On the way I just came, I told Lin Hua how to comfort you. Lin Hua said that you don't need our comfort. It seems that Lin Hua understands you."

Lin Hua's smile faltered when she heard Xu Hui's words. She didn't know if she really understood Lin Shu, so she looked at Lin Shu and asked, "Then you are going back to school?"

"Yeah, I have to take credits later. There are so many classes missing here. I have a headache when I think about it, and I have to do experiments."

Seeing that Lin Shu was also worrying about studying, Xu Hui couldn't help but smiled and asked, "So you are also worried about credits?"

Lin Hua looked at Lin Shu and smiled. He looked at Lin Shu's thin face, with sharp edges and corners. Although he was wearing a hospital gown, he was in good spirits.

That's good.


In addition to Xu Hui and Lin Hua who came to visit Lin Shu, Liu Zheng also came to visit Lin Shu here.

When Liu Zheng and Mu Yang entered the ward, they saw Lin Shu lying on the hospital bed with a happy face. They didn't seem to be uncomfortable at all because of their injuries.

"How about it?"

Liu Zheng brought a bunch of flowers to see Lin Shu, looked at the smile on Lin Shu's face, and asked: "It seems that you don't seem to be particularly sad?"

The same problem reappeared.

At first, Liu Zheng was particularly worried about Lin Shu’s condition. After all, it has been reported on the Internet that Lin Shu’s injuries are actually serious. It can be said that Lin Shu really struggled to get the hard-won one. gold medal.

Severe strain on the back of the thigh muscles is actually a very serious injury. Even without surgery, it is also a very serious injury for athletes. Otherwise, Bolt would not retire so early. Of course, this is also because age and injury affect the overall state of athletes.

In fact, although the track team here is optimistic about Lin Shu’s injury, they also know in their hearts that once such an injury starts, it means that Lin Shu has also been targeted by the injury, and once it is targeted. On, it is really the tremor of injury, it is difficult to get rid of.

However, on the track team, it can be said that Lin Shu can run out of it is already very remarkable. After all, in such a short time, in fact, there are unknowing netizens on the Internet who believe that it is the track team who killed Lin Shu in order to achieve results. In practice, it was really just to get results, so Lin Shu was directly abolished by practice.

When Lin Shu heard Liu Zheng’s words, he couldn’t help laughing. He knew that everyone would think that because of his injury, he would not be able to train later, and he would probably retire because of the injury. He would be hit hard, but I’m sorry to forgive him. He really didn't get the slightest blow.

Lin Shu really didn't take it to heart. Thinking about the hard work of training, it is good to be able to rest.

The blessing comes to the misfortune, and the misfortune rests on the blessing. After all, there are two sides to everything.

"No need, even if it is injured, I can go back to school even after retiring. Besides, I can't run for a lifetime. Now it's great to be able to win a world championship."

This is Lin Shu's true thoughts.

"By the way, did you bring the review materials I asked you to bring me?"

Lin Shu asked Liu Zheng to send him some notes and course materials. After all, he still had to receive rehabilitation treatment in the hospital for a period of time. If Lin Shu in the first semester of graduate school is still learning while training, then in the second semester, Lin Shu really does not have much time to learn. After all, he has been conducting closed training on the plateau. For this reason, he didn't take the exam for the second semester. Of course, the school naturally made arrangements for Lin Shu, which is equivalent to a half-semester suspension. Later, Lin Hongsu also needs to take the corresponding credits to graduate.

Liu Zheng handed the books and notes he had brought to Lin Shu, put them on the bedside cupboard, and said, "Don't be too tired of yourself, take a good rest."

Lin Shu nodded, looked at Mu Yang again, smiled and said, "Thank you for coming to see me."

"It seems that I may not have time to run with you again later."

Mu Yang smiled and said, "There will always be a chance."

Mu Yang said this, but his eyes flashed, as if he was thinking of something. For a moment, he fell into a trance, his gaze fell on Lin Shu's bandaged left leg, and he couldn't help saying: "You must take a good rest. what."

"Don't worry, I know."

Lin Shu knows very well that the most important thing for an injury like an athlete is to have a good rest, and must not reluctantly carry out high-intensity training.

"Liu Zheng, there are a lot of fruits here, you can bring some back to eat."

Naturally, many people here came to visit Lin Shu, and they also brought a lot of fruits. Liu Zheng also didn't be polite with Lin Shu, and asked directly, "I'll wash it for you."

With that said, Liu Zheng took the fruit to wash.

Mu Yang was sitting next to the hospital bed. Just when he was about to say something, Lin Shu's cell phone rang.

"What are you talking about? You and my dad have already come to Yanjing? Are you ready to get off the high-speed rail?"

Lin Shu got on the phone. It was from his mother Yang Qiuyun. He was very surprised because he and his parents had already received the video before and said that his injury was not serious and he did not need surgery, but he just needed to be in the hospital. To receive treatment, they do not need to rush over from the countryside of Germany.

But he didn't expect that these two would still come here by high-speed rail, which really surprised him.

"All right, then when you get out of the station, just take a taxi."

Although Lin Shu was a little helpless, he knew that it was because his parents were still uneasy. After all, he was still lying in the hospital. Even though he had told them there was nothing wrong, they still came over.

When Mu Yang heard Lin Shu's call, he almost understood it~www.wuxiamtl.com~ This is Lin Shu's parents visiting him from Decheng.

Mu Yang's eyes showed a trace of imperceptible envy, his eyes were clear, and he smiled and asked, "Are your parents here?"

Lin Shu heard Mu Yang's words, nodded, and said, "I told them all, I have nothing to tell them not to come over, but I didn't expect them to come."

"After all, they can't worry about you."

Mu Yang smiled and said such a sentence.

Although Lin Shu is a little helpless about Yang Qiuyun and Lin Youjun coming to visit him all the way, his heart is still very warm. After all, he also knows why his parents would come so far to see him. Obviously, no matter when, parents can’t rest assured. All are children.

Before long, Yang Qiuyun and Lin Youjun took a taxi from the Yanjing High-speed Railway Station. They saw Lin Shu lying on the hospital bed. Lin Shu was in good spirits. They were also uncomfortable seeing Lin Shu wearing a hospital gown.

This is what Yang Qiuyun said before, if the training is very tired and hard, otherwise, don't practice. Nothing is more important than Lin Shu's health.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm really fine."

"I will take care of myself. I don't need you to come all the way."

Yang Qiuyun glared at Lin Shu and said, "How can we rest assured that you are like this?"

"How do you take care of yourself?"

How to rest assured?

Seeing Lin Shu lying on the hospital bed and talking to his mother, Mu Yang noticed that although Lin Shu's father did not speak, his eyes were always on Lin Shu, his eyes filled with care, a long-lost feeling.

Mu Yang looked at Lin Shu's father, just looking at it, and was lost for a moment.

Lin Shu noticed the look in Mu Yang's eyes, and suddenly thought of something in his eyes. Just as he was about to say something, Mu Yang also looked at Lin Shu.

The two eyes met and then smiled, with a clear smile.

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